Broadlawn Road 2045 2045 Broadlewn Road
0 -Vern Carrie
Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 700 11 -26 -51 11,000.00
Bof A. Potn to waive lido lot recuirement for tttached
Garage to dwellg. Granted 13.0garage with not over 1
overhang and- -not closer than 3' to side lot line.
Docket 1Qo. 3
0 -Karl Taylor C- Heit Const. Co.
Erect car port to s.f.f.Dwellg.E4P, 805 1113 - 825.00
C. Mettille Roofing Co.
Reroof S.F. Fr. DIN. B.P. 587 9 -2 -69 450.00
2045 Broadlawn
0-Loral L. Paul C-Owner
enclose carport & extend garage SF dwllg BP 15551 7/5/89