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Bradley Street 0330
330 Bradley St. 0- Robert W. Besch Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 29 4 -8 -50 6,000.00 C -R f'oth Furnace EC Sheet Iie tai R erooe Sm rame rellg.B.P. 544 8 -19 - 750.00 C- Sultak reside,soffits sf fr dwllg B. P, 855 10 -15 -75 3200.00 0 -Bob Besch C -Dave Radloff tear -off, reroof SF frm dwllg BP22399 7/16/93 $3300.00 0- Robert Besch C- Zephyr Alum Prod. siding(alum),window,door trim, SF BP35900 9/5/96 $11052.00