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Butterfield Road 1621
1621 Butterfield Rd. 0. Schiltz Const. Co. Erect S.F. Fr. Dw. B.P. 71910 -17 -69 11,000.00 0 -Dick Cruse C -Owner erect 10x16 deck no. side SF frm dwllg BP 8267 4/11/85 $843.00 0 -Dick Cruse C- Owner erect 15x32 att gar to sfffrm dwllg BP 25182 9/19/94 $4776.00 0- Richard Cruse C- Owner t /o, reroof, sd, SF BP28899 4 -7 -95 $975.00 0- Richard Cruse C- Owner reside 2 sides with - vinyl - SF- BP42181 8/23/2000 $1200.00