Bluff Street 0392 Y 392 b luff St. COPgin C y ubuque • hoofing Co. Re roo f S . F. 576 10-6 -47 185.00 C-J`ames Cow Construct - sun porch' to rear of S F. Erick -1)1611g. B.P. 308 5 - -52 200.00 0 -James Cowan. Enclose rear side porch of M.F.Br;DWellg,B.p, 216 4 -25 -58 180.00 • 4 Enclose front porch of 2 F am.Brick' Dwe11g ,B.P. 256 5 -4-59 250.00 7i 3 B1_uf St. O-Cy Son' e2 C Han'en 7,000.00 Reroof & Alterav ions to iQ F. r.ihdel1g. P. 974T12 -1$-70 Board of Adjustment Docket 45 -84 for Conditional Use P erms toa7Tow specialty shops for antiques and hands- cra- fts- .-- Appr -oved - w / -on-8- /16/84 - Board of Adjustment Docket 2-85 for Conditional Use permit for antiques & handicrafts shops. ;Approved /� cand trans 3/7 &5 _ Board of Adjustment Docket 25 -85 for Conditional Use — Peril it to; permit ice treat , s hop -&-confectionary Approved 6/ -6/85 392 Bluff 3 0 -Sugar & Spice IceCream C -Gene Bird Sign Service -- EFE - 70971. .. ace woo. sign on 4 x 4 pos ;•;s. 785- - • . - • ' 2�ppys— N2d�tS hangerRdvara�i s BP18180 3/12/91 erect 11x15 deck & enlarge window MFD BP38791 ''•�.11 6/10/98