Blackhawk Drive 1300 130 Blackhawk Dr. 0 -John Hendry C -Strub Const. eree-t 1- 2x'-6 --rm - add: - &- 1.4x1- 6- ga -zebo, SF-- B- P34+82- 3/11/-96 $39,000.00 0 -John Hendry C -Steve Schnee - t/o, r et uirF Sf- BP3443-6 4/9/96 $4323:00 - 0_J o b.L&_Nta r_gar_e t_H e n dry C_D tc1CS trub erect 10'x12' sunroom on rear SF BP38617 5/12/98 $7700.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 56 -99 for Special Exception to erect 8' high tence in from,, side and rear yard —Approved-9/-a3,499---