Burden Avenue 3110 _ d 3110 Burden Ave.. 0- J.M. Truce. 0- Owner Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling B.FJ 171 8/1/47 44000.00 0-Donald Toll 80000 9 Addition to front of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 43 2 -20-54 0 3110 Burden Avenue O. Donald J. Toll Add. & Alt. Side S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 517 7 -13 -64 0-Don Toll 800.00 _. Reroof S.F. Frame Dwellg.B.P. 558 5-71- 66115.00 0 -D. -Toll C -Burke Alumatic siding, fascia, soffit, casing trim, reroof SF frm dwllg BP 12321 8/10/87- $3955.00 0- Jan Kitch C- O'Malley Constr New roof, siding on North, sd, SF BP26042 10 -13 -94 $3700.00 3110 Burden 0-Jan Kitch C Tim O'Malley Const. 0-Jan reside 3 -s -ides (v)-, SF sd BP27876 216f $1200.00 — —