Beverly Avenue 2762 2762 Beverl Ave$ 0 -Roger Cornell Add. to rear of S.F. rame Dwellg.B.P. 221 4 -28 = 0 -Roger Cornell F 250 Const,Foundation to S . .Frame Dwe P. 307 5 - 26 __ C- Modern Siding & Roofing Co. Reside S.F Frame Dwell .B P. 507 7- g _ -- 5 23 -59 490.00 B. of A. Petn. to waive side yard requirement for addition to side of s.f.frame dwell g• 3 °6n from side lot line. Granted Docket No. 32-61 2762 Beverly Ave. 0-Roger :Cornell Addition to S.F.Frare Dwellg. B.F. 584 7-14-61 600.00 Addition to side a front of S.F.Fr.Dwellg. B.P. 116 4.9- . Erect Frme Garage B.F. 839 9 96 - - 8 _._ - _ 9-9-63 00.00 0. Mrs. Freda Podnar u . C. Dub. Insulation Reroof sf fr dw B.P. 200 4/22/71 250.00 0-John Reilly 9 C - DISCO . Reroof sf fr dwllg, B.P. 26, 1/10/78 -- 275.00- 2762 Beverly a • • C Owner replace concrete stoop w /wooden steps SF frm dwllg BP 69 - 50 5/14/84 $140.00 - -- O - -Julie Knipper C -Owner — convert s-en -porch to edr- oom,— r- emodel k e _SF BP36553 2/3/97 $12 ,00o0,00