Bluff Street 0653-0655 �-, 6s .655 653 Bluff *St. F C 18 Pe . H fi'me n : ccnvert * o em Alteration to .F.Br` into 2 Yam. tlr DweZlistg.B.P. 642 11 -19-46 1000.00 O-Douglas C. Pearce C -Owner reroof frt. porch MF brk'dwllg BP 5004 10/1/82$200.00 0 -Tenant: Circa _Install DF project, sign porch p illar, Comm Signs „_ BP'31190 { 7/6/95mm 653 -655 Bluff Board of Adjustment Docket 55 -99 for Variance to allow conversion of 3 -apt to a rooming and boarding house -- wfone apartment & 10 totims;-- wfd eft cit o - 4 - off =stye et - - - - -- parkinq spaces in C_4 District. Approved_9J_231.99