Bluff Street 0433 433 B1uffSt. 0-Ryder Realty_0o. Reroof Meta]. Garage B.P, 760 10-6-67 100 Board of Adjustment Docket 29 -82 for Conditional Use Permit t allow a specialty shop for clothing and gift Approved with conditions 7/22/82 O Pappagalo_Shop C Advanta Sign _ install rounded dbl faceu, painted sign -free standing — gp 8808 6/25/g5 _O- tenant:rTreasure Trove_ install 7% C Adyanta_Sign Co. _� __ Z sq ft. sign on exist. posts BP 16498 3/12/90 OTim G'Br instal]_r roof on__£l a t ef£ State RP-36385-1-1 - -- ro bldg- /1 3/-96 $500.00