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Bies Drive 1640
'.... -O.- Kenneth Rrande] 0 Bu] oc k Gar_ga es Erect_Det.achea Fr.Garage LP,_246 _4/18/74 3 __ t.-Kenneih.. C-- Zephyr A1vm4 - Reside SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 202 3/27/ 0 - Ken Brandel -- 1000 Add Lion to_SFFrame Dwllg, B.P. 655, 6/14/78 7593.00 0- Kenneth Brandel C -Owner reroof SF frm dwllg BP -4424-6/14/82 $600.004- - — O -Donna Srandel :w G__Stave_Behr -Dons __. finish basement SF frmdwllg BP 11385 2/19/87 $500.00 • • 1640 BIES DR 0- Vern Kass C- Owner t /o, reroof, sd, SF, new bay window BP -28347 3 -20 -95 — $3U00: e@ ---- -- 0_ Vern Kass C-Owner t /o,reside(v), brick mold on windows, SF BP37211 6/16/97