Broadlawn Road 2075 2075 Broad1awn Road 0 -Vern Carrie tect S.P,Frame Dwellg.B.P. 832 11 -6 -50 8,500.00 B,of A. to waive side yard requirement for erection of garage Granted 2 from south property line, Docket No. 54 -57 0- Herbert McClean C -Owner reroof (partial) SF res BP18505 5/8/91 $400.00 0- Herbert McClean C -Owner tear -off, reroof frt half, SF res BP22611 8/23/93 $375.00 1 2075 BROADLAWN IT- 0- Herb McClean C- Owner t /a; resicre (v) sd F - 28694 4 -3 -95 _a$200OaU0