Bluff Street 0055 55B1uff St.
04-3. C- Theo.-Kintzle
.epeir fire damage to frame dwell. B.P. 433
2/14/43 200.00
C `Aa rmneraam�
. to fro-re bldg. B . P . 227 6/20/45 ! 150/00
reotConorete Block c
arage B,g,379 7_13 -49 700.00
0. Wm. Ohnesorge C. Dubuque Aluminum Products
Reside a 2 Family Frame;DwellingB.P. 98 3 -13 -63
1, "480.00
55z Bluff Street
O. Wm. Ohnes orge Jr. C. Dubuque Insulation tc Siding
Reroof 2 Family Frame Dwll 314 6 -2 - 65 425.00
0.11. J. Weber.
- tetn. for Variation of Art. IV (S
ect . 4 (d) for waiver
lot area requirement for conversion of 2 fam
- - _ fr.dwellg,
into 4 fly efficicncy Unit Apts. Denied Docket No.
3 -70
ubuque Insulation & S• d� Uo
Renodel Interio' of 2[g.B.p, 179 4=1'7 =90b0
0- Mike Novotny'
Alterations to 2f fr dwllg B.P. 59 11 Feb 77 500.00
0- .war.> rei age C S1ia rec Ong
---- demo4ash -2F frm dwllg -- BP 7 602 - 8/30/84 - - -_ ___ _
Board of Adjustment Docket for variance from side
yard setback requirements to allow construction of an _.
10/ 9 84 —x - from- each - s- de-- proper-ty -7 iie-- Approved—
0- Edward Freihage g C- Edwards Precast Conc.
erect 24x26 2 story off. bldg., masnry & frm. 7877 - - --
10 //84- $69828