Bluff Street 0504-0506 504 -506 Bluff 504 Bluff Street 0 -31.11 Thill C Hilltop Hardwood • Alteration to outs of restaurant BP 438 0 -Dub. Historic Improve. _owner 6500.00 C -O convert brk /frm bldg. to residential use MF BP 7817 10/15/84i$380,000.00 O- Redstone Inn C Signgraphics, Inc. install 4x8 site sign BP 7865 10/26/84 0- Redstone Inn C- Advanta Sign Co. hang wall mtd 9 sq. ft. dbl face painted sign BP 8567 5/22/85 O- Redstone C -Paul Kramer Const. replace exist. porch steps & railings, comm. BP39223 9/1/98 $2800.00