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Broadway 2428
24 Broadway 0- Florence Ludwick 0 -Burke Alumatic Co. Reside S.F.Fra:e Dwellg.B.P. 741 11 -15 -54 750.00 C - Zephyr Aluminum Reroof SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 1093, 8/29/78 2685.00 - Everett Lutenberg C - Zephyr Aluminum Reside SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 1422, 11/6/78 6670.00 0- Richard Kelley C- Owner erect 16x11 wood deck on side /rear SF frm dwllg BP 15054 4/18/89 $928.00 0 -Kelly C -Dub Home Improve. -- reroof SF BP40803 9/17/99 $1255.00 i