Bluff Street 0391 391 fluff St, 3.0f _A. Petri. for erection of attache&sarage Granted 5.0 from rear lotiineto face of garage__ Docket No: 63-50 0-Dick Henschel Addition to Rear of M.F.Br.Dwellg.B.P. 315 6-3-54 2000.00 - -C - Reissman -Cosst Co. Partial Reside Mas Bus Bldg B.P. 331 5-3-76 1300.00 Atoi Docke4 2-Ei Conk use. : Co Arstovc. („•_. 391 Bluff St. 0 -Wes Heitzman C- Rafoth install carlisle roof MF brk dwllg BP3060 3/16/81 $1400.00 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Docket 11 -82 for Conditional Use Permit to allow childrens boutique Approved 4/15/82 0 - Jocille Weber w /con d. erect temp. sign 4x4 "Open House" BP 5182 11/17/82 0- docille Weber C -Owner erect banner BP 5183 11/17/82 391 Bluff Board'of Zoning Adjustment Docket 2 -84 for Conditional Use Permit to allow specialty shop. Approved w/condjtion 1 -19 -84 0- Shamrock Imports install 24 "x42" dbl face proj.A sign tBPS /15/84 O- ShamRock Imports C_ -Camp Albrecht Acres erect temporary sign BP20298 5/26/92 0 - Shamrock Imports C - Camp Albrecht Acres erect temp.sion BP22061 5 -26 -93 NA 391 Bluff eo WesJie ._tfl - +h ��Le roof Comm BF29192__5/15/95 95 _45_0_0_0e • •