Bluff Street 0103 103 Bluff St. 0- Charles Rausch C.-Geo Johnson Reroof S..Br.Dwell �� - F g.B.P. 421 7-11-57 150.00 0-Daniel Connolly C -Owner Reroof i of 2F brk. - dwl-ig -BP 633 6/20/79 $175.00 0 - Handicap Persons, Inc - - Demolish - 2F brk dwllg,, 2F, demolish C -Neil Kelley /Owner BP 33664 _11/13/95__ Board of Adjustment Docket 49 -97 for Conditional Use /A__ Permit to construct a parking lot - for bus ness located at_ 325 W. 1st Approved 10 /23/97