Bluff Street 0242-0248 24 -� Bluff St , ^_a City Lot 126 B.of A. Petn. for erection of Sub - Station Granted Docket No. 42-58 0. ' Jams Gzber _ B of A Petn fo V (b) & 4 (d) to allow erection o 4 k t. • . • lines, and . om side lot f y ∎ _ _ -rage on -alley -pine, G.. Docket 11 - -73 242 -248 Bluff' St, V -- B of A pet for afar of s pr 4 (r]), !artIV to waive lot area requirement of 8500 sq ft to allow erection of four unit apartment building on 7300 sq ft lot. Hardship lack o f i return frorn`f:en`d; Aipro°cre d-D`oo eC2T=74rv— i'