Bradley Street 0300 1 3 0 Bradley St. 0- A.W. Lindeke C- Owner Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling B.P. 726 3/17/47 - •$4800.00 B.of A. Petn for erection of Garage. Granted docket No, 30 -48 1 ft from alley subject to overhead doors 0 -Frank Fluckiger C- John Luber q p o Addition to rear of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P._435 g5g- g Erect 2 car frame Garage B.F. 436 8 -9 -48 990.00 0-Bart Nowlin C41. P. flack & Sons 3,000e0 Addition to Rear of S.F.Fr,Dwellg.R.P. 118 3 -29 -56 300 Bradley St. 0 -Bert Nowlin C- Nanselman Sheet Metal Reroof S,F,Frame Iwellg.B,P. 656 8_8_60 99 0 -Bert Nowlin C.Dubur:cue Insulation & Siding Co. Beside B.F. Frame Dwelling.B.P. 19 1 - 6 - 960.00 0-Gretchen Lee C -DISCO Partial- reroof SF Fr. -BP 334- 4/26/79- $200 . 00 0 -Dr. Richard Lee C- Copper Mill Const. erect add to SF frm, remodel int. BP 4787 8/13/82 $40000.00 0- Richard Lee C- Better Roofing t /o, reroof SF dwllg & garage BP34766 5/7/95 $3500.00