North Booth Street 0035 35 N. Booth St. 0. Yw -YMCA. Bldg. Corp. C. Willy Const. Co. Erect 2story Masonry Bldg. / Bldg _B.P._730 100 - 23 69924,639.00, Deaf„ CAL,_ 9_ 3- 7e' ._. -� O- YM- YWCA C- Heitzman Construction Add to exist. bldg. BP 439 5/14/79 $602,519.00 0- Dubuque Ym -Ywca C -Jim Giese & Co. reroof comm. bl- dg. -SP 4911 9/-10/82 $3987.00 35 No. Booth ;WI I 11'1 Is _• • _: • s , t�ellagS - Permit to allow expansion of facility. Docket 16-84 Conditional Use Permit to allow parking 1vt -- Brr tt ri fses approve±trrth corrdit*on 4t1 — Board of Adj.,,etmput fnrke ±x47-86- • e •,• e•. sc Permit to allow additions to existing buildings. Approve 9/Zb/86 OW-YWCA C-- Maryvil- le- Eertst. - - - -- erect add. & remodel inter. off. assembly bldg. BP 11214 127278 j4El 287 gal.00 - ryvi�le Gost, erect entry add. to mas. & stl assembly__bldg -RP 11626 412M7 20000.00 35 No. Booth 0- YMCA /YWCA C- Geisler Bros. Co. reroof comm. bldg. BP 11871 5/28/87 $23,874.00 O -YWCA C- Owner erect - temporary -- s i gn BP 15837 8/28/89 O -YMCA -YWCA C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. remove /replace w/ 2 16 sq. ft. signs BP38040.11/5/97 n/a O -YM -YWCA C-Owner remodel inter for office & canteen, comma BP38446 4/14/98 $500.00 0- YMCA -YWCA C -Build a STronger Comm. erect temporary banner BP39005 7/20/98 n/a 35 No. Booth O -YM-YWCA C -Maryville Const. cut in exter. door from boiler room to exter. well,comm. BP3921-0- 8/28/98 $6000.00 0 YM=YWCA C -Randy Klauer Const. remodel inter. for handicap locker rms/bathrm, BP39605 1271/98 $46,500.00 0-YWCA- C -Dick Strub - Const. _remodel daycare center BP41867 6/26/2000 $28,000.00 0-YMCA/YWCA C -Prism install fndn - for gym. additibn, non-res. BP42008 7/20/2000 n/a_ 35 No Booth c- 0 -YM /YWCA C- Prism erect PC fndn for future addition, comm. BP42053 8/1/2000 $n /a- - - O- YMCA / -YWCA -- — - Prism -Carp erect shell on exist. fndn for gymnasium addition BP42289 9%11%2000 $n/a - 0 YMCA /YWCA - C -Prism Corp. -erect- s or-1 ob by add i t an on ex4st-:- fndn --- assemb1y-- BP42384 9/28/2000 $n /a