Bluff Street 0445 445 Bluff Street
0- Copperhead Group C- George Martin
Convert carriage house to office commercial use
BP 2217 7/2/80 $53776.00
Bd. of Zoning Adjustment Docket 27 -81 Cond. Use Permit
retail sales of artwork approved 6/18/81
0 -Nancy Cook C- Copper Mill Const.
move int.' partitions, add closets, kitchen, frm comm.
BP 9152 9/9/85 $10000.00
O -Nancy Cook C- Mid -State Co.
reroof flat roof comm. BP 9905 4/23/86 $3000.00
0 -Nancy Hale Cook C -Owner
install wood rails & floor, SF brk dwllg BP 10121
5 / 20 /86'$1500.00
445 Bluff Street
n Franca - n er -State Con ractors
r_emoue_o1f_ roof__& reroof_(-top_f_lat r_e _BF37392 ___._
7/9/97 $3800.00
0 - Shirley France C -Inter
reroof garage mansard mansard SF BP /12 /21/2000
$1.80a0o —__