South Booth Street 0045 45 So. Booth St. / 0- Harold Rucks C -Woody Hall Erect S.F.Frane Dwellg.B.P. 611 8 -11 -50 8,000.00 Erect Frame Garage B.P. 415 8 -8 -51 300.00 B %.of A. Petn.for. Var. of Art,Ifl, Sect. 3 0, for Addition to rear 4 ft from present garage, 10 ft. required Granted Docket No. 60-67 0-Nark L rub Addition to rear of S.F. F ame Dwellg.B.P. 900 12- 1 3,000.E 45 So. Booth 0- Troy Budde C- Goodwin & Sons House Moving move SF res to fndn at 1060 Kelly. Lane BP18014 12/20/90