Broadway 2451 i 2451 Broedwey 0-Wm. lieitzmen. .ilrect 1 story stucco Lvelling. B.P. 2303 6/12/26 C-Dubuque Roofing Co. Beroof dwelling. B.P. 215 5/27/40 79.00 0-Leo O'Neill 1 Add, to side of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.F, 402 6-3-60 C-Burke Alumatio Co. Reroof S.F.Frame Dwelling 168 1-3-66 298.00 2451 Broadway &Otto G. Steger Erect Frame Shed. B.P. 139 5 -11-48 85,00 Erect & unclose front porch to s,f.freme dwellg. B.P. 277 6 -13-49 150.00 0 -Mr. O'Neil C -Dave Reno Const. t /o, reroof SF BP34602 4/23/96 $3100.00