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Bunker Hill 1851
1851 8tmkerhili et. 0—John B. Link Reside S.F.Frame Dwe11g.B.P. 443 6 -25 -56 500.00 Reroof S.F.Fr. Dwellg.B,P, 319 6 -15 -70 100.00 0 -John Link C -Gene Glab reside, soffit, win. cas SF frm dwllg BP 3524 7/14/81 $2860.00 0 -Tom Ehlers C -Owner erect 16x18 add. w /walk -out basement SF frm dwllg BP 8996 8/2/85 $9530.00 0 -Tom J. Ehlers C -Owner erect 12x20 deck on rear SF frm dwllg BP 9692 3/21/86 $1265.00 1851 Bunker Hill Rd. 0 -Tom Ehlers C -Owner erect att. gar. 14'x20' & 14'x10' stor.add. SFfrm BP19895 3/20/92 $5173.00