Bluff Street 0352 352 354 Bluff St. y 0 -John Casey 0-Talley Roofing Go. Reside S.F Frame Dweilg.B.P. 637 8 -24 -55 200 0- Phoebe Livens C-Michael Fenelon ext. & int repairs, reroof 2F frm dwllg BP 4462 6/22/82 0 -Jay Blocker C - Geo.- Donovan $500.0-0 tear -off siding, repair - boards-, 2ffrnrdwllg BP' - 8353 4 1 23 /85,$1000.00 0 -Jay Blocker C -Owner inter. alter. part. waTT, - drywall"; SF dw11g - BP 9365 1 0 / 18 /85,$3000.00 • 354 Bluff Board of Adjustment Docket 16 -86 for Conditional Use " " tca l-dw speciafity — s - hop for gift -sr antiquc—dnd ....' , Lee • •4 nnriit q /9a /Rh 0- Ra1.h "Ber. C -Gene Bird Sion Ser. install 2x4 sign sgl face on north wall of bldg. BP 10340 — 61491-8. • 352 Bluff 352 -354 Bluff 7 0 -Frank Humberstone C- Advanta Sign Co. - - i - rsta 1 1 - - dthfac - e -- 18°x "-H —stgr ft.'orrwa ' RP 95 - 11 .1216L$5 ' Board of Adjustment Docket 48 -88 for Conditional Use 'erm' o a ow specia s � -0vq Y 91 s, 00l SerVlCe.dne Board of Adjustment Docket for Conditional Use it to allow specialty shop on premise. Approved w /cond — 6f2 0 -Pat Cross C -Layne Purdy ea of , s ee ing, reroof - 2 rm w g PTS9�30 7j23Tgl —