South Booth Street 0125 125 south Booth street. 0 -Eer1 Devoe C -Che s flees. Erect 5 Room Frame Dwellin B.P. 212 5/19/41 43800.00 Reroof S.F. Frame avellingB.P. 600 7 -15 -63 750.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 8 -94 for Special Exception to allow att. garage 4" from side prop. line. Approved for 1' setback w /cond. recorded maintenance easement be obtained & a survey be obtained, and drainage directed away from neighboring prop. 1/27/94 L_. 125 So. Booth 0 -Jim & Laura Cook C- Stephen Oeth Const. erect 2 story frm addition w /bsmt garage, SF dwllg BP24207 7/6/94 - $108,000.00