Bluff Street 0474 -_ 474 L � a
0-F F Daridserer C - Ovaer
Minor repairs to brick eivelling . . , ? 3g
... _ rf16/43
_ _ 50,00
0 R ` F• Davidsaver
;Repair Side Porch ]4T. F B C`-- Droner.
rick Dwelling B.P. 189 6/10/4'
Repairs to 2 Yam.Briek Dwell .B.P {98.00
g .859 2- 1- 5D'95.00
0-Rasmond Davidsave• 0 -Ma,
&eroof 2'p�` brick d Jor Roofing Co.
welig,B,P, 132 4 -7 -52 510.00
474 Bluff St.
O- Barola ii ci ,lion G-H nschel Roofing & Sheet t:etal
Roroof 2 family Br. Dwellg.B.P. 1;25 7 -15 -70 183.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 33 -84 for Conditional Use
Permit to atTow sale of coins, gold, silver and antiques.
Approved 6 /21 /84:wi -- condition -_of 4_o ff s treetpar..king
O � Randy & MiT1ie Dot ter _ C -Glenn Arensdorf
- repa inter. - walls dr comm. -
Board of Ad justment Docket 3-90 for dontional use permit
to al-low retail gift shot & candy store. Approved w /coed
474 Bluff
Board of Adjustment Docket 3-90A for conditional use
- permit -to - aliow - retail gift shop tor-handitraftS -etC.--
_APPrQVed.livicondt. 5/14/90
0-Randy Dolter/Basket Expressions C-Advanta Sign Co.
install 8 sq. ft. wall sign BP17021 6/1/90