1999 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIALPROCEEDINGS of ClTY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1999 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR '!999 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE ........................ ANN E. MICHALSKI COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE .................... DANIEL E. NICHOLSON COUNCIL MEMBER FIRST WARD ..................... JOHN H. MARKHAM COUNCIL MEMBER SECOND WARD ........................ ROY D. BUOL COUNCIL MEMBER THIRD WARD ................... JOSEPH T. ROBBINS COUNCIL MEMBER FOURTH WARD .................. DIRK N. VOETBERG COUNCIL APPOINTEES CITY MANAGER .............................. MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN CITY CLERK ........................................... MARY A. DAVIS CORPORATION COUNSEL ........................... BARRY A. L1NDAHL DEPARTMENT MANAGERS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER ................ PAULINE J. JOYCE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ...................... TIMOTHY A. MOERMAN AIRPORT MANAGER ............................. KENNETH J. KRAEMER BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER, ACTING .. STEVEN K. NEYENS TO 4-12-99 BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER ...... RICHARD R. RUSSELL FROM 4-12-99 CITY ASSESSOR ...................................... FRANK L. FROST COMMUNITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER ..... JAMES D. BURKE FINANCE DIRECTOR ................................ DUANE R. PITCHER FIRE CHIEF ........................................ E. DANIEL BROWN HEALTH SERVICES MANAGER ................... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN HOUSING SERVICES MANAGER .................... DAVID W. HARRIS, JR. HUMAN RIGHTS DIRECTOR ............. KELLY R. LARSON FROM 2-11-99 LEISURE SERVICES MANAGER ........................... GILD. SPENCE LIBRARY DIRECTOR ................................ THOMAS J. MORAN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANAGER ............ DONALD J. VOGT PERSONNEL MANAGER .............................. RANDALL K. PECK PLANNING SERVICES MANAGER .................... LAURA B. CARSTENS POLICE CHIEF ........................................ JOHN J. MAUSS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER ........... MICHAEL A. KOCH WATER DEPARTMENT MANAGER .................... ROBERT M. GREEN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL MANAGER ............. PAUL J. HORSFALL Regular Meetings of the City Council were held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:00 P.M. (Changed to 6:30 p.m. on 12-20-99) INDEX- BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE A AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/4)(2/1)(415)(6/7)(8/2)(8116)(10/4)(10/18)(11/1)(11115) (12/20) ...... 1,36,130,225,331,348,417,438,464,481,550 A & B Tap, Frickies LC, 2600 Central Ave.; Cig. Per. (114)(5117) ................................ 4,204 A & T LLC, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5/3) ............................... 181 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., amend Pi District to allow signage on any building facade.(1/18)(2/1) .. 33,42,43 A-OK Yellow Taxi Cab Co., rate increase.(12/6) .... 520 Abandoned buildings -vacant, Housing DepL's monitoring activities, status reporL(9/20) ....... 401 Abstract of Votes for November Council Member election.(11/15) ......................... 481,482 Accessibility Rehab Program, CDBG funds & Environ. Notice.(513) ................................. 177 Accident investigations by Police requested in FY 2000 Budget-(312) ............................ 98 Actuarial and consulting services - health insurance issues, Agreement with Segal Co.(6/7) ......... 228 Ad Hoc Committee to review billboard regulations; rep Ann Tressel from Lamar Outdoor. (5/17)(7/6) . 20,312 ADA Improvements & Restroom Remodeling. (9/7) ...................................... 371 ADA Properties -Advanced Data Comm. etc., Urban Renewal Tax Increment Bonds.(3/15) .......... 106 Adams St. to the River, request for renaming for Regina Hayford by S. Strub.(3/15) ......... 124,125 Adams Addition Sanitary Sewer Extension for Rockdale Road.(6/7)(716) .......... 249,250,291,292 Adam's Company Third Addn., plat approval.(9/7) . 373 ADC Properties, L.C., correction of titleholder to real estate at Dbq Technology Park & disposal of property to them; amendment to Development Agree.(2/1)(3115} ....................... 39,40,106 ADL- Advanced Data Comm. Development, amendment-(3/1)(3/15} .................... 80,106 Administrative Fee on Pate TCI Cable accounts. (8/16) ...................................... 352 Administrative Services & Financial Agree. for Delta Dental Plan.(311) ............................. 79 Admiral's Hi-Hat West, Donald Meyer, 253 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(9/20) .................. 231,401 Adoption Awareness Month Proclam.(11/15) ...... 481 Advanced Data Comm. & ADC Properties, disposal of certain property in Dbq. Technology Park to them; amendment to Development Agree. (2/1)(3/15) ............................. 39,40,106 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Advanced Data Comm & ADC Properties, issuance of $900,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds; extension of closing. (2122)(311)(3115} ...................... 72,80,87,106 Advertising - billboard construction moratorium etc. (4/19) ....................................... 161 Affordable Housing - FY 99 Housing Trust Fund awards - Application to IA Dept. of Economic DeveL (6/21) ....................................... 277 Agreement, Lease, Seneca Environmental, Monitoring Wells on ROW at First & Water Sts.(l/18) ......... 25 Agreement, Tentative, City & Firefighters. (1/18)(5/17) ............................... 25,201 Agreement, City & General Drivers & Helpers Union Local 421; approval of Agree.(1/18)(2/15) ...... 26,54 Agreement, Concession, McAleece Park, 8th Inning. (2/1) ......................................... 38 Agreement - Purchase assignment for property at 120 W. Fourth St.(2/1) ............................. 41 Agreement, City & Int'l Union of Operating Engrs. (5/17) ....................................... 20'i Agreement, City & Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assn. (5/17) ....................................... 202 Agreer~ent, Development with Horizon Development Group & CarteGraph Systems; third amendment; fourth amendmenL(2/1)(4/5)(6Fl) ........ 41,139,229 Agreement, MgmL, Miller-Riverview Park, with Pat Felderman.(2/1) ............................... 36 Agreement, 28E, with Dbq. Community School Dis.(2/15) .................................... 66 Agreement, Dbq. Technology Park, development of Lots 4 & 5 -Advanced Data Comm. & ADC Properties etc.; amendment.(2/1)(3115) ....... 40,106 Agreement, Cooperative, IDOT, re: ROW Acquisition forlA Hwy 32, NW Arterial from JFKto U.S. 52. (3/1) ......................................... 80 Agreement - Enterprise Zone, City & Swiss Valley Farms.(3/1) ................................... 94 Agreement - Amendment to Lease &, Dubuque Marina, Inc. - K. Kann & M. Wilhelm.(3115)(415) ....... 127,141 Agreement, purchase of property from Sinclair Co. (5/17) ....................................... 217 Agreement, Grant with Four Mounds Foundation, summer day camp program - Uptown Recreation Pro.{4/19) ................................... 156 Agreement - Grant, for Architectural I Historical Survey Evaluation ProjecL(6/7) ....................... 226 Agreement, City Mgr.'s Employment, Eighth Amendment.(6/7) ............................ 229 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement, Lease assignment, Dbq. Marina, Arty R. Klauer for M&K Ltd.(6/7) ...................... 229 Agreement, 28E with Dbq. & Clayton Counties - high angle rescue.{6/7) ........................ ;~. 241 Agreement Amendment for recycling processing & Marketing services contract with Browning Ferris Industries.(6121) ............................. 260 Agreement, Purchase of Services with Humane Society.(6121) ............................... 264 Agreement, Consortium, City & County for entitlement eligibility for HOME Program funds.(6/21) ....... 264 Agreement, grant, with HUD for use of Federal Funds for FY 2000.(6/21) ............................ 266 Agreement with Amalgamated Transit Union. (6121) ...................................... 265 Agreement, Licensing, for Geographic Information Services - GIS.(716) .......................... 287 Agreement amendment, re: Ice Harbor Parking, from GDDC to Peninsula Gaming Co.(7/6) ........... 288 Agreement - with VNA - IA Health Dept. Childhood Lead Poisoning.(8/2) ......................... 334 Agreement, HUD Grant, Dbq. County Historical Society contract - Upper Miss. River Nat'l Wildlife & Fish Refuge interpretive Center.(8/16) .......... 349 Agreement- Drug Enforcement between City, County & Jo Daviess County.(8/16) ................... 350 Agreement, Partnerehip with U.:S. Census Bureau. (9/7) ....................................... 369 Agreement for the region One Chief Elected Official Board Workforce Investment Act of 1998.(9/7) ... 372 Agreement with VNA, Amendment to include pilot Health Homes Initiative Grant.(9/20) ............ 397 Agreement Amendment, ExL of Community Partnership Grant - Cp2 Project with Audubon Elementary School.(10/4) ..................... 423 Agreement between City & County - Winter Maintenance Road.(10/18) .................... 439 Agreement for Proposed Consulting Services - Health Insurance Progrem.(10/18) .................... 442 Agreement - Accepting Proposal for Sale & Private Development of Lot 1 of BIk 13, Dubuque Downtown Plaza, said Agree. to include Execution & Delivery of Deed.(10/18) ................................ 445 Agreement for purchase of property for Riverwalk. (10118) ..................................... 452 Agreement, Termination & Assignment for Eagle Window & Door, Dbq. Eagle LLC with Herman Ahlers; amendment No. 2 to Development Agree.(1111)(12120) ....................... 471,558 3 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement between City & Match Point LLC. (11115) ...................................... 485 Agreement with IA Dept. of Nat'l Resources, for REAP Grant for Riverwalk Land Acquisition.(12/6) ..... 519 Agreement - Subordination - with Cottingham & Butler Insurance Service, Inc.(12/20) .................. 562 Agreement - amendment to Development Agree. with Eagle Window & Door.(12/6)(12/20) ......... 533,558 Agreement with Segal Co. for actuarial & consulting services - health related issues.(6n') ............ 228 Agreementwith Lisa Sesterhenn, VNA, for Healthy Dubuque 2000.(8/16) ......................... 351 Agreement- Loan, returned by McLeodUSA, M. Pratt. (7/6) ........................................ 309 Agreement - illinois Central RR, Water Main Crossing near Julien County Care Facility on Seippel Rd. (4/5) ........................................ 131 Agreement, Sale & development of Lot 9 & 10 Original Town in the City - Merchants Hotel to Chamber of Commerce.(12/20) ........................... 553 Agreements - Purchase of Services with various agencies.(5/3) ............................... 180 Agreements - UCC Security - Financing Statements Sub. - State for Dbq. Data Service - CEBA Loan. (7/6) ........................................ 288 AGRI - purchase of property from them; property for Riverwalk.(7/19)(10/18) ................. 327,453 AGRI - granting assignment of Cargil, Inc. to them. (11/15) ...................................... 482 Ahlers, Herman, Termination & Assign. Agreement for Eagle Window & Door, Dbq. Eagle LLC etc.(Il/l) . 471 AiDS program, local, contract wf IA Dept. of Public Health; contract for funding of AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(2/1)(11/1) ..................... 38,465 Ainley, Ron & Jane & Larry Wolf, property disposed of to them: Lot I & 2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 12th Addn., (10118)(10125) ........................ 456,461,462 Air Service Task Force, - reorganization of Airport Corem, discussion etc.; Mayor Duggan & C. Members Michalski & Nicholson be a committee to work with Airport Comm.(9/15)(10/4) ........ 395,434 Air Conditioning Unit replacement project at Dbq. Greyhound Park.(4/19) ................... 166 Air Conditioning - Mechanical Code, amend. {11/15) .................................. 506,507 Airport Road Subd., approval plaL(ll4) ............. 3 Airport Departmental Budget.(3/2) ................ 98 Airport Dept., FY 2000 Budget, requests for add'l funds.(3/2) ................................... 98 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Airport Inn, 574 E. 16th, Penalty for Tobacco violation; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4119)(6121){'/16) ....................... 160,269,289 Airport, Apron in front of hangar, Asphalt pro. (5/17) ...................................... 208 Airport Commissioners - Special meeting with Council.(gF/') ................................ 386 Airport Restroom Remodeling & ADA Improvements. (9n') ....................................... 371 Airport Comm. reorganization, discussion & Air Service Task Force; Mayor Duggan & C. Members Michalski & Nicholson be a committee to work with Airport Comm.(9/15)(10/4} ............ 395,434 Airport - FAA grant for Runway 18136 Ext- Pro.(12/6) 532 Airport monthly reporL(12120) ................... 550 Aisle & driveway definitions, clarified via Ord., also Off-Street Parking & Storage of vehicles in residential sections etc.(7/6) .................. 298 Aitchison, Weedy, mother of Mark Aitchison, Claim; Referred to Ins.(6121)(7/6) ................. 260,286 Alarm - False Alarm Increase of fees.(7/6) ........ 311 Albert, Glen, Claim; Referred to [ns.(7119)(812). 317,331 Alcohol violations, civil penalty for 4 license holders.(5/3) ................................ 178 Alcoholic Beverages in vehicles, prohibited for driver and passenger.(12/6) ......................... 531 Aldi, Inc., rezoning of SW Corner of Asbu ry Rd. & NW Art.(2J15)(3/l) ........................ 68,87,88 Algona St. & Bennett St., University of Dubuque Library expansion & new Parking Lot.(4/19) ..... 172 AIgona St_ deleted from Curb Ramp Installation project_(8/2) ................................. 338 Algona & Custer Streets, Stop Sign.(8116) ........ 357 Algona & Grace St_ intersection, City ROW, University of Dubuque underground electric service. (9/20) .................................. 405,406 Algona & Custer St., authorizing UD to construct electrical service.(9/20) ....................... 406 Allamakee County, - Cooperation with Other Governmental Units in Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) ..... 373 Allen, Anthony, applicant for TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.; reappointed. (6121)(7/6) .............................. 269,290 Allen, John, Chamber of Commerce's new building design.(12J20) ............................... 553 Alley, 20', near Allison Pl., near NW Line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn., vacating etc. to The Finley Hospital.(2/1) ................................ 49 5 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Alley between McClain SL & Hill St., vacation, approval of plat, to Days Inn (Dbq. Lodging). (2/1) ...................................... 46-48 Alley between Rhomberg & Garfield, Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(8/2) ...................... 345 Alliant Utilities - Interstate Power Co., disposal of easement for property N of E. 16th between Farmland Foods & I & M RR tracks.(11/1)(11/15) .......................................... 478,487 Allied Insurance Co. - Allied Property & Casualty Ins. Co., Claim - Referred to Ins.{11/1)(11/15) ..... 464,481 Allison Place, plat approval of Finley Home Addn., portion of etc., Finley Hospital, vacation & purchase.(1/18){2/1) ................... 27,48.49,50 Alpha St. & Van Buren Ave. intersection, petition for four-way stop; recommendation of Mgr. without any realignment of stop signs. (415){5/17)(1014)(11/15) ......... 138,206,424,435,511 Alpine Mobile Home Park, request by Tschiggfries to use Eminent Domain process for easements. (3/15) ....................................... 124 Alta Vista St., 2001, bury wires requested by Mike Schmalz, Jr.(11/15) ....................... 509,510 Alta Place Storm Sewer Extension.(1/18)(8/2) 30,31,333 Alternative Services, Family Self-Sufficiency Program Contract-(5/17) ............................... 202 Althaus, Jean, Family Beverage, 3400 Central, Beer Per.; WB Wine Per.(7/6) ....................... 289 Althaus, Harry, of Gardeners Lane, re: rezoning of property W of Peru Rd. & N of County Ct- - Ludwig's & Tschiggfrie's.(3/1) .......................... 82 Althaus, Dennis A., Family Mart Inc. 3201 Central Ave. (9/7) ........................................ 374 Alzheimer's Disease Public Awareness Month Proclamation.(11/1) .......................... 464 Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329, AgreemenL (6/21) ....................................... 265 Ambling Subd. Lot 2, Rezoning of 2275 Elm St. (1/4) .......................................... 5 Ambulance Service billing, offer by Heartland Regional Paramedic Services.(10/18) ................... 439 Amended & Restated FY 2000 Annual Action Plan for CDBG Funds.{12/20) ................... 557,558 Amendment to Development Agreement with Horizon Develop Group & CarteGraph Systems. (2/1)(415) ................................. 41,139 Amendment No. 2 to CarteGraph to extend date for closing.(3/1) .................................. 80 Amendment to FY 1999 BudgeL(4119)(513) .... 164,188 6 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Amendment to 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 - Van Buren St.(5117) .......................... 206 Amendment to City Mgr.'s Employment Agree. (6/7) ....................................... 229 Amendment to Citizen Participation Plan & FY 1999 Annual Action Plan.(6/7) .................. 242,243 Amendment to Agreement, Recycling processing & marketing services contract with Browning Ferris Industries.(6/21) ............................. 260 Amendment to Local Housing Assistance Program ContracL(6/21) .............................. 262 Amendment to Lease with DRA for property in Ice Harbor.(7/6) ................................. 313 Amendment to FY 2000 Budget.(912)(10118) 415,445,446 Amendment to Agreement to include pilot Healthy Homes Initiatives.(9/20) ....................... 397 Amendment to conceptual development plan for expansion of iD Dis. at 2570 Asbury Rd. - requested by Emmaus Bible College - Ron Balmer.(10/4) 428-430 Amendment to Ch. 42 re: Inspection Fees for Public Improvements.(10/4) ......................... 430 Amendment to Development Agree. with Eagle Window & Door Co. & Otto A. LLC. (12/6)(12120) ............................ 533,558 Amendment to FY 2000 Annual Action Plan.(12/20) 558 Amendment to Zoning Ord. - public hearing process - failed.(12/20) ................................ 557 Amendments to City Housing Code.(1/18) ......... 32 American Associates Realty - re: Medical Associates West Campus, 2 identification signs.(4/19) ...... 172 American Legion Post #6, 1306 Delhi, Liq. Lic. (6/21) ...................................... 269 American Grain & Related Industries, purchase of property; for Riverwalk.(7/19)(10/18) ........ 327,453 American Trust & Savings Bank - amending text in Zoning Ord. re: Sign Regulations - Larry Weitz etc. (10118)(11115) ........................... 455,505 American Ramp Co. awarded contract for Skate Park Equipment Pro.(12/6) ......................... 526 American Trust & Savings Bank, depository for City funds; disposal of property at 9th & Locust to them - former American Tower Bldg; Nick Schrup re: opening of Main St. - Town Clock Plaza. area.(6121)(8116)(9/7)(12/20) ........ 267,361,378,549 American Trust & Savings Bank, erect free standing signs at the new building at 9th & Main Sts. (11115) ..................................... 505 America's River Project Naming Opportunities, approval.(5/3) ............................... 192 7 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A AmEng, Warren & Robin, plat approval, 2274 Washington St. etc.(3/15) ..................... 104 AMOCO, JFK, 1701 JFK, - Mulgrew Oil, alcohol violation, civil penalty; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5113)(6F/'){7/6) ....................... 178,231,289 AMOCO Foodshop, 1450 Loras Bird, violation of Cig. Per.; penalty; Beer Per.; 2nd time penalty for tobacco sales violation. (6/7)(7119)(812)(8116)(1216)(12J20} ........................... 231,321,339,351,520,555 AMOCO, 1215 E. 16th St., Tobacco sales violation penalty etc.(12/6)(12J20) ................... 520,554 Analysis study, Telephone System Task Force. (513) ........................................ 181 Anderson, Brian, Youth Council Member.(4/5) ..... 130 Anesi, Jessie, for Aldi, Inc., rezoning of SW Corner of Asbury Rd. & NW Art.(2115)(3/1) .............. 68,87 Angel Investment., Casey's General Store, 2699 Rockdale, Cig. Per.(6/7) ....................... 231 Angle's Bar, Angela Mangeno, 1401 Elm St., Penalty on Tobacco violation; Cig. Per.; Violation on Cig. Per.(4/19)(6/7)(7/19)(8/2) ............ 160,231,321,339 Angle Parking - Back in, Fourth & Fifth Sts. (211)(3115)(415)(4119) ................ 45,124,139,163 Animal Control Officer, certified by Civil Service Commission.(9/7) ............................ 368 Animals in Parks, consideration denied; prohibited now except in Miller-Riverview Park, Granger Creek Nature Trail & John G. Bergfeld Park. (311)(12~6)(12/20) ...................... 91,528,555 Annexation of City-owned property on West side of North Siegert Farm, East of Seippel Rd. & South of Middle Road.(1/18) ............................ 32 Annexation to City of Asbury notification.(2/1} ...... 37 Annexation of 1,019 Acres of vacant property.(2/1).. 44 Annexation, voluntary, of Patrick & Sandra Welsh property at corner of Cottingham & Olde Highway Road.(2/15)(3/15) .......................... 56,123 Annexation, voluntary for 39.8 acres W of Peru Rd. S of Ginger Ridge, N of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park, requested by Ludwigs & E. Tschiggfrie. (2115)(311) .............................. 67,81,82 Annexation - Highway 20 West. (311)(3115)(415) ........................ 95,123,144 Annexation & rezoning of Siegert property located on Hwy 20 West from County AG to C3.(3115) ....... 122 Annexation requested by Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church for 20 acres on JFK near Soccer Complex.(4/5)(4/19)(6/7) ............... 132,164,234 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Annexation - voluntary, requested by Wm. & Jennifer Duffy, 9606 Maquoketa Dr.(4/19) ............... 164 Annexation of property- rezoning, Hwy 20 at intersection of Cousins Rd., Hwy 20 & E of Cousins Rd. - Paul & Jayne Cate & W. Stewart`(5117) ..... 217 Annexation - City Mgr. to Asbury Mayor, not approve annexation proposal for land east of Heacock Rd.; Mgr.'s Letter to Development Bd. re: Asbury's an nexafions.(6/21 )(716) ................... 263,288 Annexation request of Terrence Martin, Linda & Wilfred BahL(6121) ........................... 263 Annexation requested by M. Portzen & G. Siegerts, 213 acres East of landfill a~ong Hwy 20 & English Mill Rd. (8116) ...................................... 359 Annexation request for property owned by Kivlahan Farms for 40 acres along Arboretum Dr. at NE cornerofJFK&West32ndSt-(9120)(lOI4) ... 4[09,427 Annexation request of W. Stewart for 45.21 acres at SW Corner of Old Hwy Road & Seippel Rd - by Coifingham Rd.(10118) ....................... 454 Annual Action Plan for CDBG Funds, FY 2000; Amended.(2/1)(2/22)(12/20) ........... 46,73,557,558 Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program Contracts, Renewal.(513). 176 Annual Action Plan, FY 1999, amendment-(6/7) 24[2,243 Annual Performance & Evaluation Report, Consolidated - CAPER.(9/20) .................. 400 Antenna Facility - Dbq. Cellular Telephone Lease wf City on W. Third Water Tower.(211) .............. 42 Antenna Facility - W Third St, Water Tower, lease: Nextel WIP Lease & Iowa Wireless Services, LP. (8/16)(9/7) ....................... 360,361,379,380 Antenna Facility on Pennsylvania Ave. Water tower - Lease to Nextel WIP Lease Corp.(12J20) ........ 559 Antennas & Towers, regulations for placement, Zoning Ord.(l/4) ............................... 7 Anthony, Doris, Claim; referred to Ins.(2/1)(2115). 36,52 AP Woods Addn. - includes Williams St. & strip N of Williams St., M. Strader requesting to purchase portion.(3/15) ............................... 104 Apartment Ltd. Corp., Dbq. Mining Co., 655 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21) .................. 268,269 APEX Environmental to install monitoring wells on ROW at 198 Locust; install monitoring wells on ROW at 1081 University for Shell Oil Co. (114)(4/5) ............................... 2,138,139 ~ Appeal from Tim Wood & Vicki Bechen re: property on Arlington St. for vinyl siding, Historical district. (9/7) ....................................... 372 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Apple Corps, LP, Applebees, 1355 Associates Dr., Liq. Lic.(812) ................................. 335 Applebee's, Apple Corps LB, 1355 Associates Dr., Liq. Lic.(8/2) ................................. 335 Application -Historic Resource Development Program Grant Application - Historic & Architectural Preservation Survey. (1118)(6i7)(1111)(1216}(12120) ..... 27,226,468,519,557 Applications for property tax exemptions for Urban Revit, Areas, even late ones appreved.(2/15)... 56,57 Application to IA Dept. of Economic Development for Local Housing Assistance Program Funds.(6121). 265 Application to IA Dept. of Economic Devel., affordable housing projects.(6/21) ....................... 277 Application for Healthy Home Initiative Grant - HUD. (9/20) ....................................... 397 Application to IDOT for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds for Downtown Gateways Pro. (10/4) ....................................... 418 Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(10/4) .... 421 Appreciation expressed by IA Dept. of Economic Develop. for City's Housing Services - Rehab for help during visit,(12/6) ........................ 519 April 1999 Council Proceedings approved.(6/7) .... 225 April 1999 Financial Reports.{6/7) ................ 225 April 1999, Claims & Revenues, Proof.(6/21) ....... 260 April Lynne Court, final plat of portion of Southern Hills Subd.(12/20) ............................ 556 Armstrong, William, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 225,286 Apt. Ltd. Corp., Dubuque Mining Co., 555 JFK Rd. Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6121) ................... 268,269 Aquatics & Therapeutic Recreation Supervisor, Civil Service certification.(3/1) ....................... 76 Arabian Trail residents, water runoff concerns with Pine Knolls Condo Devel. at 2900 Kane St. - S. Boge.(11/1) ............................... 470 Aragon Tap, M. Woodman, 1103 Iowa St., Cig. Per.; Violation of Cig. Per.; penalty; Liquor Lic. (6/7)(7/19)(8/2)(11/15) .............. 231,321,339,486 Aremark Service, Lores College, Liq. Lic.; (415)(716)(1014) ....................... 140,289,424 Arbor Day Proclamation.(4/19) .................. 153 Arboretum -W. 32nd St., near, property owned by Kivlahan Farms, voluntary annexation.(9/20) .... 409 Arboretum Dr. at NE corner of JFK & West 32nd for property owned by Kivlahan Farms for40 acres along Arboretum Dr. at NE corner of JFK & West 32nd St.(9120)(10/4') ....................... 409,427 l0 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Arby's Q-Mart, Arcon, 10 Main St., Beer Per. (415){716) ................................ 140,289 ARC - concerns with water runoff, Pine Knolls Condo Devel., 2900 Kane St., S. Boge.(11/l) ........... 470 Architectural / Historical Survey Evaluation Project - Grant Agreement.(0/7) ........................ 226 Architectural / Historical Survey Evaluation Pro. - History Pays! consultant.(11/1} ................ 468 Arcon Inc, Arby's Q-Mart, 10 Main, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (4/5)(7/6) ................................ 140,289 Area Residential Care - Concerns with water runoff, Pine Knolls Condo Devel., 2900 Kane St., S. Boge. {11/1) ...................................... 470 Arensdorf, Pamela Barry, Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Liq. Lic.(l 2/6) ............................... 521 Argot, Inc., LaMesa Mexican, 2700 Dodge St., Liq. Lic.(8/16) ............................... 352 Argyle SL & Sheridan Rd., Stop Sign.(10/18) ...... 448 Arlington & W. Fifth Streets, 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(5/3)(6/7) ................... 194,195,233 Arlington SL, 623-627, appeal from Tim Wood & Vicki Bechen, for siding in a historic district. (9/7)(12/20) ............................. 372,558 Army Surplus Building, former, purchase of said property - 301 Main from Dubuque Initiatives. (11/15) ................................. 510,511 Art Studio -Awnings & Sign approved for 1005 & 1023 Main SL - Gary & Kathleen Jensen, Ord.(10/18) .. 447 Arterial, NW, IDOT & IDNR for funds to landscape. (1/18) ....................................... 26 Arterial, NW & SW Corner of Asbury Rd., rezoning for J. Anesi & Aldi's Inc.(2/15) ..................... 68 Arterial, SW, discussion on construction; postponement requested of Hwy 20 West annexation til SW Arterial Study finalized; highest priority by IDOT. (2/15)(2/18)(3/15)(12/6) ............... 53,70,123,520 Asbell, Mrs. Mary, zoning change for 1561 Jackson, Maria House.(8/2) ............................ 336 Asbestos Removal &'Demolition of Merchants Hotel.(5/17)(6/21)(7/6) ................. 220,269,293 Asbury Rd. & SW Corner of NW Arterial, from AG & C3 to PUD with PC & PR - QHQ Properties.(ll4) ....... 5 Asbury - City, voluntary annexation for property W of corporate limits & N of Asbury Rd.(2/1) .......... 37 Asbury Rd., SW Corner & NW Art., rezoning for J. Anesi- AIdi, Inc.(2/15)(3/1) ................ 68,87-90 Asbury Rd., 4100, rezoning from AG to C2, for Hilby's. (2/15)(3/15) ........................... 69,121,122 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Asbury Rd. & NW Art., final plat approval of Holliday Addition plat.(4/5) ............................ 146 Asbury Plaza Shopping Center - Corey Devel., N of Asbury Rd. & W of NW Arterial from AG to PUD; landscaping necessary re: Resurrection Church. (4/19)(5/3)(8/16) ...................... 172,185,351 Asbury Rd. & Chaney Rd. intersection, traffic signals. (513)(617)(1014) ....................... 194,237,423 Asbury Rd., North of, & West of NW Arterial, from AG to PUD.(5117) ................................ 210 Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co., 3300 Asbury, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(8116) ....... 231,351 Asbury Mayor - letter from Dbq. City Mgr. requesting they not approve annexation for land East of Heacock Rd.; Letter send to City Development Bd. objecting to non-consenting annexation. (6121)(9/20) .............................. 263,401 Asbury - City, City Development Bd. Mgr's letter re: two voluntary annexation requests.(7/6) ........ 288 Asbury Road, 3725, fence construction denied. (8/2) ........................................ 340 Asbury Rd. 2570, Emmaus Bible College Expansion. (9120)(1014) .............................. 408,428 Aspermont Co. & AGRI - deed for purchase of property for Riverwalk.(10118) ......................... 453 Asphalt Paving Pro., 1998.(2/1) ................ 37,38 Asphalt Paving Pro. 1999, - FY 2000.(4119)(5/17)167,208 Assembly of God Church, 3939 Pennsylvania, rezoning from R1 to C3; sidewalk installation, extension of time requested.(2115)(311)(8116) .......... 68,85,356 Assembly of God Ministers Benefit Assn. - re: Sanitary Sewer improvements in Usha Park. (12/20) .. 551,552 Assessment, Kelly Lane project for Rockdale Cemetery, request for abatement.(2/1) ........... 44 Assessments for 1998 PC Concrete Paving Prog. (2/15)(4/5) ............................ 55,135,136 Assessments for Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(2J15)(4/5) ........................ 55,134,135 Assignment of contract & approval of Purchase Agreement for property at 120 W. 4th St.(2/1) ..... 41 Assignment of Cargill, Inc, to AGRI.(11/15) ........ 482 Assistant Fire Marshal position, certified by the Civil Service Comm.(5117) ......................... 200 Assistant Fire Chief position, certified by the Civil Service Comm.(5117) ......................... 200 Associates Dr., 1500, amend PUD Dis. for Medical Associates -2 identification signs.(4119) ........ 172 Assumption Agreernent for property at 101-123 Main. (2115) ........................................ 53 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE A Audit Reports & FY 1998 Comp. Annual Financial Report.(2/15) ................................. 54 AT & T Cable Services, formerly TCI, delinquent fee approved; Franchise Renewal Negotiating Team. (8/16)(11/15} ............................ 352,511 Athenian Grill, 1091 University, Jimmy & Debbie Matheos, Awning Sign.(8/16) .............. 357,358 Atlantic & Auburn Sts., side streets, Stop Signs. (8116) ...................................... 357 Attitudes Pub & Grill, Grandma's Pantry West, Inc. 2660 Dodge, Liq. Lic.(10/18) ................... 443 Attorney General opinion - Dissolution of City Health Board.(1014) .......................... 433 Auburn & Atlantic Streets, side streets, Stop Signs. (8/16) ...................................... 357 Audit of Dubuque Housing Services by IDED.(8/2) . 332 Audit report of Swiss Valley Farms.(3/15) ......... 103 Audubon Elementary School - Extension of Community Partnership Grant Agreement Amendment - Cp2 Pro..(1014) .................. 423 August Claims & Revenues, proof.(10118) ........ 438 August Council Minutes, Proof.(9120) ............ 396 August Printed Council Proceedings approved. (1014) ...................................... 417 Augustin, Gary, Claim; denial.(4/5)(9/7) ....... 130,367 Aviation Administration. Federal, direct final rule. (2/1) ........................................ 37 Awning Sign, 1091 University, Jimmy & Debbie Matheos, for Athenian Grill.(8/16) .......... 357,358 Awning, projecting & Sign, at 84 Main SL for S. Gudenkauf.(3/15) .......................... 125 Awning - Sign on Store front of Great Dragon Rest. at 1278 Centrel Ave.(4/5) ........................ 145 Awning - Dubuque Rescue Mission to construct at 398 Main SL.(12/20) .......................... 555 Awnings & Signs approved for 1005 & 1023 Main St. - Gary & Kathleen Jensen - Art Studio, Ord.(10/18) 447 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B BILLBOARD AD HOC COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (8116)(10/4)(10118)(1111)(11115)(12/6) .......................... 348,417,438,464,481,518 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETINGS: (1118)(4119)(5110)(7/19)(10118) ................................ 20,152,198,316,437 BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1216)(12/20) ............................ 518,550 B & W Properties: Bechen, V|cki, & Tim Wood, appeal for Arlington St. property - Historic Pres. appeal for vinyl siding.(917)(12120) ................... 372,558 Babler, Andy, City Youth Mayor.(4/5) ............. 130 Back In Angle Parking on Fourth & Fifth St. (211)(3115)(415)(4119) ............ 45,124,139,163,164 Bahl, Linda & Wilfred, & T. Martin, annexation of their property.(6/21) ............................. 263 Bahl, Jeff, Ambulance Driver with Heartland, Mercy Medical Center Conceptual Devel. Plan.(7/6) ... 294 Baker, Robert & Colleen, Claim; denial. (5/3)(5/17) .............................. 175,199 Baker, Dave, appointed to Enterprise Zone Com. (211)(2/15) ................................ 39,58 Balls, Emily, Claim; referred to Ins..(2/15)(3/1) ... 52,75 Balmer, Ron, for Emmaus Bible College, 2570 Asbury expansion, zoning.(9120}(lOI4) ......... 409,428-430 Bancshares, East Dbq., - rezoning of 3939 Pennsylvania from R1 to C3 .(3/1) ............... 85 Banks and credit unions named as City depositories. (6/21} ..................................... 267 Banks - financial institutions, change to canopy sign Ordinance.(4/19) ............................ 173 Bargaining Agree. with Areal. Transit Union, Local #329.(6/21) ................................. 265 Bargaining Agree. with General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #421.(2J15) ....................... 54 Barklaw, Daryl, of East Dbq. Savings Bank, rezoning of 3939 Pennsylvania -E. Dbq. Bancshares.(3/1).. 85 Barrash, Ann, Pres. DACU, Gave Invocation; for change in City Code: protection for sexual orientation.(716)(8116) .................... 286,355 Barrington Lakes Subd. - County, plat approval of Forest Ridge Estates - Woodview Dr.(3/15) ..... 106 Barrington Lakes No. 3, final plat approval - L. McDermott - Spruce Wood Devel.(10/18) ....... 454 Barta, Msgr. James, Vicar General of the Catholic Archdiocese, Gave Invocation.(10/18) ......... 438 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Barrel's-Center Grove Place, Sanitary Sewer improvements at Grove Too1.(11/1) ............. 466 Basket Expressions, M. Dolter, 474 Bluff, Wine Per.(7/19) ................................... 321 Bathrooms - ventilation, amended Housing Code. (4/19) ...................................... 161 Billboard construction, new - issuance of permits, D. Hartig petition for moratorium.(4/19) ........... 161 Battered Women's Shelter - No Environmental Impact for YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter Pro. (11/1)(11/15) ............................ 466,485 Bauer, Bernice, B'z Dart Inn, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5~17)(6~21) .............. 205,268 Baum, Bill, appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm.; comments - UD Expansion; speaking re: nomination to Regional Workforce Investment Bd. (2/1)(2J15)(5/3)(7/19) ................. 39,58,182,327 Bauman, Rev. George, Pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Gave Invocation.(4/19) ................ 153 Baumgartner, Martin, add his name to certified Civil Service list for position of Maintenance Worker. (2Jl) ........................................ 37 Baumhover, Steve, Chair of VNA - Report to Board of Health.(10118) ............................... 437 Beadle, John, Claim.(9120) ...................... 396 Bechen, Vicki, & Tim Wood, appeal for Arlington St. property - Historic Pres. appeal for vinyl siding. (9F/}(12/20) ............................. 372,558 Beck, Kenneth, Claim; Referred to Ins.; $100 pd as part of Sanitary Sewer Backup prog. (6/7}(7/6)(11/1) ........................ 225,286,464 Becker, Mark, rezoning of 3195 Jackson from C2 to CS.(10/18)(11/15) ..................... 454,504,505 Becker, Barb, questioning water runoff at Pine Knolls Condo's development, 2900 block of Kane St. (11/15) ..................................... 502 Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning Pro. (6121)(6/23)(7/6)(7119) .............. 280,285,298,323 Beecher Bev. Co., Inc. 1691 Asbury, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per.(5117) ..................... 204,205 Beecher, Richard, $100 payment for Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Pro.(9/20) ................. 396 Bell St., request to change name after Regina Hayford. (1/18)(2/1) ................................ 32,44 Belmont Addn., Lot 170, vacation & purchase requested by Geneva M. Block, 3121 Brunswick. (8/16) ...................................... 350 Bemis, Terry, rezoning of 3939 Pennsylvania, Dbq. Assembly of God Church etc.(3/1) .......... 85 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Bennett & Algona Streets, expansion of University of Dubuque for new library.(4/19)(5/3) ....... 172,182 Bennett, Nelda, Old Shang, 1091 Main, Liq. Lic. (10118) ...................................... 443 Berg, Nadine, One Flight Up, 44 Main St., Liq. Lic. (6/21)(9/7) ............................... 269,374 Bergfeld, John G., Recreation Area. - name of Dbq. Ind. Center West Public Open Space Area; Ord. re: allowing dogs & cats there. (10125)(1216)(12120) ................... 462,528,555 Bertsch, Jeff, "Letter of Intent" to renovate the Merchants Hotel; report.(513)(6~7)(6~21)(716)(8~2) ............................... 181,228,269,293,339 Best Western - Dbq. Inn, 3434 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; Re: Outside Billboard Advertising.(2/1)(12/6) ..... 41,532 Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, S. Strub, requesting to name street after Regina Hayford.(l118) ............... 32 Bethany Home, 1005, expansion, rezoning of property from R2A to R3 - requested by S. Ulstad. (10/18)(1111) ............................. 455,469 BFI Waste Systems, of N.A. Inc., Claim; Referred to Ins.(3/1)(3/15) .......................... 25,103 Bianca Dr. & Jaeger Dr., final plat of Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2.(10/4) ............................. 420 Bible College, Emmaus, 2570 Asbury, expansion request - zoning.(9/20)(10/4) ........... 409,428-430 Bicycles, Motorcycles, etc., new Ordinance relating to usages in Parks; new Ordinance - increase in registration fees.(3~1)(312) ................... 91,99 Bierstube Ltd. Europa Haus., 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(9/20) ................................ 402 Big 10 Mart, Molo, 1875 J.F.K. Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/'7)(11/15) .............................. 231,485 Big 10 Mart, Molo, 9th & Central, Cig. Per.(6/7) ..... 231 Big 10 Mart, Molo, 2100 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Penalty for Cig. Violation. (3/1) (6/7){9120)(10/4) ................ 81,231,401,433 Bike Trail development, Miss. River....property near Dbq. Star Brewery, REAP Grant from DNR for Miss. Riverwalk.(8/2) ...................... 332 Billboard regulations, Ad Hoc Comm. to review. (5117) ....................................... 204 Billboard Ad Hoc Commiffee, appointment of members; LaMar rep be Ann Tressel; David Hartig as alternate rep Walter Peterson; intent to bring their recommendations to 12-6 Council Meeting. (7/6)(8/2)(10/18)(12/6) .............. 3t2,340,440,532 Billboards - outdoor advertising, discussion etc. (12/6) ....................................... 532 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Billmeyer, Richard L. & John P. Michalakis, property exchange on Kerper Blvd.(Il4)(2/1 $) ......... 14,63 Billy Buck's East St. Tap, 521 ED. 22nd St., Cig. Per.; Penalty for tobacco violation; Liq. Lic. (812)(9120)(1014)(12120) ............. 335,401,433,553 Bishop, Barney, presented report re: law enforcement expansion & closing of Eight St. from Locust to Central.(6123) ............................... 285 Bjornstead, Rev. Greg, Chaplain of Luther Manor. (6121) ...................................... 260 Black, Wm. M., Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase III - Hold Lead Abatement & Surface Encapsulation. (8/2)(9/7) ................................ 344,382 Black, Wm. M., Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase I & 11.(6/7)(7/6) ........................ 254,255,299 Black, Wm. M. Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase II - Hurricane Deck Roofing.(7/6) ........... 299,300 Blasting Permit Application requirements.(2/1) ..... 45 Blau, Kathy, reappointed to Human Rights Comm.; requesting change to City Code Ch. 27, protection for sexual orientation.(1/4)(8/16) ............ 4,5,355 Bleymeyer, Russell, Youth Corp. Counsel.(4/5) .... 130 Block, Geneva M., 3121 Brunswick St., vacation & purchase of Lot 170 Belmont Addn - corner of Brunswick & Elbow Sts.(8/16) ................. 350 Block Grant fund - CDBG, for FY 1999-2000.(2/1) ... 46 Block Grant - FY 1999 Law Enforcement.(8/16) .... 350 Blocklinger, Tom, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; raa ppointed.(6/21}(7/6) ............ 269,290 Bluff- Historic, Neighborhood Assn., re: Housing Ord., screening of garbage cans etc.(513) ........ 189-191 Bluff SL, 605 -Washington Park Place (former Mary of the Angels), rezoning from OR to C4. (4119}(513) .............................. 172,186 Blum, City Attorney, as Legal Counsel during discussion & action of sanitary sewer extension on Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer. (10/4} ...................................... 424 Blum, Sidney, record of votes in Council Member Election.(11/15) ............................. 481 Board of Health, City and County, Joint work session etc.; State & Local Health Bd. responsibilities; letter to Dr. John Viner; transition information. (4119)(5119)(1014)(10118)(12120) ....................... 152,198,433,434,435,454,552 Board of Health Meeting Proof.(6/7)(11/15) .... 225,481 17 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Boat Ramp, Schmitt Harbor, Grant for Reconstruction - Cooperative Agree. for Marine Fuel Tax Funds; construction documents etc. (415)(8116)(9120)(10118)(11115) ............................... 133,363,404,457,502 Boats & other vehicles, off-street storage, Zoning Text Amend.(7/6) ............................. 298 Bockenstedt, Maribeth, Claim; Referred to Ins.{4119)(5/3) ............................ 153,175 Bodines Lounge, J. Detainer, 1445 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cigarette Sale violation penalty.(5117)(716)(7119) ............... 204,289,321 Boge, Steve, final site development plans, Renaissance Devel. Senior Housing Pro. on Carter Rd.; Devel. on 2900 block of Kane St. - Pine Knolls Condo's from ID to PUD with PR Dis. (4119)(10118){1111)(11115) ....... 157,454,470,502-504 Boleyn, Oliver, claim; settlemeni.(5/17}(6/7) . .. 199,226 Bonds - $900,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue for Advanced Data Comm. (2122)(311)(3115) .................... 72, 87,106-119 Bonds, Urban Renewal Tax Increment in ami' of $3,200,000 - Urban Renewal Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Devel. Dis. - Eagle Window & Door. (7119)(812)(1216) ............... 328,337,338,528,534 Bonds, $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. for Dbq. Industrial Center/South Economic Develop. - Horizon/DuCarte LLC.(11/1)(11/15) .... 477,488-500 Bonds, -$3,100,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds for expansion of the Fifth Si' Parking Ramp. (11/15)(12/6) ....................... 513,527 Booth, 35 N., rezoning YMCA-YWCA Bldg. from OR to OS & R1 to OS.(1/4) ............................ 5 Booth & Bryant Sts., Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1, 1999, Van Buren Si' also.(4119)(5117)(716) .. 170,171,206,291 Bow & Arrow hunting of deer etc.(9/20) ........... 408 Bradley, Dennis, re: Rockdale Cemetery Assess. for Kelly Lane, request for abatement, reduction of assess merit.(2115) .......................... 66 Bradley, Betty & Margaret, objecting to annexation & rezoning requested by Portzen on 213 of property lying outside of corporate limits located between English Mill Rd. & US Highway 20.(9/7) .......... 378 Bradley, Coleen, carriage building on 6th SL for horse-drawn carriage tours.(2115) ............... 53 Brakes, Jake - prohibition, discussion etc. (8/2)(9.r7) ................................ 340,383 Brandes, Lindsay, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 225,286 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Breakfime Bar/Grill - Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per; Liq. Lic.; cigarette violation penalty. (5/17)(9/20) .......................... 204,205,401 Bren~(e, Fred, Jr., Claim; referred to Ins.(2/15){3/1) 52,75 Brewery - Dbq. Star, land adjacent, application for $200,000 REAP Grant from DNR for Miss. Riverwalk. (8/2) ....................................... 332 Brick pavers on Eighth St., new snow removal equipment purchased.(12J6) .................. 520 Bridge repair project, Hwy 20 - Julien Dbq. IDOT.(I/4) 1 Bridge Capacity Study - U.S. 20, IDOT.(l/18) ....... 23 Bridge, Third St., IDOT bid letting at later date.(9/7) 368 Bridge Rest., Them, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust St., Liq. Lic.{11/15) .............................. 486 Brimeyer, Donald V., Claim; Denial.(11115}(12/6) 481,518 Britt, Nelson, Dir. of Museum of Art, parking removal at 7th St. between Locust 7 Bluff.(6/7) .......... 242 Broessel, Pat., Corner Tap, 2093 Washington, Liq. Lic. (5/17) ............................... 205 Brown, Kenneth, objecting to rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD etc.- QHQ Properties.(1/4) ...................... 5 Brown, Fire Chief Dan, update on response etc. to heavy rains on 5/16 & 5/17; presentation of a Multi- Hazard plan.(5/17)(9/7) ................... 199,366 Browning Ferris Industries, Agree. Amendment for recycling processing & marketing services. (6/21) ...................................... 260 Brunskill Rd., 3030, rezoning - requested by Patzer Invest.(7/19) ................................ 327 Brunskill Rd., 2702, rezoning from R1 to PUD with PR for Oak Meadows Condo's as requested by Jim Stock & Robert & Mary Lou Malgrew.(12/20) ..... 559 Brunswick & Elbow Sts., corner, Geneva M. Bloc:<, vacation & purchase requested of Lot 170 Belmont Addn.{S115) ................................. 350 Bryant and Booth Sts. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 - 1999, Van Buren.(4/19)(5/17)(716) 170,171,206,290,291 Budget- FY 2000, presented by Mgr.; hearing set; Hearing -special Session; Amendment. (1118)(211)(312)(10118) ............. 35,46,98,445,446 Budget of Landfill - Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency.(2/15) ................................ 53 Budget - Departmental reviews.(2/18)(2/22) ..... 71,73 Budget - DRA amend, to 1999 CIP Schedule, to allow for racetrack surface replacement pro..(3/1) ...... 76 Budget, FY 1999, amendment.(4119)(5~3) ..... 164,'188 Budget - Draft Fiscal Year 2001 Fiscal Guidelines. (9120) ...................................... 401 INDEX. BOOK 12.9 1999 SUBJECT PAGE B Building facade, request to allow $ignage - zoning amendment, L. Weitz Sign Systems for A. Y. McDonald.(1/18) .............................. 33 Building Departmental budget hearing.(3/2) ........ 98 Building Permit moratorium in Highway 20 Corridor. (4/19) ....................................... 162 Building Code Board of Appeals, applicants Chuck Carr, Steven Gudenkauf, Ronald Jahns; appointed; applicant F. James Kolf reappointed. (9/7)(9120)(1014) ...................... 374,402,424 Bullock, Rev. Jeff, Pres. of UD, re: Library expansion. (5/3) ........................................ 182 Bunker Hill Golf Course Operating Agree. wf G.M.S. Inc. -G. Stephenson.(2/1) ............. 36,37 Bunker Hill Golf Course, GMS, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Beer Per.(3/1) ................................. 81 Buol, Council Member, reconsider action re: 2509 Lincoln Ave. - Ron & Margie White; re-elected Abstract of Votes.(6/7)(11/15) .............. 242,482 Burgess, Todd, Claim; referred to ]ns.(4/5)(4/19) 130,153 Burkart, Charles, Claim.(5/17) ................... 199 Burke, Steven, objecting to Booth St. project. (5/17) ....................................... 206 Burkhart, Charles, plat approval of 3347, 3349 & 3359 Center Grove Dr.(3/15) .................... 105,106 Burkhart, Charles H., denial of Claim.(6/7) ......... 226 Burton, Kathy, objecting to JFK Sidewalk Assess. (7/6) ........................................ 290 Business Professionals of American Week, ProcL(2f15) ................................... 52 Butler, John & Alice, 1960 & 2000 S. Grandview, plat of Lookout Point Subd.(l/18) ..................... 22 Butler, John, CEO of Cottingham & Butler, re: opening of Main Street.(12/20) ......................... 549 Butler (& Cottingham), re: Subordination Agreement with City.(12/20) ............. .. ............... 562 Buxton, Ron, Claim; Referred to Ins.(4119)(513). 153,175 Byrne, Thomas Subdivision, Clara St. portion - Mercy Medical Center.(8/2)(8116) ............. 342,343,353 B'z Dart Inn, B. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5117)(6121) .......................... 205,268 20 INDEX- BOOK 129 1 999 SUBJECT PAGE C CITY COUNCIL, Regular Sessions. 114)(1118)(2/1)(2115)(311)(3/15)(415)(4119)(513)(617)(6121) (716}(7/19)(812)(8/16)(9/7)(9/20) (10/4}( 10/18)(11/1 )(11/15) (12/6)(12/20) 1,21,36,52,75,103,130,153,175,225,260,286,317,331, 348,367,396,417,438,464,481,518,550 CITY COUNCIL, Special Sessions. (1118)(2/18)(311)(3/2)(3115)(4/19)(6/2)(6/7)(6123)(7/6)(7/19) (812)(917)(9/15)(11113))(12/20) 19,70,74,98,102,151,223,224,285,315,33b,366,392,480, 549 CITY COUNCIL, Closed Sessions. (114)(1118)(2/1)(415)(4119)(513)(612)(6121)(7119)(917) (9120(1014)(10118)(11115}(1216)(12/20) 17,35,51,150,151,196,223,284,315,391,415,435,457,517, 532,562 CIVIC CENTER - FIVE FLAGS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/1)(311}(513)(617)(7/6)(812}(917)(1014)(11/1)(12/6) .............. 36,75,175,225,286,331,,367,417,464,518 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/16) (2/1)(3/1 )(4/19)(5/17)(8/21 )(7/6)(9/7)(12/6)(12/20) ............... 21,36,75,153,199,260,317,367,518,550 CLOSED SESSIONS, City Council. (1/4)(1118)(2/1)(415}(4119)(513)(612)(6121)(7119)(917) (9/20)(10/4)(10/18)(11/15) · 17,35,51,150,151,196,223,284,315,391,415,435,457,517 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1118)(3115)(4119)(6/7)(716)(9120}(1111)(12/6)(12120) ................. 21,103,153,225,317,396,464,518,550 CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:(2/1)(3/1)(5117)(6Ft')(716){812)(10/18)(12/6) {12/20) .......... 36,75,199,225,317,33t,438,518,550 CABLE TV TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/1)(3115)(5117)(912)(1111}(12/6}{12/20) ........................ 52,103,199,367,464,518,550 21 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C CARNEGIE STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/2) (2/1)(4/5)(6/7}(7/19)(9/20)(1014)(11/15) ....................... 1,36,130,225,319,396,417,481 C.K. Witco, Crompton & Knowles Corp., etc. re: Deed of property in County for Riverwall(. etc.(10/18) .................................. 453 Cab Company - Obie's Enterprise, Inc. dba A-OK Yellow Taxi, rate increase.(12/6) ................ 520 Cable TV Fund to Iowa League of Cities, $10,000 to protect rights of City ROW.(2/15) ................ 58 Cable TV Division - Budget hearing.(3/2) ........... 98 Cable -TCI, annual report(415) .................. 130 Cable TV Regulatory Comm. applicant Walter Webster; appointad.(6/21)(7/6} ..................... 269,290 Cable TV Teleprogramming Comm. applicants Anthony Allen & Dave Wanamaker; reappointed Allen & Wanamaker; Applicants Paul Kohl & Sr. Carol Hoverman.(6121)(716)(812) ........ 269,290,336 Cable TV - TCI, waiver of Franchise Ord. 42-81, permission to charge administrative fee on delinquent acc'ts.(7/6)(8/16) ............... 313,352 Cable TV Regulatory Comm. applicant Ronald Tigges. (7/6) ........................................ 322 Cable TV Regulatory Comm. requesting work session with Council.(7119) ........................... 327 Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro. (8/2)(9/7) ......................... 346,347,380,381 Cable Franchise Renewal process, contract with Miller & Van Eaton law firm; Negotiating Team with AT & T Cable Services.(5/17)(11/15) ........ 203,511 Canfield, Rose, violation of liquor sales The Monday Co. dba Caseys.(5/3) ......................... 180 Canopy signs for gas stations & financial institutions, change to Zoning Ord. - text amendment - freestanding canopy signs etc. {4119)(5/17) .......................... 173,209,210 CAPER - Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report - CDBG etc.(9/20) ............ 400 Capitol Improvement Program, Five Year. (211)(3/2) .................................. 46,98 Capital Improvement Program for 2000, DRA's. (1111) ....................................... 466 Captain, Fire, certification by Civil Service Commission.(5/17) ........................... 201 Captai.n, Police, certification by Civil Service Commission.(6/21) ........................... 261 22 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Careless Driving, Traffic Ord. changes - defining. (1216) ...................................... 530 Cargill, Inc., assignment of leases to AGPJ Grain Marketing.(11/15) ........................... 482- Cargill, assignment of lease, ContiCarriers & Terminals.(4/5) .............................. 131 Carlos O'Kelly's, Mexican Cafe, 1355 Associates, Liq. Lic.(1111) ............................... 469 Carnegie Stout Public Library - Letter supporting participation - County Library Proposal for Gov. Enterprise Fund Grant.(4/19) .................. 157 Carnegie Stout Public Library resignation of Brian Southwood.(4/5) ............................. 131 Carol's Place, Carol Ann Dunlap, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.(9/20) ............................... 401 Carr, Dr. John, of UD, re: University's rezoning. (5/3) ....................................... 182 Cart, Chuck, applicant for Building Code Bd. of Appeals; a ppointed.(9/7)(9/20) ............. 374,402 Carriage Building requested by C. Bradley near Miss. Riverwalk for horse-drawn carriage tours & response from Manager.(2/15) .................. 53 Carryovers - FY 2000 Budget.(10/18) ............. 445 Carstens, Laura, Planning Dir., Special Session re: development standards & policies for City Utilities & Infrastructure; submit request for reimbursement to State Historical Society for HRDP funds etc. (8/2)(12/6) .............................. 330,519 Carstens, Gary, Claim; referred to [ns.(5117)(6/7)199,226 CarteGraph Systems, Horizon Develop. Group, disposal of property in Dbq. Technology Park. (6/7) ....................................... 231 Cartegraph Systems, disposal of property in Dbq. Technology Park. amendment to Develop. Agree with Horizon Devel. Group; Amend. #2, extension for closing; third amendment; fourth amendment; $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Revenue Bonds. (1/18)(2/1)(3/1 )(4/5)(6F/)(11/1) 28,29,41,80,139,229,477 Carter Rd., final site devel, plans for S. Boge - Renaissance Devel. of Senior Housing Plan, extension of time.(4/19) ...................... 157 Carter Road at Westmore Dr., ZAC advising of assessmenL(716) ............................ 319 Carter-Goble, Inc., contract for transportation system & design.(3/1) ......................... 95 Cars -vehicles, alcoholic beverages prohibited. (12/6) ...................................... 531 23 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Casey's General Store, Monday Co., 4003 Peru Rd. Cig. Per.(6/7) ................................ 231 Casey's General Store, Angel Inv. 2699 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Cigarette Violation Civil Penalty.(6/7)(9120)(10/4) ............... 231,401,433 Casey's, 4003 Peru Rd., violation of liquor sales, civil penalty; Beer Per.(5/3)(9/7) ................ 180,374 Child Care Referral, Purchase of Service Agree. (5/3) ........................................ 180 Casino - Dbq. Greyhound Park - Parking Lot Lighting Pro.(7/6) .................................... 320 Casino (& Greyhound Park) Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(4119)(5/17) .............. 166,209 Casino- Greyhound Park, Parking Lot Improve. (7/6) ........................................ 320 Casino (& Greyhound Park) Kennel Area Parking Lot Paving Pro.(211)(311)(716) .............. 50,51,90,320 Casino - Diamond Jo, Dbq. Riverboat Enter., 400 E. 3rd, Liq. Lic.(3/l) .............................. 81 Casino Portside - Diamond Jo, Peninsula Gaming Co. Liq. Lic.(6/7) ..................... ; ........... 232 Casino - Dbq. Greyhound Park, Third Amendment to 1999 CIP Schedule to allow purchase of slot machines etc.(8/2) ........................... 332 Cate, Paul & Jayne, petition for voluntary annexation of Hwy 20 West property; rezoning etc. (3115)(5117)(6Fl)(6121) .............. 123,217,234,309 Cate's & Stewart's property near Cousins Road & Hwy 20, annexation of property & rezoning. (5117)(617)(6121)(715)(917) 217,233,234,273,325,326,374 Catfish Creek, concerns of Regina Thibeau ~ ruptured city sanitary sewer lines leaking into Catfish Creek.(10/18) ......................... 439 Catfish Creek Lift Station Pump Replacement Pro. (12120) .................................. 560,561 Catfish Festival, Donna Ginter, Beer Per.(6/7) ...... 232 Cats & Dogs, consideration denied for allowing in Parks; adding exclusion to John G. Bergfeld Park.(311)(12/6)(12/20) ................. 91,528,555 CDBG Funds for FY 1999-2000, FY 2000 Annual Action Plan; Proof.; Amendment. (211)(2122)(617) ......................... 46,73,243 CDBG Application, M108 Loan Guarantee for Eagle Window.(2/15) ........................... 58 CDBG Program, Notice of Finding & Release of Building.(513)(5117) ....................... 176,199 CDBG Administration Services & Staff, Environ. Notice & funds released.(5/3) ........................ 177 24 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C CDBG - Cp2 Funds for Fiscal Year - St. Mark's Community Center, Central Alternative High School, Little Cloud Girl Scouts, YWCA & Dbq. Girls Ctab.(5/3) ................................... 192 CDBG Program Year - Amendment to the Citizen Participation Plan.(6/7) ....................... 243 CDBG Program Year 25 Budget-(3/2) .............. 99 CDBG - Curb Ramp Installation, 1999, Pro. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 257,300 CDBG Agree., HUD, Federal Funds for FY 2000. (6121) ...................................... 266 CDBG - Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report - CAPER.(9/20) .............. 400 CDBG Funds - Rocco Buda Park Construction Pro. (10/4) ...................................... 422 CEBA Loan for Swiss Valle¥.(1118} ............... 24 CEBA Application for Cottingham & Butler; Loan of $90,000.(3/1){9/7) ......................... 80,372 CEBA Application for CIGNA Corporation.(3/15) ... 119 CEBA Awarding, Dbq. Data Services.(716) .... 287,288 CEBA Loan Agree. with Trilog.(9/20) ............. 405 Cedar Cross Amoco, TBTB Inc. 1010 Cedar Cross Rd.; Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1/18)(6/7) .............. 28,231 Cedar Cross Rd., J. & J Tree Service, County rezoning.(11115) ............................. 481 Cedar Ridge Farm - Sanitary Sewer Accept-(4119).. 156 Cellular Telephone L.C., Dbq., lease of space on W. Third St. Water Tower etc.(l/18} ................ 34 Cellular telephone towers etc., regulations for placement, new Ord.(l/4) ....................... 7 Cellular Telephone I_.P. (Dbq), Installation & Operation of a Wireless Telecom munication Anten ha.(2/1) . 42 Cemetery - Rockdale, requesting abatement of special assessment; discussion, assessment diminished.(2/1 )(2/15} ...................... 44,66 Cemetery - Resurrection Assn., concerns with development to the east; landscaping etc. (8/2)(8/16) .............................. 331,351 Census 2000 Complete Count Committee process, J. Markham designated to serve; Proclamation in support; partnership Agree. (6/21)(7/6)(9/7) ........................ 275,286,369 Center Grove Dr., 3347, 3349 & 3359, plat approval forC. Burkhart-(3/15) ......................... 105 Center Grove Place - Northview - disposal of property to Mike Finnin Ford.(4/19) ................. 165,166 Central Alternative School, Cp2 Funds.(5/3) ...... 25 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Central & 21st, Curb Modifications to intersection. (9/7)(9/20) ........................... 389,390,403 Central Tap, 1046 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4/19)(6/7) ............................... 158,231 Central Ave. 1401, projecting sign for Rainbo Oil Co. (4119) ....................................... 161 CentralAve., 1401, construction of projecting sign for Rainbo Oi1.(4119) ............................. 161 Central Ave. & Tenth SL, Parking Lot, Asphalt Paving. (5/17) ....................................... 208 Central Ave. 1520, sign construction by Anthony Koch Tony's Pawn.(6/7) ........................ 238,239 Central Ave., 900, Marde Enterprises - Cue Master, Ord. construct steps & landing.(7/6) ............ 310 Central Ave. & 21st St., Warranty Deed from Melvin J. & Carmen Leslein.(9/7) ....................... 371 Central Ave., 3201 & 3265, rezoning for J. Kretz - Perfection Oil Co.(10118)(1111) ............. 455,470 Central Market, new Ord. re: merchandise displayed etc.(5/17) ................................... 214 Certificate of Economic Hardship for 304-320 & 330- 336 Main - Merchants Hotel etc.(3115) ........... 126 Certified Local Government Annual Report.(12/20). 552 Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau, Purchase of Services Agree.; disposal to them of former Merchants Hotel Bldg. & Dolan's Building, Lot9&10tothem.(5/3)(11/15)(12/20) ... 180,514,553 Chaney Rd. & Asbury, Traffic signals. (513)(6/7)(1014) ....................... 194,237,423 Chaney Rd. residents objecting to Pine Knolls DeveL, water runoff fears.(11/1) ....................... 470 Charboneau, Bonnie, Claim; referred to Ins. (3115)(415) ............................... 103,130 Charlie's Place, plat approval.(10/18) ............. 439 Chavenelle Rd. - 4800, A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. - On-premise primary signage, Zoning Amend.(2/1) . 43 Chavenelle Dr., final plat of Lots 1-4, A, B, C, & D. of Dbq. Industrial Center West in the City.(10/25) . .. 459 Chestnut & Dell St. Storm Sewer Extension Pro. (1/18) ........................................ 31 Chi-Chi's, Inc. 800 Wacker Dr., Liq. Lic.(2115) ....... 60 Chickasaw County- Cooperation with various counties Governmental Units in Creation & Operation of The Service Delivery One Consortium.(9/7) .......... 373 Chief Elected Official Board Worldorce Investment Act of 1998 - Agreement for Region One.(9/7) ....... 372 26 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Child Care Resource & Referral, CDBG Funds & Release.(513) ................................ 177 Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding, IA Dept. of P. Health.(8/2) ................................. 334 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Proclam. (10118) ..................................... 438 Chiller for Five Flags Civic Center - Equip. Pro. (5117)(617)(6121){10118) ...... 218,237,238,263,440,441 Christ, Rod, objecting to westerly annexation.(3/15) 123 Christ, Martha E., applicant to Zoning Advisory Comm.; appointed.(6/21)(7/6) .............. 269,290 Christmas Lighting Display, Hillcrest Contract for Murphy Park.(716) ............................ 287 Cigarette Sales Licensees, Civil Penalties. (415)(4119)(716)(9120)(1014)(1216) ........................... 140,160,321401,433,520 CIGNA Corp., CEBAApplicafion.(3115) ........... 119 CIP Schedule, 1999, DRA Amendment.(3/1) ........ 76 CIP Schedule - 1999 DP, A, office furniture purchase. (4/$) ....................................... 133 CIP Schedule, DGP & Casino, Third amendment to CIP Schedule to allow purchase of slot machines etc. (SI2) ....................................... 332 CIP - DP, A, approval of 2000 & use of DRA Reserve Assn's CIP Prog.(1111) ....................... 466 Cities ROW's, Cable~ TV Fund to Iowa League of Cities, $10,000 to protect rights.(2/15) ........... 58 Citizen Participation Plan, amendmentto.(6/7) 242,243 City Code Readoptad.(10/18) ................... 450 City Manager Michael Van Milligen Operation: New View; on Enterprise Zone Comm.; evaluation; Employment Agreement amendment; serve on IA League of Cities Policy Comm.(1118)(2115)(612)(617)(1216) .. 32,58,223,229,520 City Code Supplements #38, #39, #40, #41, #42 (1118)(311)(4119)(716) ............. 27,75,156,319,419 City Inspection fees reduced - amend Subdivision Regulations.(9/20) ........................... 405 City Clerk Mary A. Davis advising of retirement effective 1/28/2009; notification of review of 6 candidates.(9/7)(10/25) .................. 386,462 City employees & union employees, salary packages. (5117) ................................... 201,202 City funds, naming of depositories.(6/21) ......... 267 City Lot 307A, Accept., Patent Deed for IDOT.(3/1) .. 76 City liens released on real estate formerly owned by FDL Foods, Inc.; consent to plat.(6F/') ...... 236, 245 27 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C City representative for signing & filing document with Iowa Emergency Management Div. - EMD for FEMA assistance.(6/7) .............................. 244 City Development Board, public hearing regarding two voluntary annexation requests by Asbury; Letter objecting to voluntary & non-consenting annexation as filed by City of Asbury.(716)(9120) ...... ~. 288,401 City and County - Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agree.(10/18) ................................ 439 City Manager's Departmental budget Hearing.(3/2) .. 98 City Manager's Employment Agree. - Eighth Amend. (6/7) ........................................ 229 City of Dubuque, Five Flags Civic Center, Liq. Lic. (7'/6) ........................................ 321 City Lot 638 & City Lot 640, disposal of interest of property at 9th & Locust to American Trust,(8/16) 361 City Lot 54, Disposal of City Interest - easement. (3115)(415) ............................... 127,142 City Lot 500A, 500B & 500C, 500D Accept. Patent Deed for IDOT.(3/1) ................................. 76 City, Countyand Jo Daviess County, IL, renewed Drug Enforcement Agree.(8/16) ................ 350 City Standards, Policies & Extensions of Utilities & infrastructure to facilitate Development in the City, Changes adopted.(8/16) ...................... 356 City Council delegate A. Michalski to the Planning Comm. for Future Search Conference.(812) ...... 340 City Council, Abstract of Votes, election winners: Roy D. Buol, Patricia A. ClJne, & Ann Michalski. (11/15) ...................................... 482 City's health care plans, expanding organ transplant coverage.(6/7) ............................... 227 Civic Center departmental budget hearing.(312) ..... 98 Civic Center, Five Flags, Partition Wall Improvement Project at Five Flags.(4/5) ................. 132,133 Civic Center - Five Flags Ice Chilter Equipment Pro. (5117)(6/7)(6/21 )(10/18) .. 218,237,238,244,263,440,441 Civic Center - Five Fiags Theater Toilet Renovation Pro.(5117)(716) ........................... 218,301 Civic Center, Five Flags Center, 405 Main, Liq. Lic. (7/6) ........................................ 321 Civic Center, Five Flags, Usage Agree. with Dbq. Fighting Saints.(9/7) .......................... 369 Civic Center Comm. resignation of Linda Duehr. (9/20) ....................................... 396 Civil Service Certification of Equipment Operation I. (2/1) ......................................... 37 Civil Service certifi&ation of Medical Officer.(5/17).. 200 28 :INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Civil Service certification of Fire Lieutenant*(5/17) . 200 Civil Service Certification (Re-certification) of Maintenance Worker.(211) ...................... 37 Civil Service certification of Aquatics & Therapeutic Recreation Super.(3/1) ........................ 76 Civil Service certification of Computer Programmer. (415) ....................................... 132 Civil Service certification of Equipment Operator I1. (4/5) ....................................... 132 Civil Service certification of Engineering Assistant I, (4/19) ...................................... 155 Civil Service certification of Fire Equip. Operator. (5/17) ...................................... 200 Civil Service certification of Assistant Fire Marshall. (5/17) ...................................... 200 Civil Service certification of Assistant Fire Chief. (5/17) ...................................... 200 Civil Service certification of Fire Captain.(5/17) .... 201 Civil Service certification of Foreman.(6/7) ........ 227 Civil Service certification of Public Safety Dispatcher. (6/7) ....................................... 226 Civil Service certification of Police Lieutenant. (5/21) ...................................... 261 Civil Service certification for Police Corporal.(6/21) 261 Civil Service certification of Police Captain.{6/21) .. 261 Civil Service certification of Engineering Assist. II. (7/19) ...................................... 318 Civil Service certification of Police Officer - Entry Level.(7/19) ................................. 318 Civil Service certification of Animal Control Officer.(9/7) ................................. 368 Civil Service certification of Water Plant Operator. (12/20) ..................................... 551 Civil Service certification of Engineering Assistant II. (12~20) ..................................... 551 Civil Service certification of Flrefighter.(12/20) .... 551 Civil Penalties for Tobacco (Cigarette) Licensees violations, penalties against permittees, hearings.(415)(9120)(1014)(12/6)(12/20) .............................. 140,401,433,520,554 Civil Penalty of $300 for 4 liquor lic. holders. (5/3) ................................... 178-180 Claims & Suits against City. (114){1/18)(2/1)(2115)(3115}(415)(4115)(513)(5117)(6/7)(6121) (7/6)(7119)(812)(a116)(9/7)(9120)(1014)(10118)(1111)(11115) (12/6) 1,21,36,52,103,130,153,175,199,225,260,286,317,331, 348,367,396, 417,438,464,481,518 29 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Claims List, (& Revenues) Publication Proofs for various months. (1118)(2115)(3/15)(4/19){7/6)(8116)(9120)(11/15)(12/20) .................. 21,52,103,153,317,348,396,481,550 Clancy, Sheri & Patrick, 1999 Sidewalk Assess -JFK Rd.(7/6) ..................................... 290 Clara SL, S of, vacation & sale of McClain SL, - Dubuque Lodging.(2/3) ..................... 46,47 Clara St. & Wooten, reclassify property nearby property from R1 to ID with conditions for Mercy Health Center.(6121)(716}(812) ....... 278,294,342,343 Clara St., Mercy Medical Center requesting it be shortened & cul-de-sac relocatsd.{7/6) .......... 287 Clara St. - disposing of Lot lA of Thomas Byrne Subd. to Mercy Medical Center; approval of plat of Survey of Lot 1 & Lot A of Clara Street Place.(8116).. 353,354 Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liq. Lic.(8/16) ..... 352 Clayton Counties, 28E Agreement with Dubuque & Clayton Counties - high angle rescue services. (6/7) ........................................ 241 Clayton County - Cooperation with various counties - Governmental Units in Creation & Operation of The Service Delivery One Consortium.(9/7) .......... 373 Cleaning of Bee Branch Storm Sewer Pro. (6121}{716) ............................... 280,298 Clearview Drive, Mike Firman Ford, vacation of portion.(4/5}(4/19) ........................ 132,165 Clemens, David L., Est., re: demolishing of 336 Main St.(12/6) .................................... 530 Clerk's office departmental budget, hearing.(3/2) ... 98 Clifford Enterpr., Dempsey's, 395 W. 9th SL, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/17)(6/7) ...................... 205,231 Cline, Patricia A., elected for Fourth Ward City Council member.(11/15) .............................. 482 Clock Tower Easement on City Lot 54.(3/15) ...... 127 Clubhouse, The, M. Spiegelhalter, 2364 Washington, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/15)(6/7) ................ 60,231 Coakley, Troy, applicant for Electrical Code Bd. (7/6)(8/2) ................................ 321,336 Coca Cola Bottling, Claim; referred to Ins. (2/1)(2/15) ................................. 36,52 Code of Ordinances, readopted.(10/18) ........... 450 Code Supplement No. 38 to City Code; No. 39; No. 40; No. 41; No 42.(1118)(311)(4119)(716). 27,75,156,319,419 Codification of all Ordinances of the City -State, readopted.(10/18) ............................ 450 Collective Bargaining Agreement wf General Drivers. (1/18)(2/15) ................................ 26,54 3O INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Collective Bargaining Agreements, City & DPPA & Int'l Union of Operating Engrs.(5/17) ........... 201,202 Colonial Painting & Decorating - H. Klinkhammer, demolish 336 Main St.(12J6) ................... 530 Colts Drum &Bugle Corp., Proclamation.(716) ..... 286 Colts Ex. Director G. OrwoII, parking suspension requested ~ Senior High School; Proclamation.(6/21)(7/6) .................. 275,286 Committee -Ad Hoc, review Billboard regulations. (5117) ...................................... 204 Communicable Disease issues, Mgr.'s response to Dr. Madden.(10/18) ........................... 437 Community and Economic Development Departmental Budget Hearing.{3/2) .............. 98 Community Development Block Grant Funds for FY 1999-2000, FY 2000 Annual Action Plan; Proof; Amend m ent.(2/1) (2/22)(6/7) .............. 46,73,243 Community Development Commission, vacancies & applicants; reappointment of Michael Kellyand Walter Pregler, appointment of Vernon - Dan - Shireman.(2/1)(2/15) ....................... 42,60 Community Development Block Grant Program, Notice of Finding & Release of Funds.(5/3) ............ 176 Community Development Advisory Chair - CDBG funds, match for Lead Paint Hazard Control GranL(6/7) .................................. 226 Community Development Program Year 25 Budget. (3/2) ........................................ 99 Community Economic Betterment Application for Swiss Valley; for Cottingham & Butler; for CIGNA. (1118)(311)(3115) ......................... 24,80,119 Community & Economic Development DepL to Planning Services Dept. - change for historic grant & Historic Comm. etc.(12J6) ..................... 519 Community Partnership Grant Agreement Amendment, Cp2 -Audubon Elementary School.(10/4) ....... 423 Community School District, 28E Agreement.(2/15) .. 66 Compensation package for Non-bargaining City employees.(5/17) ............................ 202 Comprehensive Annual Financial & Audit Reports. (2/15) ....................................... 64 Compression brakes, Jake brakes on trucks etc- Ord. restricting.(9/7) .............................. 383 Computer Programmer position, certified by Civil Service Comm.(4/5) .......................... 132 Concession Agreement at McAleece Park & Rec. Complex to 8th Inning LLC.(2/1) ................ 36 31 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Concrete Paving Pro., 1998.(2/15)(513) ......... 54,175 Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 - 1999, Van Buren, Bryant and Booth Sts.; amendment. (4119)(5117)(617) ............... 170,171,206,228,245 Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2 - Arlington & W. Fifth St.(513)(6/7)(6121) .................. 194,195,233,263 Concrete Materials - Precast~ for Expansion of Fifth St. Ramp.(9120) .............................. 410 Concrete Repairs on North Grandview Ave. at Delhi St. (9120)(10/4) .............................. 409 432 Condemnat on of last parcel of property for Riverwalk. (10118) ...................................... 453 Condominium's. Pine Knolls, develop, in 2900 block of Kane St. for S. Boge & Kane Devel. (11/1) ....................................... 470 Conner, Alice, petition of 196 signatures, maintenance of Town Clock Plaza with present trees etc.; response from Manager.(9/7)(10/4) ......... 372,421 Connolly Construction of Peosta, awarded contract for USHA Park Grading.(7/6) ................... 301 Consent to plat & release City Liens on Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn.(6/7) ........................... 245 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report - CDBG etc.(9/20) ...................... 400 Consolidated End of Year Review for Program Year End 1998, HUD.(1111) .................... 466 Consortium Agreement between City & County - entitlement eligibility for HOME Program Funds. (6121) ....................................... 264 Construction of Landscaping of the Dubuque Industrial Center West.(10/4) ............... 430,431 Construction of Highway 20 Landscape Design Pkg. #1.(12/20) ................................... 554 Consultant team of History Pays!, historic preservation survey for the City.(12/20) ......... 557 Consulting Services & actuarial, Agree. with Segal Co. for health insurance issues.(6/7) ...... 228 Consulting Services for Health Insurance Program, Agreement.(10118) ........................... 442 ConfiCarriers & Terminals, Inc. - assignment of leases to Cargill.(4/5) ............................... 131 Contract for transportation system & design - Carter- Goble, Inc.(3/1) ............................... 95 Contract with NE iowa Small Bus. Devel. Center - Fourth Entrepreneurship Training Course.(3/15) . 120 Contract by Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, waste delivery contract.(6/21) .......... 267 32 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Contract with IA DepL of Public Health - Agree. with Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn.(8/2) ............. 334 Contract for design & specs, for addition to Fifth St. Ramp.(8116)(9/20) ........................ 356,410 Contract - Project Concern ParaTransit.(9/20) ..... 400 Contract -AIDS Preventative Health with IA Dept- of Public Health for Funding.(l'l/1) ............... 465 Contributions Contract, Renewal of Section 8 Program An nual.(513) ................................ 176 Convention & Visitors Bureau, Quarterly Report; Proclamafion.(l118)(4119}(1014) .......... 21,153,417 Convention & Visitors Bureau, Purchase of Services Agree.; Quarterly Report.(513)(10118} ....... 180,438 Conveyance of various City Lots 500A, 500B, 500C, 500D for ROW for IDOT.(3/1) ................... 77 Cook, Drew, awarded project: Chestnut & Dell SL Storm Sewer; awardAd Manhole Reconstruction Pro. - 1999; awarded contract for Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer ExL; awarded contract for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext.; awarded contract for Sarah & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer Ext- Pro. (1118)(415)(4119)(716)(9120) ....... 31,143,159,293,403 Cooper, Stephen D., applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.(6/21)(716) ................ 269,289 Cooperative Agree. with IDOT re: ROW for Construction of IA Hwy 32 NW from John F. Kennedy Rd. to U.S. 52.(311) ................... 80 Copper Kettle, D. Theisen, Refund on Liq. Lic. (11115) ..................................... 481 Corey Develop. Ltd., rezoning of property N of Asbury Rd. & W of NW Arterial from AG to PUD.(5/3) .... 185 Corner Tap, P. Broessel, 2093 Washington, Liq. Lic. (5/17) ...................................... 205 Corporal, Police, Civil Service Certh"ication.(6/21).. 261 Corpstain, Dave & Mary, Claim referred to Ins. (S/21)(7/$) .............................. 2S0,28S Corrigan, Mary Rose, Public Health Spec. - Head Lice Control Plan Report; continuation of Agreement with L. Sesterhenn, through VNA for Healthy Dubuque 2000 Pro.; advising Cindy Post not reapplying for the Environmental Stewardship Comm. (1/18)(8/16) .............................. 20,351 Cottingham Rd. & Olde Highway Rd. property of Patrick Welsh's, voluntary annexation. (2/15){3/15} .............................. 56,123 Cottingham Rd. & Landfill road, annexation etc. (3/15) ...................................... 123 33 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Cottingham Road - Seippel Rd., SW Corner of intersection with Old Highway Road, requested rezoning & annexation of 45 acres, for W. Stewart. (10118)(11115) ............................ 454,504 Cottingham & Butler, Subordination Agreement - Mortgage.(12120} ............................. 562 Cottingham & Butler, CEBA Application; Loan of $90,000.(3/1)(9/7) .......................... 80,372 Cottingham & Butler, Claim for Airplane Damages; Referred to Ins.(6/7)(7/6) .................. 225,286 Cottingham & Butler, Enterprise Zone contract with IDED.(11/15) ................................. 483 Council Proceedings, Approved as Printed, for Nov. 98; Dec. 98; for Jan. & Feb. 99; March 99; April 99; May 1999; for June 1999; for July 1999; for Sept. 99; for Oct. 99. (1118)(211)(415)(4119)(617){716)(812)(917)(1111)(1216) ............... 21,36,130,153,225,286,331,367,464,518 Council Meeting time changed to 6:30 starting 12/20.(9/7) ................................... 385 Council, City - Departmental Budget hearing. (3/2) ......................................... 98 Council Proceedings, publication proofs. (1/18)(211)(3115)(4/5)(513)(6/7)(6121)(7/6)(8/2)(8/16) (9120){11115)(1216)(12120) 21,36,103,130,175,225,260,317,331,348,396,481,518,550 Council - City, Abstract of Votes, election winners: Roy D. Buol, Patr[cia A. Cline, & Ann MichalskL (t1/15) ...................................... 482 Country Club - Dbq. Go~f, 1800 Randall, Cig. Per. (6/21) ....................................... 288 County Board of Supervisors, Joint Session, Presentation of Report on Law Enforcement Center Expansion.(6/23) ............................. 285 County Historical Society - App. to IDOT for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds for the RR Freight House Restoration Pro.(10/4) ........... 418 County & City - Consortium Agree. HOME Program Funds, entitlement eligibility.(6/21) ............. 264 County re: Eighth SL remaining closed for expansion of Law Enforcement Center.(7~6} ............... 309 County Historical Society contract in support of Upper Miss. River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center.(8/16) ...................... 349 Central Ave., 1278, for Great Dragon, approval of sign.(4/5) ................................... 145 34 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C County Board of Health -& City, Joint work session etc.; State & Local Health Bd. responsibilities; Mgr. advising of process.(4119)(5119)(lOI4)(1216)(12~20) ........................... 152,198,433,434,532,552 County Board of Supervisors, Joint Session re: State & local Health Bd. responsibilities. {4119)(5119)(1014)(1216)(12120) 152,198,433,434,532,552 County Care Facility - Julien, License Agree. with Illinois Central RR re: 16's Water Main Crossing. (4~5) ....................................... 131 County Historical Society - app. to HUD for Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuse Interpretive Center.(6/7) ...................... 229 County Historical Society Grant Application to DMAT for River Discovery Center Depot.(8/16) ......... 349 County, City & Jo Daviess County, IL, renewed Drug Enforcement Agree.(8/16) ..................... 350 County & City - Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agree.(10/18} ............................... 439 County Zoning, P. Hearing for rezoning of J & J Tree Service on Cedar Cross Rd.(11115) ............. 481 Cousins Rd., annexation of property & rezoning for property at Cousins Rd., both sides of Hwy 20 & E of Cousins, requested by Cate's& W. Stewart. (5117)(617)(Sl21)(716)(8/16)(9/7) ................ 217,233,234,273,309,325,326,359,374 Cousins Rd. intersection & Hwy 20 West, rezoning from AG to C3, Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(8/16)(9/7) ....................... 359,375 Cousins Road, 12155, 12101, & 12033, rezoning from AG to RI, requested by City, for.(f 1/15)(12/6) 511,522 Covenants, Dbq. Industrial Center WesL(10/25) ... 460 Covered Vehicles for hauling garbage -waste. (lf/15) ..................................... 5O6 Cp2 Funds for FY 2000 - allocation of CDBG funds - SL Mark's Comm. Center, Central Alternative School, Little Cloud Girl Scouts, YWCA & Dbq. Girls Club. (5/3) ........................................ 192 Cp2 Funds & Environ. Notice for various projects. (5~3) ....................................... 177 Cp2 funds environ, notice & release of funds for St. Mark's Comm. Center Elevator Pro.(5/17) ....... 203 Crabb, Timothy, Housing Corem.app.(8/2)(8116) 335,352 Crahan, Pat, of Flexsteel, re: Jackson St. reconstruction; requesting City plant shrubs etc. in green space E of Jackson St. etc.; underground sprinklers okayed for Flexsteel Jackson St. property. (5117)(917)(11115) .................. 207,368,508,509 35 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE C Crahan Jack, Claim; Referred to Ins.(2/15)(3/1) .. 52,75 Creative Touch Gallery, Ooh La La, 3460 Hillcrest, Wine Permit-(6/21) ........................... 269 Credit Unions & banks named as City depositories. (6/21) ....................................... 267 Crematorium - Patrick & Vicki Leonard requesting zoning text amendment as an accessory use to funeral home -Rockdale Rd.(9/20)(10/4) ..... 409,428 Crescent Ridge, 3536, M. Steele, rezoning from R1 & AG to R3.(4119)(5/3) ...................... 173,187 Crescent Elec. Supply, Creslanes Bowling, Cig. Per. (6/7) ........................................ 231 Crescent Ct., 3616, M. Finnin, rezoning from RI to C3. (4119)(513) ............................... 173,187 Creslanes Bowling, - Crescent Elec. Supply, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7) ........................ 231,232 Creston St., Glenwood & Marquette PI. - 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro. 1998 (Creston, Glenwood & Marquette Pi. Final.(4/5) ................... 135-138 Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning - IA Div., grant app funding Dbq. Decatigorization.(4/19)(7/19 157,321 Crompton & Knowles Corp., re: Deed of property in County -for Riverwalk from AGI, Aspermont Co., C.K. Witco & R.L Lewis Refrigeration.(10/18} .... 453 Crop Walk Day Proclam.(9/20) ................... 396 Crossing -Water main, the RR Near County Care Facility- Julien on Seippel Rd.(4/5) ......... 131,132 Crossing Study - Mississippi River, 12 month moratorium on Work permits, U.S. 20 Corridor. (4119) ....................................... 162 Cue Master, Ltd., M. Rapp, 900 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Ord. allowing Marde Enter. to construct Steps & Landing.(311)(6~7)(716) .......... 81,231,310 Curb Ramps on Washington St. from 14th to 30th Street.(1/18) ............................... 23-25 Curb Ramp Installation, 17th St. Area.(2/15) ........ 67 Curb Ramp Installation - CDBG, 1999. (6/7)(716)(812} ........................ 257,300,338 Curb Modifications to intersection at 21st & Central. (9/7)(9/20) ........................... 389,390,403 Custer St. at Algona St., stop sign. (8/16) .........357 Czeshinski, Sue, of Convention & Visitors Bureau, for development of Washington Park Place, 605 Bluff.(513) ................................... 186 36 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D D.B.Q. Inc., Shot Tower Inn., 4th & Locust, Liq. Lic. (5/17) ..................................... 205 DACU, support of Human Rights Ord. sexual orientation inclusion.(8/16) ................. 355 Dague, Heather, Claim; Settlement. {8/16)(9/7). 348,367 DAIDC - property to them from Dbq. Ind. Center West; Development Agree.(9/20)(10/25) ...... 411,459,460 Downtown Plaza, Blk. 13, approval of survey plat.; Accepting Proposal for Sale & Private Development etc. - Trilog.(9/7)(10/18) .................. 385,445 DalI, Dr. & Mrs., Claim; settlement.(311)(3115) ... 25,103 DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 28 W. 4th St., Liq. Lic.(10118) ................................. 443 Damage repair - Storm, Washington & Valley Sts. (6/7) ...................................... 246 Dart Inn, B'z's, B. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic. (5117) ..................................... 205 Darwood Acres in Dbq. County - L. Tscharger, approval of plat.(1/18) ........................ 23 Data, Ronald A., Klingenberg Terrace property ROW to City.(9/20) ............................... 398 David, Rick & Judi, Claim.(6/7) .................. 225 Davis, John, re: proposed rezoning of 605 Bluff, difficulty in placing roomers if Washington Park Place developed.(5/3) ....................... 186 Davis, Brian, Claim; settlement.(716)(7/19) .... 286,317 Davis, John & Loretta, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6121)(7/6) ............................. 260,286 Davis, John, $100 payment - Sanitary Sewer Backup Assist. Program.(10/18) ..................... 438 Davis, MaryA., City Clerk, retirement notice as of 1- 28-2000; interviewing process; appointment of Jeanne Schneider; votes received for Council Mem bet.(9/7)(10/25)(11/13)(11/15).. 386,462,480,482 Day, Robert& Barbara, Claim; referred to Ins. (9/20)(10/4) ............................ 396,417 Days Inn Dubuque, disposal of City Property; Liq. Lic.(2/'15)(3/1) ............................ 65,81 DB & T Bank, vacation & disposal to them of a portion of Grandview Ave.(415)(5/17)(6/7} .. 138,220,221,236 DB & T Bank, depository of City funds.(6/21) ...... 267 Deaf Interpreter requested at Police Dept. by D. TeKippe.(2/15) .............................. 66 Decatagorization Project - Dubuque,, IA Div. of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning - Dept. of Human Rights.(4FIg) ........................ 157 December, 1998 Financial Report.(l118) ........... 21 37 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D December, 1998, Printed Council proceedings approved.(2/1) ................................ 36 Deed from FDL Foods, acceptance.(6/7) .......... 230 Deed, Quit Claim, for NW Arterial ROW to IDOT. (8/2)(8/16) ............................... 346,355 Deeds, Patent, for IDOT Properties for ROW.(3/1) 76-78 Deeds accepted from AGPJ, The Aspermont Co., C.K. Witco Corp. - Crompton & Knowles Corp. & R.E. Lewis Refrigeration.(10/18) .................... 453 Deer Management Plan for 1999-2000 continued; amendment to Ord.(3115)(9/20) ............. 126,408 Delaware County, Cooperation with Other Governmental Units in the Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) .. 373 Delhi St. at N. Grendview, Concrete repairs. (9120)(1914} .............................. 409,432 Delinquent accounts for TCl Cable TCI, $5 penalty. (716) ....................................... 313 Dell St. Storm Sewer Extension Pro.(1/18) .......... 31 Delta Dental Plan, Approval.(3/1) .............. 79,80 Demmer, Jeff, Bodines Lounge, 1445 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(5117)(716) ............... 204,289 Demolish 336 Main St. & redevelopment by Chamber of Commerce.(12/6) .......................... 530 Demolition of 351 Iowa Pro. (1014)(10125)(11115) ................... 434,462,500 Demolition & Site Clearance of Merchants Hotel, Merchants Hotel, 302 Main, Offer to Buy; Historic Preservation application for Economic Hardship; comments for restoration etc.; Demolition; progress report by J. Gronen, J. Bertsch & M. Steele; Extension of demolition deadline; Awarding contract for Asbestos Abatement; discussion on demolition, delaying etc. (311){3115)(5117)(6FI)(6121)(716)(812) .......... 95,126,219,220,228,267,269,270,293,339,340 Dempsey's, 359 W. 9th, Civil Penalty for Tobacco violation; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4119)(5117)(6/7) ...................... 160,205,231 Denial of Mark Becker's request to rezone 3195 Jackson.(10/18) .............................. 454 Dental Plan for City Employees. (311) ........... 79,80 Departmental Reviews, Budget, FY 2000t(2/18) .. 71,73 Depository of funds, approved - banks, Mercantile, American Trust, DB & T, Firstar, Dupaco, Premier. (6/21) ....................................... 267 Depot - County Historical Society's Grant App. to DMATS for River Discovery Center Depot.(8116).. 349 38 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Des Moines - Federal Home Loan Bank, Application for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(10/4) ...... 421 Design & Reconstruction of Eighth St. between Locust & Iowa St. & Improvement of Main St. Streetacape from Ninth to Fifth SL(3/15) ................... 102 Design consultant services for the Manson Rd. Bridge. (12/20) ..................................... 852 Design Center, Julien Inn., Liqo Lic.(12/6) ......... 521 Design firm for Db~. Industrial Center West landscaping project -WHKS & Co.(4/5) ......... 138 Detarman, Thomas, reappointed to Human Rights Comm.; recommending re: Sexual Orientation - Human Rights Comm.; notification of Mustafa Ozcan resignation from Human Rights; presentation of State Prism Award to Dubuque. (114)(8116)(9120)(10118) ........... 4,355,356,397,438 Development facilitation, changes to City Standards, Policies & Extension of Utilities.(8116) .......... 356 Development Agreement of Lot 9 & 10 Original Town - Sale of Merchants Hotel to Chamber of Commerce. (12/20) ..................................... 553 Development Agreement amendment re: Eagle Window & Door Co. & Otto A. LLC. (1/4)(2/16)(11/1)(11/18)(1 2/6)(1 2/20) ..................... 10,60,471,472,485,528,533,558 Development Agreement of portion of Dbq. Technology Park -ADC Properties & Advanced Data Comm.{2/1) ............................. 40 Development Agreement between City & Dbq. Area Industrial Develop, Corp. & disposal of property DAIDC.(10/25) ............................... 460 Development Agreement amendment, Horizon Development Group LLC & CarteGraph Systems. (2/1) ........................................ 41 Development Agreement amendment (4th) between City & Horizon - Cartegraph Systems.(6/7) ...... 229 Dever, Joseph, support of Sexual Orientation language in Human Rights Ord.(8/16) .......... 355 Diabetes - Dollars against Proclam.(6/7) .......... 225 Diamond Heights Sub., Lot 1, rezoning of 14986 Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1.(11/15)(12/6). ,-., 511,522 Diamond Jo Casino Portside, Peninsula Gaming Co., 400 E. Third SL, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (6/7)(6/21) .............................. 232,268 Diamond Jo Casino Portside, Great Dbq. Devel., 400 E. Third St., Cig. Per.; refund on Cig. Per.(6/21)(8/16) .......................... 268,351 39 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Diamond Jo Casino, Liq. Lic.; assignment of rights - Ice Harbor Parking Agree.(3/1)(4119) .. 81,157 Dickinson, Rick, progress report on Greater Dubuque Development Corp. - GDDC; comments re; UD expansion; GDDC report; presentation of the Pinnacle Award; re: opening Town Clock Plaza. (1118)(513)(6i7)(1216){12120) ...... 21,182,225,518,549 Disaster Services Departmental Budget*(3/2) ....... 98 Disaster Relief Act, City Mgr. designated rep. for signing & filing documents to obtain financial assistance.(6/7) .............................. 244 Disaster declared, CDBG Program, reallocation of 10% of annual entitlement & Program Income. (6/7) ........................................ 243 Disease issues, communicable, report by Dr. Madden. (10/18) ...................................... 437 Dispatcher - Public Safety, certification by Civil Service Comm.(6/7) .......................... 226 Disposal of City Interest in Finley Home Addn. - The Finley Hospital.(2/1) ........................... 50 Disposal of Clock Tower Easement on City Lot (3/`15) ....................................... 127 Dispose of City interest in Lot 326A, Lot 262A & Lot 262B of East Dubuque No. 2, E. 12th to E. 14th St. to P. Mihalakis & D. Herbst. (415)(4/19) ........................ '149,150,158,159 Disposal of City's interest in Lot 4A of Northview Center Grove PI. to Mike Finnin Ford.(5/3) ....... 187 Disposal of N. Grandview Ave. property to DB & T. (5117) ....................................... 220 Disposal of City interest Jn NW Arterial ROW to IDOT. (8/2) ........................................ 346 Disposal of City interest in Lot `lA of Thomas E. Byrne Subd. to Mercy Medical Center.(8/16) ........... 353 Disposal of City Interest in Lot 13A of West Ridge Second Addn. - Delbert & Larry Miller.(8/16) ..... 362 Disposal of property in West Ridge Second Addn. to Delbert Miller.(9/'7) ............................ 379 Disposal of property on 9th & Locust to American Trust & Savings Bank.(9/7) .................... 378 Disposal of property Lot 1, BIk `13, Dbq. Downtown Plaza, to Town Clock Plaza Associates - Trilog etc.(10/18) .............................. 444,445 Disposal of property to Wolff, Larry, & Ron & Jane Ainley, in Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Dbq. Industrial Center `12th Addn.(10/`18) ............................ 456 40 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Disposal of property in Dbq. Industrial Center West to Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp. - DAIDC.(10/25) .......................... 459,460 Disposal of Lot 2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 23th to Larry Wolff.(10/25) ................................ 462 Disposal of easement interest in Lot 1 of Kerper Ind. Park - property N of E. 16th St. between Farmland Foods & I & M Railroad tracks to Alliant Utilities - Interstate Power Co.(1111) .................... 478 Disposal of City's interest in Lot A & B of Maple Leaf Addn. No. 2 - vacated portions of Maple Leaf Ave. & Monroe Ave aka Louella Lane.(1111){11115).. 475,486 Disposal of former Merchants Hotel site - Lot 9 & Lot 10 (Dolan's Building) to Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce.(11/15)(12/20) ................. 514,553 Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning, contract with City.(7/19) ...................... 321 Dix, Teresa, Claim; Denied.(4/5)(4/19) ........ 130,153 Dixon, James, applicant for the Electrical Code Board; appoin ted.(7/19)(812) ..................... 321,336 DMATS funds for Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro.(1014) . 419 DMATS, re: SW Arterial Location & Environmental Assessment.(2/18) ............................ 70 DMATS, Traffic Engrg. Study, access U.S. 61 into Ice Harbor.(4/5) .............................. 139 DMATS - Historical Society's Grant app. for River Discovery Center Depot.(8/16) ................. 349 DMG Maximus, consultant for Operations & Maintenance Garage Site, Space & Needs Feasibility Study.(5117) ....................... 201 DNR Grant to acquire land adjacent to Dbq. Star Brewery for Mississippi Riverwall(.(8/2) ......... 332 Dodge St. 2600, Kahle's etc. Wallmounted Signage, zoning amendment.(2/1) ....................... 43 Dodge St. - U.S. 20, 12 month moratorium on Building Permit Issuance.{4/19) ........................ 162 Dodge St. - U.S. 20 & Wal-Mart Entrance, traffic signals.(1014} ................................ 422 Dog Pound - Humane Society, Purchase of Services Agree.(6/21) ................................ 264 Dog Catcher- Animal Control Officer, Certified by Civil Service.(9/7) ............................ 368 Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbury, Liq. Lic.(10/4) .. 424 Dogs & Cate etc., consideration denied for allowance in City Parks - but not applicable to Miller- Riverview, Granger Creek & John G. Bergfeld.(311)(1ZI6)(12120} ............... 91,528,555 41 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Dolan, Dennis P., Conveyance of rea[ estate from his estate - 1154 Iowa St.(513) .................. 176 Dolan's Building - Lot 10 & also Lot 9 - Merchants Hotel site, disposal to Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce.(11/15)(12/20) .................. 514.553 Denny's Lux Club, B. Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(513)(5117) ....................... 181,204 Dollars against Diabetes Day Proclamation.(6/7) ... 225 Dolter, Mildred M., Basket Expression, 474 Bluff, Wine Per.(7119) ................................... 321 Domestic Sewage - Septic Tanks, fees changed. (7/6) ........................................ 309 Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclam. (10/4) ....................................... 417 Domestic Violence Shelter Pro.. - YWCA.(11/1) .... 466 Donlin, Mike, sidewalk assess, for JFK Road.(7/6) . 290 DOT, IA, Train speed limits in city limits.(9/20) ..... 397 DOT Federal Aviation Adm., re: direct final rule. (2/1) ......................................... 37 DOT, IA, Patent Deeds for various properties for ROW. (311) ...................................... 76-78 Dory, Kathleen, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6121)(7/6) ............................... 260,286 Downtown Gateways Project, application to IDOT for TEA-21 funds.(10/4} .......................... 418 Downtown Rehabilitation loan for Dave Robertaon's public bar project.(6/7) ........................ 241 Downtown Urban Renewal TIF Dis.(9/7) ........... 368 Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. to Town Clock Associates & Trilog.(10/18) .................... 444 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro., 1999.(11/1)(12/6) .............. 473,525 DPPA - Dbq. Police Protect. Assn., accept, of bargaining agree.(5/17) ................... 201,202 DP, A, lease amendment, property in Ice Harbor.(7/6) 313 Dubuque Racing Assn., financial statements for year ending 11-30.(2/1) ........................ 36 DRA - financial statements for year ending 11-30. (2/1) ......................................... 36 DRA - amendment to 1999 ClP Schedule, racetrack surface replacement; amendment to CIP Scheduled to allow purchase of video reel slot machines. (3/1)(8/2) ................................. 76,332 DRA - Dbq. Greyhound Park - Casino, 1855 Greyhound Park Dr., Liq. Lic.(3/l) .......................... 81 DRA - cigarette sale violation penalty,(7119) ....... 321 DRA - disposing of property in Ice Harbor - Lease Agree.(7119) ................................. 325 42 INDEX- BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE D DRA Reserve Funds - Contingency, DGP, Third Amendment to CIP Schedule to allow purchase of 4 video reel slot machines.(8/2) ................. 332 DRA & GDP, EC, consent to First Amend. to Sublease Agree.(8/16) ................................ 348 DRA -2000 Capital Improvement Program 2000 & Use of Reserve Assn's C]P.(11/1) .................. 466 Draft FY 2001 Fiscal Guidelines for review & adoption. (9/20) ...................................... 401 Drew Cook awarded contract for Chestn ut & Dell St. Storm Sewer Ext.; awarded contract for South Fork Sanitary Sewer - Phase IV; awarded contract for Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer Ext.; awarded contract for construction of Sara St. & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer Ext. (1118)(415)(4119)(9120) ........... 31,143,159,160,403 Driscoll, John, objecting to rezoning of 3195 Jackson. (11/15) ..................................... 504 Driveways, residential, paving, text amendment. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 278,298 Drug Enforcement Agreement between City, County & Jo Daviess County, IL.(8/16) .................. 350 Dubuque American Legion Post #6, 1306 Delhi, Liq. Lic.(6/21) ................................... 269 Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau - Purchase of Services; disposal of former Merchant's Hotel site Lot 9 & also Lot 10, Dolan's Building, to Chamber. (5/3){11/15)(12/20) ..................... 180,514,553 Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp. - property to them from Dubuque Industrial Center West. (9/20)(10/25) ........................ 411,459-461 Dubuque Area Labor Management, C. Isenhart, Beer Tents.(8/2) ............................. 335 Dubuque Area Christians United - DACU - support of sexual orientation inclusion amend.(8/16) ....... 355 Dubuque Area Geographic information System Data Licensees, ContracL(7/6) ..................... 287 Dubuque Bancshares - E. Dbq., & Dbq. Assemblies of God, rezoning of property near 3939 Pennsylvania. (2/1S) ....................................... 68 Dubuque Bank & Trust, vacation & disposal to them of a portion of Grandview Ave. (4/5)(5/17)(6/7) ........................ 138,220,236 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., depository of City funds. (6/21) ...................................... 267 Dubuque Cellular Telephone, leasing of space on W. Third St, Water Tower etc.(l/18) ................ 34 43 INDEX - BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Cellular Telephone - US Cellular Wireless Communications - Lease of Space on W. Third Water Tower etc.(2/1) .......................... 42 Dubuque & Clayton Counties, high angle rescue services.(6/7) ................................ 241 Dubuque Community School District, 28E Agree. (2/15) ........................................ 66 Dubuque County Historical Society's Grant app. to DMATS for River Discovery Center Depot.(8/16) .. 349 Dubuque County Historical Society, Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lic.(12/20) ........................ 553 Dubuque County- Cooperation with Other Governmental Units in the Creation and Operation for the Service Delivery Area One Consortium. (9/-/) ........................................ 373 Dubuque County property to City, ROW, Klingenberg Terrace.(9120) ............................... 398 Dubuque Data Services, CEBA award, subordination agreement with State.(7/6) ................. 287,288 Dubuque Decategorization Project, IA Div. of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning - DepL of Human Rights.(4/19) ................................ 157 Dubuque Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(311)(5117) ............................ 81,204 Dubuque - Eagle LLC, disposal of Kerper Blvd. Property to them & Eagle Window & Door. (1/4)(2/15)(11/1 )(11115)(12/5)(12/20) ...................... 10,60,471,472,485,528,533,558 Dubuque Eagle LLC, - Eagle Window & Door, Issuance of $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev, Bonds.(7/19) .................. 328 Dubuque Food Pantry, FY 99 Housing Trust Fund Awards & as matching funds to an application to the IA DepL of Economic Devel., in support of affordable housing projecta.(6121) .............. 277 Dubuque Girl's Club, CDBG funds allocated. (5/3) ........................................ 192 Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/3)(6/21) ............................... 181,268 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot improvements. (2/1)(3/1)(7/19) ....................... 50,51,90,320 Dubuque Greyhound Park Air Conditioning Unit- HVAC Replacement Pro.(4119)(5117) ........ 166,209 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Park Lighting projecL(7/19) ................................ 320 44 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Parking Lot improvements ProjecL(7119) .................. 320 Dubuque Greyhound Park - Third amendment to CIP schedule to allow purchase of video reel slot machines.(8/2) ............................... 332 Dubuque Industrial Center West landscaping project - design firm of WHKS; construction; Accepting Proposal for Site & Devel., Agree. etc. - (415)(9i7)(1014) .................... 138,386,430,431 Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addn., vacate unused 8' utility easement on Lot 2.(6/7) ............... 256 Dubuque Initiatives, utility easement for Radford Rd. property req uested.(5/17) ..................... 201 Dubuque initiatives, 8' wide utility easement, Lot 2 of Dbq. Industrial Center 12th Addn.(6/7}(6/21) . 256,272 Dubuque initiatives - Dubuque In-Futuro, disposing interest in Lot I &Lot 2 of Dbq. Industrial Center 12th Addn.(10118)(lOI25} .................. 456,461 Dubuque Initiatives sale of 301 Main - former Army Surplus Store, to City.(11115) .................. 511 Dubuque Industrial Center, on-premise signage. (2/1) ........................................ 42 Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addn, plat approval; disposing of property - Utility easement. (6121)(6121) .......................... 261,262,272 Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addn. - Disposal of interest in Lot 1 & Lot 2 to Ron Ainiey & Jane Ainley & Lar~y Wolff.(10/15)(10/25) ............ 456,456,457 Dubuque Industrial Center South - ~cceptance of roadway construction.(3/15) .................. 120 Dubuque Industrial Center South Economic Development District, Horizon & DuCarte, & CarteGraph Systems, Inc., issuance of $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds.(11/1)(11/15) ...................... 477,488 Dubuque Industrial Center South - Technology Park Maintenance Pro.(11/15) ...................... 501 Dubuque Industrial Center West, disposal of property to Dbq. Area Industrial Development Corp. - DAIDC. (9/20)(10/25) ........................ 411,459-461 Dubuque Inn Best Western, 3434 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; requesting Billboard Ord. stay as is. (2/1)(6/7)(12/6) ......................... 41,231,532 Dubuque Jaycees, Several tents, 1st & Main Sts., for Beer Permits.(5/17) .......................... 205 Dubuque Jaycees, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Permits. (6/7)(6/21) .............................. 232,268 45 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Lanes, J. Ferring, ~1029 Main St., Liq. Lic. (6121) ....................................... 269 Dubuque Lodging - Days Inn, disposal of City properly to them; Liq. Lic.(2/15)(3/1) .................. 65,81 Dubuque Marina, Inc., Disposal of interest in property - Keith Kann & Mary Wilhelm; amendment to lease with Dbq. Marina.(3115)(415) ................ 127,141 Dubuque Marina, Arty R. Klauer for M&K Ltd., assignment of Lease & Agree.(6/7) ............. 229 Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency submitting budget.(2/18) ................................ 53 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, expansion of service & treatment of add'l leachate; waste delivery contract endorsement; site condition at landfill.(311)(5117)(6121)(1111). 76,213,267, Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, re: voluntary annexation for Hwy 20 West property; rezoning requested for property on Hwy 20 West near Cousins Rd. intersection; site condition report at Landfill.(3/15)(8/16)(9/7)(11/1) ..... 123,359,375,467 Dubuque Mining Co., The Apartments Ltd., 555 JFK Rd.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(2/15)(6/21) ....... 60,268,269 Dubuque Municipal Landfill -Site Condition report. (1111) ....................................... 467 Dubuque Museum of Art - parking meter alterations between Seventh & Bluff Sts. & Locust St.(6/7)... 242 Dubuque Police Protective Assn., collective bargaining agree, accepted.(5/17) .............. 201 Dubuque Professional Firefightars, Agreement with city.(1/18) .................................... 25 Dubuque Racing Assn. - Dbq. Greyhound Park; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; penalty for Cigarette Permit violation.(3~1)(5117)(812) ................ 81,204,339 Dubuque Racing Assn. - disposing of property in Ice Harbor - Lease Ag ree.(7/19) ................... 325 Dubuque Racing Assn. - 2000 Capital Improvement Program 2000 & Use of Reserve Assn's ClP. {11/1) ....................................... 466 Dubuque Rescue Mission, awning at 398 Main St. (1~J20) .................................. 555,556 Dubuque Religious Center, J. Sullivan, Liq. Lic. (1/4) ......................................... 4 Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment - Diamond Jo Casino, Liq. Lic.; assignment of rights - Ice Harbor Parking Agree.(3/1)(4/19) .................. 81,157 Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co. to Peninsula Gaming Co., Ice Harbor Parking Agree. assignment. (7/6) ...................................... 288 46 INDEX.. BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Soccer Complex - near, request by Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church for annexation of 20 acres on J.F. Kennedy Rd. (4/19)(6/7) .............................. 164,234 Dubuque Technology Park Roadway Improvement Pro. Phase 11.(8/16) ............................... 350 Dubuque Technology Park - disposing of property to Horizon Develop. Group, LLC & CarteGraph Systems; correction of t~fleholder to real estate at Dbq. Technology Park; determination of proposal of ADC Properties LC & Advanced Data- Comm. is in compliance etc. - Approving Sale & Agreement etc.; acceptance of roadway construction; construction; Landscaping Pro. Accepted.(l/18){2/1}(2/1)(3/15)(1111 )(12/6) ........................... 28,29,39,40,120,475,520 Dubuque Visiting Nurses, amendment to Agreement to include pilot Healthy Homes Initiative.(9/20) ..... 397 Dubuque Yacht Basin & Tugboat Willy's Inc. lease of restaurant formerly known as Wheelhouse. (311)(3115) ............................... 76,119 DubuqueFest, D. Ginter, 7th & Town Clock, Beer Per. (4/19) ....... . ............................... 158 DuCarte - Horizon, & CarteGraph Systems, Inc., issuance of $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds.(11/1)(11/15) .............. 477,488 Duccini, Tom & John, rezoning request for 2705 Rhom berg.(5/17)(6/7) ..................... 217,235 Duehr, Linda, resignation for Five Flags Civic Center Comm.(9/20) ................................ 396 Duffy, Wm. & Jennifer, 9606 Maquoketa, requesting annexation.(4/19) ............................ 164 Duggan, Mayor, signing off disposal of Dubuque Area Industrial Center West to DAIDC; alternate as rep to iowa Earth Year 2000.(10Y25)(12/6) ...... 459,460,532 Duggan, Chuck, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 268,290 Duke's Place, 2600 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; transfer of Liq. Lic. - 1475 Associates Dr.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(6121) 232,269 Dunlap, Carol Ann, Carol's Place, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic. (9/20) ...................................... 401 Dunwoody, Michael, Claim.(10/18) ............... 438 Dupaco Community Credit Union, Dbq. IA, approved as a depository of funds for City monies.(6121) .. 267 Durrant Group presentation of report for Law Enforcement Center Expansion.(6123) ......... 285 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2115)(3115)(5117)(8116)(1216) ..... 52,103,199,348,518 ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3115)(415)(7119)(9120) .... 103,130,317,396 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (415)(5/17)(6121)(8/16)(1111)(12/6) ........................... 130,199,260,348,464,518 E. Fourth St., eminent domain proceedings for Riverwalk project.(211) ..................... 45,46 E. 14th St. & Pine St., vacation of portion & disposal to P. Mihalakis.(4/5) ........................ 148,149 E. 16th St., property North of between Farmland Foods & I & M RR tracks to Alliant Utilities, disposal of easement, - Kerper Blvd. araa.(1111)(11115) .. 478,487 Eagle Point Associates, Inc., Tollbridge Inn. 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(9/7) ..................... 374 Eagle Point Water Plant - Vacuum Filter Plant Elec. Room.(11/1) ............................... 465 Eagle, Capt. Rose of Dubuque Salvation Army, Gave Invocation.(12/20) ........................... 550 Eagle Window & Door, Urban Renewal Dis., disposal of property to them.(1/4) ....................... 10 Eagle Window - M108 Loan Guarantee application. (Z/15) ....................................... 5S Eagle ~Nindow & Door, Inc. & Dbq. Eagle - LLC., disposing of Kerper Blvd. Property to them.(2/15). 60 Eagle Window & Door Pro., release of funds & environmental notice.(3/1) ..................... 78 Eagle Window & Door, removal of condition, cloud on property title removed.(4/19) ................. 157 Eagle Window & Door, Agree., site preparation etc. (6/7) ...................................... 242 Eagle Window & Door & Dbq. Eagle LLC, issuance of $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Revenue Bonds. (7119)(812)(1216) ................... 328,337,338,528 Eagle Window & Door, Dubuque Eagle LLC with Herman Ahlers, Termination & Assignment Agree. (1111)(11/15) ........................ 471,472,485 Eagle Window & Door & Otto A. LLC., amendment to development agraement.(12/6)(12/20) ...... 533,558 Eagle Country Market ~-320, 2050 JFK, Cig. Per., Beer Per.; Wine Per.(5117)(1111) ............ 204,468,469 Eagle Country Market #130, 1800 Elm, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5117)(1111) .......................... 204,468 48 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E Eagle Country Market #018, 300 S. Locust, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5117)(11/1) ..................... 204,468 Eagles Club, 1175 Century Dr., Liq. Lic.(311) ....... 81 Earth Year 2000 - IA governor Vilsack, representatives from Dubuque.(12/6) ......................... 632 Easement for water & service requested by Ed Tschiggfrie for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (2/15)(3115)(4119) ....................... 66,124,160 Easement amendment - Clock Tower, on City Lot 54. (3115) ...................................... 127 Easement on City Lot 54, Clock & Tower, to Security Partners.(4/5) ............................... 142 Easement requested by Dbq. Initiatives for Radford Rd. property.(5/17) ........................... 201 Easement, 18' sanitary sewer, requested by Padre Plo Health Care Center, vacated.(6/7) .............. 256 Easement (Utility) vacated to Dubuque Initiatives - 8' wide on Lot 2 Dbq. Industrial Center '12th Addn. (6/7)(6/21) .............................. 256,272 Easement possibly through 1793 Glenwood Ct., portion of Mettel-Byree Addn., constr~rction of storm sewer.(8116) ................................ 351 Easement Agreement with I & M Rail LLC to extend water main across existing easement on Perfection Oil property.(12/20) .......................... 552 Easement in Kerper Ind. Park for property North of E. '16th St. between Farmland Foods & I & M Railroad tracks to Alliant Utilities - Interstate Power Co. (1111)(11115) ............................ 478,487 Easements for Sanitary Sewer Extension for Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane SL(9/7) ................. 387 East 22nd St,,*501-503, Purchase Agree. for property - trail head for Heritage Treil.(2/15) ............... 53 East Rosedale St,, name requested by H. McMahon for Rosedale St, from W. Locust to Grandview.(3115) 104 East Dubuque Bancshares / Dubuque Assemblies of God, 3939 Pennsylvania, rezoning from RI to C3; extension of time for sidewalk install. (2115)(311)(8116) ...................... 68,85,86,356 East Dubuque No. 2, disposal of interest in Lot 326A, Lot 262A & Lot 262B to P. Mihalakis & D. J. Herbst, (4/5) ................................... 149,150 Eck, Peter & Angela, 2618 Jackson St. disposed of to them.(1111)(11115) .................. 476,477,487 Economic Hardship for Merchants Hotel & Union Cigar Store - 304-320 & 330-336 Main.(3115) ........... 126 49 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E Edith St. & Sheridan Road, Stop Sign.(10/18) ...... 448 Edwards Road, improvements accepted.(ll4) ..... 3,4 Eggs sold at Farmer's -Central Market, Ord. changed.(5/17) .............................. 214 Ehlers, Monica, objecting to rezoning of 3195 Jackson. (11/15) ...................................... 504 Eighth Inning LLC, Concession Agree. for McAleece Park & Rec. Complex; Beer Per.(2/1)(3/15) .... 36,121 Eighth Amendment to City Mgr.'s Employment Agreement.(6/7) ............................. 229 Eighth St. opening - Town Clock Plaza area, W.H.K.S. & Co. discussion; Discussion on Design & Reconstruction; Reconstruction project; County's request for closure; Opening Reconstruction awarding of contract; Discussion of opening of Main St.. - Town Clock Plaza. (3/1)(3115)(6121)~7/6}(7/19)(12/20) ............................ 74,102,282,309,322,549 Eighth Street on Town Clock Plaza, new snow removal equipment.(12/5) ............................. 520 Eipperle, Kevin, resigning from Historic Pres. Comm.(4/5) ................................. 131 Elbow St. & Brunswick St., Geneva M. Block, 3121 Brunswick, requesting vacation etc.(8116} ....... 350 Election - Abstract of Votes for Council Members, from County Supervisors.(11115) ............... 481 Electric Line Easement in Kerper Ind. Park for property North of E. 16th St. between Farmland Foods & I & M Railroad tracks to Alliant Utilities - Interstate Power Co.(11/1)(11/15) .......................... 478,487 Electric Service for University of Dubuque, underground on City ROW on Grace & Algona Sts~ (9/20) ....................................... 405 Electrical Code, revised & providing for issuance of permits & collection of fees etc.(6/21) ........... 275 Electrical Code Board applicants J. Dixon, K. Pfohl, D. Hummel, D. Pregler, T. Coakley & E. Reiss; appointments of J. Dixon, D. Hummel, K. Pfohl, D. Pregler & E. Re[ss.(7/19)(8/2) ............. 321,3356 Elevator Project for St. Mark's Comm. Center., Environ. notice & release of funds.(5117)(5/7) 203,225 Econofoods ~t71, Nash Finch Co. 3355 JFK, Beer Per.; Wine Per.(3/1)(6/7) ........................ 81,231 Eleventh, West, Urban Revit. Dis., Tax exemption. (2/15) ..................................... 56,57 Ellis, Churl[e, of Cable Comm., re: Cable Franchise & allowing fee for delinquent accounts.(8/15) ...... 352 5O INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E Elm St., 2275 rezoning from R2A to CS - Todd Schmitz. (114) ......................................... 6 Elm St. & 24th St., Stop intersection.{10118) ....... 450 Elm Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(12/20) . 561 Embassy West Dr., East side, to North from Pennsylvania Ave., request for sidewalk installation extension -John Herrig etc..(8/16)(9/7) ..... 356,383 Emerald Acres No. 2, rezoning W of Peru Rd. & N of Kennedy Ct. from County AG to PUD with a PR designation...Tschiggfrie; final plat approval. (2115)(31f)(812) .......................... 67,82,341 Emerald Acres No., final plat approval - Tanzanite Dr. & Tanzanite Ct.(5117) ......................... 215 Emerald Acres No. 1, correction plat.(9/7) ........ 369 Emergency Communication Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ................................. 98 Emergency Management Division - application - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - purchase of home at 3425 Pennsylvania - C. Gilligan.(7119)... 327 Emergency rescue services, 28E Agreement - High angle rescue.(6/7) ........................... 241 Emergency report: Fire Chief D. Brown, update on storm damages of 5116 & 5/17; presentation on Multi-hazard Plan etc.(5117)(9/7) ........... 199,366 Eminent Domain Proceedings for E. 4th St. properties. (2/1) ........................................ 45 Eminent Domain proceedings requested by Ed Tschlggfrie to provide sewer & water service to Alpine Mobile Home Park. (2115)(3115)(4119) ....................... 66,124,160 Eminent Domain, City's position, letter to legislators. (5/3) ....................................... lS0 Emmaus Bible College, 2570 Asbury, expansion of iD Institutional Dis.(9/20) ...................... 408 Employees- City, salaries published; Non bargaining & Union Agree.(311)(5117) .................. 75,202 Employment Week, Older Workers, Proclam.(3/15). 103 Employment Agree. for City Manager, Eighth Amendment-(6/7) ............................ 229 Enderson, George, applicant for Transit Bd. of Trustees; reappointed.(8/2)(8/16) ......... 336,352 Enforcement of City Laws, lack of, S. Plumley. (12/20) ..................................... 552 Engine Brakes, Compression brakes, Jake Brakes discussion, prohibifion.(9/7) .................. 383 Engineering Assistant I, certification by Civil Service Comm.(4/19) ................................ '155 51 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E Engineering Assistant II, certification by Civil Service Comm.; certification by Civil Service Comm. (7/19)(12/20) ...................... 318,551 Engineering - Public Works, Departmental Budget Hearing.(312) ................................. 98 Engineering Study - Traffic, Access from US 61 into Ice Harbor.(4/5) .............................. 139 Engleberth, Paul, objecting to QHQ rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.(Il4) ........... 5 English Mill Road Extension, SW Arterial Location & Environmental Assess.(2118) ................... 70 English Mill Road, 11515, rezoning, requested by Mike Portzen & Gerald & Judith Siegert; annexation requestad.(8116)(9/7) ..................... 359,376 Enke Investment Co., Finney's Bar & Grill, 2155 Southpark.(3/1) ............................... 81 Enterprise Fund Grant, Gov., Library & County Library.(4/19) ................................ 157 Enterprise Zone Agree., IA Dept. of Economic Devel, City, & Swiss Valley Farms.(3/1) ................. 94 Enterprise Zone Commission, appointments made; confirmation of membership.(2/1)(2115) ....... 39,57 Enterprise Zone Contract with IDED for Cottingham & Butler.(11115) ................................ 483 Entrepreneurship Training Course, Contract with NE Iowa Small Business Devel. Center.(3/15) ....... 120 Environmental Assess., English Mill Road Extension, SW Arterial Location.2118) ...................... 70 Environmental Coalition - David Hartig on Billboard Ad Hoc Comm., alternate for Walter Peterson. (8/2) ........................................ 341 Environmental Notice for Eagle Window & Door. (3/1) ......................................... 78 Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for many projecta.(513) ................................ 177 Environmental Notice & request for release of funds, St. Mark's Comm. Center Elevator Pro.(5/17) ..... 203 Environmental Notice for release of Funds for certain funds - Proof.(12/6) ........................... 518 Environmental Protection Division of State of Iowa, Wastewatar Compliance Evaluation Inspection report.(812) .................................. 332 Environmental Stewardship Comm., continue with Dbq. Urban Deer Management Plan.(3115) ....... 126 52 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE E Environmental Stewardship Comm., resignation of Paul Tabor; applicant Sarah Schneider; resignation of Beth Lynch; resignation of Cindy Post; applicants: Katie Gustafson, Wm. Niemann, Sarah Schneider. (415)(6117)(812)(1014) ........... 131,205,331,420,424 Enzler, Jerry, in favor of saving Merchants Hotel. (6/21) ...................................... 269 Eppler, Kim M., settlement of Claim.(1/4) ........... 1 Equipment Operator 1, Certified by Civil Service Comm.; amended certification.(211)(4/5) ..... 37,132 Erickson, Dave, Lucky 13 Tap, 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.; Wine Per.(6/21)(8116) ..................... 268,352 Frickson, Ronald D., employee of Mulgrew, alcohol violation.(5/3) ............................... 178 Euclid St. & Sheridan Rd., Stop Sign.(10/18) ...... 448 Europa Haus/Bleratube, 1301 Rhomberg.(9/20) .... 402 Exchange of property on Kerper Blvd.- John P. Michalakas & Richard E Billmeyer.(ll4) .......... 14 Exemptions of Taxes for various Urban Revit. Dis.(2/15) ................................. 56,57 Exhaust System Project - Vehicle, Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Pro.(1/18) ........... 26 Exit ramp to Kerper Blvd. from U.S. 61 Southbound, IDOT letting project-(3/1) ....................... 76 Expansion of Fifth St. Parking Ramp. (7119)(812)(8116)(9120)(10118)(1111) ................... 326,327,340,356,410,411,444,472 Expansion of Landfill - Dbq. Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency.(3/1) ........................... 76 Express Depot Inc., Liquor Depot of Dbq., 1620 JFK, Beer Per. & Class "E" Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; (211)(2/15)(6121) ......................... 41,59,268 Extension of Closing Date, Amend. No. 2 to CarteGraph.(311) .............................. 80 Extension of N. Grandview Ave., Council discussion. (1/18) ....................................... 19 Extension of Sanitary Sewer for Florence, Villa, & Mountain Lane Sta.(9/7)(10/4) ......... 387-389,424 Extension of time for site devel, plans for S. Boge - Renaissance Devel. of Senior Housing Pro. on Carter Rd.(4/19) ............................. 157 Extensions to time limit for temporary uses, allowances for City Planner to have authority to grant extensions.(8/16)(9/7) ............... 360,377 Exterior Painted surfaces re: Housing Code amend.(513) ................................. 191 53 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/1)(3/1 )(513)(6/7)(7/6)(8/2)(9/7)(1014)(11/1 )(1 2/6) .............. 36,75,175,225,286,331,,367,417,464,518 F & H Enterprises, Fat Tuesdays, 1121 University, Cig. Per.(6/7) ............................... 231 FAA Grant for Runway 18/36 Extension Pro.(1216).. 532 Fair Housing Month, Proclamation.(4/5) .......... 130 False Alarm responses, increase, Ord.(716) ....... 311 Family apartment community - in support of Hillcrest Apartments.(6/7) ........................... 230 Family Se[f-Sufficiency Program, CDBG funds; renewal of Contract with Alternative Services. (513)(5117) .............................. 177,202 Family Mart, 3201 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/17){9/7) .............................. 204,374 Family Beverage Center, 3400 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; WB Wine Per.; tobacco violation civil penalty.(5117)(716)(9120)(lOI4) ....... 204,289,401,433 Farmer's Market, food & merchandise sold, new Ord. (5117) ..................................... 214 Farmland Foods, Dispose of an Easement Interest in Lot 1 of Kerper Ind. Park. - for property N of E. 16th St. between Farmland, I & M RR tracks to Alliant - Interstate Power Co.(11/1) ................... 478 Fat Tuesday's, F & H Enterprises, 1121 University, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(9/20) .............. 231,402 Fayette County - Cooperation with Governmental Units in the Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) ................... 373 FDL First Addn., Res. removing condition to clear property title for transferring to Eagte Window. (4/19) ..................................... 157 FDL First Addn., partial release of mortgage. (5/17)(6/7) .............................. 220,236 FDL Second Addn., FDL Foods, deed of Lot 2. (6/7) ...................................... 230 FDL Foods, deed of Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn. (6/7) ...................................... 230 FDL Second Addn., Lot 2, consent to Plat & release of City Liens.(6/7){6/21) ..................... 245,271 FDL First Addn. & Part of Lot 1, BIk 5 Dbq. Packing Co. Addn. to J. P. Mihalakis & R. Billmeyer.(2/15) ..... 63 FDL Foods, inc. 701 E. 16th, Cig. Per.(6/7) ......... 231 54 INDEX-BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F February, 1999, financial report; Proofs of Council Proceedings; Printed Council proceedings; Claims & Revenues proof.(3115)(415){4119) ........ 103,130,153 Federal Aviation Admn. - Dept. of Trans. - direct final rule.{2/1) .................................... 37 Federal Assistance - FEMA, Mgr. named representative.(6/7) .......................... 244 Federal Emergency Management Assn. - FEMA, City Mgr. designated as representative.(6/7) ........ 244 Federal Funds for FY 2000, Grant Agree. with HUD. (6/21) ...................................... 266 Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, application for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(10/4) . .. 421 Fee increase for parking meters & ramps, discussed, not enacted(8/2).(8116) ................... 340,356 Fee increased for false alarm response.(716) ...... 311 Fees change for Bicycle registretiom(3/2) ......... 99 Fees - delinquent accounts, TCI Cable.(716) ....... 313 Fees fixed for Septic Tanks - Sewage Discharged at Water Treatment Plant.(7/6) ................... 309 Fees - Plumbing.(11/15) ........................ 507 Fees - Mechanical Code 0rd.(11115) ............. 506 Fees reduced, City inspections for Subdivision Regulations- Zoning.(9/20) ................... 405 Felderman, Bob, Sec. of Main St. Ltd, re: fee increases for parking meters & remps.{8/16) .............. 356 Felderman, Pat, Management. agree for Miller- Riverview Park.{2/1) ........................... 36 Felderman, Shannon, property to City on Klingenberg Terrace.(9/20) .................... 400 FeEler, Robert, Claim; Referred to Ins.(4/5)(4/19) 130,153 FEMA assistance - City Mgr. as Dubuque's rep. for document to obtain federal/state Financial Assistance under Disaster Relief Act.(6F/) ...... 244 Fence construction at 3725 Asbury Rd. denied. (812) ....................................... 340 Ferring, James, Dubuque Lanes, 1029 Main, Liq. Lic. (6/21) ...................................... 259 Fifth & Fourth Sts., back-in angle parking. (211)(31'15)(415)(4119) ............ 45,124,139,163,164 Fifth Amendment to Development Agree. among City, Horizon - DuCarte & Cartegraph.(11/1) .......... 477 Fifth Street Parking Ramp expansion; Bonds etc.. (7119)(812)(8116)(9120)(10118)(1111)(11115)(1216) ............ 326,327,340,356,410,411,444,472,513,527 Fifth St. -West, 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2. (513)(6/7) ............................. 194,195,233 55 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F Fighting Saints - Usage Agree. wf Five Flags. (9/7) ........................................ 369 Final plat of Holliday Addn., SW Corner of NW Art. on Asbury Rd.(4/5) .............................. 146 Final Plat of FDL First Addn - Rescinding Res. 222-84 (4/19) ................................. ...... 157 Final Plat & assessments proof for Radford Road Reconstruction.(5/3) .......................... 175 Final Plat approval of Union Addition No. 2.(7/19) .. 319 Final Plat of Emerald Acres No. 2 approved.(8/2)... 341 Final Plat of Loras Estates.(6121) ............ 273,274 Final Plat approval of Lots I thru 4 & Lot A Tamarack S.E. Fourth Subdivision.(7/19) ................. 318 Final Plat of portion of Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2.(1014) ..................................... 42O Final Plat of Barrington Lakes No. 3.(10/18) ....... 453 Final Plat for portion of Snnny Slope Estates.(12/6) 528 Final Plat of Southern Hills Subd.(12120) .......... 556 Finance Departmental Budget.(3/2) ............... 98 Financial Reports for various months: (1/18)(2/15)(3115) (4/19)(6/7)(6/21 )(7119)(8116)(9120) (10/18)(12/6)(1 ?./20) ....... 21,52,'~03,153,225,260,317,346,396.438,518,550 Financial Report & Audit Report, FY 1998 Comprehensive Annual.(2/15) .................. 54 Financial Agreement & Adm. Services for Delta Dental Plan.(3/1) .............................. 79 Financial Assistance under Disaster Relief Act, FEMA, City Mgr. named as designee for signing & filing documents.(6/7) ............................. 244 Financial Institutions - canopy signs, changes to zoning Ord.{4/19) ............................ 173 Financing Statements, Partial Release of Real Estate Mortgage etc. Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn.(6/21) .. 271 Fine for Misdemeanors, maximum fine increased. (7/19) ....................................... 326 Finley Hospital, vacation & purchase of Allison PI. property.(1118) ................................ 27 Finley Home Add., vacation of Allison Place & 20' alley butting NW line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn. & Intent to dispose of City Interest in Lot 2A to Finley H os pital.(211) (.?J15) ...................... 48-50,65 Finley Hospital, vacation of Allison Place & 20' alley buffing NW line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn. & Intent to dispose of City Interest in Lot 2A to Finley Hospital.(2/1)(2J15) ...................... 49,50,65 Finney's Bar & Grill, Enke Investment Co., Liq. Lic. (3/1) ......................................... 81 56 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F Finnin Ford, Mike, vacation of Clearview Dr.; 3616 Crescent Ct., rezoning; disposal of Lot 4A of Northview Center Grove Place to them. (415)(4119)(513) .................... 132,165,173,187 Fire Departmental Budget.(3/2) ................... 98 Firefighter list~ certified by Civil Service Comm. (12/20) ..................................... Fire Suppression System for Operations & Maintenance Center.(2/1) ...................... 38 Fire Chief- Assistant, position, certification by Civil Service Comm.(5117) .................... 200 Fire Dept. Medical Officer position, certification by Civil Service Comm.(5/17) .................... 200 Fire Chief Dan Brown, update on May storm damages; presentation of M ulti-Hazard plan.(5/17)(9/7). 199,366 Fire Equipment Operator position, certification by Civil Service Comm.(5/17) .................... 200 Fire Marshall -Assistant, position, certification by Civil Service Comm.(5/17) .................... 200 Fire Rescue- 28E Agreement with Dbq. & Clayton Counties - high angle rescue services.(6/7) ..... 241 Fire Protection & Watermain Extension - Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase I.(7/6) .... 299 Firefighters, Agreement with Cify.(1/18) ........... 25 Fireworks Display: requested by Diamond Jo Casino on 5131; requested by Dbq. Golf & Country Club for 7/4; requested by KDTH & KAT-FM for 7/3/2000. (4/5)(4/19)(8/2) ........................ 139,155,332 First & Water Streets, Environmental Monitoring Wells, Seneca EnvironmentaL(I/18) ............. 25 First Street & Locust Street Intersection Project. (6/21) .................................. 265,266 First Amendment to Sublease Agreement between DRA & GDREC.(8/16) ......................... 348 First time Homebuyer Program, CDBG Funds.(5/3) 177 Firstar Bank Iowa NA, Des Moines, IA, named as City depository.(6/21) ........................ 267 Fischer Lanes, Plastic Center, Inc. 800 Locust, Liq. Lic. (7/6) ....................................... 289 Fish Refuge interpretive Center - Upper Miss. River. (6/7) ....................................... 229 FiveYearCapitallmprovementProg.(2/1)(312)... 46,98 Five Point Mart, Inc., 405 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/7) . 231 Five Flags Civic Center Arena Partition Wall improve. Pro.(4/5) ............................... 137,138 Five Flags Civic Center, 405 Main, Liq. Lic.(7119) .. 321 Five Flags Civic Center usage agreement with Dbq. Fighting Saints.(9/7) ......................... 369 57 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F Five Flags Civic Center, generator.(9/7) ........... 369 Five Flags Civic Center Comm. resignation of Linda Duehr.(9/20) ................................. 396 Five Flags Civic Center year end report.(10/4) ..... 417 Five Flags Ice Chiller Equipment Pro. and Installation. (5117)(617){6121)(10118) ..... 218,238,244,263,440,441 Five Flags - Holiday Inn, parking agreement for 35 statements.(11/15) ........................... 484 Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation Pro. (5/17)(716) ........................... 218,301,302 Five Points Mart, Inc., 405 Rhomberg, Beer Per. (10/4) ....................................... 424 Flexsteel Co, P. Crahan, Jackson St. reconstruction, requesting sidewalks; requesting shrubs & trees in green space E of Jackson St. from Milwaukee SL etc.; construct underground sprinkler. system.(5/17)(9/7)(11115) .............. 207,368,508 Flood assistance from FEMA, City Mgr. named as Dubuque's rep. to obtain federal/state Financial assistance under Disaster Relief Act.(6/7) ....... 244 Flood repair damage of Washington & Valley Streets. (6/7) ........................................ 246 Floor Show Building - Vacating 50' ROW along NW Art. at Pennsylvania.(4/19) .................... 157 Flora Park - Ice Rink Warming House/Concession Bldg.(6/7) ................................... 227 Florence St., Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7)(10/4) ................ 387,388,424,425 Funeral Home on Rockdale, request by Leonard's for crematorium as accessory usage. (9120)(1014) .............................. 409,428 Food Establishments & Hotel Sanitation, New Ord; (5117) ................................... 213,214 Food Processing Plants, new Ord.(5/17) .......... 214 Food sold at Central Farmer's Market, new Ord. (5/17) ....................................... 214 Ford, Mike Finnin, vacation of Clearview Dr.; 3616 Crescent CL rezoning; disposal of Lot 4A of Northview Center Grove Place to them. (415){4/19)(5/3) .................... 132,165,173,187 Foreman position, certified to by the Civil Service Comm.(6/7) ................................. 227 Forest Ridge Estates, Preliminary Plat approval - Woodview Dr. in Barrington Lakes.(3/15) ........ 106 Forest Ridge Estates, final plat approval.(9/7) ..... 385 Foster Care Month Proclam.(5117) ............... 199 56 INDEX~ BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F Feasibility Study - Space & Needs etc. for Operations & Maintenance Garage etc.(5117) .............. 201 Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Services Agree.(5/3) .................................. 180 Four Mounds Foundation, summer day camp program - Uptown Rec. Pregram.(4119) ................. 156 Four Mounds Foundation, Third St. Harbor, Beer Per. (8/2} ....................................... 335 Four Seasons Buffett, 3305 Asbury, Liq. Lic.(5/17). 205 Four way Stop requested at Alpha & Van Buren. (415}(5117)(1014) ....................... 138,206,424 Fourteenth St., vacated, City disposing of interest to P. Mihalakis, M.M. + M & K. Herbst.(4/19) ...... 158,159 Fourth & Fifth Sts., back-in angle parking. (211)(3115)(415}(4119) ............ 45,124,139,163,164 Fourth St., 120 W., eminent domain; purchase agreement assignment of contract, from estate of Marilyn M. Sullivan.(2/1)(2J15) ............ 41,45, 59 Fourth Entrepreneurship Training Course thru City's Enterprise Opportunity Prog.(3/15} ....... 120 Fourth St. area - Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.(812) .................................... 346 Franchise - Cable, Renewal process, contract with Miller & Van Eaton law firm; waiver to charge late fee; appointment of negotiating team - renewal with AT & T. (5117)~/16)(8116)(11115) ............. 203,313,352,511 Frank, Robert, Claim; referred to Ins.(4/5)(4/19) 130,153 Fransen, Tom, Worker's Comp claim settled.(415) .. 131 Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1175 Central, Cig. Per. (5/17) ...................................... 204 Freddy's King of Clubs, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(812)($/16) ........................... 335,352 Freeman, Kathleen -Washington Westport Co., 605 Bluff St. property rezoning of property. (4/19)(5/3) .............................. 172,186 Freestanding Signage, rezoning change at 255 JF Kennedy Rd. - ShopKo.(3/1) .................... 86 Freestanding Canopy Sign, Zoning text amend. (4/19)(5117) .......................... 173,209,210 Freiburger, Wm. F., property to City for Klingenberg Terrace ROW.(9/20) .......................... 399 Freight House, Railroad, Restoration Project, application to IDOT for TEA-21 Funds.(1014) ..... 418 Fremont Ave., petition for reduction of speed limits; Ord. etc.(6121)(9120)(1014)(10118) .... 273,404,433,446 59 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F Frickies LC., A. & B tap, 2600 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(l14)(5117) ............................. 4,204 Friedman, Pat, Discussion on development standards & policies for City Utilities & infrastructure.(8/2) .. 330 Frommelt, David, endorsing rezoning of 3195 Jackson St. -M. Becker.(11/15) ........................ 504 Fuel Tax Funds, application to IA DNR for reconstruc- tion of Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp.(1/18) ......... 22 Funding Local AIDS Program, IA Dept. of P. Health. (2/1) ......................................... 36 Funding & Agreement - IA Dept. of Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning.(8/2) ................ 334 Funding with a FAA grant for Runway 18/36 Extension Pro.(12/6) ................................... 532 Funds for interpretative signs along Heritage Trail & Mississippi Riverwalk.(l/18) .................... 22 Funds released for Eagle Window & Door Pro.(311).. 78 Funds of State re: tobacco settlement, usage urged for smoking cessation.(5~17) ..................... 213 Funds released for St. Mark's Community Center Elevator Pro.{5117) ........................... 203 Funds reallocated for Highway 20 Landscaping Project from Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Pro.(10/4) ...... 419 Funds, Affordable Housing Program, app, to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines.(10/4) .......... 421 Funds -Adopting City's Investment Policy, revisions.. (1111) ....................................... 471 Funds released for CDBG Programs - many Housing & Neighborhood programs etc.(5/3) .............. 177 Furniture - office at DP, A, amendment for purchase. (415) ........................................ 133 Furry, Marlene, Claim; denial.(6/7)(7/6) ........ 225,287 Future Search Conference & planning process for Housing, Webb Alliance as consultant; members appointed.(812) .......................... 332,340 FY 1998 Comprehensive Annual Financial & Audit Reporta.(2/15) ................................ 54 FY 99 Manhole Reconstruction Pro. (311)(415)(11115) ..................... 96,97,142,484 FY 99 Budget, amendment-(4119) ................ 164 FY 99 Budget amendment.(513) .................. 188 FY 99 Housing Trust Fund awards to Dubuque Food Pantry & as matching funds to application to IDED. (6/21) ....................................... 277 FY 99 Street Finance Report.(9/7) ................ 370 FY 99 Housing Trust Fund Award to YWCA Battered Women Shelter.(11/15) ........................ 485 60 INDEX, BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE F FY 2000 Budget presented by Manager; Setting of P. Hearing; Public Hearing held; amendment. (1118)(211)(312)(9120)(10118) ..... 35,46,98,415,445,446 FY 2000 Departmental Budget reviews.(2J18)(312) 71,98 FY 2000 Budget additions - Airport, Housing & Human Rights.(312) .................................. 98 FY 2000, 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro.(4/19) ......... 167 FY 2000, Agree. with HUD for CDBG Agree.(8/21) .. 266 FY 2000 Budget amendmenL(9/20) .............. 415 FY 2001 Fiscal Guidelines, Draft,(9/20) ........... 401 61 INDEX - BOOk 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G G. J.'s Inc., Windsor Tap, Liq. Lic.(5/17) ........... 204 Galaxies, 2303 Jackson, Cig. Per.{6/7) ......... 231 Galaxie's, 3203 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Tobacco violation penalty.(2J15){4/19) ............ 59,60,160 Gambling Boat, - GDREC, Ice Harbor Parking Agree. assign.(4/19) ............................... 157 Ganahl, Tom, requesting approval of App. for Home Ownership Asso. - Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines -Affordable Housing Prog.(10/4) ....... 421 Garages -Municipal Parking, new Ord. to Hou rs of Operation.(4/5) ..................... 145 Garage Project- Six Bay, construction.(6/21) ...... 252 Garage - Residential, definition & Off-Street Parking & Storage of Vehicles and driveways.(6/21)(7/6) 278,298 Garage Site - Operations & Maintenance, Feasibility Study.(5/17) ................................ 201 Garbage Cans - screening, Housing Code discussion & revision.(4~19)(513) ................. 160,161,189 Garbage - solid waste, vehicles hauling need to be covered.(11/15) .......................... 506 Gardeners Lane - re: rezoning of property W of Peru Rd. & N of Kennedy Ct. - Emerald Acres. No. 2. (3/1) ........................................ 82 Garfield & Rhomberg, alley between, Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(8/2) ........................ 345 Gartner, Roger, objecting to rezoning of 3195 Jackson;(11/15) ............................ 504 Gas stations, sign regulations changed -canopy. {4/19) ..................................... 173 Gasper, William, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment; reappointed.(3/15)(4/5) ........ 121,140 Gassman, Mary Ann, Claim; Referred to Ins. (4/5)(4/19) .............................. 130,153 Gateways for the City, presentation by Spence.(5/7) ............................... 224 Gateways Project - Downtown, Ap. to IDOT for TEA-21 funds.(10/4) ................................ 418 Gay rights - sexual orientation rights requested to be added to Human Rights Ord.(8/18) ......... 355,356 GDDC Board, City appointments of Mgr., Mayor, Nicholson, & Voetberg.(5/21) ................. 277 Great Dragon Express at 1278 Central, sign on store front.(4/5) ............................. 145 GDDC, report by Rick Dickinson; Purchase of Service Agree,; report by R. Dickinson; R. Dickinson awarded Pinnacle award. (1/18)(5/3)(6/7)(12~6) ................ 21,180,225,518 GDREC, Ice Harbor Parking Agree. assign.(4/19).,. 157 GDREC & DRA - consent to First Amendment to Sublease Agree.(8116) ....................... 348 GDREC, Diamond Jo, MyCap Vendors, refund on Cig. Per,; Refund on Liq. Lic.(8/16)(10/18) ....... 351,439 62 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G Geisler Bros Co., awarded contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(5117) ....................... 209 General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #-421, Agreement; ApprovalofAgree.(l/18)(2115) ... 26,54 Generator for Five Flags Civic Center.(9/7) ....... 369 Generators, portable for Water Pollution Control Plant. (9/7) ....................................... 369 Geographic Information System Data Licensees. {716) ....................................... 287 Gerhard, Curtis L., Knicker's Saloon, 2186 Central, Liq. Lic.(7/6) .................................... 289 Gerken, Marlene, Claim; denial.(10/4)(10/18) .. 417,438 Gibbs, Jim, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; appointed; resignation from Historic Preservation Comm.(5/3)(5/17)(6/7) ............. 181,205,206,227 Giesen, Judy Haley, of H. Rights Corem, for change in City Code Ch. 27, prohibit discrimination re: sexual orientation.(8/16} ... ......................... 355 Giesler, Duane, speaking & objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Art. & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD.(1/4) ..................................... 5 Gabriel Dr. residents objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd from AG & C3 to PUD.(1/4) ..................................... 5 Giesler, Janice, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD etc. (1/4) ......................................... 6 Gillespie St., 775, Tim Widmeier, plat approval. (3/15) ...................................... 105 Gilligan, Cindy, City purchase home at 3425 Pennsylvania - Hazard - Flood - Mitigation Program. {7119) ...................................... 327 Gilloon, Arty Arthur, for Tugboat Willy's, Lease between Dbq. Yacht Basin to operate restaurant formerly known as Wheelhouse.(311) ............ 76 Ginger Ridge, S of & W of Peru Rd., & N of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park, annexation requested for 39.8 acres for Ludwigs & E. Tschlggfrie. (2/15)(311) ................................ 67,82 Ginter, Donna, Dubuquefest, Beer Per.; Liq. Lic. for West Dbq. Tap; Catfish Festive - Hawthorne St., Beer Per.; transfer of Liq. Lic. for W. Dbq. Tap.(4/19)(6/7)(8116) ................... 158,232,351 Girl Scouts - Little Cloud, CDBG funds.(5/3) ....... 193 Girl's Club, CDBG funds.(5/3) ................... 192 GIS, Contracts, Information System Data Licenses. (7~6) ....................................... 287 63 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G Glab, Charlie, re: demolition of Merchants Hotel. (6/21) ....................................... 269 Glaske, Mike, presentation of Occupant Restraint (Seatbelt) Award from Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau.(lOI4) ................................ 417 Glendale Addn., Lot 21, S 1/2, 2618 Jackson St., disposal of property to Eck's. (1111)(11115) ......................... 476,477,487 Glenwood Ct., 1793, storm sewer construction thru Lot 6, BIk 5 of MetteI-Byrne Addn.(8/16)(11/1) .... 351,468 Glenwood Ct., 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro.(4/5}.. 139 GMRI, Inc. - Olive Garden Italian Rest-, Liq. Lic. (4/S) ........................................ 140 GMS Inc., Bunker Hill Golf Course, Beer Per.(3/1) ... 81 Goal Setting session, Board of Heaith.(lO/4) ...... 433 Godfather's Pizza, Riegel Corp., 1575 JFK, Beer Per. (10118) ...................................... 443 Goet~inger, James W., Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.{2/1) .................................. 41 Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic, (2/1) .............. 41 Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall Pi. Fireworks display; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4119)(513)(6121) 155,181,268 Golf Course, Bunker Hill, Operating Agree. with G.M.S. Inc.- G, Stephenson.{2/1) ............. 36,37 Golf Pro G. Stephenson, Operating Agree., Bunker Hill Golf Course.(2/1) .......................... 37 Goodman, Thomas G., applicant for Library Bd.; appointed.(6121}(716) ..................... 269,289 Governmental Enterprise Fund Grant - Carnegie Stout Library & County Library.(4/19) ................ 157 Governmental Units, Creation & Operation of Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) ............ 373 Grace St- & AIgona Sts., City ROW University of Dubuque, underground electric service.(9/20) 405,406 Grading Project at Dbq. Technology Park Site. (311) ......................................... 79 Grading ProjectatUshaPark.(6/7)(7/6) ... 253,254,300 Graf, James & Doris, rezoning of property SE of Seippel Rd, & Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1. (12/20) ...................................... 559 Grand Tap, The, J. Kohl, 802 Central, Liq. Lic. (10/18) ...................................... 443 Grandma's Pantry West, Inc., Attitudes Pub & Grill, 2660 Dodge, LIq. Lic.(10118) ................... 443 Grandvlew Ave. Extension - North - Work Session of CounciL(IllS) ................................ 19 Grandvlew Ave., South, 1960 & 2000, Zoning, plat approval for John & Alice Butler.(1118) ........... 22 64 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G Grandview Ave., N. & University Ave., DB & T Bank requesting portion vacated for them. (4/5)(5117)(6/7) .................... 138,220,221,236 Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church, voluntary annexation of 20 acres on JFK near Soccer complex. (415)(4119)(5117)(617) ........... 132,164,217,234,235 Grandview Ave., N., & Atlantic St., stop sign. (8/16) ...................................... 357 Grandview, N. & Delhi Project, Concrete Repairs. (10/4) ...................................... 432 Granger Creek Nature Trail, Ord. re: domestic animaJs prohibited but not there.(12/5) ................. 528 Grant Agreement for Architectural/Historical Survey/Evaluation Pro. (1118)(6Fi')(11/1)(1216)(12/20) ..... 27,226,468,519,557 Grant - Highway Safety, $9000, approval to file. (3/15) ...................................... 119 Grant, IDED, Home Partnership Program.(4/5) ..... 132 Grant for reconstruction of Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp.(4/5) .................................. 133 Grant Agreement, Four Mounds Foundation, summer day camp, Uptown Rec. Prog.(4/19) ............ 156 Grant Agreement with ISU Extension Services, summer programs - Uptown Rec. Prog.(4/19) .... 156 Grant - Govern. Enterprise Fund, Carnegie Stout Library& County Library.(4/19) ................ 157 Grant- Lead Based Paint Hazard.(5/17)(6/7)... 202,226 Grant, Cp2, SL Mark's Community Center Elevator. (5/17) ...................................... 203 Grant County, WI, re: possibility of waste received from there.(5/17) ............................. 213 Grant Agreement for Historic Preservation Funds for Architectural Historical Survey Eval.(6/7) ....... 220 Grant Agreement with HUD for use of Federal Funds for FY 2000.(6121) ............................ 266 Grant Agreement - Hud, Dbq. County Historical Society contract, Upper Miss. River National Wildlife. (8/16) ...................................... 349 Grant application - St. Mark Comm. Center.(8/16) .. 351 Grant - Mines of Spain Trail, Letter of Support. (9F/'} ....................................... 371 Grant Agreement Amendment, Community Partnership - CP2, Audubon School.(10/4) ................. 423 Grant - REAP, Agree. with IA Dept. of Nat'l Resources for Riverwalk Land Acquisition.(12/6) .......... 519 Grantee Performance Report for 1994 Disaster Recovery Assistance Program.(1/4) .............. 1 65 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G Greater Dbq. Development, Diamond Jo Casino, 400 E. Third St., Cig. Per.(6121) ....................... 268 Greater Dubuque Development Comm., report by Rick Dickinson; Purchase of Service Agree.; report by R. Dickinson; reappointment of City Mgr. Mayor & Nicholson & Voetberg. (1118)(513)(617)(6121) ................ 21,180,225,277 Greater Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co. - GDREC, Ice Harbor Parking Agree. assign.(4/19) 157 Greater Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co. Diamond Jo, MyCap Vendors, refund on Cig. Per.; Refund on Liq. Lic.(8/16)(10/18) ....... 351,439 Greek restaurant at 1091 University, Projecting Awning Sign.(8/16) .................................. 357 Green, Robert M., Claim.(415) .................... 130 Green, Bob, Water Dept. Mgr., development standards & policies for City Utilities & Infrastructures.(8/2); 330 Greenfield, Duane, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.(6121)(7/6) ......................... 269,289 Greyhound Park & Casino, third amendment to 1999 CIP Schedule to allow purchase of video slots. (8/2) ........................................ 332 Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Paving 1999 Pro.; HVAC -Air Conditioning Project replacement; Casino Park Lighting Pro. (2ll)(3/1)(4119)(5117)(7119) ..... 50,51,90,166,209,320 Greyhound Park & Casino, reconstruct U.S. 61 south bound exit ramp.(3/1) ......................... 76 Greyhound Park & Casino, Air Conditioning unit construction.(4/19) ......................... 166 Greyhound Park & Casino, DP.A, 1855 Greyhound Park Rd., Cig. Per.{5/17) .......................... 204 Gronen, John, Letter of Intent re: Merchants Hotel; update.(5~3)(6~7)(716)(8~2) .... 181,228,293,339 Gronen, John, re: demolition of Merchants Hotel. (6121) ..................................... 269 Ground Round, Inc. 50 JFK Rd., Liq. Lic.(11115) .... 486 GroYeland St. & Sheridan Rd., Stop Signs.(10/18) .. 448 Grove Tool Lot 1-1-2 of Barrels- Center Grove Place, acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Pro.(1111) ....... 466 Grutz, Daniel R., Claim; DeniaL(5~17)(716) ..... 199,287 Grutz, Glen, $100 paid, Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(10/18) ..................... 438 Gudenkauf, Al, final plat of Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2; rescinding & reaffirming final plat a pp roval.(6F/')(10/4) ........... 240,241,420,421 66 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE G Gudenkauf, Steve, approval for sign & awning at 84 Main SL; applicant & appL to Building Code Bd of Appeals.(3/15)(9/7)(9/20) 125,126,374,402 Guetzko, Gary of Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. Coalition, allocation of tobacco settlement funcls.(5/17) .... 213 Gulnn, Suzanne, applicant & apptd to Historic Pres. Comm.(10/18) ............................... 443 Gustafson, Katie, Youth applicant for Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed. (1014)(10/18) ............................ 424,443 67 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H HEALTH BOARD MEETINGS: (1118)(4119)(511)(7119)(10118) ..... 20,152,198,316,437 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3115)(415}(4119)(6121)(7119)(917)(1111) ........................ 103,130,153,260,317,367,464 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/1) (4/5)(716)(9/7)(12/6) ......... 36,130,280,367,518 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3115)(415)(6/7)(6121)(812)(9120)(10118) ....................... 103,130,225,260,331,396,438 HOUSING COMMISSION TRUST FUND COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2115)(3/15)(4119)(6121)(1014) ................................ 52,103,153,260,417 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (114)(2715)(311)(415)(513)(617)(716)(8116)(1014)(1111)(12/6) ............. 1,52,75,130,175,225,286,348,417,464,518 Haas, Henry, Claim; referred to Ins.(12/6)(12/20) 518,550 Hammel, Dan, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; appointed.(7119)(812) ..................... 321,336 Hammer, Lisa, Claim; referred to Ins. (5117}(6/7) .............................. 199,226 Hammerheads Bar & Billiards, 2095 Kerper, Cig. Per. (6/7) ...................................... 231 Hammerhead's Bar - Billiard's, 2095 Kerper, Liq. Lic.(311) .................................. 81 Handicap Curb Ramps - CDBG funds & Notice.(5/3} 177 Hannan, Thomas, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed.(2/15)(3/1) ................. 60,81 Happy Joe's Ice Cream - Pizza, J & P O"HAP. A, 855 Century, Beer Per.(9/20) ..................... 401 Happy's Place, P.M.S.T. Inc., 2323 Rockdale Rd., Liq. Lic.(g/20) .................................. 402 Harbor -Schmitt, Boat Ramp, IDNR requesting Fuel Tax funds for reconstruction.(1/18) ............. 22 Harbor - Ice, HDR hired to study improvements, access from U.S. 61.(415) .................... 139 Harbor, Ice, Parking Agree. - GDREC; Amendment now to Peninsula Gaming Co.(4119)(7/6) .... 157,288 68 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Harbor- Schmitt, Boat Ramp, Reconstruction Grant & Projecf.( 415)(8116)(9120)( l OI18)(11115) .............................. 133,363,404,456,502 Harbor - Ice, Plaza Trail Head Project to Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro. Request to DMATS for Reallocation of ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Funds.(10/4) ................................ 419 Harlan St. intersection with Sheridan Rd., Stop Sign. (10/18) ..................................... 448 Harman, Steve, for Chamber, new Chamber building at Merchants Hotel and Union Cigar Store. (3115)(716) .............................. 126,293 Harrison St., parking restrictions.(12/20) ......... 557 Harry-Segura, Claim; Refer to Ins.; $100 pd as Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(6/7)(7/6)(10/4) . 225,286,417 Hart, JoAnn Lee, survey plat approval of Lot1 of 2 7 Lot 2 of 2 of Charlie's Place.(lO/18) ........ 439,440 Hartig, Ruth, requesting denial of rezoning request of 1125 Rockdale - Kinderland Preperty.(3/15) ..... 127 Hartig, David, Petition, billboard permits moratorium; alternate for Waiter Peterson on Billboard Ad Hoc Committee; concurrence with Billboard Ad Hoc Comm. revisions.(4/19)(8/2)(12/6) ....... 161,340,532 Hartig, Brenda & Dick, objection to Florence, Villa & Mountsin Lane Sewer Extension Pro.(1014).. 424,425 Hartig Drug Co., 157 Locust, Cig. Per.(5/17) ....... 204 Hartig Drug Co., 2225, Central, Cig. Per.(5/17) ..... 204 Hartig Drug Co., 2255 JFK., Cig. Per.(5/17) ........ 204 Hartig Drug Co., 7th & TCP, Cig. Per.; Cig. sale violation; Penalty.(5/17)(7119)(8~2) ....... 204,321,339 Hartwick, John, Claim; referred to Ins. (8/2)(8/16) .............................. 331,348 Haun, Kathleen, petition re: parking problems, UD expansion.(5/3) .............................. 182 Hauser, Terry, Claim; Refer to Holiday Inn. (415)(4119) .............................. 130,153 Hayes, Verlyn, objecting to change in Human Rights Ord. to include sexual orientation protection. (8116) ...................................... 355 Hayford, Regina - Blvd., request for street named after her - Little Old Lady of Dubuque etc. (1/16)(2/1)(3/15) .................. 32,44,45,124,125 Haylock, Brace, Claim; Referral to Ins. (9/7)(9/20) .............................. 367,396 Hazard Abatement - Lead Paint, CDBG Environ. Notice & Release of Funds.(5/3) ..................... 177 Hazard Control Grant - Lead Paint, allocation of CDBG funds.(6/7) .................................. 226 69 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Hazard Mitigation Grant Program -Flood, purchase of home at 3425 Pennsylvania Ave. from Cindy Gilligan. (7119) ....................................... 327 HDR Engineering, contract for traffic engrg, study to Ice Harbor.(4/5) ............................ 139 Heaccck Road, land east, City Mgr. comm. to Asbury Mayor, requesting to not approve annexation. (6121) ....................................... 263 Head Lice Control Plan, report to Health Bal. by Public Health Specialist M.R. Corrigan.(1/18) ............ 20 Health Bd, proof of Qtrly meeting.(11/15) ......... 481 Health Bd., report by M.R. Corrigan, Head Lice Control Plan.(1/18) ................................... 38 Health Board, City and County, Joint work session etc.; State & Local Health Bd. responsibilities. (4/19)(5/19)(10/4)(12/6)(12/20) ........................ 152,198,433,434,435,532,552 Health Board - Letter to Dr, John Viner re: issues & ramifications.(10/18) .......................... 454 Health C.A.R.E. Coalition, G. Guetzko, tobacco settlement funds usage.(5/17) ................. 213 Health Care plans, organ transplant coverage. (6/7) ........................................ 227 Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & agreement with VNA.(8/2) ..................... 334 Health Code update, amend, to Ord.(S/17} ......... 213 Health Dept. - Iowa, contract for local AIDS Prog.; contract approval for funding of AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(2/1)(11/1) ..................... 38,465 Health Insurance Program, Agreement for proposed Consulting Services.(10118) ................... 4~2 Health insurance issues, Agree. with Segal Co. for acturtal & consulting services.(6F/) ............. 228 Health Month, Mental, Proclarn.(5/3) .............. 175 Health Services Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2} . 98 Health Spec. M.R. Corrigan notifying that Cindy Post is not reapplying for Environ. Steward. Comm.(10/4) 420 Healthy Dubuque 2000 Project, continuation of Agreement with Lisa Sesterhenn thru the VNA. (8/16) ....................................... 351 Healthy Homes Initiative Grant, application to HUD. {9F20) ....................................... 397 Hoaly, Judy~ Claim; denial.(3115)(4/5) ......... 103,131 Hearing Impaired citizen D. TeKippe requesting interpreter at Police Dept.(2/15) ................. 66 Hearings on Civil Penalties for Tobacco Licensees. (4/19)(1014)(12/6)(12/20) ............ 160,433,520,554 7O INDEX, BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Heartland Regional Paramedic Services, re: ambulance billing services offered.(10/18) ...... 439 Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning - Mechanical Code Ord. adopted.(11115) .................... 506 Heeren, Gene, objecting to JFK Sidewalk Assess. (7/6) ....................................... 290 Heide Re Circle, final plat of Southern Hills Subd. (12/20) ..................................... 556 Height limitations & setback amendment to Ord. rezoning proerty on Hwy 20 West & Cousins Rd. (6/21) ...................................... 273 Helping Services of NE iowa, Purchase of Services Agree. (513} ................................. 180 Hemmer, Paul, Billboard Ord. to remain as is.(12/6) 532 Hendricks, Louis, Claim; Referral to Ins.; payment. {7/6)(7/19) .............................. 286,317 Henning, Bill, objection to Booth St. assess.(5/17). 206 Herbst, Don, Claim; settlement. (12/6)(12/20) ............................ 518,550 Herbst, Donald J. & p. Mihalakis,, Disposing of 12-14th St. property to them.(4~5)(4~19) ..... 148-150,158,159 Heritage Trail, development of trail head, 501-503 22nd St.(2/15) ..................................... 53 Heritage Trail - DMATS ISTA Funds from Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Project to the Highway 20 Landscaping Proj.(10/4) ...................... 419 Heritage Trail likage with Mines of Spain State Recreational area - REAP Grant from DNR to acquire land adjacent to Dbq. Star Brewery.(8/2) ........ 332 Heritage Trail, State Historic Funds for interpretive Signs etc.(Ill8) .............................. 22 Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Project. (6/21)(7/19) .......................... 280,281,324 Herrig, Deb, interpreter for D. TeKippe.(2/15) ....... 66 Herrig, John, sidewalk installation on Embassy West Dr., requesting delay etc.(8/16)(9/7) ........ 356,383 Hi-Hat West, Admiral, D. Meyer, 253 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(9/20) ....................... 231,401 Hibben, Russel & Leona M., Claim; referred to Ins.; paym ent(6/7}{716){812) ................. 225,286,331 Hickey, Sarah, - Medical Associates Health Plans. Claim referred to Ins ....... High angle rescue services, 28E Agreement with Dbq. & Clayton Counties.(6/7} ...................... 241 High Cloud Dr., residents objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.(1/4) .......... 5 71 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Highway 20 West, re: Southwest Arterial Location. (2/18) ........................................ 70 Highway 20 West Annexation Plan; Hwy 20 West from NW art. to Landfill Entrance Rd. & Cottingham Rd.; Extension on Sewer Conn. for properties; Hwy 20 Annexation Plan - grant of sewer extensions.(311)(3115)(415) .............. 95,123,144 Highway 20 and English Mill Road, re: Portzen & Siegert, request for annexation etc. (8116)(9/7) ............................... 359,376 Highway 20 West - near Cousins Rd. intersection, rezoning from AG to C3 - requested by Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency - Landfill. (8/16)(9/7) ............................... 359,375 Highway 20 West Landscaping Project, DMATS for reallocation of Funds.(10/4) ................... 419 Highway 20 West Water Main Ext. Project from NW Arterial to new Seippel Rd. Intersection.(11/1) .... 465 Highway 20 Landscape Design Bid Package #1. (11/15}(12/20} ..................... 512,554,559,560 Highway 20 West, Westside Court, Radford Road, & Old Highway Road, rezoning of properties west of the NW Arterial.(11115)(12/6) ........... 512,522,523 Highway 20 West -Wm. Siegert property, rezoning from A1 to C3.(3/1)(3/15) ................... 95,122 Highway 20 west, 13091, rezoning from County B2 to City C3, requested by Riley Devel. Co. (6121)(7/6) ............................... 277,291 Highway 20 West....Cousins Road etc., Cafe's & Stewarts, rezoning etc.(5117)(617)(716)(7119)(8116}(917) ........................ 217,233,309,325,326,359,374 Highway 32 - Arterial, ROW Acquisitions with IDOT from JFK to US 52.(311) ........................ 80 Highway 61/154 re: Southwest Arterial Location. (2/18) ........................................ 70 Highway Safety Grant, $9000.{3/15) .............. 119 Hike & Bike Trail, REAP Grant App. for property adjacent to Dbq. Star Brewery.(8/2) ............. 332 Hilby, Tim, rezoning of 4100 Asbury Rd. (2/15)(3/15) ............................... 69,121 Hill SL, alley between that & McClain St., vacation & sale for Dubuque Lodging.(2/1) .............. 46,47 Hill St. Street Plaza, Inc., Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill, Beer Per.; civil penalty for alcohol sales violation; Cig. Per.(2/15)(5/3)(6/7) ..................... 59,179,231 Hillcrest Apartments, support as a rent-assisted family apartment complex.(6/7) ...................... 230 72 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Hillcrest Usage Agreement for Murphy Park for Lighting Display.{7/6) ........ ; .............. 287 H rsch, Richard W. II, Fat Tuesday s, 1121 University, Liq. Lic.(9/20) ............................... 402 Hirachy, Rev. Sean, Youth Minister for Word of Life Church.(9/7) ................................ 367 Historic Resource Development Program Grant Application - Historic Preservation Survey. (1/18)(6F/'}(11/1)(12/6){12/20) ..... 27,226,468,519,557 Historic Preservation Comm., Certificate' of Economic Hardship tabled re: 304-320 & 330-336 Main St. - Merchants Hotel & Union Cigar Store; Gail Naughton requesting Council not override their motion to table; work session to review changes for Historic Pres. Comm.(3/15)(6/21) .................. 126,275 Historic Preservation Comm., Historic Pres. Ord. to them for review & updating.(4/5) ............... 144 Historic Preservation Comm., resignation of Kevin Eipperle; resignation of Gail Naughton; resignation of Dan Plisek; applicants Terry Mozena, Jim Gibbs, Alfred Smemo, & Joseph Ungs; applicant Duaiae Greenfield for Old Main; reappointment of Duaine Greenfield. (4/5)(4/19)(5/3)(6/21)(7/6) .... 131,155,175,181,269,289 Historic Bluffs Neighborhood Assn., re: Housing Code amendments.(4/19)(5/3) .............. 160,189-191 Historic Preservation, CDBG funds release & environ. notice.(5/3) ................................. 177 Historic Preservation Rehab Grants, CDBG Environ. Notice & Funds.(513) ......................... 177 Historical & Architectural Survey & Evaluation Pro.(6F~)(11/1)(12/6)(l 2/20) ......... 2261468,519,558 Historic Lighting Project - Cable Car Square, 4th Street.(8/2)(9/7) ....................... 346,347,380 Historic Preservation Commission applicant Suzanne Guinn.(10/18) ............ ................... 443 Historic District - Jackson Park, zoning - Sign Regulations for American Trust & Savings Bank. (11/15) ..................................... 505 Historic Preservation grant, change in authorization from Community & Economic Devel. to Planning Services.(12/6) ............................ 519 Historic Preservation Comm. - responsibilities etc. transferred from City Community & Economic Devel. Dept. to Planning Services.(12/6} .............. 519 Historical Society - Application to HUD for Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Center.(6/7)(8/16) ........................ 229,349 73 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Historical Survey - Architectural, Grant Agreement. (1/18)(6/7)(1111)(12/6)(12/20) ..... 27,226,468,519,557 Historical Society, IA for Historic Resource Devel. Program funds for signs along Heritage Trail & Mississippi Riverwalk.(l/18) .................... 22 Historical Society's, Freight House Restoration, Application to IDOT for Tea~21 Transportaiton Enhancement Funds.(10/4) .................... 418 Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Project - 1999 Downtown.(1111)(1216) ............... 473,525 Historical Society, Dbq. County, Ryan House, 1375 Locust St., Liq. Lic.(12/20) ..................... 553 Historical Society's Grant Application to DMATS for River Discovery Center Depot - TEA 21 Enhancement Funds.(8116) .................... 349 History Pays! - consultant for Architectural/Historical Survey Evaluation Pro.(11/1)(12/20) ......... 468,557 HIVIAIDS Prevention Program, IA DepL of Public Health.(2/1) ................................... 38 Hochberger, Glenn, subrogation claim; referred to Ins. (11115)(12/6) ............................. 481,518 Hoefer, Sister Gabrielle, Mercy Hospital Chaplain, Gave Invocation.(3/1) .......................... 75 Hoff, Mary, Worker's Comp. claim settled.(513) ..... 176 Hoffman, Herbert, endorsing - 3195 Jackson rezoning. (11/15) ...................................... 504 Hoffman House -3100 Club, WCB Hotels, 3100 Dodge St., Liq. Lic. (17-/6) ........................... 521 Hoffman House, White House Tap, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6n')(12/20) .............. 232,552 Hogan, Patricia, Claim.((/'/') ...................... 367 Hogrefe St. & Sheridan Rd. intersection, Stop Sign. (10/18) ................... ~ .................. 448 Hohmann, Judy, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/19)(8/2) ............................... 317,331 Holdiman, C. Gaa, Claim; Referral to Ins. (7/6)(7/19) ............................... 286,317 Holiday Inn Five Flags, Kinseth Hotel Corp., 450 Main SL, Liq. Lic.; Claim ofT. Hauser referred to them; parking agreement for 35 spaces; Liq. LIc. (114)(4/19)(11115)(1216) ............... 4,153,484,521 Holiday Lighting Display, Hillcrest Usage Agree. for Murphy Park.(7/6) ......................... 287 Holt, Wayne, Bishop of J. Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gave Invocation.(4/5) ......................... 130 Holz, Jim, endorsing Maria House rezoning at 1561 Jackson.(812) ................................ 336 HOME Investment Partnership Program funding, application to IDED; notice of grant award. (1/4)(415) ................................ 1,2,132 HOME Program Funds, Consortium Agreement between City & County, entitlement eligibility. 6/21) ....................................... 264 74 : INDEX - BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE H Home Food Establishments, Iowa Ord. amendment. (5117) ...................................... 214 Home Ownership Assistance, Application to Federal Home Loan Bank for affordable Housing Program Funds.(t 0/4) ................................ 421 Homeownership Rehbilitation Programs - Housing - CDBG Environ. Notice & Release of Funds.(5/3) . 177 Homeownership Week Proclam.(6/7) ............. 225 Hometown Hero's Month Proclam.(10/4) ......... 417 Honkamp, Arnie, objecting to JFK Sidewalk Pro. (716) ....................................... 290 Hooligan's Sports Bar/Grill, IDJS Enter., Plaza 20, Liq. Lic.(4/19) ............................... 158 Hooper's Addn., Lot 22, approval of survey plat. (4/19) ...................................... 154 Hoppman, Donald, objecting to 1561 Jackson rezoning.(8/2) ............................... 336 Horizon Development Group, LLC & CarteGraph Systems, property in Dbq. Technology Park to be disposed of to them; amendment to DeveL Agree.; Defer Closing Date; fourth amendment; $360,000 Urban Renewal Rev. Bonds.( lll S)(211J(415)( 6/7)(1111)(11115) .......................... 28,29,41,139,229,477,488 Horizon Development -Tim Puls, rezoning of S side of Starlight Dr. - Woodland Ridge Subd. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 278,297 Horman, Steve, requesting sale of old Merchants Hotel to go through for the Chamber of Commerce. (12120) ..................................... 553 Horse drawn carriage tours, request for building by C. Bradley.(2/15) ........................... 53 Horsfield, Marry of Horsfield Con., Jackson St. reconstruction; awarded contract; awarded contract for 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. - No. 1 (Van Buren, Bryant, Booth).(5/17)(6/7) .............. 207,208,228 Hos, William, & S. Wallace, re: 101-123 Main St. Assumption Agree.(2/15) ...................... 53 Hoskins, Michael, objecting to W. Fifth St. Paving Project assessment.(6/7) ..................... 233 Hospice Month, Proclam.(11/1) .................. 464 75 INDEX- BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE H Hotel - Merchants Merchants Hotel, 302 Main, Offer to Buy; Historic Preservation application for Economic Hardship; comments for restoration etc.; Demolition; statements by J. Gronen, J. Bertsch & M. Steele; comments by others & contract awarded for asbestos removal; Demolition discussion & delaying etc.; withdrawal of offer. (3/1)(3115)(5/17)(6Fi')(6121)(716)(8/2) ................. 95,126,219,220,228,269,270,293,339 Hotel Sanitation Code, new Ord.(5/17) ........ 213,214 Hours of Operation for Municipal Parking Garages.(4/5) ................................ 145 Hours that Parks are open etc.(3/1) ............... 91 House of China, 170 JFK Rd., Liq. Lic.(7/6) ........ 289 Housing Assistance Program, application to IDED. (6/21) ....................................... 265 Housing Assistance Program ContracL (6/21) ..... 262 Housing Code, requests for amendments by Tom Mueller etc.; John Whalen requesting it stay intact; amended - discussion, comments by Nash's, Schreoder, Mueller & Whalen; Ord. set for P. Hearing; adoption of new Ord. - discussion etc. ('1118)(3/1)(4119)(513) ................. 32,76,160,189 Housing Code Appeals Board, applicants T. Hannah, & P,. Sampson; reappointment ofT. Hannah & appointment of R. Sampson.(2/15)(3/'l) ........ 60,81 Housing Commission applicants: Timothy Crabb, David Kapler, Harry Neustadt, Dan Teply Ill, Pau~a Stenlund, and Thomas P. Swift Il; reappointment of Neustadt, Stenlund and SwilL(8/2){8/16) .... 335,352 Housing Dept.'s report on vacant buildings.(9/20).. 401 Housing Month, Fair, Proclam.(4/5) .............. 130 Housing Program Funds, Application for Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. (10/4) ......... 421 Housing Programs - CDBG Environmental Notice & Release of Funds.(5/3) ........................ 177 Housing Project- Senior, S. Boge, Renaissance Devel.(4/19) ................................. 157 Housing Projects, affordable, application to IDED. (6121) ....................................... 277 Housing Rehab Services & Staff, CDBT Environ. Notice & Release of Funds.(5/3) ................ 177 Housing Services Addition to Budget; Departmental Budget Hrg.; Audit from IDED.(3/2)(8/2) ...... 98,332 Housing Services Dept.'s Future Search Conference, Webb Alliance as consultant; appointment of Michalski to Planning Comm for this.{812) ....... 332 76 INDEX. BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Housing Services Div. - Rehab. Dept., appreciation by IA Dept. of Economic Develop. during monitoring visit.(12/6) .................................. 519 Housing Trust Fund, FY 99 Awards to Dubuque Food Pantry & matching funds to application to IA Dept. of Economic Devel.(6/21) ....................... 277 Housing Trust Fund Award to Y~VCA Battered Women's Shelter.(11115) ...................... 485 Hoverman, Sr. Carol, TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant; reappointed.(8/2)(8116) ... 336,352 Howard County- Cooperation with Governmental units in Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) .................... 373 HUD - appreciation for timely submission of Grantee Performance Report ~ GPR for 1994 Disaster Recovery Assist. Prog.; Submission of Consolidated End-of-Year Review - Program Year 1997.(1/4) ..... 1 HUD - Funds Release & Environmental Finding for Eagle Window & Door.(3/1) .................... 78 HUD application, Upper Miss. River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center, Dbq. County Historic Society.(6/7)(8/16) ................ 229,349 HUD - CDBG Agreement, Federal Funds for FY 2000. (6/21) ...................................... 266 HUD - Application for Healthy Homes Initiative GranL (9120) ...................................... 397 HUD - Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report - CAPER.(9/20) ........................ 400 HUD - Consolidated End of Year Review for Program Year 1998.(11/1) ............................. 466 Hudson, Peg, of American Trust & Savings Bank, re: amendment of Sign Ord. to allow for signs at their new building at9th & Locust.(llFJ5) ....... 505 Huewe, Sr. Helen, for Maria House, 1561 Jackson rezoning.(8/2) ............................... 336 Hughes, Penney, Human Rights Ord. to include protection for sexual orientation.(8/~6) ......... 355 Hulsizer, Rev. John, Pastor of Church of Nazarene, Gave Invocation.(2/1) ......................... 36 Human Rights Comm., applicants: K. Blau. T. Determan, Rev. K. Kincaid, K. Stevens, R. Sutton - reappointment of Kathy Blau, Thom Determan & Ruby Sutton; resignation of Musafa Ozcan; applicants: Rev. K. Kincaid, Wm. Ross, C. Ryan, K. Stevens; applicants: Rev. K. Kincaid, Wm. Ross, Charles Ryan & Katherine Stevens, appointment of Rev. Kris Kincaid. (114)(9120)(10118)('1111) ............... 5,397,443,469 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE H Human Rights Comm., input for Talk Circles.(2/15) .. 58 Human Rights Dept. FY 2000 Budget Addn.; Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) .............. 98 Human Rights Comm., proposed changes in Ord. re: sexual orientation - protected status.(8/16) .. 355,356 Human Rights Chair Thom Determan, presenting State of IA Prism Award.(lOI18) ....... ' .............. 438 Human Rights Dept., 1999 Annual Report.(12/20) .. 550 Human Rights - Fair Housing Month Proclam.(4/5) . 130 Human Rights, funding grant to IA Div. of Criminal & Juvenile Justice - Dbq. Decategorization Pro. (4/19) ....................................... 157 Humane Society Purchase of Services Agree. (6/21) ........................................ 264 Hunting of deer in City - Dbq. Urban Deer Management Plan.(9/20) .................................. 408 Hurricane Deck Roofing -Construction of Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project- Phase (7/6) ........................................ 299 Hurst, Larry & Sue, Claim; Refer to Ins,; Sefflement. (6/7}{716)(12/6) ....................... 225,286,518 Huseman, Joyce, in favor of 1561 Jackson rezoning. (812) ........................................ 336 HVAC Replacement Pro. - Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel.(4/19)(5/17) ............ 166,167,209 Hy-Vee Foods, 3300 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/7) ......... 231 HyVee Food Store, 3500 Dodge, Penalty Hrg. for Tobacco violation; civil penalty for Hyvee - M. E. Kasemeler; Beer Per.; Liq. Lic. (4/19)(5/3)(6/21) ................... 160,178,268,269 HyVee Food Store - Asbury Plaza, re: landscaping near Resurrection cemetary etc.(8/2)(8/16) ....... 331,351 78 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITI'ING MINUTES: (9/7)(10/4)(10118)(11/1) ........................... 175,182,367,417,438,464 I & M Railroad tracks to AIliant Utilities - interstate Power Co., disposal of easement for property N of E. 16th St.(Il/I) ............................... 478 I & M Rail, LLC to extend water main across existing easement on Perfection Oil property.(12/20) .... 552 iA Highway 32, Northwest Arterial ROW, dispose of City interest to IDOT.(812) .................... 346 Ice Chiller Equipment - Five Flags, purchase. (5/17)(6/7)(6/21) ...................... 218,238,263 Independent League - Rising Stars, Proclam.(6/7) . 225 Ice Harbor Parking Agree., GDREC assignment of rights, Diamond Jo sale etc.; assignment to Peninsula Gaming Co.(4/19)(7/6) .......... 157,288 Ice Harbor- amendment to lease with DRA.(7/6) ... 313 Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Project to the Highway 20 Landscaping Project - reallocation of ISTEA Funds. ................................. 419 ~im( warm ng House - Concession Building Pro. (6/7) ....................................... 227 Ida St. from Grace to Delhi, prohibited parking on portion.(3/1) ................................. 94 IDED application for HOME investment Partnership Program Funding; awarding of $220,000. (114)(4/5) ................................ 1,2,132 IDED, application for Local Housing Assistance Programs.(5/21) ................... 261 DED, app cat on n support of affordable housing projects.(6/21) .......................... 277 IDED, Audt Report for Dbq. Housing Services.(8/2) 332 IDED - Enterprise Zone contract, Cottingham & Butler.(11115) ............................... 483 IDJS Enterp. inc. - Hooligans Sports Bar/Grill, Plaza 20 Shopping Center., Liq. Lic.(4/19) ............ 158 Idle Hour, J. Kersch, 1555 Central, Liq. Lic.(4/19) .. '158 IDOT, Mississippi Bridge River Repair Project.{1/4) .. 1 IDOT & IDNR for funds to landscape along the NW Arterial.(1/18) ................................ :)6 IDOT, re: U.S. Capacity Bridge Study.(1/18} ........ 23 IDOT, Open Forum - Public Hearing, Southwest Arterial; setting as highest priority. (2/15)(12/6) ............................ 52,53,520 IDOT ROW, conveyance of property.(3/1) ....... 76-78 IDOT, reconstruction US 61 southbound exit ramp to Kerper Blvd. & Dbq. Greyhound Park. (3/1)(7119) ............................... 76,318 IDOT ROW, IA Highway 32 - NW Art. from JFK Rd. to U.S. 52.(3/1) ................................. 80 79 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE IDOT ROW along NW Art. at Pennsylvania, vacation, by old Floor Show Building.(4119) ................. 157 IDOT - Highway Planning & Programming Guidance. (6121) ....................................... 261 IDOT ROW, Quit Claim Deed, NW Arterial to IDOT. (812)(8/16) ............................... 346,355 IDOT advising bid letting - Third St. bridge over U.S. 52/61/151,(9/7) ........................... 368 IDOT letter to Monica Meissner - train speed.(11/15) 485 IDOT - TEA 21 Funds for Downtown Gateways Pro.(lO/4) ................................... 418 IDOT-TEA 21 Funds for Railroad Freight House Restoration Pro.(lO/4) ........................ 418 IIW Engineers, design consultant for Manson Road Bridge.(12/20) ............................... 552 Illinois & Alpha Sts., Stop Sign requested for Alpha & Van Buren St., clarification by D. Reardon.(10/4) . 435 Illinois Central RR, License Agree., Water Main Crossing near Julien County Care Facility.(4/5) .. 131 Improvements in Lots 7, 8, 9, & D in Westmark.(l/4).. 3 Information Services DepartmentsJ Budget review. (3/2) ......................................... 98 Information & Referral Service, CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.; Purchase of Services.{5/3) . 177,180 Information Technology &Comm. Steering Comm. of Nat'l League of Cities, D. Nicholson on.(2/15) .. 54 Infrastructure - Policies, City Standards, & Extensions of utilities to facilitate development.(8/16) ...... 356 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement - Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Howard & Winneshiek.{9/7) ........... 373 Initiatives - Dbq., Radford Rd. utility easement release.(5117) .............................. 201 Input requested for Talk Circles reactivation.(2/15) .. 58 Inspection fees for Public Improvements reduced for Subdivision Regulations - Ch. 42, amendment, Zoning.(9/20)(10/4) ....................... 405,430 instant Replay, P. Aransdort, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(12/6) ................... 231,521 Intake Replacement Project, Westside- Storm Sewer.(1/18)(2/15) ...................... 33,34,64 Interchanges re: Southwest Arterial.(2/18) ......... 70 Interior & exterior painted surfaces, Housing Ord. (5/3) ...................................... 191 International Bag, Claim; referred to Ins. (513)(5/17) .............................. 175,199 Interpreter requested for deaf at Police Dept. by D. TeKippe.(2/15) ............................... 66 80 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Interpretive Center - Upper Miss. River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge.(6/7)(8/16) ....... 229,349,350 intersection of nearby property of Hwy 20 West & Cousins Rd. from AG to C3 - rezoning for Dbq. Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency.{8/16)(9/7). 359,375 Intersection of 21st & Central, Construction of Curb Modification.(9n') ....................... 389 interstate Power Co. - Alliant, disposal of easement for property N of E. 16th St. between Farmland Foods & I& M RR trecks.(11/1) ........................ 478 Interstate Power Co., issuance of Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note.(6/21) ........... 278,279 Interstate Power Co. Loan - issuance of $800,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Promissory Note.(7/6) ................................... 302 Investigation of all accidents by Police requested. (3~2) ........................................ 98 Investment Oversight Adv. Comm., applicant Stephen V. Reisdorf; appointed.(4119)(513) .. 158,182 Investment Oversight Adv. Comm., quarterly reports. (2115)(513)(10118)(1111) .............. 52,175,438,464 Investment Policy revisions, City of Dubuque.(1111) 471 IOCO Speede Shoppe #33, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; tobacco violation penalty. (114)(5117)(9120) ......................... 4,204,401 IOCO Speede Shoppe #17, Iowa Oil Com. 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5117)(1216) . .. 204,521 IOCO Speede Shoppe #2, 2335 University, Cig. Per. (5117)(7119) ............................. 204,321 IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 1998 Jackson, Cig. Per. (5117)(7119) ............................. 204,321 IOCO Speede Shoppe, 2335 University, Penalty re: tobacco sales violation.(4/19}(7/19) ........ 160,321 IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge St., Beer Per. {11/15) ..................................... 485 Iowa Dept. of Economic Development between City & Swiss Valley Farms. Enterprise Zone Agree. (3/1) ........................................ 94 Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, application for Local Housing Assistance Program Funds.(6/21) 261 Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, application in support of affordable housing projects.(6/21) .... 277 Iowa Dept. of Economic Develop. - subordination agreement, re: Coffingham & Butler Insurance. (12120) ..................................... 562 Iowa Dept. of Economic DeveL, appreciation for City's Housing Services - Rehab Dept. help in their visit. (12/8) ...................................... 519 81 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Iowa Dept. of Public Health, funding of local AIDS program; contract for funding of AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(2/l)(1111) ......... 38,465 Iowa Dept. of P. Health, Agreement with VNA - Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding.{8/2) ........ 334 Iowa Dept. of Transportation, Highway Planning & Programming Guidance.(6/21) ................. 261 Iowa Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning, Dept. of Human Rights, funding Dubuque Decategorization Pro.; grant contract. (4/19)(7119) .............................. 157,321 Iowa DNR, Marine Fuel Tax funds for Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp reconstruction.(1/18) ................ 22 Iowa DOT & DNR, funds to landscape along NW Arterial.(1/18) ................................. 26 Iowa DOT, Open Forum Location Public Hearing, re: Southwest Arterial; setting as highest priority. (2/15)(12/6) ............................ 52,53,520 Iowa Earth Year 2000, 2 representatives: Gil Spence & Terry Duggan, with Nicholson as alternate.(12/6) . 532 Iowa Emergency Management Division (EMD) for FEMA assistance.{6/-/) ........................ 244 Iowa - Environmental Protection D/v., Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Inspection.(8/2) ......... 332 Iowa Historical Society for Historic Resource Develop. Program funds for Interpretative signs along Heritage Trail and Mississippi River.(1/18) ........ 22 Iowa Home Investment Partnership Program.(1/4) .... 2 iowa Hwy 32 - NW Arterial - ROW Acquisition for property, from JFK Rd. to U.S. 52.(3/1) ........... 80 iowa League of Cities legislative prior/ties; City Mgr. serving on Policy Comm.{7/19)(12/6) ........ 321,520 Iowa Motor Vehicle Noise - Jakes Brake, prohibition, discussion etc.(8/2)(9/7) .................. 340,383 Iowa O]1 Co. IOCO Speede Shoppe #2, 2335 University, Cig. Per.(5/17)(7119) ...................... 204,321 Iowa Oil Co. IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 1998 Jackson St., Cig. Per.; Tobacco violation. (5117)(7119)(12/6)(12/20) ............ 204,321,520,554 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #93, 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(11115) ............................. 485 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #17, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5117)(12/6) .... 204,521 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #33, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Tobacco violation penalty.(114)(5117)(9120)(lOI4) ......... 4,204,401,433 IoWa Potato & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(1/18)(6/7) .................... 28,231 82 INDEX-BOOK 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Iowa St., 1154, property from Dolan's.(5/3) ........176 Iowa St., 351, demolition of building. (1014)(10125)(11115) ................... 434,462,500 Iowa St. & Third St., new Parking Ramp.(11/15) .... 511 Iowa State University Extension Services, provide summer programs, Uptown Recreation Prog. (4/19) ....................................... 156 Iowa Wireless Services LP disposal of property & lease on water tower on W. Third.(9/7) .......... 380 Irving School Day Proclam.(11115) ............... 481 Isenhart, Rhodes -Bud, update on legislation; re: Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic DeveL Dis.; spoke to Enterprise Zone contract with IDED for Cottingham & Butler Ins.; questioning specifics of new Chamber building at old Merchants Hotel site. (2/15)(8/2)(11/15(12120)) ............. 66,338,483,553 [senhart, Chuck, Dbq. Area Labor Management Beer Permits for Town Clock Plaza.(8/2) ............. 335 ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Funds from Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Pro. to Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro.(10/4) ................................... 419 ISU Extension Services, provide summer programs, Uptown Recreation Prog.(4/19) ................ 156 Iveraon, Chris of Lamar Outdoor Advertising, re: billboard construction moratorium.(4/19) ....... 161 63 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE J J & J Tree Service, Cedar Cross Rd. rezoning. (11/15) .................................... 481 Jackson Park - Historic Preservation Comm., Gail Naughton resigning; appointment of Suzanne Guinn.(4119)(lOI18) ...................... 155,443 Jackson Park Historic District - Sign Regulations amended for American Trust & Savings Bank new building.(11/15) ............................ 505 Jackson St. Urban ReviL Dis., Tax Exemptions. (2~15) ....................................... 56 Jackson Street Reconstruction Project. (4/19)(5117) ......................... 168,169,207 Jackson Street reconstruction - Swiss Valley Farms. (6/7) ...................................... 230 Jackson St., 1561 from R2 to OR, rooming & boarding house -St. Mary's Church -Sr. Helen Huewe. (7/19)(812) .............................. 327,336 Jackson St., between 14th & 18th Sts., adding to Curb Ramp Installation.(812) ............... 338 Jackson St. between Ruby & Milwaukee SL, P. Crahan of Flexsteel, sprinkling system installation; underground sprinkler system installed. (9/7)(11115) ............................. 368,508 Jackson St., prohibiting parking on East side etc.(10/18) ................................. 449 Jackson St., 3195, rezoning from C2 to CS for Mark Becker etc.(10/18)(11/15} ................. 454,504 Jackson St., 2618, disposal of this Lot 231 in Glendale Addn. No. 3, to Peter & Angela Eck. (1111)(11115) ........................ 476,477,487 Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2, final plat of portions; rescinding & reaffirming.(6/7)(10/4) ......... 240,420 Jaeger Dr. & Bianca Dr., final plat of Jaeger Hgts. Subd. No. 2.(10/4) ........................... 420 Jahns, Ronald & Carol, Claim; Referred to Ins.; Paid $100 - Sanitary Sewer Backup Prog. (716)~7119)(1111) ...................... 286,317,464 Jahns, Ronald, applicant & appointed to the Building Code Board of Appeals; appointed.(9/7)(9/20) 374,402 Jake Brakes, Engine brakes prohibition, discussion etc.(8/2)(9/7) ............................ 340,383 January 1999 Financial Reports; proof of claims & Revenues; Printed Council Proceedings approved.(2115)(3115){415) .............. 52,103,130 Jaycees, Dubuque, several tents at 1st & 4th on Main SL, Beer Permits; Beer Per. for TCP; Fireworks display request with KDTH etc.; Beer Permit for 4th & Bluff Sts.(5117)(6121)(812)(9120). 205,268,332,401 Jena, Oky Doky #15, 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7) ................................ 231,232 Jensen, Gary & Kathleen, Ord. allowing awnings & signs at 1005-1023 Main St. for Art Studio. (10118) ................................. 447,448 84 INDEX , BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE J JFK & West 32nd St., rezoning & concurrent annexation requested by Kivlahan's. (9120)(1014)(10118) ................. 409,426,427,446 JFK AMOCO, 1701 JFK, civil penalty for alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (513)(617)(716) ............................ 178,231 JMJ Partnership, Jeff Bertsch, re: Merchants Hotel restoration and demolition.(7/6} ............... 293 Jo Daviess County in Illinois, re: Solid Waste Agency, possibility of receiving waste from them.(5/17) .. 213 Jo Daviess County, IL, Drug Enforcement Agree. (8/16) ...................................... 350 John Bergfeld Recreation Area - Amending City Code, Ch. 34, Adding to Article IV, Specific Parks a new Section 34-132 to include John G. Bergfeld Recreation Area.{10125)(12/6) (12J20) ..... 462.528,555 John G. Bergfeld Recreation Area -Amending City Code Section 34-54 prohibiting Dogs, Cats and other domestic animals in parks, however, does not apply to Miller-Riverview Park, Granger Creek Nature Trail & John G., Bergfeld Recreation Area. (10125)(12/6)(12120) ................... 462.528,555 Jo.hn F. Kennedy Rd., 255, allow freestanding s~gnforShopKo.(2115)(311) ................. 69,86 John F. Kennedy Rd., annexation request by Grandview Ave. Methodist Church, 20 acres near Soccer Complex; rezoning request. (4/19)(5/17)(6/7) ....................... 164,217,234 John F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury to Spring Valtey, installation of public sidewalks.(6/7)(7/6) .... 247,290 Johnson, Mar[y, re: UD Expansion.(5/3) .......... 182 Johnson, Marry of Straaka Johnson, requesting extension of time for sidewalk installation on property of Pennsylvania & NW Arterial - Assembly of God Church & East Dbq. Savings Bank.(8116) . 356 Joint Work Session with County Board of Health, changes in law etc.(4/19) ..................... 152 Jones, Ken, Minister of Church of Christ, Gave Invocation.(l118) ............................. 21 Jorja's Rest. & Lounge, J. Moore, 890 iowa, Liq. Lic. (5117) ...................................... 205 Joyce, Pauline, Adm. Services Mgr., discussion on development and standards and policies for City utilities and infrastructure.(8/2) ................ 330 Julien County Care Facility - 16 ....... wa[er Ma n, License Agree. with Ill. Center Railroad for crossing.(4/5} 131 Julien Dubuque Bridge over the Mississippi IDOT Notice of Repair.(1/4) ........................... I 85 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE J Julien Dubuque Bridge Capacity Study - U.S. 26, IDOT.(II18) ................................... 23 Julien Dubuque Dr. 1105, extension of time for earth work restoration requested.(6/21) .............. 264 Julien Dubuque Dr. property of Bob Klauer, Roger Kunde, 1105 Julien Dbq. Dr., request for rezoning for Auto Salvage Yard. etc.; request to deny Ord. by B. Klauer; extension of time for earth restoration.(3115)(415)(6121) ....... 126,141,264 Juiien Inn, Design Center Inc., 200 Main, Liq. Lic. (1~J6) ....................................... S21 July 1999 financial report; Printed Council Proceedings approved; Proof of claims & Revenues. (8116)(9/7)(10/4) ...................... 348,367,417 June 1999 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (8/2) ........................................ 331 Jungblut, John, objection to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. for AIdi's etc.; spoke in support of rezoning opposite Red Violet Dr., but object to piecemeal development.(3/1)(12/6) .. 87,525 Junk, Solid Waste, vehicles hauling need to be covered.(11/15) .............................. 506 Justin Lane, final plat of Loras Estates.(6121) ...... 274 Juvenile Justice - Div. of Criminal., grant Contract etc.(7119) ................................... 321 Jym's Bar, Jymie Lyons, 1700 Central, Cig. Per. (812) ........................................ 335 86 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE K K.C.'s Downtown Auto, 205 Locust, Beer Per. (2/15)(6/7) ............................... 59,231 K-Cap Food, Inc., Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(7/6) .............. 231,289 K-Mart Signage zoning change, S. Kahle, of Plaza 20.(2/1) .................................. 43,44 K-Mart, 2600 Dodge, penalty for Tobacco violation; Cig. Per.(4/19)(5/17) ...................... 160,204 Kaesbauer, Mike, presentation to City.(12/6) ...... 518 Kahle, Sally, of Plaza 20, re: K-Mart signage zoning change.(2/1) .............................. 43,44 Kalb Place, Peter, Anthony Koch construction of Projecting Sign for Tony's Pawn Shop.(6/7) ..... 239 Kalmes Breaktime Bar/Grill, 1097 Jackson, Cig. Per; Liq. Lic.; cigareffe violation penalty. (5117)(9120)(10/4) ................. 204,205,401,433 Kamp, Mary Lou, Noonan's Tap, 1618 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(415)(6121) .............. 140,268 Kane, Brad, Youth in Government Council Per. (415) ....................................... 130 Kane Court, Delbert & Larry Miller requesting vacation, West Ridge 2nd Addn.; approving plat, disposal. (8/2)(8/16) .............................. 332,362 Kane St., 2900 block, Steve Boge & Kane Devel. Co., rezoning for Pine Knolls Condominiums. (10118)(1111)(11115) ............... 454,470,502-504 Kann, Keith, & M. Wilhelm, amendment to Lease & Agreement with Dbq. Marina, 1nc.(3115)(415) . 127,141 Kapler, David, applicant, Housing Comm. (8/2)(8/16) ........................... 335,336,352 Karweski, Edward, objecting to rezoning 1561 Jackson, Maria House.(8/2) ................... 336 Kasemeier, Mark E., at HyVee, civil penalty for alcohol violation.(5/3) ........................ 178 Kass, John, Claim; Referred to 1ns.(6/21)(7/6) . 260,286 Kautz, Richard, IDOT, train speed limits in City. (9/20) ...................................... 397 KC's, Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic. (4/5) ....................................... 140 KDTH & KAT FM Radio, fireworks display request. (8~2) ....................................... 332 Keegan, Michael, requesting extension of sewer for Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sta.(10/4) ...... 424 Keeler, Pat & Harold, objecting to rezoning of 1561 Jackson - Maria House.(8/2) .................. 336 Kelley, Michael, applicant for Community Devel. Comm.; reappointed.(2/1)(2/15) ............. 42,60 Kelly, John P., for Ryan Co. - ShopKo, accept. Ord. 14- 99 re: freestanding signage.(311) ............... 86 Kelly Lane project - Rockdale Cemetery Assn., request for abatement etc.(211) ........................ 44 Kelly, Michael J., Claim; referred to Ins. (11115)(12/6) ................................ 481 87 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE K Kelly, Richard, re: annexation of Hwy 20 West property objection;(3/15) .............................. 123 Kelly, Timothy, Claim; settlement.(311)(3115) .... 75,103 Kemp, Joseph & Margaret, Claim; settlement. (2/1)(2/15) ................................. 36,52 Kennedy Ct., North of, off Peru Rd. from AG to R1 - Tschiggfrie.(2/15)(311) ..................... 68,85 Kennedy Rd, 255, allow free-standing signs - Kieffer & Co. - Shopko.(2/15)(311) ..................... 69,86 Kennedy Rd., 20 acres owned by Grandview Methodist Church, voluntaryannexation.(415)(4119) .... 132,164 Kennedy Rd., 12691, annexation of property requested by Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church. (5/17)(6/7) ............................... 217,234 Kennedy Rd. - 1999 Sidewalk Assessments, objections etc.(7/6) ..................................... 290 Kennedy, Steve, $100 payment for Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(9120) ................ 396 Kennel Area Parking' Lot Improvements, Dbq. Greyhound Pare & Casino; HVAC - Air Conditioning Replacement Pro. 211)(311)(4119)(51t7)(7119) ......... 50,90,166,209,320 Kerper Blvd., Exit ramp of U.S. 61, IDOT Pro.; location of utilities etc.(311)(7119) ............ 76,318 Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Develop. Dis. to Eagle Window & Door & Dubuque - Eagle LLC; Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds - $3,200,000 for Eagle Window & Door. (2115)(7119)(812)(1216) ........... 60,328,338,534-547 Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Devel., Agreement for disposition & private development -John Mihalakis, & Richard L. Billmeyer.(2115) ................... 63 Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Develop. Dis., Private Devel.(2115) ........................... 61 Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Revenue Economic Devel. Dis., issuance of $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds - Eagle Window & Door. (7119) ....................................... 328 Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Devel. Dis., amend, to Tax Increment Ord. (9/7) .................................... 383,384 Kerper Blvd., property exchange, John P. Mihatakis & Richard L. Billmeyer.(l/4) ................... 14-17 Kerper CL Paving & Utilities Project. (6/21)(7119) .......................... 281,282,323 88 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE K Kerper [nd. Park - Easement disposal for property N of E. 16th St. between Farmland Foods & I & M RR tracks to Alliant Utilities - interstate Power Co. (1111)(11115) ............................ 478,487 KerperlndustrialPark, platapproval.(4/19) ... 154,155 Kersch, Jeannine A., Idle Hour, 1555 Central, Liq. Lic.(4119) ............................... 158 Key Corners Storm Sewer Ext. Pro.(1/18) .......... 30 Kids World Pizza PI., 3033 Asbury, Beer Per.(3/1) ... 81 Kid's Day America/Dubuque Proclam.(4/19) ...... 153 Kieffer & Co. - ShopKo, 255 J.F. Kennedy Rd., allow freestanding signs.(2/15) ...................... 69 Kincaid, Rev. Kris, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed.(114)(10118)(1111) ............ 4,5,443,469 Kinderland at 1125 Rockdale Rd., P. Mohr, request for rezoning from R1 to OS.(3/15) ................. 127 King, Benny L., votes in Council Member election. (11/16) ..................................... 482 King of Clubs, Inc., Freddy's, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cigarette violation penalty; refund on unexpired Cig. Lic.(812)(8116)(9/20)(1014)(12/6) .. 335,352,401,433,519 Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn 5 Flags, Liq. Lic. (114)(12/6) ................................ 4,521 Kirkegaard, Ronda & Paul, claim forwarded to Arty Les Reddick.(3/15) ........................... 103 Kirpes, Alice, Claim; referred to Ins.(7/19)(812). 317,331 Kivlahan, John & Doris, rezoning of property at NE corner of JFK Rd. & W. 32nd SL; voluntary annexation of 40 acres owned by Kivlahan Farms near Arboretum Dr.(9/20)(10/4)(10/18} 409,426,427,446 Klauer, Robert, owner of property re: Roger Kunde's Julien Dbq. Drive - deve[, of Parcel G; extension of time for earth work restoration.(415)(6/21)... 141,264 Klauer, Arty Robert, for M&K Ltd, assignment of Lease & Agreement for Dbq. Marina.(6/7) ............. 229 Klein, Lisa lC, Claim; Referred to Ins.(9/7)(9/20) 367,396 Kleiner, James & Mary Kay, petition for Fremont Ave. speed limit reduction.{6/21)(9/20) .......... 273,404 Kline, Donald, comments re: UD expansion. (5/3) ....................................... 182 Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction Pro.; conveyance of ROW properties to the City.(716)(812)(9120) ...... 312,313,337,397-400 Klinkhammer, Herb C., re: 336 Main Demolition. (12/6) ...................................... 530 Kloser Addn., survey plat approved.(5/17) ........ 201 Knickers Saloon, Civil Penalty - Tobacco Violation; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (4/19)(5/17}(7/6) ....................... 160,204,289 69 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE K Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic. (4/5) ........................................ 140 Knollcrest Drive, Forest Ridge Estates, plat approval. (9/7) ........................................ 355 Koch, Anthony, construction of sign at 1520 Central - Pawn Shop.(6/7) ............................. 238 Koch, Michael, P.W. Dir., development standards & policies for City Utilities & Infrastructures; Streetscape Concepts - opening of Town Clock Plaza etc.(812){12/20} ..................... 330,549 Koch, Thomas, Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust, Cig. Per. Liq. Lic.; Liquor Li c.(6121)(7[19) ........ 268,269,321 Kohl, James & Janet, The Grand Tap, 802 Central, Liq. Lic.(10/18) .................................. 443 Kohl, Paul, applicant, TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.(8/2)(8/16) ......................... 336,352 Kohlmann, Chris, Inf. Services Mgr., presentation of a Multi-Hazard Plan.(9/7) ........................ 366 Kolf, F. James, reappointed to Building Code Bd. of Appeals.(10/4) ............................... 424 Konzen, Theodore, Place, rezoning of property on Hwy 20 West from County B2 to City C3, with annexation. {7/6) ........................................ 297 Koppes, Jerry, presentation to City.(12/6) ......... 518 Kotoutiouk, Igor, Claim; referred to Ins. (7/19)(812) ............................... 317,331 Kramer, Lillian, objecting to 1561 Jackson rezoning, Maria House.(8/2) ............................ 336 Kreiman, John, by Arty G. Norby, vacation & purchase of portion of Maple Leaf Ave. - Louella Lane. (7119)(11/1)(11115} ................. 318,474,475,486 Kremer, Betty, Pipe Inn, 555 JFK, Cig. Per.(5/17) ... 205 Kretz, John - Pen'ection Oil Co, 3201 & 3265 Central, rezoning.(10/18)(11/l) ..................... 455,470 Krieg, Katie, Chair of Dbq. Initiatives, re: appointments orA. Michalski & J. Markham.(1/18) .............. 32 Kritz, Kyle, Asst. Planner, discussion on development standards and policies for City utilities & infrastructure.(812) ........................... 330 Kruser, Lynn, K.C.'s Downtown Auto, 205 Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/15)(6/7) ............... 59,231 Kunde, Roger, 1105 Julien Dbq. Dr., request for rezoning for Auto Salvage Yard. etc.; extension of time for earth work restoration requested. (3115)(415)(6121) ...................... 126,141,264 Kwik Stop, 2360 Central, Civil Penalty on Tobacco Violation; Cig. Per.; tobacco violation. (4119)(617)(7119)(812) ............... 160,231,321,339 90 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE K Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania, Beer Per.(12/6) .............................. 521 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(1/4)(6/7)(12/6) ............ 4,231,521 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 4939 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per. (6/7) ................................. 231 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2297 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(11/15) .................... 231,485 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 2255 Kerper, Cig. Per. (6/7) ................................. 231 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 1685 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(12/6) ..................... 231,521 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 1400 Central, Cig. Per. (6/7) ................................. 231 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil Co., 1401 Central, Beer Per. (7/6) ................................. 289 Kwik Stop, Rainbo Oil, 280 Locust, Cig. Per.; Cig. (1/4) ......................................... 4 Kwik Trip, Inc. Tobacco Outtet Plus #504, 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/19)(5/17) ........... 158,205 Kyle, Harlan, Claim; Referred to Ins.(7119}(812). 317,331 91 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (114)(211)(415)(6/7)~7119)(1014)(11115) ............................ 1,36,130,225,31,417,481 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2115}(3115)(415)(513)~716)(1014)(1111) ......................... 52,103,130,175,286,417,464 L & M Wharf Corp., Michael's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lic.(12/20) ............................. 552 La Nortena, T. Rubio, 1810 Central, Cig. Per. (6/-/') ...................................... 231 Labor Federation nomination of Emil "Mike" Stackis as rep on Regional Work Force Advisory Bd. (9/7) ...................................... 372 Labor Management Assn., J. Reed spoke in appreciation of funds received.(3/2) ............. 96 Labor Management - C. Isenhad, Beer Permits for Town Clock Plaza.(8/2) ...................... 335 Labor Management Council, Purchase of Services. (5/3) ...................................... 160 Labor Participation Committee, United, nomination of Marvin Mulerf as rep on Regional Work Force Adv. Bd.(9/7) ................................... 372 Lamar Outdoor Advertising, re: Moratorium on billboard construction requested; representative Ann Tressel be named to Ad Hoc Corem. on Billboards.(4/19)(7/6) ..................... 161,312 LaMesa Mexican, Argot, Inc. 2700 Dodge, Liq. Lic. (8/16) ..................................... 352 Lammer, Jana, parking problems at UD.(513) ...... 182 Lancaster, Lisa, Youth City CounciL(4/5) .......... 130 Land Use Map - amended Development, second amendment`(4/5) ........................... 141 Landfill - Dbq. Met, Area Solid Waste Agency, Budget; feasibility of expanding service area & treating add'l leachata; waste from other counties etc.; waste delivery contract; report of site conditions - Dept. of P, Health. (2/15)(3/1)(5/17)(6/21)(11/1) ....... 53,76,213,267,467 Landfill - Dbq. Met. Area Solid, rezone nearby property Hwy 20 West & Cousins Rd. from AG to C-3,(8/16) 359 Landlord Housing Code stay intact, request by John Whalen.(311) ................................. 76 Landscape along NW Arterial, IDOT & IDNR for funds. (1/18) ....................................... 26 Landscape Design Bids Pkg. #1, Hwy. 20. (11115)(12J20) ................... 512,554, 559,560 Landscaping between Asbury Plaza Shopping Center - HyVee&Resurrection CemeteryAssn.(8116} ... 351 Landscaping for Dubuque Industrial Center West, WHKS is design firm; construction pro.; request to 92 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Landscaping for Dubuque Industrial Center West, WHKS is design firm; construction pro.; request to DMATS for reallocation of Funds from Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Pro.; project. (4/5)(9/7)(10/4) ................ 138,386,419,430,431 Landscaping of Gateways for City, presentation. (6/7) ....................................... 224 Landscaping on public ROW & Street Tree policy. (8/21) ...................................... 258 Landscaping Pro. for Dbq. Technology Park. (12/6) .................................. 519,520 Langas, George & Marilyn, Claim; Referred to Ins.; Claim.(617)(716)(9120) .................. 225,286,396 Langas, Larry, request to purchase City lot adjacent to 975 Thomas PL(6/7)(6/21) ................. 258,273 Lange, Thomas J., Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(716) ................................ 225,286 Lange, Eidon, $100 pd as Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(10/18) ...................... 438 Langevin, Marlyn J., Claim; settlement. (1/18)(3/1) ................................ 21,75 Langkamp, Merlin, objection to water run off problems with Pine Knolls DeveL on Kane St. - Boge DeveL {1111)(11115} ............................ 470,502 Langman Construction of Rock Island awarded contract for South Fork Sanitary Sewer Phase IV, U.S. 20 to Landfill.(4/5) ....................... 143 Langworthy Addn., portion, ROW property on Klingenberg Terr. to City.(9/20) ............ 397,398 LaNortena, T. RubJo, 1810 Central, Cig. Per.(2/1) .... 41 Larsen, Beverly, Denny's Lux Club, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/3)(5117) .............................. 181,204 Late fee for AT & T - TCI Cable bills.(8/16) ........ 352 Law Enforcement Center Expansion, meeting with County Supervisors; Eighth Street closing etc. (6/23)(7/6) .............................. 285,309 Law Enforcement Block Grant, FY 1999.(8/16) ..... 350 Laws - lack on enforcement cited by S. Plumley. (12/20) ..................................... 552 Lawther St. & Sheridan Road, Stop $ign.(10118) 448,449 Lazar, Deborah, Human Rights Comm. Sexual Orientation consideration for protection.(8116)... 355 Leachate, treating, re: Landfill.(3/1) ............... 76 Lead Based Paint Hazard Grant.(5117) ........ 202,203 Lead Paint Abatement - Hold, Wm. M. Black Restoration.(8/2) ............................ 344 Lead Paint Hazard Abatement Pro., CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(513) ................. 177 93 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Lead Paint Hazard Control Grant, CDBG funds as match.(6/7) .................................. 226 Lead Poisoning Funding, IA Dept. of Public Health, & Agree. with VNA.(8/2) ......................... 334 Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Proclam.(10/18) . 438 Leadership training, CDBG funds & Environ. notice.(513) .................................. 177 League of Cities, D. Nicholson serve on 1999 Information & Technology Comm Steering Corem.; $10,000 from Cable TV fund to them to support IA Cities in their ROW; legislative priorities set out; City Mgr. serve on their Policy Comm. (2/15)(7/19)(12/6) .................... 54.58,321,520 Lease between City & Dbq. Cellular Telephone, L.P. for installation & Operation of a Wireless Communication Facility on W. Third St. Water Tower.(l118)(2/1) ..................... 34,42 Lease Agree., Seneca Environmental, Monitoring Wells on ROW at First & Water Sts.(l/18) ......... 25 Lease between Dbq. Yacht Basin & Tugboat Willy's to operate restaurant, formerly known as Wheelhouse. (311)(3/15) ................................ 76,119 Lease & Agree. with Dbq. Marina, inc., amendmenL (3115)(415) ............................... 127,141 Lease assignment & Agree., M&K Ltd., Arty R. Klauer requesting for Dbq. Marina.(6/7) ................ 229 Lease - amendment, DRA for Ice Harbor Property. (7/6) ........................................ 313 Lease with Dubuque Racing Assn., Disposing of property.(7/19) ............................... 325 Lease with Nextel WIP Lease Corp. - Telecommunication Antenna Facility for W. Third St. Water Tower.(8/16)(9/7) ................... 360,379 Lease with City of Dbq. to AGRI Grain Marketing. (11115) ...................................... 482 Lease with Iowa Wireless Services LP - for W. Third St. Water Tower.(81f 6)(9/7) ................... 361,380 Lease with Nextel WIP Lease Corp. for Telecommunication Antenna Facility on the Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank.(12/20) .......... 559 Leases, ContiCarriers & Terminals, Inc., assignment of leases.(4/5) ............................... 131 Leases - Assignment of Cargill, Inc. with City to AGRI Grain Marketing.(11/15) ....................... 482 LeBlanc, Greg & Lynn, Claim; settlement, {6/7)(8/16) ............................... 260,348 Legal Departmental Budget Review.(3/2) .......... 98 Legislative issues for 2000.(16/4) ................ 434 94 INDEX - BOOk 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Legislative priorities - IA League of Cities.(7/'9) ... 321 Legislators -eminent domain in the past.(5/3) ..... 180 Leibfried, Scott, Claim; denial.(1/18)(2/15) ...... 21,52 Leibold, Tom, water problems re: Pine Knolls Subd. on Kane St., Boge Devel.(1111) ................ 470 Leisure Services position of Aquatics & Therapeutic Recreation Supervisor, Civil Service certification. (3/1) ........................................ 76 Leonard, Patrick, request for text amendment to allow a crematorium as aa accessory use in R1, R3 & R4 Districts.(9/20) (10/4) .................. 409,428 Les e n, Me v n J. & Carmen, Warranty Deed for 21st & Central.(9/7) ............................... 371 Leffer supporting Carnegie Stout Public Library. County Library, Governmental Enterprise Fund Grant.(4/19) ................................. 157 Letter of Intent to restore Merchants Hotel from J. Gronen, J. Bertsch & M. Steele.(5/3) ............ 181 Leffer of support for SL Mark Community Center Grant application.(8/16} ............................ 351 Letter of Support for Mines of Spain Trail GranL(9/7) ................................. 371 Letter to C ty Devel. Bd. objecting to voluntary & nonconsenting annexation as filed by City of Asbury.(9/20) ............................... 401 Letter to Dr. J. Viner, re: Health Board dissolving. (10/18) ..................................... 454 Leffer to Mayor Duggan from Dept. of Public Health, report of site conditions at Dbq. Mun, Landfill Site.(1111) .................................. 467 Letter, copy, from IDOTto Monica Meissner re: train speed.(11/15) ........................... 485 Lewis, R.E. Refrigeration - property for Riverwalk pro. (10118) .................... ~53 L ability of c ty re: Sidewa ks.( l),,, Library Departmental Budget Review.(3/2) ......... 08 Library at University of Dubuque, rezoning, objections to parking etc.(4/19)(5/3) ............... 172,182 Library - Letter supporting Carnegie Stout Public Library -County Library, Governmental Enterprise Fund Grant.{4/19) ............................ 157 Library Board resignation of Brian Southwood. (4/$) ....................................... 131 Library Boa~d, applicant Mary Strom.(5/17) ....... 206 Library Bd,, Janet Marxen withdrawing application. (6/21) ...................................... 261 Library Board applicants Thomas G, Goodman & Kevin Lynch; appoln ted.(6/21)(7/6) .............. 269,289 95 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Lice, Head, Control Plan, report to Bd. of Health by Mary Rose Corrigan.(1/18) ...................... 20 License Agreement with Illinois Central Railroad - Water Main Crossing near Julien Care Facility on Seippel Rd.(4/5) .............................. 131 License plates & stickers - new Ord. providing for display.(12/6) ................................ 530 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liq. Lic. (l/IS) ........................................ 26 Licensing Agreement for GIS - Geographic Information System Data.(7/6) ............................ 287 Licht, Mildred, & Jan Schulte, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7119)(812) ............................... 317,331 Liddle, Jeff, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD etc. - QHQ Properties.(ll4) ........................... 5 Liddle, Larry & Lori, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 225,286 Lien Oriental American Food Store, 115 W. 11th SL, Beer Per.(5/17) ............................... 205 Liens - partial release of property owned by FDL Foods.(6/7) .................................. 236 Liens released on Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn. etc. (6/7)(6121) ............................... 245,271 Lieutenant, Fire DepL, Civil Service certification of names.($117) .............................. 200 Lieutenant, Police DepL, Civil Service certification of names.(6/21) .............................. 261 LEt Station Pump Replacement - Catfish Creek. (12/20) ...................................... 560 Lightcap, Joel, applicant for Transit Bd. of Trustees. (8/2)(8/16) ............................... 336,352 Lighting Display by Hillcrest - Murphy Park.(716) ... 287 Lighting Project - Greyhound Park & Casino Park. (7119) ....................................... 320 Lincoln Ave., 2509, request for Rezoning - White's. (5117)(617)(716) .................... 217,242,293,294 Lincoln Ave., 1005, Bethany Home & S. Ulstad, rezoning for expansion.(tOI18)(1111} ........ 455,469 Lindahl, Corp. Cnsel Barry, left Chambers for discussion of Villa St. Sewer Ext.; requesting approval of project.(10/4) ..................... 424 Liquor Depot, 1620 JFK Rd., Beer Per.; Liq. Lic.; Refund on Cig. Per.; Cig. Per.; Refund on Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2~1)(2115)(415)(6121) ....... 41,52,59,131,268 Liquor Lic. Transfer from Ryan House to Mississippi River Museum.(4/19) ......................... 157 96 INDEX- BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE L Liquor Licensee holders for alcohol violations, civil penalty - Mulgrew's, JFK Amoco; HyVee; Oky Doky Hill St. Plaza; The Monday Co. - Casey's. (513) ................................... 178-180 Liquor- possession of open containers in motor vehicles by drivers & passengers, prohibited. (12/6) ...................................... 531 Little Cloud Girl Scouts, CDBG funds.(5/3) ........ 192 Little Old Lady of Dubuque Regina Hayford, request to name a street after her, designation of Bell St. (1/18) ....................................... 32 Loan - $800,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Promissory Note - Interstate Power Co.{716) ..... 302 Loan Agreement with McLeodUSA, return of agreement - NI. Pratt.(7/6) ..................... 309 Loan, CEBA, for Coffingham & Butler Ins.(9/7) .... 372 Loan, CEBA for Swiss Valley, $60,000.(1/18) ....... 24 Loan Guarantee, M108, for Eagle Window.(2/15) .... 58 LoBianco, Dan, At Large Rep. to Enterprise Zone Comm.; update on downtown festivities re: opening Main St.(2/15)(12/20) ...................... 58,549 LoBianco, Deacon Tim, for 156f Jackson rezoning, St. Mary's "Maria House." (8/2) ................ 336 Local 94 UAW, J. Theisen, 3450 Central, Beer Per. (114)(12/20) ............................... 4,552 Local Housing Assistance Program Contract, Amendment.(6121) ........................... 262 Local Housing Assistance Program Funds, IA Dept. of Economic Develop., application.(6/21) .......... 265 Locher, Marie, Claim; Settlement.(5~3)(5~17)... 175,199 LocustSt. & First St. Intersection Pro.(6/21) .. 265,266 Locust St. & Ninth St., disposal of property to American Trust Bank; amendment of sign Ord. to allow for sign at new building - American Trust & Savings.(8/16)(9/7)(11/15) ....... 361,378,505 Locust St. & Seventh St. corner, removal of parking for Museum of Arts.(6/7)(6121) ................ 242,277 Locust St., 198, APEX Environmental, to install monitoring wells.(ll4) .......................... 2 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., Vision 2000 format.(11/1) ................................ 467 Long Range Planning Comm., proposed amendment to zoning Ord.(12/20) ......................... 557 Long Range Planning Comm., resignation of Jim Gibbs; applicants: Stephen Cooper, Anna O'Shea, Michael Portzen, David Rusk. (6/7)(6/21)(7/6) ........................ 227,269,289 97 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Lookout Pint Subd. No. 2 - John & Alice Butler, 1960 & 2000 South Grandview Ave., approval of Survey of Lots I & 2.(1/18) .............................. 22 Loras AMOCO Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras Blvd., Cig. Per.(6/7) ........................... 231 Loras Blvd., Rocco Buda Park Pro.(10/4) ......... 422 Loras Blvd. to N. Grandview, stop signs at intersecting sides streets: Atlantic, Auburn, N. AIgona.(8/16) . 357 Loras College, Aramark Services, 1450 Alta Vista, Liq. Lic.(415)(716)(1014) ................ 140,289,424 Loras Estates, approval of request by Ron Smith for extension of time limit for submittal of final plat for PR Planned Res. Dis.(1/18) ..................... 23 Loras Estates, final plat approval & rescinding Res. 310-95.(6/21) ............................ 273,274 Loras Estates, platting of 2 add'l Iots.(12/20) ...... 551 Louella Lane, portion - Arty G. Norby for J. Kreiman, vacation and sale of portion of Maple Leaf Ave., MonroeAve.(7119)(1111)(11115) ......... 318,474,486 Lounge, The, Philip R. Love, 481 Locust, Liq. License; Tobacco Violation Penalty; Cig. Per. (1118)(4119)(6121) ...................... 28,160,268 Louzgina, Tatyan, gymnast from Sister City Pyafisgorsk, Russia.(1/18) ..................... 21 Love, Phillip, of The Lounge, speaking re: tobacco violation penalty.(4/19) ........................ 160 Love, Phillip, The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liq. License; Tobacco Violation Penalty; Cig. Per. (1118){4119)(6121) ...................... 28,160,268 Loyal Order of Moose - Lodge #355, 1166 Main, Liq. Lic.(4/5) ..................................... 140 Lucky 13 Tap, Dave Erickson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6121){8/16) .............................. 268,352 Ludwig, Lawrence & Catherine, re: rezoning of properties W of Peru Rd. & N. of Kennedy Ct. from A1 to PUD for Emerald Acres No. 2.(3/1) ....... 82-84 Ludwig, Ronald & Joann, Lawrence & Katherine, & E. Tschiggfrie, annexation of 39.8 acres W of Peru Rd. & S of Ginger Ridge - north of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park.(2~15)(311) ................ 67,82 Ludwig, Ronald & Joann, rezoning of property at 17111 Peru Rd. from County A1 to R1.(3/1) ....... 84 LuGrain, Lana Raye, P.J.'s, 500 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic. (3/15) ....................................... 121 Lugrain, Louis, Claim.(ll4) ........................ 1 Lux Club, Denny's, B. Larsen, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (513)(5117) ............................... 181,204 98 INDEX-BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE L Lynch, Beth, resigned from Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.(812) ................. 331 Lynch, Kevin, applicant for Library Bd.; appointed. (6/21)(716) .............................. 269,289 Lyons, Jymie M., Jym's Bar, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (6/21)(812) .............................. 269,335 99 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/15)(513)(1014) ...................... 103,175,417 M. M. & H., Silver Dollar Cantina, 342 Main, Liq. Lic. (5117) ..................................... 205 M.M.+M., Phillip Mihalakis, vacate & dispose of E. 12th & E. 14th St. -Dispose of City interest in Lot 328A, Lot 262A & Lot 262B of Ed. Dbq. #2. (415)(4119) ...................... 148-150,158,159 M&K Ltd., R. Arty R. Klauer, assignment of Lease & Agree. for property known as Dbq. Marina; Cig. Per.(6/7) ................................ 229,232 Mangeno, Angela, Angie's Bar, 1421 Elm, Cig. Per.; Refund on Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(9/20) . 231,396,402 Madden, Dr., report on Communicable Diseases. (10/18) .................................... 437 Maggio, Mike, objecting to Sidewalk assessments on JFK Road.(7/6) .......................... 290 Mahe, Bernice, payment of $100 paid, Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(9/20) ......... 396 Main St. 101-123, Mortgage Assumption Agreement, Sidney & Colleen Wallace.(2/15) ................ 53 Main St., 302, - Merchants Hotel & Union Cigar Store, 332-338 Main., Offer to Buy; Historic Preservation application for Economic Hardship; Letter of intent to renovate etc.;comments etc. for restoration; Demolition; Demolition; deed for property to City' Progress report by J. Gronen, J. Bertsch, & M. Steele; Extension of demolition deadline; Awarding contract for Asbestos Abatement; Discussion on delaying demolition etc.; Disposal of Merchants site - Lot 9 to Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce. (311)(3115)(5117)(617)(6121)(716)(812)(11115)(12120) ...... 95,126,i81,219,220,267,269,270,293,339,514,553 Main St., 84, ROW Encroachment, Awning & Sign approved for S. Guden kauf.(3/iS) ............. 125 Main St- Ltd., Purchase of Services Agree.(513) .... 180 Main St. Ltd, objecting to Parking Rate increases. (8/16) ..................................... 356 Main St. & Third St-, removal of utility poles.(10/18). 442 Main St., 1005 & 10923, construction of awning etc. for Gary & K. Jensen - Art Studio.(10/18) ....... 447 Main St., 301, purchase of property - former Army Surplus St. from Dubuque Initiatives.(11/15) .... 511 Main St., 398, Dubuque Rescue Mission to construct a projecting awning sign.(12/20) ............ 555,556 Main St. from Fifth to Ninth St., Streetscape Concepts, possibly opening to traffic, Work Sessions, Discussion.(12/20) .......................... 549 Main Street Streetscape from 9th to 5th, discussion. (3/15) ..................................... 102 Maintenance Agreement for Roads, Winter, City & County.(10/18) ............................. 439 100 INDEX:. BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE M Maintenance Project -Technology Park Modifications. Maintenance Pro.(11/1)(11/15) .......... 475,476,501 Maintenance Worker, certified by Civil Service Comm.(2/1) .................................. 37 Make a Difference Day Proclam.(1014) ............ 417 Maim, Greg, Pres. of Maim Outdoor Comm., opposing request for billboard moratorium; further discussion of outdoor Billboard advertising etc. M (4/19)(12j6) ............................ 161,532 anager M ke Van Milligan, appointed to Operation: New View; evaluation of his competency in Closed Session. (1118)(612) ....................... 32,223 Manderscheid, John L., Claim; Referred to Ins.(9/20)(10/4) .......................... 396,417 Manhole Reconstruction Pro. for Sanitary Sewer.(311)(4/5)(11115) ............... 96,97,142,484 Manson Road Bridge, design consultant services - IIW Engineers.(12/20) ......................... 552 Manternach, Alan, County Supervisor, meeting with Council re: Law Enforcement Center Expansion. (6/23) ..................................... 285 Manternach, L nda, for Bethany Home, requesting rezoning for Expansion.(11/1) ................. 469 Manternach, Galen, of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park, re: Tschiggfrie's development of Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park & requested eminent domain proceedings.(2115)(3115)(4~19) .... 66,124,160 Manternach, Tom, of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park, re: Tschiggfrie's development of Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park & requested eminent domain proceedings.(4/19) ................... 160 Maple Leaf Ave., Arty Gary Norby for J. Kreiman, requesting vacation - near Louella Lane, plat approval & disposal. (7119)(1111J(11/15) ................. 318,474,475,486 Maquoketa Drive, 9606, Wm. & Jennifer Duffy requesting annexafion.(4Ylg) .................. 164 March, 1999, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (4/15) ...................................... March Council Meeting, Proof of publication.(4115} 153 Marco's, Inc., 2022 Central, Liq. Lic.(513) .......... 181 Marde Enterprises, Cue Master, 900 Central, construct steps.(716) .................................. 310 Maria House rezoning, 1561 Jackson. (7/19)(8/2) ........................... 327,336,337 Marina, Dbq., Lease & Agreement, K. Kann & M. Wilhem.(3115)(4/5) ....................... 127,153 101 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Marine Fuel Tax funds, reconstruction of Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp.(1/18) ....................... 22 Mario's Italian Res./Lounge, T & M Inc., Liq. Lic. (1111) ....................................... 469 Market - Central, merchandise permitted to be displayed - Ord.(5/17) ......................... 214 Marquette Place, Creston St. Glenwood Ct., final assess, for 98 PC Concrete Paving Pro. (415) .................................... 135-138 Marriage Encounter Day, Proclamation.(2Jl) ........ 36 Martin Automagic, Pride Service, 2175 Central, Cig. Per.; Penalty for cigarette violation; third violation. (6/7)(7119)(8/2) ....................... 231,321,339 Martin, Terrence, & Wilfred Bahl's, annexation to City of Dubuque.(6121) ........................ 263 Marugg, Keith, objecting to UD's expansion.(5/3) .. 182 Marxen, Janet, withdrawal of application for Library Bd.(6/21) .................................... 261 Mary of the Angels (old), now Washington Park Place, 605 Bluff, rezoning from OR to C4.(4/19)(5/3). 172,186 Maryville Dr. to Sarah St. area Storm Sewer Ext. (9/7)(9/20) ........................... 390,391,403 Match Point, LLC - Termination & Assign. Agree. approval for Eagle Window & Door, Dbq. Eagle LLC with Herman Ahlers.(1111)(11115) ....... 471,472,485 Matheos, Jimmy & Debby, Athenian Grill, 1091 University, Awning Sign.(8/16) ............ 357-359 Mathy Construction - River City Paving, awarded contract for 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro.; awarded contract for Storm Damage Repair of Washington &ValleySts.(5117)(6121) .... 208,270,271 Mauss, Police Chief John, appreciation for Award from Governor re: Seat Belt Honor Roll.(1014) ........ 417 Maximum fine for Misdemeanors.(7/19) ........... 326 Maximus - DMG, consultant for Operations & Maint. Garage Site etc.(5117) ......................... 201 May, 1999, Financial report.(6/21) ................ 260 Mayne, Lois, Klingenberg Terrace ROW property to City.(9120) ................................ 398 Mayor Pro-Tern Voetberg sworn in.(5/3) .......... 175 Mechanical Code - new one adopted.(11/15) ...... 506 Mechanical Exhaust System - re: Jake Brake law. (9/7) ........................................ 383 Medical Associates Dr., 1500, request for amendment of PUD Dis. - Signage.(4/19}(5/3) ........... 172,185 Medical Associates Health Plans - Sarah Hickey, referral of Claim.(1/4) ........................... 1 102 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M M.edical Associates Phase I & II, Accepting public improvements.(10/18) ........................ 441 Medical Officer in Fire Dept., certification by Civil Service Comm.(5/17) ......................... 200 Meehan, Richard, Claim, administratively closed.(1/4)(1/18) ........................... 1,21 Meetings - Special, requested with Airport Comm.; Meeting -Special requested on 10125, disposal of property in Dbq. Ind. Center West to Dbq. Area Ind. DevelopCorp.-DAIDC.(917)(9120) .......... 386,411 Meissner, Monica, IDOT letter re: train speed. (11/15) ..................................... 485 Membership of Enterprise Zone Commission confirmed.(2/15) .............................. 57 Menning, Kevin, votes received for Council Member - Abstract.(11/15) ............................. 482 Menstar, Father Wm., Gave Invocation.(6/7) ....... 225 Mental Health Month Proclam.(513) .............. 175 Mental Retardation Awareness Month, Proclamation.(3115) .......................... 103 Mercantile Bani< of Eastern Iowa, name change to Mercantile Bank Midwest, approved as City depository.(6D1) ............................ 267 Merchandise permitted to be displayed at Central Market - Ord.(5/17) ........................... 214 Merchants Hotel, 302 Main, Offer to Buy; Historic Preservation application for Economic Hardship; comments for restoration etc.; Demolition; progress report by J. Gronen, J. Bertsch & M. Steele; Extension of demolition deadline; Awarding contract for Asbestos Abatement; discussion on demolition, delaying etc.; withdrawal of offer; disposal of Lot 9 - Hotel site to Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce; disposal of property to Chamber. (311)(3115){5117)(617)(6121}~716)(812}(11115)(12/20) · . 95,126,219,220,228,267,269,270,293,339,514,553,554 Mercy Health Center, re: vacating & disposing portion of Clara St. - Lot IA of Thomas E. Byrne Subd. (8/2)(8/16) ....................... 342,343,353-355 M M & H, Silver Dollar, 42 Main St., Cig. Per. (6121) ...................................... 268 Mercy Health Center, rezoning request of property near Wooten & Clara Sts. from R1 to ID with conditions.(6/21)(7/6) .................. 278,287,294 Merfeld, Llnda, objection to UD's expansion.($/3) .. 182 103 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Merkes, John, Claim; Referred to Ins.; $100 paid as part of Sanitary Sewer Backup. (6/7){7/6)(9/7) ........................ 225,286,367 Merrick, Jerry, of Arabian Trail, water runoff concerns re: Pine Knolls DeveL, 2900 Kane, S. Boge.(1111) . 470 Metcalf, Mrs. Ruth, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7/19) ....................................... 286 Metcalf, Ruth, payment of $100, Sanitary Sewer backup Assistance Pro.(9/20) .................. 396 Meter Size & Monthly Consumption of Water, fees changed.(3/2) ........................... 100 Methodist Church, Grandview Ave. United, annexation request for 20 acres on JFK Rd.; rezoning of properfy.(415)(4119)(5117) .............. 132,164,217 Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, Dbq., expansion of service area & treating add'l leachate; possibility of receiving waste from other counties; nearby property - rezoning. (311)(5117)(8116)(917) ................ 76,213,359,375 MetteI-Byrne Addn, construction of a storm sewer thru Lot 6, BIk 5, 1793 Glenwood.(8/16) .............. 351 Meyer, Carol, & Lisa Toff, Tott's Tap, 3457 Jackson St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/6)(8/2) ............... 289.335 Meyer, Charles C. - Library at U.D. expansion, discussion, objections by neighbors etc.(5/3) .... 182 Meyer, Donald, Admiral's Hi-Hat West, 253 Main, Cig. Per.(6/7) ................................ 231 Meyer, Ricky, Claim; referred to Ins.(311)(3/15) .. 75,103 Meyers, Carol, & Lisa Toff, Tott's Tap, 3457 Jackson Outdoor Ser.(9/20) .......................... 402. Meyers, Pearl, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7/19)(8/2) ............................... 317,331 Meyers, Pearl R., payment of $100 Sanitary Sewer backup Assistance Pro.(9/20) .................. 396 Michael's Bar X, L & M Wharf Corp. 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lic.(12/20) ............................... 552 Mikalakis, John P. & Richard L. Billmeyer, property exchange on Kerper Blvd.(Il4) .................. 14 Michalski, Ann, as Council Member delegate to the Planning Comm. for Future Search Conference; on commiffee to work with Airport Comm.; Abstract of votes for Council Member - reelected. (812)(1014)(11115) ..................... 340,434,481 Mickey's Pub, 620 Central, Liq; Lic.(2/1) ...........41 Middle Road - South of, E. of Seippel Rd. & West of North Siegert Farm, annexation consideration. (1118) ........................................ 32 104 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Mihalakis, John P., & Richard Billmeyer, proposal for Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park property.(2/15) ...... 63 Mihalakis, Phillip, vacate & dispose of portion of E. 14th St.; Dispose of City Interest in Lot 328A, Lot 262A & Lot 262B of Ed. Dbq. #2. (4/5)(4/19) ....................... 148-150,158,159 Mike Finnin Ford, vacation of portion of Clearview Dr.(4/19)(5/3) ......................... 164,165,187 Mike's Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Civil Penalty for Tobacco Violation.(4119) ................... 160 Milk House, 620 S. Grandview, Civil Penalty, Tobacco Violation.(4/19) .............................. 160 Millenium Dr., dedication, re: final plat approval of Emerald Acres No. 2.(812) ..................... 341 Miller & Van Eaton Law firm, attorneys to help with Cable Franchise Renewal Process.(5/17) ....... 203 Miller, Beverly, Sid's Beverage, 2727 Dodge St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per.(6n')(8116) ..... 231,351,352 Miller, Delbert & Larry, vacation of Kane Ct. in West Ridge 2nd Addn.(8/2)(8/16)(9/7) ......... 332,362,379 Miller, Patrick, Claim; Referred to Ins.(6/7)(7/6) 225,286 Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(6n')(716) . 251,292 Miller-Riverview Park, Management Agree. wf P. Felderman; listed re: Ord. not excluding dogs & cats etc.(2/1)(12/6)(12/20) ........ 36,528,555 Mills, Gordie, Chair of Long Range Planning, in favor of zoning ordinance amendment.(12/20) ........ 557 Mineral Lot 304, approval of Survey Plat of the Div. of the East 112 of Lot 2.(8116) .................... 348 Mineral Lot 470, Lot1 of 2, - 975 Thomas Place adjacent property, disposal to Larry M. Langas. (6/7)(6/21) .............................. 258,273 Mines of Spain - linkage with Heritage Trail, REAP grant to acquire land near Star Brewery; Trail grant.(8/2)(9/'7) .......................... 332,371 Mining Co., AL Ltd. Corp., 555 JFK., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6121) .................................. 268,269 Misdemeanors, maximum fine.(7/19) ............. 326 Mission - Dbq. Rescue, 398 Main, awning.(12120) .. 555 Mississippi River, IDOT notifying of Bridge Repair projecL(ll4) ............................ 1 M ss ss pp River - IDOT Project Manager, U.S. 20 Capacity Bridge Study.(1/18)(4/19) .......... 23,162 Mississippi River Museum, Liq. Lic. transfer. (4/19) ...................................... 157 105 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Mississippi River Museum spokesman J. Walsh, re: Merchant's Hotel renovation.(5/17) ............. 219 Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center, Dbq. County Historical Soc. (6/7) ........................................ 229 Mississippi Riverwalk, State Historic Resource Development Funds.(1/18) ..................... 22 Mississippi Riverwalk, adjacent Carriage Building requested by C. Bradley.(2/15) .................. 53 Mississippi Riverwalk -application for REAP grant from DNR to get land near Dbq. Star Brewery. (8~2) ........................................ 332 Mitchell, Heather, Youth in Gov. Council Member. (4/6) ........................................ 130 MMC Mechanical Contractors, awarded contract for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Installation.(7/6) 302 Moderate Income Rental Rehab Loan; Funds Release & Environ. Notice etc.(5/3) ..................... 177 Mohr, Patricia, 1125 Rockdale rezoning from R1 to OS. (2/15) ....................................... 127 Molly's Pub & Grub, Dempsey's, 395 W. 9th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/17)(6/7) ....................... 205,231 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK Rd.(311) ........ 81 Molo Oil Co., PuffN Snuff, (4119) ................. 157 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart & Car Wash, 1875 JFK. (11/15) ...................................... 485 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9th & Central, Beer Per.(12/6) ................................... 521 Monday Co., The, Caseys', 4003 Peru Rd., R. Canfield, violation of liquor license sales; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/3)(6/7)(9/7) ........................ 180,231,374 Monitoring visit, Housing Service's Rehab, thank you letter from iA Dept. of Economic Develop.(12/6) .. 519 Monitoring Wells from APEx Environmental at 198 Locust.(ll4) ................................... 2 Monitoring Wells on ROW at First & Water Sts.- Lease Agree. with Seneca Environ.(1/18) ............... 25 Monitoring Wells at 1081 University for Shell Oil Co., - Apex EnvironmentaL(4/5) ..................... 138 Monroe Ave - aka Louella Lane, plat approval & vacation for J. R. Kreiman.(11/1) ............... 474 Moore, Joda, Jorja's Rest. & Lounge, 890 Iowa, Liq. Lic.(5117) ................................ 205 Moore, Ken, QHQ Devel., rezoning E past of Phase I Sunny Slope Estates opposite of Red Violet Dr. from AG to R1.(11/15)(12/6) .................... 511,525 Moose, Dbq. Lodge #355,' 1166 Main, Liq. Lic.(4/5) . 140 106 INDEX , BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Moothart, Matt, Youth in Gov. Council Member. (4/5) .............. "''''"-'-.-..-..-...... 130 Moracco, 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liq. Lic. (12/6) ...... 521 Moran, Barbara, Dir. of VNA, Report of Visiting Nurse Assn.;speaking before Health Bd.(7/19)(10/18) 316,437 Moran, Tom, Lib. Dir., designated appointee of Mgr. to Operation: New View.(1/18) .................. 32 Moratorium of 12 mos. for building permit issuance for U.S. 20 Corridor.(4/19) ..................... 162 Moratorium on billboard construction requested by D. Hartig & others.(4/19) ........................ 161 Morris, Donna, objecting to Sidewalk Assessments on JFK Road.(7/6) ........................... 290 Mortgage Obligation for property at 101-123 Main St. Assumption Agreement for Sidney & Colleen Wallace.(2J15) ...... Mortgage released for property in FDL First Addn.(5/17)(6/7) ......................... 220,236 Mortgage released for property in FDL Second Addn. (6121) ...................................... 271 Mortuaries -Funeral Homes, Crematorium requested as accessory use by Leonard's on Rockdale Rd. (9/20)(10/4) ............................. 409,428 Mossman, Mark, Claim.(7/19) ................... 317 Motel development proposed for 605 Bluff St. (former Mary of the Angel's, Washington Park Place) by K. Freeman.(4/19)(513) ...................... 172, 186 Motor Truck Assn., IA., re: Jake Brake Ord.(9/7) ... 383 Motor Vehicle Noise - Brakes, Jake. prohibition, discussion etc. (8/2)(9/7) .............. 340,383 Motorcyc es, B cyc es, usage of them in Parks etc. (3/1) ....................................... 01 Mounta n Lane, F orence & Villa St. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7)(10/4) ................ 387-389,424,425 Mozena, Terry, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; appointed.(5/3) (5/17) .................. 181,205,206 Mozena, Terry, requesting extension of deadline for demolition of Merchants Hotel.(6/21) ........... 269 Mt- Loretta St., 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. FY 2000. (5/17) ...................................... 208 Mt. Loretta St., as through street-(10/18) ...... 449 Mueller, Steve & Vicky for Emily, Claim; referred to Ins.(12/6)(12/20) ......................... 518,550 Mueller, Tom, proposed amendments to Housing Code; Re: Lead based paint comments. (1118)(4119)(513) ................... 32,160,161,189 Mulert, Marvin, rep. on Regional Work Force Adv. Bd., Dbq. Federation of Labor.(9/7) ................ 372 107 INDEX- BOOK 129 ' 1999 SUBJECT PAGE M Mulgrew Oil Co., R. Erickson, violation of liquor license sales.(513) ............................ 178 Mulgrew Oil Co., Claim; settlement.(5/17)(6/7) . 199,226 Mulgrew Oil Co., 16th St. Auto/Truck, 1215 E. 16th, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/7) ............... 181,231 Mulgrew Oil Co, Refund on Beer Per.(7/19) ........ 317 Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, 3300 Asbury Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(8/16) ... 231,351 Mulgrew Oil Co., JFK AMOCO Foodshop, 1701 J.F.K. Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(716) ............... 231,289 Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras AMOCO Foodshop, 1450 Loras Blvd, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(8/16) ......... 231,351 Mulgrew, Robert& Mary Lou & Jim Stock, rezoning of 2702 Brunskill Rd. from RI to PUD etc. for Oak Meadows Condominiums.(12/20} ............... 559 Mulison, Mike, of Arabian Trail, water runoffconcerns re: Pine Knolls Devel., 2900 Kane, S. Boge.(11/1) . 470 Mullinex, Gwen & Rudy, objecting to rezoning of SW corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd.(11115) .. 504 Multi-Hazard Plan presentation by Fire Chief Dan Brown & Inf. Services Dir. Chris Kohlman.(9/7)... 366 Municipal Landfill, Site Condition report by Dept. of Health.(11/1) ................................ 367 Municipal Parking Garages, Hours of Operation. (4/5) ........................................ Murphy, Pamela, Murph's South End, 55 Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Civil Penalty for tobacco violation; Hearing on Penalty. (6121)(716)(9120)(1014) .............. 269,289,401,433 Murphy Park, Hillcrest Usage Agreement for Lighting Display.(7/6) ................................. 287 Murph's South End, P. Murphy, 55 Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Civil penalty for tobacco violation.(6121)(716)(9120) .............. 269,289,401 Murray, Dennis, of Galaxies, re: Civil Penalty on Tobacco Violation.(4/19) ...................... 160 Museum of Art, Dbq., Seventh St. alterations - parking meter changes etc.(6/7)(6121) .............. 242,277 Mussehl, Ronald, Plaza 20 Amoco, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.{716) ................................ 289 MyCap Vendors - Diamond Jo - GDREC, Refund on Cig. Per.(8116) ............................ .'.. 351 108 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Mc McAleece Park & Recreation Complex, concession Agreement - 8th Inning LLC.(2/1) ............... 36 McCann's Service Station, 690 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Cig. Sale Violation Penalty Hearing.(513)(6i7)(1216)(12/20) 181,231,520,554 McPoland, Robert, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(716) ............................... 225,286 McClain, Janice & Michael, Claim forwarded for a defense.(311) ............................... 75 McClain St., SW of Clara St., etc. vacated portion to Dubuque Lodging etc.(2/1) ............... 47,48 McDermott, Larry, Spruce Wood Devel., final plat of Barrington Lakes No. 3.(10/18) .......... 453,454 McDonald - Bluff St., re: Outdoor Billboard Advertising.(12/6) ........................... 532 McDonald Mfg. Co., A.Y., 4800 Chavenelle Rd., On-Premise Signage.(2/1) ..................... 43 McDonald, Robert & Heidi, Claim; settlement. (9/7)(10118) ............................. 367,438 McDonald, Tom, Fremont Ave. speed limit.{9/20) .. 404 McDonough, Chris, by State Farm Ins., Claim; referred to Ins.(4/5)(4/19) ......................... 130,153 McFadden, Dick & Walter, objections to Hwy 20 west annexation.(3/15) ............................ 123 McGhee, Deacon Dave, Gave Invocation.(812) ..... 331 McGill Restoration, Claim.(1/4) .................... 1 McGinnity, Gerald A., objecting to rezoning of 1561 Jackson, Maria House.(8/2) ................... 336 McHugh, Delores, BVM, rezoning & repair of Julien Dbq. Drive property requested for salvage yard by R. Kunde.{4/5) ............................ 141 Mclntyre, Roger L, property conveyed to City for Klingenberg Terrace Ret. Wall.(9/20) ........... 399 McKillip, Nancy, 2419 Gordon, objecting to assessments on JFK for sidewalks.(7/6) ........ 290 McLeodUSA, Gem Mgr. Mike Pratt, return of Loan Agree. (7/6) ................................. 309 McMahon, Harold, requesting Rosedale Ave. be further change to East Rosedale & West Rosedale. (3/15) ...................................... 103 McMahon, Julie, re: State Health Board review for City & County.(5/10) ......................... 198 McMullen, Kathleen, Gen. Mgr. of TCl Cable, charge an administrative fee on delinquent acc'ts. (7/6}(8/16) .............................. 313,352 109 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE N N. Booth St., 35, YMCA-YWCA, rezoning from OR to OS & RI to OS.(1/4) ............................ 5 N. Grandview Ave. & area abutting alley North of Delhi SL, vacating & disposing of to DB & T Bank. (5117) .................................. 220,221 N. Grandview Ave. at Delhi St., Concrete repairs. (9120)(10/4) ......................... 409,410,432 Nagle, Robert W., applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.(6121)(7/6) ........................ 269,290 Name change for Rosedale Ave., to E. & W. Rosedale, requested by H. McMahon.(3/15) .............. 104 Name change of Mercantile Bank of Eastern Iowa to Mercantile Bank Midwest, approved as City depository.(6/21) ........................... 267 Name change requested - Regina Hayford Blvd., request for street named after her - Little Old Lady of Dubuqueetc.(lllS)(211)(3115) .... 32,44,45,124,125 Nash Finch Co. Econofoods #472, 3355 JFK Rd. Beer Per.; Wine Per.; Cig. Per.(311)(6/7) ...... 81,231 Nash, Ruth & Russ, in favor of Housing Ord. changes. (4119)(5/3) .............................. 160,189 National League of Cities, D. Nicholson to serve on 1999 Information Technology & Comm. Steering Comm.(2115) ................................. 54 National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center - Upper Mississippi River, application to HUD.{6/7) 229 Nature Trail - Heron Pond Wetlands.(6/21) .... 280,281 Naughton, Gail, of Historic Pres, Comm.- Merchants Hotel & Union Cigar Store proposed demolition; resignation from Historic Pres. Comm.(3115)(4/19) ....................... 126,155 Nauman Nursery, awarded contract for the Landscaping of the Dubuque Industrial Center West. (10/4) ..................................... 431 Nauman, Virgil, rezoning of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD & with PC & PR Dis.(1/4) .... 5 Negotiating Team - Cable Franchise Renewal. (11115) .................................... 511 Neighborhood Development Services, CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) .............. 177 Neighborhood Recreation Program, CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(513) ................ 177 Neighborhood Step/Wall Repair, CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ................ 177 Neighborhood Street Overlays & Sidewalk Program, CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) 177 Neighborhood Support Program, changes.(10/4) .. 422 Neighborhood Support Grant, CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(513) ...................... 177 Neighbors Tap, 1899 Rockdale, Liq. Lic.(311) ....... 81 Neilson, Eugene, Claim; referred to Ins. (6121)(716) .............................. 260,286 Nemmers, Rev. Mark, Gave Invocation.(12/6) ...... 518 11o INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE N Nesler, Thomas O, Claim; referred to Ins. (311)(3115) ............................... 75,103 Neustadt, Harry applicant for Housing Comm.; Reappointed.(812)(8116) .................. 335,352 Nextel Corp., leasing of space on W. Third St. Water Tower & adjacent ground space etc.(8/16) ...... 360 Nextel WIP Lease Corp., Telecommunication Antenna Facility on Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank.(12/20) 559 Nicholson, Council Member Dan, reappointed to Operation: New View; on National League of Cities to serve on 1999 Information Techn. & Comm. Steering Com.; Chair of Council Meeting; reappointed to GDDC; appointed to Committee on Airport Comm.; alternate rep. to Iowa Earth Year 2000. (1/18)(2Jl 5)(6/2)(8~7)(10/4)(1 ?j5) ............................. 32,54,223,277,434,532 Nickolas, Arnold, 1010 Lincoln, objecting to rezoning for Bethany Home expansion.(11/1} ............ 469 Niemann, William applicant to Environmental Stewardship Comm.(10/4)(10/18) .......... 424,443 Nilles, Gwen, for change in City Code Ch. 27 re: Sexual orientation protection.(8/16) ......... 355 Ninth & Locust St. disposal of property to American Trust Bank- former American Tower BIdg area; Sign Regulations amended in this historic district. (6121)(8/16)(9/7)(11/15) ...... 267,361,378,505 Ninth & Town Clock - trees preserved at Town Clock Plaza, petition requesting.(9/7) ................ 372 No Parking on corner of7th & Locusts Sts.{6/21) .. 277 Nob[e, Mark, Ass't Planner, re: HRDP Historic Preservation Grant,(12/6) ..................... 519 Noel, Rev. Anthony of Abundant Harvest Church of God, Gave Invocation.(7/19) .................. 317 Noise problem with Jake brakes, discussion, prohibition etc.(8/2)(9/7) .................. 340,383 Noll, Sarah, Youth in Government Council Person. (4/5) ....................................... 130 Nomination to Regional Workforce Investment Board. (7/19) ...................................... 327 Non-bargaining Unit Employees, City, compensation package.(5/17) .............................. 202 Noonan's Tap, M. L Kamp, 1618 Central, Liq. Lic.; Civil Penalty re: Tobacco violation; Cig. Per. (4/5)(4/19)(6/21) ...................... 140,160,268 Norby, Atty. Gary, for John. Kreiman, vacation & sale of portion of Maple Leaf Ave.(& Mon roe Ave.) & Louella Lane.~119)(11/15) ................ 318,486 111 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE N North Cascade Road & Hwy 611151 Road Intemhanges, SW Arterial Location.(2118) ..................... 70 North Grandview Ave. Extension, Council Work Session discussion.(1118) ...................... 19 North Siegert Farm, final plat approval.(4119) ...... 154 Northeast iowa Small Bus. Development Center - Fourth Entrepreneurship Training Course.(3115) . 120 Northview Center Grove, Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot4Ato Mike Finnin Ford.(4119)(513). 165,166,187 Northwest Arterial ROW to IDOT - from Dodge St. to John F. Kennedy Rd.(812) ..................... 346 Notice of Intent to proceed with public improvement for construction of a storm sewer through Lot 6, BIk 5 of MetteI-Byrne Addn., 1793 Glenwood Ct. (8116) ....................................... 351 Notice on Environ. & Release of Funds - St. Mark's Community Center Elevator.(5/17) .............. 203 November, 1998, DRA financial ending year statements.(211) .............................. 36 November, 1998, Printed Council Proceedings approved.(1/18) ............................... 21 November 1999 Financial Reports.(12/20) ......... 650 Nurses' Week Proclam.(5/3) ..................... 175 NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., final plat approval of Holliday Add.(4/5) ............................ 146 NW Arterial & Asbury Rd., razoning of SW Corner from AG & C3 to PC for QHQ - Mike Quagliano. (114)(311)(415) ..................... 5,87-90,147,148 NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave., widening of Pennsylvania for Turn Lane.(9/20)(10/4) ..... 414,431 NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave., installation of sidewalks, request for extension of time.(8/16)... 356 NW Arterial at Pennsylvania Ave. - vacating 60' of IDOT ROW; widening of Pennsylvania at intersection etc.(4119)(9120) ................ 157,414 NW Arterial, IDOT & IDNR funds to landscape along. (1/18) ...................................... ;. 26 NW Arterial - Iowa Hwy 32, Medical Associates Sign RequesL(5/3) ................................ 185 NW Arterial - properties west along Hwy 20, Westside Ct., Radford Rd. & Old Highway Rd., rezoning from AG to R1, R3, C3 & CS. (11/15)(12/6) ......................... 512,522,523 NW Arterial, ROW Acq uisition, from JFK to U.S. 52, Coop. Agree. wf DOT.(3/1) ...................... 80 NW Arterial ROW to IDOT, Quit Claim Deed. (812)(8/16) ............................... 346,355 112 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE N NW Arterial, SW Corner of Asbury Rd., rezoning for J. Anesi- Aldi, Inc.(2/15) ......................... 68 NW Arterial to New Seippel Rd. Intersection, U.S. Hwy 20 Water Main Ext. Pro.(11/1) .................. 485 NW Arterial, West & N of Asbury Rd., rezoning for Corey Devel.(513)(5117) ................... 185,210 NW Arterial west to Landfill Entrance Rd. & Cotfingham Rd., annexation of land in Hwy 20 Corridor.(3/15) .............................. 123 113 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Oak Meadows Condominiums, 2702 Brunskill Rd., rezoning from R1 to PUD with PR -for J. Stock & M ulgrew's.(12/20) ........................... 559 Oakland Farms Road Interchange, re: SW Arterial location etc.(2/18) ............................ 70 Obie's Enterprise - A-OK Yellow Taxi Cab Co., rate increase.(12/6) ............................. 520 Obriecht, Andrew M., claim referred to Ins.(5/17) ... 199 Occupant Restraint Award from Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau to City - Seat Belt Award - Police. (1014) ..................................... 417 O'Neill St. & Sheridan Rd., Stop Sign.(10/18) ...... 448 October, 1999, Airport monthly report.(12/20) ...... 550 October, 1999, Financial Report.(12/6) ............ 518 October 1999 Proof of Claims & Revenues.(12120) . 550 Offers to Buy - Merchants Hotel & Union Cigar Store. (3FI) ........................................ 95 Office Furniture approved for Dbq. Racing Assn. (4/5) ...................................... 133 Oky Doky #1, TFM Co. 250 W. 1st SL, Beer Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/7) .................... 181,231 Oky Doky #15, Jena, 110t Rhomberg, Cig. Per. Beer Per.(6/7) ........................... 231,232 Oky Doky #2, TFM Co., 51 W. 32nd SL, Beer Per. (5~3) ...................................... 181 Oky Doky #21, Trans Miss, 2010 Kerper Blvd., Cig. Per. Beer Per.(6/21)(8/16) ..................... 268,351 Oky Doky #6, TFM Co, 1256 Iowa, Beer Per.; Cig. Sales Violation Hearing.(8116)(1216){12120) .... 351,520,554 Oky Doky #8, Hill SL Plaza Inc., 535 Hill, Beer Per.; Civil penalty, liquor sales violation.(2/15}(5/30) 59,179 Oky Doky Food #14, K-Chap Foods, 1050 University, Beer Per.(7/6) .............................. 289 Old Highway Rd, West of NW Arterial along Hwy 20, Wests[de Ct., Radford Rd., from AG to R1, R3, C3, CS.(11115}(12/6) ..................... 512,522,523 Old Highway Rd. & SE of Seippel Rd., property of J. & D. Graf, request for rezoning from AG to RI. (12/20) .................................... 569 Old Highway Rd., 13745, rezoning from AG to PUD with a PR.(12/6) ......................... 523,524 Old Highway Rd., 14986, rezoning from AG to R1, requested by City.(11115)(12/6) ............ 511,522 Old Highway Road & Seippel Road, Stop sign.(9/20) 408 Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd., SW corner rezoning & annexation request by Wayne Stewart. (10/18)(11/15) ........................... 454,504 Old Main District of Historic Pres. Comm,, applicant Duaine Greenfield.(7/6) ...................... 289 Old Shang, N. Bennett, Cig. Per.(5/17) ........ 204,205 Olde Highway Rd. & Cottingham Rd,, corner, annexation of Patrick Welsh's property.(2/15) .... 56 Older Works Employment Week, Proclam.(3/16) ... 103 114 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE O Olds, Keith, Claim; referred to Ins.(6/21)(7/6) .. 260,286 Olive Garden Italian Rest., GMRI, inc., 3350 Dodge, Liq. Lic.(4/5} ................................ 140 Oliver, Cindy, objecting to sewer extension for Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sts.(1014) ...... 424 Olsen, Gary, Presentation to City.(12/6) .......... 518 One Flight UP, Nadine Berg, 44 Main St., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(9/7) ................ 269,373,374 Ooh La La, Creative Touch Gallery, 3460 Hillcrest, Liq. Lic.(6/21) ............................... 269 Open containers of alcoholic prohibited for passengers in vehicles also.(12/6) ............. 531 Open Space Area of Dbq. Industrial Center West, John G. Bergfeld Recreation Area.(10125) ............ 462 Opening Doors - Maria House, 1561 Jackson, rezoning.(812) ............................... 336 Operation: New View, reappointmenta of Mgr. Michael Van Milligen - designee Tom Moran, Dan Nicholson & Joe Robbins; Purchase of Service Agree. (1118)(513) ............................... 32,180 Operation Paintbrush - CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ......................... 177 Operation Upkeep - CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ........................ 177 Operat ohs & Maintenance Dept. Building Project- Vehicle Exhaust System Pro.; Fire Suppression System; Departmental Budget Review; DMG Maximus - consultant selection for Garage Site. (1118)(211)(312)(5117) ................. 26,38,98,201 Ordinance - waiver of franchise to grant TCI permission to charge an administrative fee on delinquent accounts.(7/6) .................. ;. 313 Organ transplant coverages, amend City's health care plans.(6/7) ............................. 227 Oriental Food & Gift Corp., 115 W.-I 1th, Beer Per. (5/17) ...................................... 205 Ornamental Railing Project, 1999 Downtown Historical Neighb°rh°°d-(11/l)(~12/6) ................ 473,525 Orwell, Greg, Dir. of Colts, requesting waiving of parking regulations near Senior High; Proclamation re: support of Colts Drum & Bugle Corps. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 275,286 Oster, Tom, ilW, re: Storm Water runoff with Pine Knolls Condo's Subd., 2900 Kane St.(Il/l) ..... 470 Ott[ng, Sylvester, Claim; Referred to Ins.(8/2) . 331,348 Otto A., LLC - Development Agree. with Eagle Window & Door.(12/6)(12/20) .................. 528,533,558 Outdoor Billboard - discussion, Ord. etc.(12/6) .... 532 115 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Owen Court manager, objecting to sidewalk assessments on John F. Kennedy Rd.(716) ..... 290 Ozcan, Mustafa, resignation from Human Rights Comm.(9/20) ............................... 397 O'Hara, J & P, Inc., Happy Joe's ice Cream/Pizza. (9120) ..................................... 401 O'Kelly's, Carlos, Mexican Cafe, Liq. Lic.(1111) ..... 469 O'Shea, Anna, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; reappointed.6121)(7/6) ............. 269,290 116 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 1-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying property at 25 N. Booth St. - YMCA - YWCA Building from OR to OS & West & East of YMCA - YWCA from R1 to OS.(1/4) ...................................... 6 2-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning 2275 Elm St. (Lot 2 of Ambling Subd.) from R21A to CS.(1/4) .... 6 3-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by adding a Section 4-9 to Establish Regulations for Placement of Towers & Antennas.{ll4) ................................ 7 4-99 Changing the Name of Bell St. to Regina Hayford Blvd. (Never Published)(1/18) .................. 32 5-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by amending the Pi industrial District by changing Section 2(E)($)(C)(5) on-premise primary signs to allow signage on any building facade.(1118)(2/l) ................ 33,42,43 6-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by amending PC Dis. to allow total sign area not to exceed 10% of wall area parallel and/or closest to frontage on internal drives, not to exceed a maximum of 650 square feet for stores & businesses over 5000 square feet in floor area, where 400 square is the current maximum are allowed.(1/18){2/1) ......................... 33,43 7-99 Amending Sec. 41-101 Providing for the Duty of the Owner of a Sidewalk to Maintain the Sidewalk by Deleting the provision relating to the Liability of the Owner for Failing to Maintain the Sidewalk.(2/1) .. 45 8-99 Vacating the McClain SL lying Southwesterly of Clara SL & a Portion of a 20' Wide Alley Lying between Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Wattere Subd. No. 2.(2/1) 47 9-99 Vacating Allison Place & a 20' Alley Abutting the NW line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn.(2/1) ..... 49 10-99 Ordinance Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property from County AG to PUD with a PR designation. - rezoning property W of Peru Rd. & N of Kennedy Ct. - Emerald Acres No. 2. (2/15)(3/1) .............................. 67,82,83 11-99 Ordinance Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 17111 Peru Rd. from CountyAG to City R1 Single Family Residential Dis. - Ronald & Joann Ludwig.(2/15)(3/1) .......... 68,84 12-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property N of Kennedy Ct. & West of Peru RD from AG to R1.(2/15)(3/1) ............................. 68,85 13-99 Amending Zoning Map bY reclassifying property adjacent to 3939 Pennsylvania Ave. from R1 to C3.(2/15)(311) .......................... 68.85,86 14-99 Amending Zoning Ord. by enacting a new Section 2.E(1) in lieu thereof pertaining to freestanding signage of the PC located at 255 JFK Road - ShopKo.(2J15)(3/1) .................. 69,86 117 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 15-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at SW corner of Asbury Rd. & NW arterial from C3 General Comm. with conditions & AG to PUD with a PC.(2/15)(311) ................. 68,87-90 16-99 Amending Ch. 34 of the City Code, Parks & Recreation, by Renaming Certain Parks & Establishing Certain New Parks; and by Amending & Renumbering Sec. 34-67 - usage of Bicycles, Motorcycles. (311) .......................... 91-94 17-99 Amending Sec. 32-262(D) of the City Code prohibiting parking on Designated Streets or Portions Thereof adding Certain Portions of Ida St.(3/1) ...................................... 94 18-99 Amending the City Code by repealing Section 9- 31 "Registration Fees" & Enacting a new Section 9- 31 providing for an Increase in "Registration Fees" for Bicycles.(3/2) .............................. 99 19-99 Amending City Code by Repealing Sec. 44-201 (a) Fixing Water Rates for Residential & Industrial Uses & Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Section 440- 201 (a), Fixing Water Rates for Residential, Commercial & Industrial & All Other Uses.(3/2)... 100 20-99 Amending the City Code by Repealing Section 44-202 Fire sprinkler Service & Adopting in Lieu thereof a new Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Service. (312) ........................................ 100 21-99 Amending Appendix A by reclassifying property at 4100 Asbury Rd. from AG to C2 - Hilby property. (2/15)(3/15) ........................... 69,~121,'122 22-99 Reclassifying Land located on Hwy 20 West from County A-1 AG to C3 - re: conjunction with Wm. & Janet Siegert property annexation.(3/1)(3/15) 95,122 23-99 Authorizing Steve Gudenkauf to construct a Sign and Awning Projecting Canopy.(3/15) ...... 125 Enacting a New Development Land Use Map for Ord. No. 75-92 Second Amend. re: uses & development of Parcel "G" of Pi Dis. for Julien Dubuque Dr., with conditions. - 1105 Julien Dbq. Drive request by R. Kunde for rezoning for Auto Salvage.(3/15) ............................... 126 Repealing the Amended Devel. Land Use Map of Ord. No. 72-92 & enacting a new Develop. Land Use Map, Second Amend. - permitted uses & devel. of Parcel G for Julien Dubuque Dr.(4/5) ......... 153 118 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 24-99 Amending City Code, Sec. 44-55 re: abandonment of private on-site sewage treatment & disposal system upon availability of public sewer by adding a provision allowing the City Mgr. to grant extension to requirement for such abandonment. (4/5)(716) ................................ 144,309 25-99 Amending Sec. 32-303 of the City Code re: Hours of Operation of Municipal Parking Garages. (4/5) ..................................... 145 26-99 Author z ng Great Dragon Express to construct Sign on Store Front.(4/5) ..................... 145 27-99 Vacating a Portion of Pine St. from 12th St. to 14th St. -for P. Mihalakis & D. Herbst etc.(4/5) ... 148 28-99 Vacating a Portion of East 14th St. - Lot 326A of East Dubuque No. 2.(4/5) ..................... 149 29-99 Authorizing Rainbo Oil Co. to construct a Projecting Sign at 1401 Central.(4/19) .......... 161 30-99 Amending Ch. 11 - Buildings & Building Regulations of City Code by amending Section 11- 58.1 by establishing a 12 month moratorium on issuance of permits in U.S. 20 Corridor.(4/19) .... 162 31-99 Ordinance Enacting New Subsection to Sec. 32- 263 re: Angle Parking & adding portions of Fourth & Fifth Sts. to new Subsection (f). (211)(2115)(3115)(4/5}{4/19} ........ 45,66,124,139,163 32-99 Ordinance Repealing Sec. 32-271 re: backing for purposes of parking in the business district & adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 32-271. (2/1)(2/18) (3/15) (4/5) ................. 45,66,124,139 33-99 Vacating a Portion of Clearview Dr.- Mike Finnin Ford.(4/19) ............................ 165 34-99 Amending ID Institutional Dis. at University of Dubuque to allow expansion for the Library and a new Parking Lot at the NW corner of Algona & Bennett Streeta.(4/19)(5/3) ............ 172,182-185 35-99 Amending the Zoning Ord. of the City Code by repealing Ord. No. 24-94 & Section 2.E(2) of Ord. No. 32-96 & Enacting a New Section 2.E(2) in lieu thereof pertaining to Signage of the PC Planned Commemial District for Medical Associate Clinic with Conditions. (4/19}(513) .............................. 172,185 36-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 605 Bluff (Washington Park Place - former Mary of the Angels) from OR to C4 - Kathleen Freeman - Washington Westport Corp. lnc.(4/19)(513) .. 172,186 37-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 3616 Crescent Ct. from R1 to C3 - Mike Finnin Ford.(4/19)(513) .......................... 173,187 119 INDEX - BOOK.129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 38-99 Amending Certain sections of Ch. 26 of City Code, Housing Regulations, re: scope & application, storage of garbage containers, services of notice of violations, license payment penalties, appeals fees, bathroom ventilation, porch exterior openings, painted sun'aces etc.(4i19)(513) ........ 161,189-190 39-99 Amending the City Code, Ch. 26, Housing Regulations by: Repealing Sections 26-10(j)(3)a. and b. re: Treatment of Interior & Exterior Painted Surfaces & Adopting in lieu thereof new Sections 26-10(j)(3)a. and b. re: treatment of interior & exterior painted surfaces.(5/3) ........................ 191 40-99 Amending Code of Ordinances by adding Rosemont St. to subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for designation of through streets (Rosemont St. from NPL of Penn. Ave. to SPL of Hillcrest Rd.(513) ......................... 192,193 41-99 Amending the City Code by enacting a new section 33-17 prohibiting the possession of Fireworks.(513) .............................. 193 42-99 Amending Appendix A by amending Section 4- 3.2 Sign Definitions by adding a definition of "Freestanding Canopy Sign" and by amending Section 8, Definitions by adding a Definition of "Freestanding Canopy."(5117) ............. 209,210 43-99 Amending Zoning Ord. - text amendment re: Section 4-3 Sign Regulations & Section 8 Definitions of the Zoning Ord. to permit canopy signs for gas stations & financial institutions in C2, C3, C4, C5, PC, CR, LI, MHI, HI & PI Districts.(4119)(5117) . 173,210 44-99 Rezoning Property located N of Asbury Rd. * W of NW Arterial from AG to PUD with a PC Planned Comm. designation & & amending existing PUD Dis. for As bury Plaza Shopping Center -for Corey Devel. Co.(4119)(513))5117) ................... 172,185,210 - Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 3536 Crescent Ridge from PR to RI and AG to R3 - Michael Steele.(4119)($13) ........ 173,187 45-99 Amending the City Code of Ordinances by repealing Ch. 21, Food & Food Handlers & Adopting a new Ch. 21, Food Establishments & Hotel Sanitation.(5117) ............................. 214 46-99 Amending Sections 31-22(b)(1) and 31-22(7)(b) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances relating to Merchandise Permitted to be displayed at the Central Market.(5/17) ......................... 214 47-99 Amending Section 23-36 of the City Code regulating Pools & Spas. (5117) ................ 215 120 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT .PAGE ORDINANCES 48-99 Vacating a Portion of N. Grandview Ave. & Abutting Alley N of Delhi St. (for DB & T).(5117) .. 221 49-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 12691 John F. Kennedy Rd. from Dbq. CounfyA-1 to City R-l, concurrent with annexation. (5/17)(6/7) ........................... 217,234,235 50-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 2705 Rhomberg Ave. from CS to R1; (5/17)(6/7) ............................... 217,235 51-99 Authorizing Anthony Koch (Tony's Pawn) to constrect a Projecting Sign.(6/7} ............... 239 52-99 Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by Repealing Section 18-1 & enacting new Section 18-1 thereof pertaining to revising and reenacting an Electrical Code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa; And Providing for the issuance of Permits and Collection of Fees.(6/21) ....... 275-277 53-99 Amending Section 32-262(d) of the City of Dubuque Code designating No-Parking-At-Any-Time Zones by Adding thereto Seventh St., North Side, from Locust to Bluff Streets.(6/21) ............. 277 54-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 2509 Lincoln Ave. from RI to R2. (6/7)(7/6) ............................. 242,293,294 - Revising Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-231 providing for establishment of speed limits on Fremont, Simpson St. to point approx. 1100 feet south of Simpson St. & from a point 700' north of Carriage Hill to Kelly Lane to 30 miles per hour; (6121) ................... 273 55-99 Amending Zoning Map byamending Ord. No. 35-93 by approving an amended Conceptual Development Plan for the Mercy Health Center ID Institutional District & reclassifying property located atthe end of Clara SL from R2. to ID.(6/21)(7/6) 278,294 56-99 Amending Appendix A - Zoning Ord. of the City Code by reclassifying property on Hwy 20 West from Dubuque County B-2 Business Dis. to City C-3 General Corem. District Concurrent with Annexation - for Riley Development Co.(6/21)(716) ...... 277,297 57-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located South of Stsrlite (Starlight) Dr. from PR Planned Res. Dis. to R3 Moderate Density Multi- Family Res. Dis.(6/21)(716) ................ 278,297 121 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES - Amending Zoning Ord. by adding definitions of "Aisle" and "Driveway" and modifying the definition of "Garage, Residential," and by amending Section 4-2.6 Special Provisions for Off-Street Parking & Storage of Vehicles in Residential Dis. by adding a new Section 4-2.6(D) Standards for installation of driveways. (6121)(7/6) ............................... 278,298 58-99 Amending Section 44-71(f) of the City Code Fixing Fees for Domestic Sewage Discharged at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.(7/6) .......... 309,310 59-99 Authorizing Marde Enterprises to Construct Steps & Landing at 900 Central - Cue Master.(7/6) 310 60-99 Amending the City Code by repealing Section 38-16(3) re: Service Charges for False Alarms & enacting a new Section 38-16(3) providing for an increase in Service Charges for False Alarm Responses.(7/6) ............................. 312 61-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located on Hwy 20 West & Cousins Rd. from Dbq. County A-1 to City C-3, with conditions, concurrent with annexation -Cate's. (5117)(6i7)(6121}(7119) .............. 217,234,273,325 62-99 Amending Section 1-8 of the City Code Establishing the General Penalty for the Violation of the City Code by increasing the Maximum Fine From $100 to $200.(7/19) ........................... 326 63-99 Amending Zone Map by reclassifying property located at 1561 Jackson St. from R2A to OR Office Residential Dis. for Maria House, boarding house for women and children.(7/19)(812) ..... 327,336,337 64-99 Vacating a Portion of Clara Street Abutting Lots 6, 12 & 13 of Thomas E. Byrne Subd.(8/2) ....... 343 65-99 Amending the City Code by adding Atlantic St. & Auburn St. to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 thereof providing for the designation of through streeta.(8/16) ................................ 357 66-99 Amending the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for the Addition of a Stop Sign on Custer Street at Algona SL(8116) ........................... 357 67-99 Authorizing Jimmy & Debbie Matheos to Construct a Projecting Awning Sign.(8/16) ...... 358 68-99 Vacating the Unimproved Portion of Kane CL - to Delbert & Larry Miller.(8/16} .................... 362 69-99 Amending Zoning Map by rezoning property Cousins Rd & Highway 20 West from AG to C3 - Paul & Jayne Cate - Wayne Stewart.(8/16)(9/7) .... 359,374 122 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 70-99 Amending Zoning Map by rezoning property on Highway 20 West (near Cousins Road intersection) from AG to C3 - Dbq. Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency.(8/16)(9/7) ....................... 359,375 71-99 Amending Zoning Map by rezoning property at 11515 English Mill Rd. in Dbq. County from County A1 to City C3, R1 & R3, concurrent with annexation. (8116)(9/'7) .............................. 359,376 72-99 Amending City Code by amending Section 2- 5.3(b) Temporary Uses to allow the City Planner to grant extensions to the time limit for temporary uses. (8/16)(9/7) .............................. 360,377 - Amending Ch. 27, Human Relations of the City Code, adding a new Paragraph to Section 27-1 defining "Sexual Orientation" & Amending Sections 27-51(2}, 27-61(1)-(2), 27 Etc.(NOT PASSED) (8/16) 356 73-99 Amending the City Code of Ordinances by repealing Sections 32-56, 32-57, 32-58, 32-59, 32-60 & 32-61 est. Motor Vehicle Noise Levels & Enacting a New Section 32-61, Restricting the Use of Engine Brakes & Compression Brakes.(9/7) ............ 383 74-99 Amending Ord. 43-94 Providing that General Property Taxes Located Within the Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Devel Dis. etc. be paid to a Special Fund for Payment of Principal & Interest on Loans, Monies Advanced to and Indebtedness. Urban Renewal Dis.(9/7) ............................ 384 75-99 Authorizing the University of Dubuque to Construct Electrical Service on City property - underground electrical service.(9/20} ....... 404,405 76-99 Amending the City Code by Adding Seippel Rd. to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for the designation of Through Streeta.(9/20) .......... 407 77-99 Amending the City Code by Revising Subsection (c) of Section 32-231 providing for the Establishment of Speed Limits on Seippel Rd.(9/20) ........... 407 78-99 Amending the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing for the Addition of a Stop Sign at Seippel Rd. & Old Highway Rd.(9/20) ................................... 408 79-99 Amending Sect. 33-7 of the City Code Prohibiting Hunting with Bow & Arrow by Allowing Hunting with Bow & Arrow of Deer by Persons Licensed by the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources & Issued a Permit by the City of Dbq. during a Designated Hunting Season.(9/20) ............. 408 123 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 80-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located the NE corner of JFK Rd. & W. 32nd St. from AG & RI District to OS, R-I, R-2, R-3 & from County Ag. to City's R1 & R2 -for Kivlahan's. (9/20)(10/4) .......................... 409,426,427 81-99 Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord. by Adding a New Definition to Section * to Define Mortuaries/ Funeral Homes & Add Crematoriums as an accessory use to Mortuaries & Funeral Homes.(9120)(1014) ....................... 409,428 82-99 Providing for the amendment of Ord. No. 36-93 which adopted regulations for the Emmaus Bible College Institutional Dis.(9120){10/4) .... 409,428-430 83-99 Amending Ch. 42, Subdivision Regulations of the City Code by amending Sec. 42-24(a)(3) re: inspection fees for public improvements. (9/20)(10/4) .............................. 405,430 84-99 Amending Section 32-234 of the City Code requiring Signs to be Erected for a rate of Speed Change on a Street.(10/4) ..................... 433 88-99 Establishing Speed Limits on Fremont Ave. from Highway 20 to Cedar Cross Rd to be set at 30 mph; amending Ord. to read establishment of speed limits on Fremont Ave. from US Hwy 20 to Simpson at 25 mph & from Simpson to N Cascade Rd. at 30 mph.(9120)(1014)(lOI18) ........ 404,405,433,446,447 86-99 Authorizing Gary & Kathleen Jensen to construct Awnings with Signage at 1005 & 1025 Main St. - corner of 10th & Main (Art Studio etc.)(10/18) 447 87-99 Amending the City Code by modEying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof providing for the Addition of Stop Signs on Streets intersecting Sheridan Rd.(10/18) .......................... 448 88-99 Amending Section 32-262 id} of the City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or portions thereof adding portions of Jackson St.(10/18) ................................... 449 89-99 Amending the City Code by Adding Mt. Loreffa Ave. & Windsor Ave. to Subsection (b) of Section 32- 213 providing for the designation of Through Streets. (10/18) ...................................... 449 90-99 Not used. 91-99 Amending the City Code by Modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing for the Addition of Stop Signs on Elm St. & Prince St. at Twenty-Fourth St.(10/18) ...................... 450 124 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 92-99 Readopting the Cod~cation of all Ordinances of a General or Public Nature or Imposing a Fine or Penalty including Code s& Maps adopted by Reference, as the Official Code of the City, as provided for & pursuant to Ch. 380 of the Iowa Code; Providing for the Title & Citation of the Code; Repealing all Ordinances & Parts of Ord. of a General or Public Nature or Imposing a Fine or Penalty, Passed on or Prior to July 19, 1999, except those not contained in said Code or Recognized & continued in Force by Reference therein; Providing Penalties for the Violation of the Several Sections thereof; & Prescribing the time when this Ord. shall be in Full force & Effect.(10118) ............ 450-452 93-g9 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 1005 Lincoln Ave., Bethany Home, from R2Ato R3.(10118}{11/1) ................... 455,469 94-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 3201 & 3265 Central Ave. from C2 to C3 as requested by J. Kretz- Perfection Oil Co. (10/18)(11/1) ............................ 455,470 g5-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located 51 W. 32nd from C2 to C3 - for Tom Thompson -TFM Co.{10118)(11/1) .......... 455,472 96-99 Vacating a Portion of the Maple Leaf Avenue and Monroe Avenue {aka Louella Lane). {11/1) ...................................... 474 97-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassEying property located in the 2900 block of Kane St. from ID to PUD with a PR & adopting a Conceptual DeveL Plan with conditions for Pine Knolls Condominiums. (10118)(1111)(11115) ............... 454,470,502,503 98-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 3195 Jackson St. from C2 Neighborhood Shopping Dis. to CS Commercial Service & Wholesale Dis.(10/18)(11/15) .. 454,504,505 - Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at the SW corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. from Dbq, County R1 to City's MHI & LI Districts - requested by W. Stewart.(10118) ...... 454 99-99 Ameedtng Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Section 4-3.11 Schedule of Sign Regulations for the C4 Zoning Dis. in lieu thereof pertaining to the on- premise sign regulations for Jackson Park Historic Dis. properties zoned C4 Downtown Comm. Dis. - requested by Larry Wel~z Signs Systems ~ American Trust & S~vings Bank.(10/18)(11/15) ........ 455,505 125 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES - Amending Appendix A - Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying hereinafter described property located at 51 W. 32nd SL from C2 to C3.(11/1) ........... 471 100-99 Amending Ch. 40 Solid Waste of the City by amending Section 40-22 Requirements for Vehicles Hauling Solid Waste by Deleting Paragraph (a) and by adding thereto a New Paragraph (a).(11/15) ... 506 101-99 Enacting a new Section 24-1 of City Code re: Mechanical Code.(11115) ...................... 506 102-99 Authorizing Flexsteel to construct underground sprinkler system on their property on Jackson SL(11/15) ................................... 508 104-99 Authorizing Mike Schmalz, Jr. to construct Buried Wires.(11/15) .......................... 509 105-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying recently annexed properties at 12155, 12101 & 12033 Cousins Rd. from to R1, requested by City. (11/15)(12J6) ......................... 511,521,522 106-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying recently annexed property at 14986 Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1, requested by City.(11115)(12,'6) 511,522 107-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying recently an hexed properties West of the NW Arterial along Hwy 20, Westside CL, Radford Rd. & Old Highway Rd. into the Cify from AG to RI, R3, C3, CS and PUD with a PR.(11/15)(12/6] .................... 612,523 108-99 Amending Appendix A-Zoning Ord. Old Highway Rd., 13745, rezoning from AG to PUD with a PR.(12/6) ................................ 523,524 109-99 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying East part of Phase IV Sunny slopes Estates opposite of Red Violet Dr. from AG to R1.(11115)(1216) ... 511,525 - Amending City Code, Ch. 34, Adding to Article IV, Specific Parks a new Section 34~132 to include John G. Bergfeld Recreation Area.(12/6)(12120) ... 528,555 - Amending City Code Section 34-54 prohibiting Dogs, Cats and other domestic animals in parks, however, does not apply to Miller-Riverview Park, Granger Creek Nature Trail & John G., Bergfeld Recreation Area.(12/6)(12/20) .............. 528,555 111-99 Amending City Code by Enacting a new Section 5-9, Prohibiting Possession of Open Containers of Alcoholic Beverages in Motor Vehicles by Drivers & a new Section 5-10, Prohibiting Open Containers of Alcoholic Beverages in Motor Vehicles by Passengers.(12/6) ............................ 531 126 1999 DEX - BOOK 129 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 112-99 Authorizing the Dubuque Rescue Mission to Construct a Projecting Awning Sign.(12/20) ..... 555 -- Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property SE of Seippel Rd. & Old Highway RD from AG to R1 - James & Doris Graf.(12/20) ................... 559 -- Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 2702 Brunskill Rd. from RI to PUD with a PR etc for Oak Meadows Condominiums -Jim Stock & Robert & Mary Lou Mulgrew.(12J20) ................... 559 127 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/15)(4119)(5117)(6121)(716)(812)(1014)(10118)(11115) (12/6) ........ 52,153,199,260,286,331,417,438,481,518 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2115)(3/1 )(3/15)(5/3)(9/7)(11/15) (12/6) .......................... 52,75,103,175,367,481,518 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro., 1998.(2/15) ............. 54 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 -1999, Booth & Bryant Sts. & Van Buren S/; amendment to add water service assess, to Van Buren. (4119)(5117)(61'7) ........ 170,171,206,228,245,290,291 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro., No. 2 -Arlington & W. Fifth St.(513)(617)(6121) ................ 194-196,233,263 P.J.'s, Lana R. LuGrain, 500 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; refund on Liq. Lic.(3/15)(5/17) ............. 121,199 P.M.S.T. Inc., Happy's Place, 2323 Rockdale Rd., Liq. Lic.(9/20) .................................. 402 Pacholke, Rev. David, Chaplain of The Finley Hospital.(5/3) .............................. 175 Packer, Rev. Charles, Chaplain of Bethany Home, Gave Invocation to the Council Meeting.(9/20) .. 396 Padre Plo Health Care Center, Inc. (Stonehill area) - vacation of Sanitary Sewer Easement.(6/7} ..... 256 Paint Hazard Grant- Lead Based, Grant approval. (5/17) ..................................... 202 Painted Surfaces, Housing Code.(4/19)(5/3) 161,189,191 Paisley, Ron, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD etc. QHQ Properties.(1/4)(311) .................... 5,87 Papa Sarducci's, Weaver Enterpr., 1895 JFK., Beer/Wine Lic.(5/17) ........................ 205 Park & Recreation Comm. applicants: T. Blocklinger, C. Duggan, T. Schrobilgen, L. Sheets, R. Timmermana; reappointment of Blocklinger & Schrobilgen.(6121)(7/6) ................... 268,290 Park Grading - USHA.(6/7) ...................... 253 Park named -John G. Bergfeld Recreation Area, Dubuque Ind. Center West Public Open Space Area; named as a Park not prohibiting dogs, cats etc. (10/25)(12/6)(12/20) .................. 462,528,555 Park - Rocco Buda, on Loras Blvd. Project.(10/4) .. 422 Park Site Grading Project - Dbq. Technology.(3/1)... 79 Parking Agreement - Ice Harbor, GDREC, assign rights; assign rights to Peninsula Gaming Co. (4/19)('/16) .............................. 157,288 Parking Agreement for 35 spaces with Holiday Inn Five Flags.(11115) ............................... 484 Parking - Back In angle on 4th & 5th SL(2/1) ........ 45 Parking Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ........ 98 Parking Facilities Rehabilitation Repairs Pro.(6/7) .. 228 128 . ~ INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Parking Garages, Municipal, Hours of Operation. (4/5} ....................................... 145 Parking Lot Paving 1999, Greyhound, Kennel Area, Project,(2/1)(311) ........................... 50,90 Parking Lot, new, at University of Dubuque, rezoning. (4119) ...................................... 172 Parking Lot at 10th & Central, Asphalt Paving. (5117) ...................................... 208 Parking Lot- Greyhound Park & Casino Area Pro. (7/6) ....................................... 320 Parking and storage of vehicles in residential district & installation of driveways etc.(716) ............ 298 Parking issue, Jackson St., Swiss Valley Farms etc. (6/7) ....................................... 230 Parking on Jackson St., reconstruction pro.(5117) . 207 Parking problems, University of Dubuque area. (5/3) ....................................... 182 Parking prohibited on streets by adding Jackson St. (10/18) ..................................... 449 Parking Ramp - Fifth St., Expansion Pro. (7119)(812)(9120)(1111)(11115) .... 326,340,410,472,513 Parking Ramp -Third & iowa, new one.(11115) .... 511 Parking Rate increases, addition to Fifth Street Ramp etc.(8/16) ................................... 356 Parking regulations near Senior High School, request by G. Orwol[ for Colts to suspend.(6121) ....... 275 Parking removal on East side of Ida St. from Grace to Delhi.(3/1) ................................... 94 Parking removal on corner of 7th SL & Locust Sts. - Dbq. Museum of Arts request;(6/7(6/21) .... 242,277 Parking restrictions on Harrison SL(12/20) ....... 557 Parking Revenues recommended to 5th St. Parking Ramp Exp.(8/2) .............................. 340 Parking system, increased fee rates for addition to Fifth St, Ramp.(8116) ......................... 356 Parks, Brad, presentation to the City.(12/6) ....... 518 Parks - Ordinance, Use of Bicycles, Motorcycles; consideration of animals; setting out Open Hours for all parks, inclusion of new Parks. etc.; Animals in certain parks & not in others via Ord. (311)(12/6)(12/20) .................... 91-93,462,555 Parr, Michael, Claim; settlement,(8116)(9120) ...... 348 Partial release of Real Estate Mortgage & Financing Statements as to Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn. (6/21) ...................................... 271 Partnership Agreement with the U.S. Census Bureau.(9/7) ................................ 369 Partnership Grant Agreement Amend. - Cp2 Project with Audubon Elementary School.(10/4) ........ 423 129 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Partnership Program funding, application to IDED for HOME lnvestment,(ll4)(415) ................ 1,2,132 Partnership Program Funds to various outlets. {5/3) ........................................ 192 Passengers also prohibited from possession of open containers of alcohol in vehicles.(12/6) ......... 531 Patent Deeds for IDOT Properties, Lot 307A, $00B, 500C, 500A, 50OD, 303A.(3/1) ................ 76,77 Patrick, John, for Medical Associates West, identification signs allowance.(4119)(513) .... 172,185 Patzer Investments, denial to rezone property by ZAC, 3030 Brunskill Rd.(7/19) ....................... 327 Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust SL, Tom Koch, Cig. Per; Liq. Lic.(6121}(7/19) ................... 269,321 Paving of residential driveways, Text Amendment. (6/21) ....................................... 278 Paving & Utilities Project - Kerper Ct,(6/21) .... 281,282 Paving Project, P.C. Concrete Pro., 1998.(2/15) ..... 54 Pawn Shop - Tony's, Anthony Koch, construct projecting sign.{6/7) .......................... 239 Peil. Klm, objecting to water runoff problem re: 2900 block of Kane St,, Pine Knolls Condo's - S. Boge, Development,{1111)(l 1/15) ................. 470,502 Penalties, civil, for tobacco violations for various businesses.(415)(4119)~[16)(9120)(lOI4)(12/6) ............................ 140,160,321401,433,520 Peninsula Gaming Co., Diamond Jo Portside, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Assignment of Ice Harbor Parking Agree.(6/7)(6/21)(7/6) ... 232,268,288 Penning, John, Claim; Referred to Ins. (812)(8/16) ............................... 331,348 Pennsylvania, 3939, property adjacent rezoning from RI to C3 (E. Dbq. Bancshare - Dbq. Assemblies of God).(2~15)(311) ............................ 68,85 Pennsylvania Ave. at NW Arterial, vacation of 50' of IDOT ROW.{4/19) ............................. 157 Pennsylvania Ave., 3425, pumhase home from Cindy Giiligan, Hazard - Flood - Mitigation Program. (7/19) ....................................... 327 Pennsylvania Ave., & NW Arterial, installation of sidewalks extension, requested by Assembly of God Church & East Dbq. Savings Bank.(8/16) ........ 356 Pennsylvania Ave. at NW Arterial, Widening project.(9120)(10/4) ................... 414,415,431 Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank, lease to Nextel WIP Lease for Telecommunication Antenna Facility. (12/20) ...................................... 559 130 :~X ~ BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT t=A~..~E P People's Natural Gas, claim of Marilyn Wilson referred to them.(10/4) ............................... 417 Perfection Oil Co., J. Kretz, rezoning of 3201 & 3265 Central.(10118)(1111) ..................... 455,470 Perfection Oil property, easement agree.-with I & M Rail to extend water main across existing easement. (12/20) ..................................... 552 Pergande, Ron, Claim.(12/20) ................... 550 Permit issuance for building, moratorium for U.S. 20 - Dodge St, Corridor.(4/19) ..................... 162 Permits - Electrical, new Code section.(6121) ...... 275 Permits for Billboards, request for moratorium by D. Hartig.(4/19) .............................. 161 Permits for Blasting, raquirements.(2/1) ........... 45 Permits - Mechanical Code.(11115) ............... 506 Permits - Plumbing, new Code adopted.(11/15) .... 507 Perry Construction re: contract for 1999 Curb Ramp Installation - CDBG.(7/6)(8/2) .............. 300,339 Peru Rd., West of, S of Ginger Ridge & N of Terrace Heights Mobile home Park, annexation requested for 39.8 acres for Ludwigs & E. Tschiggfrie. (2/15)(3/1) ................................ 67,82 Peru Rd., 17111 from AG to RI, for Ludwig's. (2/15)(3/1) ................................ 68,84 Peru Road, West of & N of Kennedy Ct. from County A1 to PUD for Emerald Acres No. 2 - Ludwig's. (3/1) ........................................ S2 Peru Road, West of, N of Kennedy Ct. from AG to R1, for Tschiggfrie.(3/l) ........................... 85 Peru Rd. & Tanzanite Dr. & Tanzanita Ct., approving Correction Plat of Emerald Acres No. 1.(9/7) ..... 369 Peterson, Walter, of University of Dbq., in favor of University of Dubuque's expansion; re: Billboard Ordinance recommendations etc. (5/3)(12/6) .............................. 182,532 Peterson, Walter, on Billboard Ad Hoc Comm., David Harfig as alternate.(812) ....................... 340 Petition endorsing Police Officers investigate motor veh icle accidents.{3/2) ........................ 98 Petition of D. Hartig, moratorium on permits for billboards.(4/19) ............................. 161 Petition of David Reardon et al, 4-way stop signs at Alpha St, & Van Buren intersection.(4/5) ........ 138 Petition re: parking problems at University of Dubuque.(5/3) ............................... 182 Petition for denial of rezoning of Hwy 20 W & Cousins Rd. property from A1 to C3.(6/7) ............... 233 131 INDEX- SUBJECT PAGE P Petition for reduction of Speed limits on Fremont; petition that speed remain as is.(6121)(1014).. 273,433 Petition against sidewalk assessments on John F. Kennedy Rd.(716) ............................ 290 Petition against rezoning of 1561 Jackson rezoning, Maria House.(8/2) ............................ 336 Petition - 9 signatures objecting to sanitary sewer extension on Florence, Villa, Mountain Lane. (1014) ............ ~ .......................... 424 Petition objecting to Pine Knolls Subd., 2900 Kane St. -S. Boge, Kane Devel.(11/1)(11115) ......... 470,503 Petition objecting to rezoning request of W. Stewart at SW corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. (11115) ...................................... 504 Petitions objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD etc - QHQ Properties.(1/4)(3/1) .................... 5,87 Petrek, Jane, letter of thanks for Prescott School City partnership.(12/6) ...................... ... 520 Pfohl, Kevin, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; appointed.(7/19)(8/2) ..................... 321,336 Phase I & II of Medical Associates Subd. & No. 2. (10118) .................................. 441,442 Phase [I Valentine Park Construction Pro.(10/18)... 440 Phase II, Fifth St. Ramp Expansion.(1111) ......... 472 Phase iV - South Fork Sanitary Sewer Pro.(311) ..... 95 Phillips, Murray A., Acting Dir. of Dubuque Rescue Mission, re: Awning Ord. for 398 Main.(12/20) .... 556 Pine Knolls Condominiums Development, 2900 block of Kane SL, for Steve Boge, rezoning. (111'1)(11115) ......................... 470,502,503 Pine St. & E. 12th & 14th St., vacation & dispose of portion to Phillip Mihalakis & Donald Herbst.(4/5) ............................. 148,149 Pinnacle Awarded presented to City by R. Dickinson, J. Koppes.(12/6) ............................. 518 Pins, Steven W., Claim; denial.(5/3)(6/7) ...... 175,226 Pipe Inn, B. Kremer, 555 JFK, Cig. Per.(5/17) ...... 205 Pizza Hut, Prospect Pizza LTD, 320 E. 20th SL, Beer Per.(6121) ................................... 268 Population count -Census 2000 Complete Count Commiffee process, J. Markham designated to serve; Proclamation in support; partnership Agree. (6121)(716}(9/7) ....................... 275,286,369 Planner, City, authority to grant extensions for time limitations for temporary uses.(8116)(9/7) .... 360,377 Planning Comm. for Future Search Conference - Housing Comm.'s appointment.(8/2) ............ 340 132 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Planning Department Budget Hearing.(3/2) ........ 98 Planning Services Dept; - landscaping between Asbury Plaza Shopping Center- Hy-Vee & Resurrection Cemetery.(8116) ............................. 351 Planning Services Dept. - Historic preservation grant, change in authorization.(12/6) ................. 519 Plastic Center, Inc. Fischer Lanes, 800 Locust, Liq. Lic.(716) ................................ 289 Plat of Survey of portion of Radford Rd.(ll4) ........ 2 Plat approval of Darwood Acres in Dubuque County - Larry Tscharner.(1/18) ......................... 23 Plat approval for Charles Burkhart - 3347, 3349 & 3359 Center Grove Dr.(3115) ....................... 105 Plat approval, Tim Widmeier, 775 Gillespie St.(3/15) 105 Plat approval of Forest Ridge Estates - Woodvlew Dr. in Barrington Lakes -County.(3115) ............ 106 Plat of subdivision of Lots 1 & 2 of Warren & Robin Ambling Subd. - 2274 Washington St.(3115) ..... 104 Plat of survey of South Siegert Farm.(415) ........ 138 Plat approval of Holliday Addn., SW corner of NW Art. on Asbury Rd.(4/5) ........................... 146 Plat approval of vacated portion of Pine St. from 12th to 14th St.(415) .............................. 148 Plat approval, vacated portion of E. 14th St.(415)... 148 Plat of Survey of Lot 22 of Hooper's Addn.(4119)... 154 Plat, final & assessments for Radford Rd., proof. (513) ....................................... 175 Plat of Kloser Addn., approval.(5/17) ............. 201 Plat of Emerald Acres No. 1 approved.; correction plat.(5117)(9/7) ................. 215,369 Plat of portion of Jaeger Heights Sub. No. 2; rescinding & reapproving final plat.(6/'7)(10/4) 240,429 Plat - Consent to Plat & release City Liens on Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn.(6/7) ....................... 245 Plat of Survey of Lot 1-3 of Dubuque Ind. Center, 12th Addn., approved.(6/21) ....................... 262 Plat approval of Loras Estatas.(6/21) ............. 273 Plat approval of 2202 Roosevelt Rd., P. Smyth. (8116) ...................................... 348 Plat approval of E 1/2 of Lot 2 of part of Mineral Lot 304.(8116) ................................... 348 Plat approval of Adam's Co. Addn.(9/7) .......... 373 Plat of Block 13 of Downtown Plaza.(9/7) ......... 385 Plat of Lot A & Lot 1 of Tenth St. Subdivision.(9/7). 378 Plat of portion of Charlie's Place - JoAnn Lee Hart. (10118) ................................. 439,440 Plat approval of Barrington Lakes No. 3.(10/18) ... 453 133 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Plat approval of portion of Dbq. Industrial Center West.(10125) ................................. 459 Plat approval of vacated Maple Leave Ave. & Monroe Ave -aka Louella Lane.(11/1) .................. 474 Plat approval for property E of Tyra Lane in the County - Kevin & Valerie Schmitt.(11115) ............... 483 Plat approval, portion Sunny Slope Estates.(12/6).. 528 Plates - License for vehicles, Ord. providing for display etc.(12/6) ........ ' ................. 530,531 Plat of Southern Hills Subd. approved.(12120) ..... 556 Platting (Re) of Airport Road Subd.(1/4) ............. 3 Platting of 2 add'l lots - Lores Estates Subd. (12/20) 550 Plaza 20, 2600 Dodge St., Kahle, Inc. amend PC Dis. to allow different percentage for Signs. (1/18)(?J1) .............................. 33,43,44 Plaza 20 AMOCO, A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(513)(7/6) ............... 181,289 Plaza, Town Clock, opening etc., presentation by W.H.K.S. & Co.; discussion on design & Reconstruction of 8th St. & Improve. of Main.; Reconstruction Project from Locust to Iowa Sts.; petition of '196, Alice Connor, requesting Plaza stay as is; response; Special Session for discussion by downtown etc. (311)(3115)(6121)(917)(1014)(12/20) ......................... 74,102,282,283,372,421,549 Pliner, Henry T. & Marion D., objections to 1999 JFK Sidewalk Assess.(7/6) .................... 290 P[isek, Dan, resigned from Historic Pres. Comm. (513) ........................................ 175 Plowman, Tammy J., violation of liquor sales at Oky Doky.(513) ................................... 179 Plum SL & Rush St., subdivision plat approved. (7/19) ....................................... 319 Plumbing Code amended & adoptad.(11/15) ....... 507 Plumley, Mrs. Eugene, Sr., zoning laws for RV's.(3/1) 75 Plumley, Sandra, letter citing lack of enforcement for City laws.(12/20) .......................... 552 Plummer, Brad, Claim.(12/6) .................... 518 Poisoning Prevention Week -Childhood lead, Proclam. (10/18) ...................................... 438 Poles removed on Third St. & Main Sts.(10118) ..... 442 Police - Award, Occupant Restraint from Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau - Seat Belt Honor Roll. (10/4) ....................................... 417 Police Captain, certified, Civil Service Comm.(6/21) 261 Police - contract between City & Div. of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning.(4119)(7119) ...... 157,321 Police Corporal certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/21) ....................................... 261 Police Departmental budget hearing.(3/2) .......... 98 134 INDEX, BOOK 129 999 SUBJECT PAGE P Police Dept., request by D. TeKippe for deaf interpreter.(2/15) .............................. 66 Police, Drug Enforcement Agreement between the City, Dbq. County & Jo Daviess County, 11.(8116) . 350 Police - False Alarm fee increased.(716) .......... 311 Police - Law Enforcement building, expansion discussion; Opening of Eighth Street.. (6/23)(7/6) .............................. 285,309 Police Lieutenant certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/21) ...................................... 261 Police Officer - Entry Level, certified by Civil Service. (7/19) ...................................... 318 Police Officers investigate motor vehicle accidents, Petition at Budget Hearing.(312) ................ 98 Police officers - problem, Tara Winger.(4/5) ....... 143 Police Protective Assn., Collective Bargaining Agree.(5117) ............................ 201,202 Policies for City Utilities & infrastructure, development standards etc.(8/16) .......................... 356 Policy on Investments, approval of revisions. (11/1) ...................................... 471 Prospect Pizza LTD, Pizza Hut, 320 E. 20th St., Beer Per.(6/21) .............................. 268 Policy-Street Tree & Landscaping on Public ROW. (6/21) ...................................... 268 Polkinghorn, Sue, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 225,286 Pollution Control Systems, Claim.(7119) .......... 317 Poppy Days, Proclam.(5/17) .................... 199 Porches, re: Housing Code.(4/19) ............... 161 Port,eh Construction awarded contract for Alta Place Storm Sewer Extension; awarded contract for Eighth Street Reconstruction opening; awarded contract for Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall; Awarded contract for the Concrete Repairs on N. Grandview at Delhi Pro.(1118)(7119)(812)(1014) .... 31,322,337,432 Portzen, Mary Kay, in favor of rezoning of 1561 Jackson rezoning - Maria House.(812) .......... 336 Portzen, Michael, & Gerald Siegert, rezoning of 11515 English Mill Rd. & annexation etc. of 213 acres E of landfill along Hwy 20 & English Mill Road. (8/16)(9F/) ........................... 35g,375,376 Portzen, Michael E., applicant to Long Range Planning Comm.; reappointed.(6/21)(7/6) ............ 269,290 Positively 14th SL, A. Mangeno, 1401 Elm., Liq. Lic.; Refund on Cig. Per.(9120)(9120) ............ 402,396 Possession of fireworks prohibited.(5.3) ......... 193 135 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Post, Cindy, not reapplying for Environmental Stewardship Comm.(10/4) ..................... 420 Post, Randy, Claim; Referred to Ins.(6121)(7/6) . 260,286 Posting of signs for speed limits - Ord.(10/4) ...... 433 Potato & Produce House (IA), 2600 Dodge, Beer Per. (1118) ........................................ 28 Potter, Lee, Sr., West Locust Mart, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.(2/1 ) ................................. 41 Pratt, Michael, of McLeodUSA, return of loan agreement between City & McLeodUSA.(7/6) .... 309 Precast Concrete Materials for Expansion of the Fifth St. Ramp.(9/20) .......................... 410 Pregler, David, applicant- Electrical Code Bd.; appointed to At Large Position on Electrical Code Bd.(7119)(8/2) ............................ 321,336 Pregler, Walter, applicant for CD Comm.; reappointed for Community Development Comm.(2/1)(2J15 . 42,60 Premier Bank, depository for city funds.(6121) ..... 267 Prescott School, City partnership, letter of Thanks from Jane Petrek.(12/6) ....................... 520 Preservation supported of Hillcrest Apta.(6/7) ..... 230 Preventative Health Contract -AIDS, between IA Dept. of Public Health & City to sign a contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(1111) ................ 465 Pride Service, Martin Automagic, 2175 Central, Cig. Per.(6/7) .................................... 231 Pride Service, refund on unexpired Cig. Per.(12/20} 550 Prince St. at Twenty-Fourth SL, Stop Signs.(10/18) . 450 Printed Council Proceedings approved as printed for November, 1998; for Dec. 1998; for Jan., Feb. 1999; March, 1999; for April; for May, 1999, for June 1999, for July 1999; for Aug. 99, for Sept. 99; for Oct. 99; (1118)(211)(415)(4119)(6i7}(716)(812)(917)(1014)(1111)(17J6} ........... 21,36,130,153,225,286,331,367,417,464,518 Priority status for SW Arterial, IDOT.(!2/6) ......... 520 Prism Award, State of iA, to City, presented by T. Determan of Human Rights Com.(10/18) ...... 438 Private on-site sewage treatment & disposal system, Ord. adding extension to abandonment etc.(415) . 144 Proceedings, Council, Approved as Printed, for Nov. 98; Dec. 98; for Jan. & Feb. 99; March 99., for April 99, for May 99, for June 99, July 99, Aug. 99, for Sept. 99. (1118)(211)(415)(4119)(617}{716)(812}(917)(1014)(1111) ............... 21,36,130,153,225,286,331,367,417,464 Partition Wall improvement Pro., Five Flags Center Arena.(415) .............................. 132,133 136 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Program Year 25 Community Development Block Grant Budget-(3/2) ............................ 99 Prohibiting discrimination request for sexual orientation for City Code Ch. 27.(8/16) .......... 356 Prohibition of fireworks possession.(513) ......... 193 Project Concern, Inc., Purchase of Service Agree. Information & Referral & Child Care Referral & Foster Grandparent Prog.; Para Transit Contract.(5/3)(9/20) ...................... 180,400 Project Manager for IDOT re: US. Capacity Bridge Study.{l118) .................................. 23 Promissory Note & Mortgage obligation for 101-123 Main St., Assumption Agreement.(2~15) ......... 53 Proof of publication - disposal of Downtown Urban Renewal Property - Merchants etc. to Chamber of Commerce.(12/20) ........................... 553 Proofs of Claims & Summary of Revenues: (2/15)(3115)(4119)(5/17)(6121 )(9/20)(10/4}(10/18)(12/20) ................ 52,103,153, 199,260,396,417,438,550 Proofs of publication - Environmental Notice CDBG funds etc.(12/6) ............................. 518 Proofs of publishing Council proceedings. (2/1)(3115)(4/5)(4119)(5/17)(6/7)(6/21 )(7/6)(7/19)(8/2) (9/7)(9/20)(1014)(11115}(12/6)(12/20) · . 36,103,130,153,199,225,260,286,317,331,367,396,417, 481,518,550 Properties on E. 4th SL, Eminent Domain proceedings. (2/1) ........................................ 45 Property, acceptance of deed from FDL Foods.(6/7) 230 Property condemnation on last remaining parcel for the Riverwalk Pro.(10/18) ..................... 453 Property conveyance of various City Lots re: IDOT ROW.(311) ................................ 76-78 Property disposal in Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Develop. Dis. to Eagle W~ndow & Door, Inc. & Dubuque -Eagle LLC. (2/15) .................... 60 Property Exchange on Kerper BIvd. with John Mikalakis & Richard Billmeyer.(ll4) ............. 14 Property in South Portion of AP Woods Addn - Williams SL & N of Williams St. - Mike Strader requested to purchese.(3115) .................. 104 Property located on 9th & Locust to American Trust & Savings Bank.(9/7) ......................... 378 Property purchase from Dubuque Initiatives -former Army Surplus Buildingat301MainSt.(11/15) 510,511 Property purchased from Dennis P. Dolan, 1104 Iowa. (513) ....................................... 176 137 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Property tax exemption Applications - Urban ReviL Areas.(2/15) ............................... 56,57 Property title cleared of property transferred to Eagle Window & Door.(4/19) ........................ 157 Property west of Asbury & North of Asbury Road, annexation notice.(2/1) ........................ 37 Proposed Annual Action Plan, for CDBG Grant Funds for FY 2000.(2/22) ............................. 73 Prudential Friedman Realty, Inc., - Billboard Ordinance to stay as is.(12/6) ............................ 532 Psihoyos, Gus, at meeting to discuss development standards & policies for City Utilities & Infrastructure.(812)(8116) .................. 330,356 Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, claims & suits referred to them. (114)(1118)(211)(2115)(3115)(415)(4115) (513)(5117)(716)(7119)(812)(8116)(917)(9120)('1014)(1111) 1,21,36,52,103,130,153,175,'199,286,317,331,348,367, 396,417,464,481,518,550 Public Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding & Agreement with the Visiting Nurses Assn. {VNA). (8/2) ........................................ 334 Public Health Spec. -Agreement with Lisa Sesterhenn through VNA, Healthy Dbq. 2000 Project(8116) ... 35'1 Public Hearing process - proposed amendment to Zoning Ord., failed.(12/20) ..................... 557 Public Improvements - amendment to Ch., 42, Inspection Fees.(10/4) ........................ 430 Public Safety Dispatcher, certified by Civil Service Comm.(6/7) ................................. 226 Public Works Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ... 98 Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil, 2013 Central, Cig. Per.(6/7).. 231 Puff n Snuff, Molo Oil Co., 495 N. Grandview, Cig. per.; Civil penalty for tobacco violation; Cig. Per.(4119}(6/7) ....................... 157,160,231 Puls, Robert, Claim; Settlement(8/2) ........ 331,367 Puls, Tim, - rezoning S of Starlight Dr. - Woodland Ridge Subd. from PUD to R3.(6/2'1)(716) ; .... 278,297 Pump Replacement Pro. - Catfish Creek Lift Station.(12/20) ............................... S60 Purchase Agreement for property at 50'1-503 22nd St, development of trail head for Heritage Trail.(2/15) . 53 Purchase Agreement, '1'154 Iowa, D. Dolan;(5/3) .... 176 Purchase Agreement, Merchants Hotel.(6121) ..... 267 138 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE P Purchase Agreement for property at Twenty-Second St., 501-503, for trail head of Heritage Trail from Elizabeth Takes.(2/15)(3/15) ................ 53,104 Purchase home at 3425 Pennsylvania Ave. Hazard Mitigation Program - Flood, from Cindy Gilligan. (7/19) ...................................... 327 Purchase of Allison Place property - Finley Hospital. (1/18) ....................................... 27 Purchase of Service Agree. with Humane Society. (6121) ...................................... 264 Purchase of property from American Grain & Related Industries.(7/19) ............................. 327 Purchase of Service Agreements with several agencies.(513) ............................... 180 Purchase request for portion of property N of Williams St., requested by Mike Strader.(3/15} ........... 104 Pusateri's, 2400 Central, Liq. Lic.(1/18) ............ 28 Putnam County Painting of Mark, IL awarded contract for Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase ili.(9/7) ............................... 382 Pyatigorsk, Russia, Sister city, visitor presentation. (1/18) ....................................... 21 Pyle, Kim, objecting to water runoff problems in 2900 block of Kane St. - Pine Knolls Condo's, S. Boge. (11/15) ..................................... 502 Pyle, Klm, objecting to water runoff problem re: 2900 block of Kane SL, Pine Knolls Condo's - S. Boge, Development.(11/1)(11115) ................ 470,502 139 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Q Q-Mart -Arbys, Arcon, Inc., 10 Main St., Beer Per. (4/5) ...................................... 140 QHQ Developers, M. Quagliano, rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.; reclassify property opposite of Red Violet Dr. in Sunnyslopes from AG to RI for QHQ - Ken Moore. (114)(311)(415)(t1115)(1216) ... 5,87-90,147,148,511,525 Quack, Dat, Claim; Referred to 1ns.(6/7)(7/6) . .. 225,286 Quade, Ernest, Radford Road Development, -final plat for portion of Sunny SIope.(l?J6) ....... 528-530 Quagliano, Mike, QHQ Developers, rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. (114)(311){415) ..................... 5,87-90,147,148 Quagliano, Tim, rezoning property at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PC designation.(3/1) .......................... 87-90 Quit claim deed for NW Arterial ROW to IDOT. (8/2)(8/16) .............................. 346,355 140 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R R.E. Lewis Refrigeration - Riverwalk - closing on an agreement with owner & parties in purchase of property - from AGPJ, The Aspermont Co., C. K. Witco Corp. -tka Crompton & Knowles Corp. & R.E. Lewis Refrigeration.(10/18) ................... 453 R.J.S. Devel. Corp., Sanitary Sewer at Grove Tool. (11/1) ..................................... 466 Racetrack surface replacement project - DP, A, amendment to 1999 ClP Schedule.(3/1) .......... 76 Racing Assn., Dubuque, Property disposed of - Ice Harbor area.{7/19) ........................... 325 Radar towers etc., Zoning regulations for placement-(ll4) ............................... 7 Radford Rd., plat of survey of portion of ROW.(1/4) .. 2 Radford Rd., utility easement, request for release by Dbq. Initiatives.(5/17) ........................ 201 Radford Rd., rezoning W of NW Arterial along Hwy 20, Westside Ct., Radford Rd. & Old Highway Rd. (11/15)(12/6) ............................ 512,523 Radford Road Development - E. Quade, final plat of Lot 4 & Lot D, Blk 11 of Sunny Slope Estates.(12/6).. 528 Radford Road Reconstruction Pro. (2/15)(4/5)(5/3) .................... 55,133,134,175 Radio towers etc., Zoning regulations for placement.(1/4) ............................... 7 Rafoth Sheet Metal inc., Claim; Referred to 1ns.(1118){2/1) ............................. 21,36 Rah~f, Timothy, $100 paid as Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(9/20) ....................... 396 Railing project- 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental.(11/1){1 2/6) ..... 473.525 Railroad - train limits going thru City, letter to IDOT; copy of letter from IDOT to Monica Meissner. (9120)(11/15) ............................ 397,485 Railroad Freight House Restoration project, application to IDOT for TEA-21 funds, by Dbq. County Historical Society.(1014) ............... 418 Riniker, Charles J., property to City on Klingenberg Terrace.(9/20) ............................... 399 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 280 Locust, Cig. Per. (1/4)(6/7) ................................. 4,230 Rainbo Oil Co. projecting sign Ord. at 1401 Central; Beer Per.(4/19)(716) ...................... 160,289 Rainbo Oil Co., claim for vehicle damages; referred to 1ns.(5117)(6/7) ........................... 199,226 Rainbo Oil Co, Kwik Stop, 2255 Kerper, Cig. Per. (5/7) ....................................... 231 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 1685 JFK, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(12/6) ........................... 231,521 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 1400 Central, Cig. Per. (6/7) ....................................... 231 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(12/6) ............. 231,521 141 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2297 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(11115} ................. 231,485 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2350 Central, Cig. Per. (0/7) ........................................ 231 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2320 Hwy 61, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (114)(6/7)(1216) ......................... 4,231,521 Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W. 4th SL, Liq. Lic.(10/18) .................................. 443 Rains of May 16th & May 17th, update by Fire Chief D. Brown.(5/17) .............................. 199 Ramp at Schmitt Harbor, GranL(415)(9120) .... 133,404 Ramp - Curb, Installation Project, 1999. (6/7)(716) ................................ 257,300 Ramp- Fifth St. expansion etc. (7119)(812)(8116)(10118) ......... 326,327,340,356,444 Ramp - Parking, Rehabilitation Repairs Project.(6/7) 228 Ramp - Third St., Vedi Associate for design Engr.(11/15) ................................. 511 Ransdell, Mary, objecting to Assessment to replace sidewalks etc. on Van Buren SL(5/17) ........... 206 Rapp, Marvin J., Cue Master Ltd. 900 Central, Liq. Lic.; Ord. to allow Marde Enterprises to construct steps. (3/1)(7/6) ................................. 81,310 Rate increase for A-OK Yellow Taxi Co.(12J6) ...... 520 Rates for Water usage etc. increased.(3/2) ........ 100 Raysan Corp. Inc., The Bridge Rest., 31 Locust St.(11/15) ................................... 486 Readopting the Codification of All Ordinances. (10118) .................................. 450-452 Real Estate in Dbq. County, acceptance of Deed from FDL Foods.(6/7} ............................. 230 Real Estate Mortgage & Financing Statements - Lot 2 & 4 of FDL First Addn., Partial Release. (6/7)(6121) ............................... 236,271 REAP -Agree. with IA Dept. of Natural Resources Grant for Riverwalk Acquisition.(12/6) .......... 519 REAP Grant, from DNR to acquire land adjacent to Dbq. Star Brewery for Miss. Riverwalk.(812) ...... 332 Reardon, David, Petition for 4-way stop at Alpha SL & Van Buren; clarification as to specific streeta.(4/5)(5117)(1014) ........ 138,206,435 Reconstruction of Eighth St. between Locust & Iowa, Discussion etc.(3115) ......................... 102 Reconstruction of Jackson StreeL(6/7) ........... 230 Reconstruction of Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wail Project.(8/2)(9/20) ........................ 337,397 142 1999 INDEX - BOOK 129 SUBJECT PAGE R Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer in alley between Rhomberg & Garfield from Stanton to Shiras Ave. {8/2) ....................................... 345 Reconstruction of Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp - Grant; Project.(415)(9120)(lOI18)(11115) ..... 133,404,457,502 Reconstruction Project - Man hole.(4/5) ........... 142 Recreation & Parks - re: domestic animals in them still prohibited (discussed) & use of motorcycles & bicycles.(3/1) ............................... 91 Recreat on Departmental Budget Review.(3/2) ..... 98 Recreation Program -Uptown, Grant Agree. with Four Mounds Foundation -summer daycamp.(4/19) .. 156 Recreation Supervisor, Therapeutic, & Aquatics, for Leisure Services, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm.(3/1) .............. · · ........... 76 Recreational Vehicles, concerns ~ parking, Mrs. E. Plumley.(3/1} ................................. 75 Recreational Vehicles, storage of vehicles & off-street parking in residential parking.(716) ............. 298 Recyclables -Agreement Amend. for processing & marketing services with Browning Ferris ind. (6121) ...................................... 260 Red Cedar Estates No. 2, approval of plat of Survey of Lots 1-3, property E of Tyra Lane in the County - Kevin & Valerie Schmitt.(11115) ................ 483 Red Ribbon Week Proclam.{10/18) .............. 438 Red Violet Dr., Sunny Slopes, rezoning of property opposite, from AG to R1 for QHQ Develop. - Ken Moore Construction.(11/15)(12_/6) .......... 511,525 Reddick, Arty Les, claim of Kirkegaard's to him. (3/15) ...................................... 103 Redman, Cynthia, rezoning issue at SW corner of NW Art. & Asbury Rd. - QHQ.(I/4) .................. 5 Reed, Joe, of Labor Management Assn., appreciation of funds received.(3/2) ........................ 98 Riedel, Howard, Claim; settlement.(4/5)(4/19).. 130,153 Refuge - Upper Mississippi Wildlife & Fish, Interpretive Center.(6/7) ................................. 229 Regina Hayford Blvd., renaming of Bell SL, requested by Shirley Strub of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority; request to change name of Adams St. to River. (1118)(211)(3115) .................. 32,44,45,124,125 Region One Chief Elected Official Board Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Agree.(9/7) ............ 372 Regional Workforce Investment Board, nomination. (7/19}(9/7) .............................. 327,372 Registration Fees for Bicycles changed.(3/2) ...... 99 143 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R Registration Plates for vehicles, Ord. providing for display of them & stickers.(12/6) ............... 531 Rehab Loan for Davey Robertson's bar.(6/7) ...... 241 Rehab Loan Programs - CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) .................................. 177 Reimer, Jill, Retail Adm. for Rainbo Oil Co., re: projecting Sign Ord. at 1401 Central.(4119) .... 162 Reisdort, Stephen V., applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.(4/19}(513) ............... 158,182 Reiser, Rita, Claim; Referred to Ins.(3115)(415) . 103,130 Reiss, Elaine, applicant for Electrical Code Bd.; reappointed.(7119)(812) .................... 321,336 Release of CDBG funds for various projects.(5/17) . 199 Release of Funds for Eagle Window & Door Pro.(3/1) 78 Release of real estate liens on FDL property - Lot 2 & Lot 4 of FDL First Addn.{6/7) ................... 236 Release of liens on property - Lot 2 FDL Second Addn. (6/21) ....................................... 271 Religious Center, Dbq., J. Sullivan, 923 Main, Liq. Lic. (1/4) .......................................... 4 Relocation of utilities, alterations, off ramp to Dbq. Dog Track.(7/19) ............................. 318 Remakel, Robert, 4-way stop at Alpha St. &Van Buren.(415)(5117)(11115) ......... 138,206,511 Renaissance Development Senior Housing Project - extension for final site devel.(4119) ............. 157 Renaissance of Dbq. awarded contract for the Sewer - Westside Intake Replacement Pro.; awarded contract for the Curb Ramp Installation, 17th SL Pro.; claim of C. Steffen referred to them; Awarded River's Edge Pro.; Awarded contract for Curb Modification at 21st & Central; Awarded contract for Vacuum Filter Building Elec. Room Pro. at Eagle Point Water Plant. (2/15)(8116)(9120)(1111) ....... 64,67,348,402,404,466 Renewal - Cable Franchise, Negotiating Team with AT & T.(11/15) .................................. 511 Rent assisted family units - Hiltcmst Apartments, support preservation of same.(6/7) ............. 230 Rental Rehab Loan - CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) .................................. 177 Repair Project (Rehab), Parking Facilities.(6/7) .... 228 Repair project for Washington & Valley Street, after May 1999 Storm.(6/7) ..................... 246 Report - Airport monthly report.(12/20) ........... 550 Report, Annual by TC1.(415) ..................... 130 Report, Certified Local Government Annual, CLG. (12/20) ...................................... 552 144 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R Report - Human Rights, annuaL(12/20) ........... 550 Report- Five Flags Civic Center Year End.(1014) ... 4117 Report from Dept. of Health, re: Landfill Site Condition. (11/1) ...................................... 467 Report from Mgr. - Board of Health.(10/4) ........ 433 Report, VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn., by B. Moran. (7/19) ...................................... 316 Rescue Mission, 398 Main St., construction of an awning.(12/20) .......................... 555,556 Rescue services, High angle, 28E Agreement with Dbq. & Clayton Counties.(6/7) ................. 241 Residential Parking regulations around Senior High, request by Greg Orwoll of Colta to waive.(6/21) .. 275 Residential Parking - Storage of off-street parking. (7/6) ....................................... 298 Residential Rehab Loan Program, CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ......................... 177 Residential Urban Revitalization applications, tax exemptions etc.(2/15) ...................... 56, 57 Respiratory Therapy Week Proclamation.(10/4) .... 417 Restaurants. Food Establishmenta, New Ord. (5/17) ...................................... 214 Restoration Project of Wm. M. Black Steamboat, various phases. (716)(812) .............. 299,300,344 Rush and Plum Streets, Subdivision plat for NE Corner.(7119) ................................ 319 Restroom Remodeling, Airport, & ADA Improvements. (9/7) ....................................... 371 Resurrection Church Cemetery, nearby HyVee landscaping etc.(812)(8116} ................ 331,351 Retaining Wall Reconstruction, Klingenberg Terrace. (7/$) ....................................... 312 Retirement notice of City Clerk Mary A. Davis. (9/7) ....................................... 386 rettenburger, Mike, re: JFK Sidewalk Assess.(7/6} 290 Revenue Summaries for various months, proofs: (1/18)(4/19) .............................. 21,153 Revenues proof for various months. (2/15) (3/15)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21 )(7/19){10/18)(11/15)(12/20) ................. 52,103,153,199,260,317,438,481,550 Review of Historic Preservation Ord.(4/5) ......... 144 Rhomberg & Garfield from Stanton to Shiras, Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction in alley between those streets.(812) ................................. 345 Rhomberg Ave., 2705, rezoning from CS to RI, for Tom & J. Duccini.(5/17){6F/) ................... 217,235 Richey, Dennis, Claim; Settlement.(5/17)(7/6) . 199,287 145 INDEX- BOoK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R Riegel Corp., Godfather's Pizza, 1575 JFK, Beer Per. (10118) ...................................... 443 Riesselman, Harold, re: 1561 Jackson rezoning -Maria House.(8/2) ................................. 336 Rigi Subd. No. 2, plat of Lots 1, 2 & 3 - disposal of N. Grandview Ave. property to DB & T. (5117)(6/7) ........................... 220,221,236 Riley, John, of Riley Development - annexation concerns & affect to SW Art. Deve l.(3115) ........ 123 RISE Grant re: Dbq. Technology Park Roadway Improvement Project.(8/16) .................... 350 Rising Stars /Independent League Days, Proclam. (6/7) ........................................ 225 Ristow, Gary, Claim; Referred to Ins.(1118)(2/1) .. 21,36 River City Paving, Div. of Mathy Con. awarded contract for 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. (5/17) ............. 208 River Discovery Center Depot ProJect by Dbq. County Historical Society, application to DMATS for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds.(8/16) ...... 349 River Discovery Center - Dbq. County Historical Society application to IDOT for TEA-21 Funds for Railroad Freight House Restoration ProjecL(10/4) 418 River - Mississippi, Upper, National Wildlife & Fish Refuge; App to HUD.(6/7) ..................... 229 Riverboat Entertainment Co., assignment of Ice Harbor Parking Agree.(4119)(7/6) .................. 157,288 Riverboat Entertainment Co., Liq Lic. Refund. (10118) ...................................... 439 Rivers Edge Plaza construction.(8/16) ............ 364 Riverside Bowl, Civil Penalty for Tobacco Licensee; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(4/19)(6/7} ........... 160,231,232 Riverview Park - Miller, management agree, wf Pat Felderman.(2/1) ................................. Riverview Park - Miller, re: dogs & cats in Park, revised Ord.(12/6)(12/20) .................. 528,555 Riverwalk, Mississippi, application to State Historic Society for funds for signs.(lll 8) ................ 22 Riverwalk Project - Eminent Domain proceedings for properties on E. 4th St.(2/1) .................... 45 Riverwalk re: C. Bradley requesting Carriage Building for horse tours etc.(2/15) ....................... 53 Riverwalk, REAP grant from DNR to acquire land adjacent to Dbq. Star Brewery.(8/2) ............. 332 Riverwalk - Request to DMATS for ISTEA Funds to be reallocated from Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Pro. to Hwy 20 Landscaping Project.(10/4) ....... 419 146 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R Riverwalk. closing on an agreement with owner & parties in purchase of property, from AGRI, The Aspermont Co., C. K. Witco Corp. - fka Crompton & Knowles Corp. & R.E. Lewis Refrigerafion.(10/18) 453 Riverwalk - Condemnation of last remaining parcel for Riverwalk.(10/18) ............................ 453 Riverwalk Land acquisition, Grant Agreement for REAP funds.(12/6) ........................... 519 River's Edge Plaza Project.(9/20) ................ 402 Road Maintenance - City & County - Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agrae.(10/18) ............. 439 Roadway Improvements for Dbq. industrial Center - South - Dbq. Technology Park.(3/15) ........... 120 Robbins, Joe, reappointed to Operation: New View for year 2000.(1118) .............................. 32 Robertson, Davey, rehab loan for bar.(6/7) ........ 241 Robinson, Stephanie, Claim; Referred to ins. (10118)(1111) ............................ 438,464 Rocco Buda Park Project- Loras Blvd.(10/4) ...... 422 Rockdale Cemetery Assn., requesting abatement of special Kelly Lane Assess.; Assessment reduced.(2/1}(2/15) ......................... 44,66 Rockdale Rd., 1125, rezoning for Kinderland - p. Mohr. (3/15) ...................................... 127 Rockdale Road - Adams Addn. Sanitary Sewer Extansion.(6/7)(7/6) ............... 249,250,291,292 Roen, Jeffrey, Claim; Referred to ins.(6121)(716) 260,286 Roger's Auto Salvage, Claim; Referred to Ins. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 260,286 Rokusek, Karen, objecting to rezoning of property on Hwy 20 West & Cousins Rd.(6/7) ............... 234 Romaine, Jon, Ex. Director of ARC, water runoff concerns re: Pine Knolls Devel., 2900 Kane, for S. Boge.(11/1) ............................... 470 Roofing ~ Hurricane Deck, Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro.(7/6) ..................... 299,300 Roosevelt Rd., 2202, plat of, approved for P. Smyth. (8/16) ...................................... 348 Rosedale St., request by H. McMahon to change name to East & West Rosedale.(3/15) ................ 103 Rosemont St., designating as a through street. (5/3) ....................................... 192 Ross, David, objecting to Pine Knolls Condo Develop. at 2900 block of Kane St. - Boge's.(11115) ....... 502 Ross, Wm. (Bill), applicant for Humaa Rights Comm. (10/18)(11/1) .......................... 443,469 Rouse, W am, Claim; Referred to Ins.(6/7)(7/6) 260,286 ROW - 3725 Asbury Rd., denial to construct a fence. (8/2) ....................................... 340 147 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE R ROW Acquisition with IDOT on Hwy 32 - NW Arterial from JFK Rd. to U.S. 52.(3/1) .................... 80 ROW at 1081 University, monitoring wells, Lic. Agree. with Apex Environmental.(4/5) ................. 138 ROW Encroachment at 84 Main St., awning & new sign.(3/15) .................................. 125 ROW - IDOT, along NW Arterial at Pennsylvania, vacation requested by old Floor Show bldg.(4/19) 157 ROW, public, Street Tree & Landscaping policy. (6/21) ....................................... 268 ROW - IDOT Patent Deeds.(3/1) ................ 76-78 ROW property for Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall.(9/20) .................................. 398 RSVP - Retired Senior & Volunteer Program - Purchase of Service Ag ree.(513) ......................... 180 Rubio, Ted, La Nortena, 1810 Central, Cig. Per. (2/1)(6/7) ................................. 41,231 Rule - DOT Federal Aviation Administration advising of direct final rule.(2/1) ........................... 37 Runway 18/36 Extension Project - City Funding with a FAA grant.(1216) ............................. 532 Rupp, Marvin, Cue Master Ltd., 900 Central, Cig. Per.(6/7) .................................... 231 Rusk, David W., Applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; reappointed.(6/21)(7/6) ........ 269,289,290 RV's, concerns ~ parking, Mrs. E. Plumley.(311) .... 75 RV's, storage of vehicles & off-street parking in residential parking.(7/6) ....................... 298 Ryan, Charles, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (10/18)(11/1) ............................. 443,469 Ryan Co., ShopKo, Ord. allowing freestanding signage.(3/1) ................................. 86 Ryan House, ~1275 Locust, transfer of Liq. Lic. to Mississippi River Museum; Liq. Lic. (4119)(12/20) ............................. 157,553 Ryan, Leor~a, Claim; referral to Ins. (8/16)(9/7) ............................... 348,367 148 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-99 Authorizing Mayor to execute Application to participate in the Iowa Home Investment Partnership Program.(1/4) ...................... 2 2-99 Authorizing License Agree. - City & Apex Environmental Inc. to install Monitoring Wells on ROW at 198 Locust.(1/4) ....................... 2 3-99 Approving Plat of Survey of Portion of Radford Road ROW.(1/4) ............................. 2,3 4-99 Approving Plat, Proposed Airport Road Subd. (1/4) ......................................... 3 5-99 Accepting Improvements, Westmark Subd.(l/4). 3 6-99 Accepting Improvements to Edwards Rd.(l/4) 3,4 7-99 Issuing Cig. Per,, Kwik Stop, 280 Locust(I/4) ... 4 8-99 Issuing Beer Per. to Local 94 & Kwik Stop.(ll4) . 4 9-99 Issuing Liquor Lic. to A & B tape, Holiday Inn, & Wine Per to Dbq. Religious Ceeter.(ll4) .......... 4 10-99 Approving Min. Requirements for disposition of Urban Renewal Prop., & proposal by Eagle Window & Door, In & Dubuque Eagle, LLC - Development Agree with Eagle Window & Door. (1/4) ..................................... 10-14 11-99 Approving the Minimum Requirements, competitive criteria, offering procedures for disposition of certain urban renewal Property re: J, P. Michalkis & Richard L Billmeyer {property exchange on Kerper Blvd.)(1/4) ............. 14-17 f 3-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2 of Lookout Point Subd. No. 2.(1118) ............... 22 14-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot I of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot I of Darwood Acres Sub. in the County.(l118) ................................ 23 15-99 Accepting Improvement for Washington St. from 14-30th SL(1/18) .............................. 23 16-99 Final Estimate for the Curb Ramps on Washington SL from 14th to 30th SL{1/18} ....... 24 17-99 Accepting Improvement for the Curb Ramps 1997 -Sidewalk Inspection Route.(1/18) ......... 24 18-99 Curb Ramps 1997 -Sidewalk Inspection Route.(1/18) ................................. 24 19-99 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agree. for $60,000 with Swiss Valley Farms,(l118) ....... 24,25 20-99 Authorizing License Agree. between the City & Seneca Environmental Inc. to install Monitoring Wells on ROW at First & Water Sts. (1/19) ....................................... 25 21-99 Accepting the Tentative Agree. between the City & the Dbq. Professional Firefighters Assn., Local #353 & Authorizing the Mayor to Sign.(l/18) ...... 25 22-99 Approving the agreement between the City & General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #421 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign Agree.(1/18) ...... 26 149 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 23-99 Accepting Improvement for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Pro.(1/18) ........... 26 24-99 Final Est. for the Operations & Maintenance Center's Vehicle Exhaust Systems Pro..(1118) ..... 27 25-99 Approving the Submission of an Application for Historic Resource Development Program Funding to Conduct an Historic Pres. Survey.(1118) .......... 27 26-99 Adopting Supplement No. 38 to City Code. (1/18) ........................................ 27 27-99 issuance of Beer Permits to Cedar Cross Amoco & Iowa Potato & Produce House.(1/18) ........... 28 28-99 Issuance of Liquor Lic. to Zirks, The Lounge & Pusateri's.(l118) .............................. 28 29-99 Determining that the Proposal of Horizon Devel. Group, L.L.C. & Cartegraph Systems, Inc. is in compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Lot 10 & Lot 11, BIk 2, Dbq. Technology Park.(1/18) ........................ 28 30-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Development of Lot 10 & Lot 11 of BIk 2, Dbq. Technology Park, in the City approving Agree. for same etc.(l/18) ............................... 29 31-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Key Corners Storm Sewer Extension.(1/18) .................. 30 32-99 Awarding contract for the Key Corners Storm Sewer Ext. (1/18) ...... ........................ 30 33-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext.(l/18) ........................ 30 34-99 Awarding Contract for the Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext. to Portzen Con.(1118) ................ 31 35-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Chestnut & Dell Street Storm Sewer Ext.(IllS) ................... 31 36-99 Awarding Contract for the Chestnut & Dell St. Storm Sewer to Drew Cook & Sons Excavating. (1118) ........................................ 31 37-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Westside Intake Replacement Pro.(1118) ......... 33 38-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the West.side Intake Replacement Pro. 1999.(1/'18) .... 33 39-99 Ordering bids for the Westside Intake Replacement Pro. 1999.(1118) ................... 34 40-99 Advising of the City's Intent to Dispose of Interest in Property Described in a Lease between the City & Dbq. Cellular Telephone, L.P. for the installation and operation of a Wireless Communication Facility.(1/18) .................. 34 41-99 Accepting Improvement for 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro. - FY 1999.(2/1) ..................... 37 150 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 42-99 Final Estimate for the 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro. FY 1999.(2Yl) ................................. 38 43-99 Accepting Improve. for the Operations & Maintenance Center's Fire Suppression System Pro.(2/1) ..................................... 38 44-99 Final Estimate for the Operations & Maintenance Center's Fire Suppression System Pro.(2/1) ...... 38 45-99 Approving Agreements with the IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local HIV/AIDS Prevention Program & the Db(]. Visiting Nurse Assn. to carry out the HIVIAIDS Prevention Prog.(211) ... 39 46-99 Rescinding Res. Nos. 528-98 & 529-98 re: Disposition of Lots 4 & 5, Btk 2, Dbq. Technology Park.(2/1) .................................... 39 47-99 Determining that the Proposal of ADC Properties, L.C. & Advanced Data-Corem, Inc. is in compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Lots & 4 & 5 of Block 2 of Dbq. Technology Park.(2/1) ......................... 39 48-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Development of Lots 4 & 5 of Block 2 of the Dbq. Technology Park in the City of Dubuque, for Same & Authorizing Actions to implement said Agree. (2/1) ........................................ 40 49-99 Issuing Cig. Per. to LaNortena.(2/1) .......... 41 50-99 Issuing Beer Per. to Li(]uor Depot & West Locust Mart;(2/1) .................................... 41 51-99 Issuing Liq. License to Dbq. Inn, Goetz's, Tony's Place, Mickey's Pub, Liquor Depot & Wine Per. to Liquor Dept. (2/1) ............................. 41 52-99 Approving Lease between City & Dbq. Cellular Telephone L.P. for installation & operation of a Wireless Telecommunication Antenna Facility.(2/1) 42 53-99 Annexing Certain Property to the City - 1,109 Acres.(2/1) ................................... 44 54-99 Approving Eminent Domain for properties on E. 4th St-(2/1) ................................ 45,46 55-99 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on FY 2000 Budget for the City.(2/1) ....................... 46 56-99 Setting Date of Public Hearing on Five Year Capital improvement Pro.(2/1) .................. 46 57-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated McClain Street & Adjacent Alley.(2J1) ................... 47 58-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lots 1, lA, 2 & 2A in Watters Subd. No. 2 - McClain St. to Dbq. Lodging - Days Inn. (2/1) ............................... 48 151 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 59-99 Approving Plat of Allison PI. & a 20 Foot Alley Abutting the Northwesterly Line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn.(2/l) ........................... 48,49 60-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 2A of Finley Home Addn.(211) ..................... 49,50 61-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Improvements.(2Jl) ............................ 50 62-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Improvements. (2/1) ........................ 50 63-99 Ordering Bids for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking LoL(2/1) ............ 51 64-99 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 501-503 E. 22nd St. from Bernard Takes.(2/15) .............. 53 65-99 Approving an Assumption Agreement for Property Located 101-123 Main St. (2/15) ......... 53 66-99 Approving the Agree. between the City & General Drivers & Helpers union, Local #421, & Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Agree.(2/15) .... 54 67-99 Accepting Improve. for the 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro.(2/15) ............................. 54 68-99 Final Estimate for the 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro.(2/15) .................................... 54 69-99 Approving Prel. Schedule of Final Assessments. (2115) ........................................ 55 70-99 Accepting Improve. for Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(2/15) ...................... 55 71-99 Final Estimate for the Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(2/15) ...................... 55 72-99 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assessments for Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(2/15) ........... 55 73-99 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications Submiffed by Property Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas & Authorizing the Transmittal of Approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor.(2/15) ...... 56 74-99 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption Applications Submitted After the Legislated Filing Date by Property Owner in a Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas & Authorizing the Transmittal of the Approved Applications to the City Tax Assessor. (2/15) ........................................ 57 75-99 Confirming the Membership of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Enterprise Zone Comm.(2/15) .... 57 76-99 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for a $2.03 Million Loan Guarantee Through Subpart M, Section 108 of the CD Block Grant Program to Assist Eagle Window & Door.(2/150 ................... 58 77-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property Located at 120 W. 4th St.(2/15); ........................... 58 78-99 Issuance of Cig. Per. to Liquor Depot,(2/15)... 59 152 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 79-99 Issuance of Beer Per. to KC's Downtown Auto, & Oky Doky #8.(2/15) ............................ 59 80-99 Issuing of Liq. Lic. to Town Clock, Inc., Galaxies, Chi-Chi's, The Clubhouse, Dubuque Mining Co. (2/15) ....................................... 60 81-99 Determining that the Proposal of Eagle Window & Door, Inc. & Dubuque Eagle, LLC is in compliance with the terms of Offering for Disposition of Certain Property in Kerper Blvd. Indusrial Park Economic Devel. Dis.(2/15) .............................. 60 82-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Develop. of Certain Property in Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Development Dis., approving Agreement for Same & Authorizing Actions to Implement said Agree.(2/15) .......... 61 83-99 Determining that the Proposal of John P. Mihalakis & Richard L. Billmeyer is in compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Certain Property in the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Devel. Dis.(2/15) .................... 63 84-99 Accepting the Proposal for Disposition & Private Develop. of Certain Property in Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Develop. Dis., approving Agreement for Same & Authorizing Actions to Implement Said Agree.(2/15) .......... 63 85-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Wes[side Intake Replacement Pro. - 1999.(2/15) ................. 64 86-99 Awarding Contract for the Westaide Intake Replacement Pro.(2/15) ........................ 64 87-99 Approving Sale of Lots 1, lA, 2 & 2A of Wafters Subd. to Dbq. Lodging, Inc. - Days Inn.(2/15) ..... 65 88-99 Disposing of the City's Interest in & Approving & Option to Purchase Lot 2A of Finley Home Add. (2/15) ....................................... 65 89-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Curb Ramp Installation - 17th St. Area.(2/15) ................ 67 90-99 Awarding Contract for the Curb Ramp Installation - 17th St. Area.(2/15) ................ 67 91-99 Southwest Arterial Location & Environmental Assessment.(2/18) ............................ 70 92-99 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of Issuance of Not to Exceed $400,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of Dubuque & Providing for Publication Thereof.(2/22) ......... 72 93-99 Adopting Supplement 39 to City Code.(3/1)... 75 94-99 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 307A - Patent Deed for [DOT property.(3/1) ................... 76 153 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 95-99 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 500B & City Lot 500C in the City - Patent Deed for IDOT Property.(3/1) ................................. 77 96-99 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 500A in the City, Patent Deed for IDOT Property.(3/1} ......... 77 97-99 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 500D, Patent Deed for IDOT Property.(3/1) .................... 77 98-99 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 303A, Patent Deed for IDOT Property.(311) .................... 78 99-99 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of Not Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Eagle Window & Door Pro.(311) ...... 78 100-99 Accepting Improve. Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Completion.(311) .................. 79 101-99 Final Estimate for Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Completion.(311) ...................... 79 102-99 Authorizing the Filing of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account {CEBA) Application - Cottingham & Butler.(3/1) ...................... 80 103-99 Approving Cooperative Agree. with IDOT re: ROW for construction of IA Highway 32 - NW Arterial from JFK Rd. to US. 52.(3/1) .................... 80 104-99 Issuance of Beer Permits to Kids World Pizza, Bunker Hill, Dbq. Dis. Gas, Big 10 Mart.(311) ...... 81 105-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic. to Eagles Club, Diamond Jo, Cue Masters, Dbq. Greyhound Park, Finney's Bar, Hammerheads, Neighbor's Taps, & Wine to Econofoods.(311) ............................. 81 106-99 Annexing Certain Property to the City - property N of the City, requested by Lawrence Ludwig's.(3/1) ................................ 82 107-99 Instituting Proceedings to take Add'l Action of issuance of Not to Exceed $900,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds - Advanced Data Comm. Pro..(3/1) .............................. 87 108-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Improvements. (3/1) ........................... 90 109-99 Awarding Contract for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Improvements.(3/1) ............................ 90 110-99 Approving an Enterprise Zone Agreement by and Among the Iowa Dept. of Economic Devel., the City of Dbq. & Swiss Valley Farms.(3/1) .......... 94 111-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Sanitary Sewer - Phase IV, from U.S. 20 to Landfill.(3/1) ............................... 95 ~54 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 112-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Sanitary Sewer- Phase IV, from U.S. 20 to LandfilL(3/1) ............................ 95 113-99 Ordering bids for the South Fork Sanitary Sewer - Phase IV, from U.S. 20 to Landfill.(3/1) .... 96 114-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro. - FY 99.(3/1) ....... 96 115-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro. - FY 99.(3/1) .... 96 116-99 Ordering bids for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro FY 99.(3/1) ............................... 97 117-99 Adopting the Annual Budget, As Amended, for the FY Year Ending 613012000.(312) .............. 98 118-99 Adoption of Five Year Capital improvement Program.(3/2) ................................ 98 119-99 Adopting the Program Year 25 Community Development Block Grant Budget.(3/2) .......... 99 120-99 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County, Iowa from Elizabeth A. Takes. (3/15) ...................................... 104 121-99 Approving the Plat of Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2 of Warren & Robin Amling Subd. (3115) ......... 104 122-99 Approving the Survey Plat of Widmeier PI. in the City.(3/15) ............................. 105 123-99 Approving the Survey Plat of Lot I of Center Grove School Addn.(3/15) .................... 105 124-99 Approving Second Amend. to Development Agree.((3/15) ................................ 106 125-99 Authorizing & Providing for issuance of $900,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, for Urban Renewal Tax Increment Pro.. -ADA Properties, LC./Advanced Data Comm., Inc.(3/15) 106 126-99 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application on behalf of Cigna Corp.(3115) ................. 119 127-99 Granting Authorizing to Dbq. Yacht Basin to Sublease Property Leased from the City to Michael E. Welch. dba Tugboat Willy's, Inc.(3/15) ........ 119 128-99 Accepting Improve. for the Dbq. Industrial Center South Roadway Improvement Pro.(3115).. 120 129-99 Final Est. for the Dbq. Ind. Center South Roadway Improve. Pro.(3/15) .................. 120 130-99 Issuance of Beer Permits to 8th Inning.(3/15) 121 131-99 Issuance of Liquor Lic. to Redstone, Yardarm, P.J.'s.(3115) ................................. 121 132-99 Annexing Certain Property to the City - 348 acres of property outside City limits - near Landfill - Solid Waste Agency.(3/15) .................... 123 155 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 133-99 Disposing of City Interest in a Clock Tower Easement on City Lot 54 in the City.(3/15) ....... 127 134-99 Of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Real Property by Amendment to Lease wf Dbq. Marina. (3115) ....................................... 127 135-99 Authorizing Eminent Domain Proceedings for Sanitary Sewer Extension - Soccer Field Complex. (3/15) ....................................... 128 138-99 Pre. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer ExL(3115) ............. 128 137-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer Ext.(3115) ... 128 138-99 Ordering bids for the Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer Ext,(3/15) ............................. 129 139-99 Approving Contract for Services with NE Iowa Small Bus. Develop. Center to Provide Entrepreneurship Training Program.(3115) ....... 120 140-99 Granting Assignment of ContiCarriers & Terminals, Inc. Leases with City to Cargill, Inc. (4/5) ........................................ 131 141-99 Approving License Agree. with Illinois Central Railroad - Construction of a 16" Water Main Crossing the RR Tracks near the County Care (Julien) Facility on Seippel Road.(4/5) ........... 131 142-99 Accepting Improve, for Partition Wall Improvement Pro. at Five Flags Center,(4/5) ..... 133 1,f.3-99 Final Est. for Partition Wall at Five Flags Center.(4/5) ................................. 133 144-99 Authorizing A Cooperative Agree. for Marine Fuel Tax Funds for Reconstruction of Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp.(4/5) ....................... 133 145-99 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(4/5) ......... 134 148-99 Adopting Final Assess. Schedule for 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro..(4/5) ................ 135-137 147-99 Approving Plat of Survey of South Siegert Farm.(4/5) ................................... 138 148-99 Authorizing License Agree. between City & APEX Environ. Inc. to install Monitoring Wells on Public ROW at 1081 University.(4/5) ........ 138,139 149-99 Approving Funding for a Traffic Engrg. Study to improve Access for US 61 intolceHarbor.(4/5) 139 150-99 Cigarette Per. to Tugboat Willy's.(4/5) ...... 140 151-99 Beer Permits to Arby's.(4/5) .............. 140 152-99 Liquor Lic. to Moose Lodge, Lotus College Noonan's Tap, Olive Garden, KC's, Whiskey River, & Tugboat Wllly's.(4/5) .......................... 140 156 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 153-99 Disposing of an interest in Real Property by Amendment to Lease & Agree. with Dbq. Marina, Inc. (4/5) ....................................... 141 154-99 Approving Disposal of Easement on City Lot 54 to Security Partners for erection of a Clock & Tower. (4/5) ....................................... 142 155-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro. - FY 99.(4/5) .............. 142 156-99 Awarding Contract for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro. - FY 99 to Drew Cook.(4/5) .. 143 157-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Sanitary Sewer - Phase IV from US 20 to Landfill. (4/5) ....................................... 143 158-99 Awarding Contract for the South Fork Sanitary sewer - Phase IV to Langman Construcfion.(4/5) . 143 159-99 Approving the Final Plat of Holliday Add. (4/5) ................................... 146,147 160-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of E. 14th St.(415) .............................. 148 161-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Pine St. from 12th St. to 14th St.{4/5) ........... 148 162-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 326A, Lot 262A, & Lot 262B of East Dbq. No. 2. (4/5) ................................... 149,150 163-99 Approving Plat of Survey of North Siegert Farm.(4/19) ................................. 154 164-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot 22 of Hooper's Addn.(4/19) ........................ 154 165-99 Approving the Final Plat of Kerper Industrial Park in the City of Dbq.(4/19) ................. 155 166-99 Adopting Supplement No. 40 to the Code. (4/19) ...................................... 156 167-99 Accepting Sanitary Sewer Improve. in Cedar Ridge Farm.(4119) ............................ 156 168-99 Rescinding Section I.(B) of Resolution No. 222- 84 Approving the Final Plat of FDL First Addn. (4/19) .......................... · ............ 157 169-99 Cig. Per. to Puff n Snuff.(4/19) ............ 157 170-99 Beer Permits to D. Ginter - DbqFest, Kwik Trip - Tobacco Outlet Plus, Wareco #662.(4/19) ....... 158 171-99 Liq. Lic. to D, Ginter at West Dbq. Tap, Central Tap, J. Kersch - idle Hour, Hooligan's Sports. (4/19) ...................................... 158 172-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 326A, Lot 262A, and Lot 262B of East Dbq. No. 2, City.(4/19) 158 157 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 173-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer.(4/19) ................ 159 174-99 Awarding Contract for Soccer Complex Sanitary Sewer to Drew Cook & Sons Ex.(4/19) ... 159 175-99 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to the FY 1999 Budget and Date of Pubtic Hearing.(4/19) ......................... 164 176-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Clearview Dr.(4/19) .................................... 165 177-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 4A of Northview Center Grove Place in the City.(4/19) .. 166 178-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(4/19) ....................... 166 179-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(4/19) .... 166 180-99 Ordering bids for the Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(4/19) .......... 167 151-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. - FY 2000.(4/19) ............ 167 182-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. - FY 2000.(4/19) .... 167 183-99 Ordering bids for the 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. - FY 2000.(4/19) .......................... 167,168 184-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(4/19) ............. 168 185-99 Fixing Date o[Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(4/19} .......... 168 186-99 Res. of Necessity for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(4/19) ...................... 168 187-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Jackson St. Reconstruction,(4/19) ....... 169 188-99 Approving PreL Schedule of Assessments for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(4/19) ....... 169 189-99 Ordering bids for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(4/19) ........................ 169 190-99 Prel. Approval of Plans/Specs. for the 1999 P,C. Concrete Paving Project - No. 1 - Bryant, Booth and Van Buren,(4/19) ............................. 170 191-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for the 1999 P,C, Concrete Paving Project- No. 1 Bryant, Booth and Van Buren,(4/19) ................... 170 192-99 Res. of Necessity for the 1999 P.C, Concrete Paving Project - No. 1 Bryant, Booth and Van Buren.(4/19} ............................. 170 158 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 193-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Project- No. 1 - Bryant, Booth and Van Buren.(4/19) ......... 171 194-99 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - No. 1 - Bryant, Booth and Van Buren.(4/19)) ..... 171 195-99 Ordering bids for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1- Bryant, Booth and Van Buren. (4/19) ...................................... 171 196-99 Authorizing Execution of a Renewal Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Mod. Rehab. Program Contracts Nos. IA0870001/0014; & IA087MR0002/0022 Replacing Unit Contractors Under Moderate Rehab. Program Numbers IA05- K087-0001 & IAO5-K087-O02.(513) .............. 176 197-99 Accepting Conveyance of Certain Real Estate Located in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque. (513) ....................................... 176 198-99 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Certain Community Devel. Block Grant Project.(5/3) ..................... 177 199-99 Assessing Civil Penalty of $300 for liquor sales violation - Ronald D. Erickson - Mulgrew Oil Co. dba JFK AMOCO, 1701 JFK.(5/3) .................. 178 200-99 Assessing Civil Penalty of $300 for liquor sales violation- Mark E. Kasemeier - HyVee Inc., 3500 Dodge.(513) ........................ 179 201-99 Assessing Civil Penalty of $300 for liquo sales violation -Tammy J. Plowman - Hill Street Plaza dba Oky Doky 535 Hill.(5/3) .............. 179 202-99 Assessing Civil Penalty of $300 for liquor sales violation - Rose Canfield -The Monday Co. dba Casey's, 4003 Peru Rd.(5/3) ............... 180 203-99 Cigarette Per. to Plaza 20 Amoco -A & T LLC, 2600 Dodge.(5/3) ............................ 181 204-99 Beer Per.'s to TFM Co. - Oky Doky #1, TFM Co. Oky Doky #2, M. McCann's - McCann's Service, Mulgrew Oil Co. 16th St. Auto/Truck, A & T LLC - Plaza 20 Amoco.(5/3) ......................... 181 205-99 Liq. Licenses to Dbq Golf & Country Club, 1800 Randall, Marco's, B. Larsen, Dennys Lux Club, TFM Co. - Oky Doky #1.(5/3) ....................... 181 206-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 4A of Northview Center Grove Pl. in City.(5/3) ..... 187,188 207-99 Amending Current Budget for year ending 6-30-99.(513) ................................ 188 159 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 208-99 Authorizing the Award of Community Partnership Program (Cp2) Funds for FY 2000. (5/3) ........................................ 192 209-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Asbury Road at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Installation.(5/3) ............................. 194 210-99 Fixing Date of Hearing for Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Installation.(5/3) ...... 194 211-99 Ordering bids for the Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Instellation.(5/3) ................. 194 212-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - No. 2 - Arlington & W. Fifth.(5/3) ............................... 194,195 213-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - No. 2.(5/3) .. 195 214-99 Res. of Necessity for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. -No. 2.(5/3} ....................... 195 215-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(5/3) 196 216-99 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assess. for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(5/3) ....... 196 217-99 Ordering Bids for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(513) ........................ 196 218-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Kloser Addn. in the City.(5/17) ............................. 201 219-99 Approving Agreement - City & Intern'l Union of Operating Engrs., Local #758.(5/17) .......... 201 220-99 Approving the Agreement of City & Dbq. Police Protective Assn.(5/17) ........................ 202 221-99 Approving the Wage Plan & Compensation Package for the Non-Bargaining Unit Employees. (5/17) ....................................... 202 222-99 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant.(5/17) ................................. 202 223-99 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for the St. Mark's Community Center Elevator Pro. (5/17) ....................................... 203 224-99 issuance of Cigareffe Permits to 31 outlets. (5/17) ....................................... 2O4 225-99 Beer Permits to Jaycees, Beecher Bev., Oriental Food & Gift Shop.(5/17) ............... 205 226-99 Liquor Licenses to Kalmes Breaktime, Silver Dollar, Dempsey's, B'Z Dart Inn, Jorja's, Windsor Tap, Corner Tap, Shot Tower Inn, Papa Sarducci's, Four Season's Buffet, Beecher Bev.(5117) ..... '.. 205 160 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 227-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. - 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - No. 1.(5/17) ..................... 206 228-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1.(5/17} ................................. 206 229--99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Jackson St. Reconstruction.(5/17) ........................ 207 230-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity for the Jackson St. Reconstruction. (5/17) ...................................... 207 231-.99 Awarding Contract for the Jackson St. Reconstruction to Horsfield Con. of Epworth. (5/17) ...................................... 208 232-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Asphatt Paving Pro. - FY 2000.(5/17) ................... 208 233-99 Awarding Contract for the 1999 Asphalt Paving Pro. - FY 2000 to River City Paving - Mathy. (5/17) ...................................... 208 234-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Replacement Pro.(5/17) ....................... 209 235-99 Awarding Contract for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel HVAC Pro.(5/17) ......... 209 236-99 Approving the Final Plat of Emerald Acres No. 1.(5/17) ................................. 215 237-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Ice Chiller Equipment.(5117) ............. 218 238-99 Fixing Date of Hearing for the Five Flags Ice Chiller Equip.(5117) ....................... 218 239-99 Ordering Bids for the Five Flags Ice Chiller Equip.(5/17) ................................. 218 240-99 PreL Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation.(5/17) ......... 218 241-99 Fixing Da~e of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation.(5/17) ..... 219 242-99 Ordering bids for Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation Pro.(5/17) ........................ 219 243-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation.(5~17) .. 219 244-99 Ordering bids for Asbestos Removal & for Demolition & Site Clearance of Merchants Hotel.(5/17) ................................. 220 245-99 Declaring the intent of the City to Dispose of interests in Certain Real Estate.(5/17) .......... 220 246-99 Approving Plat of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Rigi Sub. No. 2 * N. Grandvlew Ave.(5/17) ................... 220 247-99 of intent to Dispose of City interest in Lot 2 & Lot 3 of Rigl Sub. No. 2 in the City.(5/17) ..... 221 161 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 248-99 Authorizing a Grant Agreement for Historic Preservation Funds for an Architectural/Historical S u rveylEvaluatio n.(6/7) ....................... 226 249-99 Accepting Improvement for Ice Rink Warming House Building Pro.(6/7) ...................... 227 250-99 Final Estimate for the Ice Rink Warming House Concession Building Pro.(6/7) ........... 227 251-99 Accepting Improvement for the Parking Facilities Rehab Repairs Pro.(6/7) .............. 228 252-99 Final Estimate for the Parking Facilities Rehabilitation Repairs Pro.(6/7) ................ 228 253-99 Awarding Contract for 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2 to Horsfield C. of Epworth, IA. (6/7) ........................................ 228 254-99 Authorizing the Filing of A Economic Develop. Initiative (EDI) Special Pro. application for the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center on Behalf of the Dbq. County Historical Society.(6/7) ........................ 229 255-99 Supporting the Maintenance cf Affordable Rents at the Hillcrest Apartments, under Dept. of HUD Low-Income Housing Preservation.(6/7) .... 230 256-99 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dbq. County, IA from FDL Foods, Inc.(6/7) ....... 230 257-99 Issuing 59 Renewals for Cigarette Per. (6/7) .................................... 230,231 258-99 Issuing New Cig. Per. for Diamond Jo. (6/7) ........................................ 232 259.99 Issuance of Beer Permits.(6/7) ............ 232 260-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(6/7) ................. 232 251-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(6/7) ............... 233 262-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No.2 .(6/7) ........................ 233 263-99 Annexing Certain Property to the City - property owned by Grandview Ave. United Methodist Church.(6/7) ................................. 234 264-99 Authorizing Partial Release of Real Estate Mortgage & Financing Statements as to Lot 2 & Lot 4 of FDL First Addn.(6/7) ..................... 236 265-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 2 & Lot 3 of Rigi Sub. No. 2 to DB & T.{6/7) ................. 236 266-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Install.(6/7) ......... 237 267-99 Awarding Contract for the Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Installation. {6/7) ...... 237 268-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Center Chiller Equipment Purchase.(6/7) ........ 238 162 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 269-99 Re-Ordering bids for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment.(6/7) ............................. 238 270-99 Rescinding Res. No. 28-96 & Re-A~rming the Final Plat of Block 4, Lots 1-5, Block 5, Lots 1-3, & Block 6, Lots 1-4, Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2. (6/7) ....................................... 240 271-99 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Add'l Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehabilitation Loan to John Finn.(6/7) ....................... 242 272-99 Approving An Amend. to the Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG Program.(6/7)... 243 273-99 Approving an Amend. to the CDBG Annual Action Plan for FY 99- July 1, 1998 thru June 30, 1999 - Program Year 1998.(6/7) ................ 243 274-99 Designating the City Mgr. as the City of Dubuque's Authorized Representative for Signing & Filing Documents to Obtain Federal/State Finance Assistance under the Disaster Relief AcL(6/7) ... 244 275-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Installation.(6/7) ... 244 276-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Ice Chiller Equipment Installation. (6/7} ....................................... 244 277-99 Ordering bids for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Installation.(6/7) ................... 245 278-99 Approving Amendments and/or Additions to the Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1.(6/7) ....... 245 279-99 Declaring the Intent of the City of Dubuque, IA to dispose of interests in Certain Real Estate. (6/7) ....................................... 245 280-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Storm Damage Repair of Washington & Valley Streets.(6/7) ................................. 246 281-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Storm Damage Repair of Washington & Valley Sts.(6/7) .................................... 246 282-99 Ordering bids for the Storm Damage Repair Project of Washington & Valley Sts.(6/7) ........ 246 283-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Sidewalk Assessments -John F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury to Spring Valley.(6/7) ............. 247 284-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Sidewalk Assessments - John F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury Rd. to Spring Valley.(6/7) ...... 247 285-99 Res. of Necessity for the 1999 Sidewalk Assessments - John F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury Rd. to Spring Valley.(6/7) ..................... 247 163 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 286-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the 1999 Sidewalk Assessments - J.F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury Rd. to Spring Valley.{6/7) .......... 248 287~99 Approving Preliminary Schedule for the Assessments for the 1999 Sidewalk Assessments John F. Kennedy Rd. from Asbury Rd. to Spring Valley Rd.(6/7) ........................... 248,249 288-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for t['ie Adams Addition Sanitary Sewer Ext. on Rockdale Rd.(6/7) ..................................... 249 289~99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs for the Adams addition Sanitary Sewer Extension on Rockdale Road.(6/7) .......................... 249 290-99 Res. of Necessity for the Adams Addition Sanitary Sewer Ext. on Rockdale Rd.(6/7) ....... 249 291-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Adams Addn. Sanitary Sewer ext. on Rockdale Rd.(§/7) ............................ 250 292-99 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the Adams Addn. Sanitary Sewer Ext. on Rockdale Rd.(6/7) ..................... 250 293-99 Ordering bids for the Adams Addn Sanitary Sewer Ext. on Rockdale Rd.(6/7) ............... 251 294-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(6/7) ........ 251 295-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer ExL Pro.(6/7} .. 251 296-99 Res. of Necessity for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(6/7) .......................... 252 297-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro. (6/'/') ........................................ 252 298-99 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the Miller Road Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro**(6/7) ................................ 253 299-99 Ordering bids for the Miller Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(6/7) ................................ 253 300-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Usha Park Grading.(6/7) ...................... 253 301-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Usha Park Grading.(6F/) ................ 253 302-99 Ordering bids for the Usha Park Grading. (S~7) ........................................ 254 303-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Win, M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro,. - Phase I.(6/7) ....................................... 254 164 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 304-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs, Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase I> (6f7} ....................................... 254 305-99 Ordering bids for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase I.(6/7) ................ 255 306-99 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase 11.(6/7) ...................................... 255 307-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase 11.(6./7) ................................ 255 308-99 Ordering bids for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase 11.(6/7) ................ 256 309-99 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Vacate a Port[on of an 8 Foot Wide Utility Easement on Lot 2 of Dbq. Industrial Center 12th Addn.(6/7) ........ 256 310-99 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Vacate a Portion of an 18' Wide Sanitary Sewer Easement Over Lot 1-1-3 of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1 in the City.(6/7) ......................... 256 311-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Curb Ramp Installation.(6/7) .............. 257 312-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Curb Ramp Install. CDBG.(6/7) ........ 257 313-99 Ordering bids for the 1999 Curb Ramp Install. CDBG.(6/7) ................................. 257 314-99 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot I of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 470 in the City to Larry M. Langas. (6/7) ....................................... 258 315-99 Authorizing the third Amend. to City Agree. for the Processing & Marketing of Recyclables. (6121) ...................................... 260 316-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot 1-3 of Dbq. Industrial Center, 12th Addn. (6/21) ........ 262 317-99 Authorizing a Request for Contract Amend. to the Iowa Dept. of Economic Devel. Under the Local Housing Assist. Pro.(6121) ............... 262 318-99 Accepting Improve. for Construction of a Six- Bay Garage Pro.(6/21) ........................ 262 319-99 Final Estimate for the Construction of a Six-Bay Garage Pro.{6/21) .................... 263 320-99 Awarding Contract for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment.(6/21) ............................ 263 321-99 Awarding Contract for the 1999 PC Concrete Pro. - No. 2 (Arlington & W. 5th?) to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co.(6/21) ......................... 264 165 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 322-99 Approving & Authorizing the Execution of a Home Investment Partnership Program Consortium Agree. between the City, Dbq. County & Other Municipal Government's Located Within Dubuque County.(6/21) ................................ 264 323-99 Approving the Agreement between the City and the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local #329, & Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Agree.(6/21) ... 265 324-99 Authorizing An Application to the IA Dept. of Economic Develop. for Local Housing Assistance Prog. Funds.(6/21) ........................... 265 325-99 Accepting improvement to the Reconstruction of First Street & Locust Street Intersection. (6/21) 266 326-99 Final Estimate for the Reconstruction of First St. & Locust SL Intersection.(6/21) ............. 266 327-99 Accepting Improvements in Key Gate Center No. 3.(6/21) .................................. 266 328-99 Authorizing Execution of a CDBG Agree. with the US Dept. of HUD.(6121) ................ 266 329-99 Res. Naming Depositories.(6/21) .......... 267 330-99 Accepting Conveyance of Certain Real Estate Located in the City of Dubuque, IA County of Dubuque.(6121) .............................. 267 331-99 issuance of 12 Cigarette Per. Renewals. (6/21) ....................................... 268 332-99 Issuance of Beer Per.(6/21) ............... 268 333-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(6/21} ................ 268 334-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Merchants Hotel Building - 304-326 Main St.(6/21) .......... 269 335-99 Awarding Contract for Merchants Hotel Building (304-326 Main St.) Asbestos Abatement Pro.. to Environmental Management Services of IA.(6/21) .................................... 270 336-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Storm Damage Repair of Washington & Valley Sts.(6/21) ........ 270 337-99 Awarding Contract for the Storm Damage Repair of Washington & Valley Sts. to River City Paving, Div. of Mathy Con.(6/21) ............... 27~1 338-99 Authorizing Partial Release of Real Estate Mortgage & Financing Statement as to Lot 2 of FDL Second Addn.(6/21) .......................... 271 339-99 Disposing of 18' Wide Sanitary Sewer Easement on Lot 1-1-3 of Stonehill Comm. Subd. No. 1.(6/21) .................................. 272 340-99 Disposing of 8' Wide Utility Easement on Lot 2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 12th Addn.(6/21) ............ 272 341-99 Disposing of Lot I of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 470 in City to Larry M. Langas for $300.(6/21) .... 273 166 INDEX -BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 342-99 Rescinding Res. No. 310-95 & Reaffirming the Final Ptat Loras Estates.(6121) ............. 273,274 343-99 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of a $800,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note of Dubuque, IA & Providing for Publication of Notice Thereof. (6/21) .................................. 278-280 344-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning Pro.(6/21) .... 280 345-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning Pro.(6/21) 280 346-99 Ordering bids for the Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning Pro.(6121) .......................... 280 347-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.(6121) ................................... 281 348-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.(6121) ................................... 281 349-99 Ordering bids for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.(6/21) ........................ 281 350-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Kerper Ct. Paving & Utilities Pro.(6/21) .......... 281 351-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Kerper Ct. Paving & Utilities Pro.(6121) .......... 282 352-99 Ordering bids for the Kerper CL Paving & Utilities Pro.(6/21) ............................ 282 353-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St. to Iowa St.(6/21) .................................... 282 354-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St. to Iowa St-(6/21) ............................... 282 355-99 Res. of Necessity for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St. to Iowa St.{6121). 283 356-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St. to Iowa SL(6/21) ............................. 283 357-99 Ordering bids for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St- to Iowa SL(6121) ............... 284 358-99 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assessments. (6/21) ...................................... 284 359-99 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to Sign Contracts with Dubuque Are Geographic information System Data Licensees.(716) ....... 287 167 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 360-99 Authorizing & Directing the Mayor to execute a UCC Security Agreements/Financing Statements Subordination Agreement with State of Iowa for Dbq. Data services Comm. Economic Betterment Account (CFBA) Loan.(7/6) ............................ 288 361-99 Consenting to the Assignment of the Ice Harbor Parking Agreement and the ice Harbor Sublease Agreement from Greater Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co. LC to Peninsula Gaming Co. LLC.(7/6} ......................... 288 362-99 Cigarette Renewals.(7/6) ................. 289 363-99 Beer Permit Renewals.(7/6) ............... 289 364-99 Liquor Lic. Renewals.(716) ................ 289 365-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the 1999 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 (Bryant, Booth & Van Buren).(7/6;~91 366-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. (7/6) ............ 291 367-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity for the Adams Addn. Sanitary Sewer Extension on Rockdale Rd.(716) ................ 29'1 368-99 Awarding Contract for the Adams Addn. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(7/6) ....................... 292 369-99 Adopting Plans and Specifications for Miller Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(716) ............... 292 370-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the Miller Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(7/6) .......................... 292 371-99 Awarding Contract for the Miller Rd. Sanitary Sewer Ext. to Drew Cook & Sons.(716) .......... 293 372-99 Rescinding Res; No. 345-99 & Resetting the Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. (7/6) ......... 298 373-99 Rescinding Res. No. 346-99 & Ordering Bid.(716) .................................... 298 374-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project- Phase 1.(716) .... 299 375-99 Awarding Contract for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase I.(716) .... 299 376-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase 11.(7/6) . .. 300 377-99 Awarding Contract for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase 11.(716) ...... 300 378-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the USHA Park Grading.(716) ................................ 300 379-99 Awarding Contract for the USHA Park Grading to Connolly Construction of Peosta, IA.(7/6) ..... 301 380-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation.(7/6) ................ 301 168 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 381-99 Awarding Contract for the Five Flags Theater Toilet Renovation Pro.(7/6) .................... 301 382-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Install.{716) ................. 302 383-99 Awarding Contract for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Installation to MMC Mechanical Contractors Inc.(716) ......................... 302 384-99 Instituting Proceedings to Take Add'l Action for the Issuance of $800,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note.(7/6) ...... 303 385-99 Authorizing & Providing for the Issuance & Securing the Payment of a $800,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note of the City etc.(7/6) .................................... 303 386-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Spes. for the Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction Pro.(7/6) .................................... 312 387-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction Pro.(7/6) ...................... 312 388-99 Ordering bids for the Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction Pro.(716) ........ 312 389-99 Of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Real Property by Amendment to Lease with Dubuque Racing Assn.(7/6) ........................... 313 390-99 Approving the Final Plat of Lots I thru 4 & Lot A Tamarack S.E. Fourth Subd.(7119) ............ 318 391-99 Approving the Final Plat of Union Addn. No. 2. (7/19) ...................................... 319 392-99 Adopting Supplement No. 41 to the City Code. (7/19) ...................................... 319 393-99 Accepting Improvement for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Area Parking Lot Improvements.(7/19) ......................... 320 394-99 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Grayhound Park & Casino Kennel re: Parking Lot Improvements. (7/19) ...................................... 320 395-99 Accepting Improve. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot Pro,(7/19) .......... 320 396-99 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Greyhound Park& Casino Parking Lot Pro.(719) ....... 320,321 397-99 Beer Permits.(7/19) ..................... 321 398-99 Liquor Lic.(7/19) ........................ 321 399-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Eighth St. Reconstruction from Locust St. to Iowa St. (7/19) ...................................... 322 169 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 400-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the Eighth Street reconstruction from Locust Street to iowa Street. (7/19) ....................................... 322 401-99 Awarding Contract for the Eighth St. Reconstruction Pro.(7119) ..................... 322 402-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning ProjecL(7/19) ............ 323 403-99 Awarding Contract for the Bee Branch Storm Sewer Cleaning Pro.(7/19) ..................... 323 404-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Kerper Ct. Paving & Utilities Pro.(7/19) ............... 323,324 405-99 Awarding Contract for Kerper Ct. Paving & Utilities Project to Tschiggfrie Excavating.(7/19).. 324 406-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.[7119) ............... 324 407-99 Awarding Contract for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.(7/19) ............... 324 408-99 Disposing of An Interest in Real Property by Amendment to Lease with Dubuque Racing Assn.(7/19) .................................. 325 409-99 Local Match Resolution for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.{7/19) ................ 327 410-99 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds. - Eagle Window & Door etc.(7119) ..................... 328 411-99 Application for Resource Enhancement and Protection Funds to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Mississippi Riverwalk Pro.(8/2) ... 332 412-99 Accepting Improve. -Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext. Improvements Pro.(812) ................... 333 413-99 Final Estimate -Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext. Improvements Pro.(8/2) ....................... 333 414-99 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for 1998 Sidewalk Assess. Pro. (812) .................... 333 414A-99 Authorizing the City Mgr. to sign a Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health & Agree. with Dbq. VNA.(8/2) ................................... 334 415-99 Cigarette Per.(8/2) ....................... 335 416-99 Beer Per.(8/2) ........................... 335 417-99 Liq. Lic. (8/2) ........................... 335 418-99 Pre. Approval of Plans & Specs.(8/2) ....... 337 419-99 Awarding Contract for the Klingenberg Terrace Retaining Wall Reconstruction Pro.(812) . 337 420-99 Instituting Proceedings to take Add'l Action for Issuance of Not to Exceed $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds.(812) ........ 338 170 INDEX ~ BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 421-99 Adopting Amending Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Curb Ramp Installation - CDBG Pro.(8/2) ... 338 422-99 Awarding Contract 1999 Curb Ramp Install. to Perry Const.(8/2) ............................ 339 423-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Merchants Hotel Building -304-326 Main St.(8/2) ........... 339 424-99 Awarding Contract for the for Merchants Hotel Building -304-326 Main, Demolition & Site Clearance Pro.(8/2) .................................... 340 425-99 Approving the Final Plat of Emerald Acres No. 2.(812) ...................................... 341 426-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Clara St. (8/2) ....................................... 342 427-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot lA of Thomas E. Byrne Subd.(8/2) ............. 343 428-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Wm. M. Black Restoration Pro. - Phase 111.(8/2} ....... 344 429-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro.- Phase 111.(8/2) ............................... 344 430-99 Ordering bids for the Win. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase 111.(8/2) ............... 344 431-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro. - Alley between Rhomberg & Garfield, Stsnton to Shiras.(8/2) .... 345 432-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Sanitary Sewer reconstruction Pro. - Alley between Rhomberg & Garfield, Stanton to Shiras. (8/2) ....................................... 345 433-99 Ordering bids for the Sanitary Sewer Recon. Pro. - alley between Rhomberg & Garfield, from Stanton to Shiras.(8/2) ....................... 345 434-99 Of intent to Dispose of City Interest in the Form of a Quit Claim Deed for the NW Arterial ROW to the IA DOT - NW Arterial ROW.(812) .......... 346 435-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.(8/2) .......... 346 436-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro. 437-99 Ordering Bids for the Cable Car Square Historic Projects.(8/2) ............................... 347 438-99 Approving the Survey Plat of the Div. of the E 1/2 of Lot 2 of a Part of Mineral Lot 304.(8/16) .... 348 439-99 Providing for Application to DMATS for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds for the River Discovery Center Depot Project by Dbq. County Historical Society.(8/16) ...................... 349 171 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 440-99 Providing for Grant Agree. with HUD & Sub- Grantee Contract with the Dbq. County Historic Society for Refuge Interpretive Center.(8116) ..... 350 441-99 Accepting Improvement - Dbq. Technology Park Roadway Improvement Pro.(8116) .......... 350 442-99 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Technology Park Roadway Improve. Pro.(8/16} .................. 350 443-99 Beer Per.(8/16) .......................... 351 444-99 Liquor Lic.(8/16) ........................ 351 445-99 (1) Approving & Granting the July 6, 1999 Petition of TCI of Iowa, Now AT & T Cable Services), (2) Granting a Conditional Waiver of a Specific Requirement contained in Cable Franchise Ord. No. 42-81 Section 8.8 to Sept. 30, 2001.(8/16) ........ 352 446-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot lA of Thomas E. Byrne Subd. to Mercy Medical Center.(8/16) ... 353 447-99 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot I & Lot A of Clara St. Place.(8/16) ......................... 354 448-99 Issuing a Quit Claim Deed for NW Art. ROW to IDOT.(8116) .................................. 355 449-99 Adopting Changes in City Standards, Policies & Extension of Utilities & Infrastructure to Facilitate Devel. in the City.(8116) ....................... 356 450-99 Advising of City's Intent to Dispose of Interest in property described in a Lease between the City & Nextel WIP Lease Corp. for installation & Operation of a Wireless Telecommunication Antenna Facility. (8116) ....................................... 360 451-99 Advising of the City's intent to dispose of Interest in the property described in a Lease between the City & IA Wireless Services, LP for installation & Operation of a Wireless Telecommunication Antenna Facility.(8/16) ...... 361 452-99 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Portions of City Lot 638, City Lot 639 & City Lot 640 in the City of Dbq. to American Trust & Savings Bank.(8/16). 361 453-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Kane Court.(8/16) ................................. 362 454-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 13A of West Ridge Second Addn.(8/16) ............. 362 455-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(8/16) ........... 363 456-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(8/16) ........ 363 457-99 Ordering bids for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(8/16) ............................. 363 458-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the River's Edge Plaza Con.(8/16) ................. 364 172 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 459-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the River's Edge Plaza Con.(8/16) .............. 364 460-99 Ordering bids for the River's Edge Plaza Con.(8/16) .................................. 364 461-99 Rescinding Res, 146-94 which established an Annual Limit (75%) on the Use of revenues Generated in the Downtown Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing Dis,(9/7) ................. 368 462-99 Approving Rescinding Res. 236-99 & Approving Correction Plat of Emerald Acres No. I in the City.(9/7) ................................ 369 463-99 Approving the City of Dubuque FY 1999 Street Finance Report.(9/7) ......................... 370 464-99 Accepting Improve, - Airport Restroom Remodeling & ADA Improvements.(9/7) ......... 371 465-99 Final Estimate- Airport Restroom Remodeling & ADA Improve.(9/7) ......................... 371 466-99 Accepting a Conveyance of Property at 21st & Central.(9/7) ................................ 371 467-99 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agree. for Ninety Thousand Dollars with Cottingham & Butler Insurance Services, Inc.(9/7} .................. 372 468-99 Providing for Cooperation with Other Governmental Units in the Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium. (9/7) ....................................... 373 469-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1- 4 of Adams Co. Third Addition.(9/7) ................ 373 470-99 Cigarette Permits.(9/7} ................... 373 471-99 Beer Permita.(9/7) ....................... 373 472-99 Liquor Licenses.(9/7) .................... 374 473-99 Annexing Certain Property to the City - M. Port, eh & Gerald & Judith Siegert etc., 213 acres between Efi~lish Mill Rd. & U.S. Hwy 20.(9/7) .... 376 474-99 Approving Plat of Lot A & LOT 1 of Tenth SL Subdivisiofi~;~corner ofgth & Locust.(9/7) ....... 378 475-99 Approval of sale of Lot 1 of Tenth St. Subd. to American Trust & Savings Sank - 9th & Locust. (9/7) .... ~-" ................................ 378 476-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 13A of West Ridge Second Addn.(9/7) ..................... 379 477-99 Approving of a Lease Between the City of Dubuque. IA & Nextel WIP Lease Corp. for the installation & Operation of a Wireless Telecommunication Antenna Facility.(9/7) ...... 379 173 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 478-99 Approving of a Lease between the City of Dubuque, & IA Wire, less Services, LP for the Installation & Operation of a Wireless Telecommunication Antennae Facility.(9/7) ...... 380 479-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Construction of Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Project. (9/7) ........................................ 380 480-99 Awarding Contract for Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Project to Westphal & Co. Inc. (9/7) ........................................ 381 481-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project -Alley between Rhomberg & Garfield, from Stanton to Shiras.(9/7) ........... 381 482-99 Awarding Contract for the Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project -Alley between Rhomberg & Ga~eld, from Stanton to Shiras to W. C. Stewart Construction Co.(9/7) ......................... 382 483-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase 111.(9/7);.. 382 484-99 Awarding Contract for the Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase 111 to Putnam County Painting.(9/7) .................. 382 485-99 Approving the Final Plat of Forest Ridge Estates in Dbq. County.(9/7) ................... 385 486-99 Approving the Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of BIk 13, Dubuque Downtown Plaza in the City.(9/7) ...... 385 487-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Landscaping of the Dbq. Industrial Center West, (9/7) ........................................ 386 488-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the t.andscaping of the Dbq. Industrial Center West. (9/7) ........................................ 388 489-99 Ordering bids for the Landscaping of the Dbq. Industrial Center West.(9/7) .................... 386 490-99 Setting a Date for a Public Hearing on the intent to Commence a Public Improvement Project to construct a Sanitary Sewer System and to Acquire Property & Easements for the Sewer Pro.(9/7) .... 387 491-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer ext. Pro.(9/7) .................................... 387 492-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs, for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro.(9/7) ........................... 387 493-99 Res. of Necessity for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (9/7) ........................................ 388 174 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 494-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7) ................................ 388 495-99 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7) ............. 389 496-99 Ordering bids for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7) .... 389 497-99 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the Curb Modification at 21st & Central Pro.(9/7) .... 389 498-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Curb Modification at 21st & Central Pro.(9/7) . 389 499-99 Ordering bids for the Curb Modification at 21st & Central Pro.(9/7) ........................... 390 500-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Sarah St., & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer Extension Pro.(9/7) .................................... 390 501-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Sarah St. & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/7) .................................... 390 502-99 Ordering bids for the Sarah St. & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer Ext. Pro..(9/7) ................... 391 503-99 (1) Approving the Minimum Requirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Procedures for Disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property; (2) Determining that the Proposal Submitted by Town Clock Associates, LLC, satisfies the Offering Requirements & Declaring the Intent of the City to Enter into the Develop. Agreement with Town Clock Associates, LLC & Trilog, lnc. in the Event that No Competing Proposals are Submitted; and (3) Soliciting Competing Proposals.{9/15) ...... 392-395 504-99 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an App. for a Healthy Home Initiative Grant.(9/20) .. 397 505-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property on Klingenberg Terrace from Jason M. & Kerri A. Sindahl to the City of Dubuque.(9120) ........... 397 506-99 Accepting a Conveyance of Property the S 50' of the West 114 of Lot 136 of L.H. Langworthy Addn. on Klingenberg Terrace to the City.(9/20) ....... 398 507-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property from Lois C. Mayne on Klingenberg Terrace to City.(9120) .. 398 508-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property from Ronald Data on Klingenberg Terrace to City.(9/20) 398 509-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property from Roger Mclntyre on Klingenberg Terrace to City. (9120) ...................................... 399 175 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 510-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property on Klingenberg Terrace from Wm. F. Frieburger to City.(9120) ................................... 399 511-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property on Klingenberg Terrace from Mike Strader to City. (9120) ....................................... 399 512-99 Accepting Conveyance of Property on Klingenberg Terrace from Charles J. Riniker to City.(9/20) ................................... 300 513-99 Accepting Conveyance of property on Klingenberg Terrace from Shannon Felderman to the City.(9/20) ............................... 400 514-99 Authorizing the Submission of a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the period commencing July 1, 1998 and Concluding June 30, 1999.{9120) ............... 400 515-99 Issuance of Beer Permits.(9/20) ........... 401 516-g9 Issuance of Liquor Lic.(9/20) .............. 401 517-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the River's Edge Plaza Construction.(9120) ..................... 402 518-99 Awarding Contract for River's Edge Plaze to Renaissance Construction.(9/20) ............... 402 519-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Sara St. & Maryville Dr. Storm Sewer ExL Pro.(9120) ........ 403 520-99 Awarding Contract for the Sarah & Maryville Drive Storm Sewer Ext. Pro.(9/20) .............. 403 521-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Construction of Curb Modifications at 21st & Central.(9120) .... 403 522-99 Awarding Contract for the Curb Modification at 21st & Central to Renaissance Con. Corp.(9/20) .. 404 523-99 Rescinding Res. No. 455-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(9/20) ......................... 404 524-99 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agree. & Promissory Note for Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) with Trilog, Inc.(9/20) ................ 405 525-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Concrete Repairs on North Grandview Ave. at Delhi SL(9120) .................................... 409 526-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Concrete Repairs on North Grandview at Delhi Pro.(9/20) ................................... 410 527-99 Ordering Bids for the Concrete Repairs on North Grandview at Delhi Project-(9120) ......... 410 528-99 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the Expansion of Fifth Street Parking Ramp Pro. (9~20) ....................................... 410 529-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Purchase of Precast Concrete Materials for the Expansion of the Fifth St. Ramp.(9/20) .......... 410 530-99 Ordering bids for the Precast Concrete for the Expansion of the Fifth Street ramp.(9/20) ........ 411 176 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 531-99 (1) Approving the Minimum Requirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Procedures for Disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property; (2) Determining that the Proposal Submitted by Dubuque Area industrial Develop. Corporation (DAIDC) Satisfies the Offering Requirements & Declaring the Intent of the City to Enter Into the Development Agree. with DAIDC in the Event that No Competing Proposals are Submitted; and (3) Soliciting Competing Proposals.(9/20) .......... 411 532-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specifications for the Widening of Pennsylvania Ave. at the NW Arterial Project.(9/20) ......................... 414 533-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs for the Widening of Pen nsylvania Ave. at the NW Arterial Pro.(9/20) ................................... 415 534-99 Ordering bids for the Widening of Pennsylvania Ave. at the NW Arterial Pro.(9/20) .............. 415 535-99 Directing the City Clerk to publish Proposed Amendment to the FY 2000 Budget & Date of Public Hearing.(9120) ............................... 415 536-99 Providing for an Application to IDOT for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement funds for the Downtown Gateways Project-(10/4) ............ 418 537-99 Providing for an App. to IDOT for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds for the RR Freight House Restoration Project by Dbq. County Historical Society.(10/4) ...................... 418 538-99 Providing for a Request to DMATS for Reallocation of ISTEA Transportation Enhancement funds from the Ice Harbor Plaza Trail Head Project to the Hwy 20 Landscaping Pro.(10/4) ............ 419 539-99 Adopting Supplement No. 42 to the City Code. (10/4) ...................................... 419 540-99 Rescinding Res. No. 270-99 & Approving Reaffirming the Final Plat of Lots 1-4 of Blk 4, Lots 1 & 2 of BIk 5 & Lots 1-3 of BIk 6 of Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2.(10/4) ........................ 420,421 541-99 Authorizing Sponsorship of an Application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for Affordable Program Funds.(10/4) .............. 421 542-99 Accepting Improve. for the Rocco Buda Park Construction Pro.(10/4) ....................... 422 543-99 Final Estimate for Rocco Buda Park Con. Pro.(10/4) ................................... 422 544-99 Accepting Traffic Signals at U.S. 20 & Wal-Mart Entrance.(10/4) .............................. 422 545-99 Accepting Improve. for the Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Install.(10/4) ......... 423 546-99 Final Est. for the Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. Traffic Signal Installation Pro.(10/4) ............ 425 177 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 547-99 Approving a Time Ext. for Completion of Community Partnership Program (CP2) Project with Audubon Elementary School.(10/4) ............. 423 548-99 Issuance of Beer Permit.(10/4) ............ 424 550-99 Issuance of Liquor Lic.(1014) .............. 424 551-99 To Proceed with a Public Improvement Project to Construct a Sanitary Sewer System on Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane & to Acquire Property & Easements for the Sewer Pro.(1014) ............ 475 552-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(10/4).. 425 553-99 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro.(1014) .... 425 554-99 Awarding Contract for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project to W. C. Stewart Construction Co.(10/4) ................ 426 555-99 Annexing Certain Property - Kivlahan Farms etc.(1014) ................................... 427 556-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Landscaping of the Dubuque Industrial Center West.(10/4) .... 431 557-99 Awarding Contract for the Landscaping of the Dbq. Industrial Center West.(10/4) .............. 431 558-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Widening of Pennsylvania Ave. at the NW Arterial Pro.(1014) .. 431 559-99 Awarding Contract for the Widening of the Pennsylvania Ave. at the NW Arterial Pro.(~1014) .. 432 560-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Concrete Repairs on N. Grandview at Delhi Pro.(1014) ..... 432 561-99 Awarding Contract for the Concrete Repairs on N. Grandview at Delhi Pro.{10/4) ............... 432 562-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Demolition of 351 Iowa St.(10/4) ................ 434 563-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Demolition of Building at 351 Iowa St. 10/4) ... 434 564-99 Ordering bids, Demolition of 351 Iowa St.(10/4) .................................... 434 565-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Skate Park Equipment pro.(1014) .................... 435 566-99 Fixing date of Hearing on Plans & specs, for the Skate Park Equipment.(10/4) ............... 435 567-99 Ordering Bids for the Skate Park Equipment. (10/4) ....................................... 435 568-99 Approving Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agree. with the County of Dubuque.(10118) ...... 439 569-99 Approving the Survey Plat of Lot I of 2 & Lot 2 of 2 of Charlie's P1.(10/18) ..................... 439 178 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 570-99 Accepting Improvement for the Phase II Valentine Park Construction Pro.(10/18) ........ 440 571-99 Final Estimate for the Phase II Valentine Park Construction Pro.(10/18} ...................... 440 572-99 Accepting Improve. for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Purchase.(10/18) .................. 440 573-99 Final Estimate for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Purch.(10/18) .................... 3441 574-99 Accepting Improve. for the Five Flags Chiller Equipment Install. Pro.(10/18) ................. 441 575-99 Final Estimate for the Five Flags Chiller Equip. Installation Pro.(10/18) ....................... 441 576-99 Accepting Improvements in Medical Associates Subdivision & Medical Associates Subd. No. 2. (10118) ..................................... 441 577-99 Authorizing reissuance of a Leffer of Commitment & Additional Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehabilitation Loan to Stout Place Apartments.(10/18) .......................... 442 578-99 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permita.(10/18)443 579-99 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.('~0118) .... 443 580-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the expansion of the Fifth Street Ramp.(10/18) .................. 444 581-99 Awarding Contract for the Expansion of the FEth Street Ramp.(10118) ..................... 444 582-99 Determining that the proposal of Town Clock Plaza Associates is in compliance with the terms of Offering for Disposition of Lot I of BIk 13, Dubuque Downtown Plaza.(10/16) ...................... 444 583-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Developmeet of Lot I of BIk 13, Dubuque Downtown Plaza in the City, Approving agree, for same, & Authorizing Actions to Implement said Agreement including Execution & Delivery of Deed.(10/18) .. 445 584-99 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June 2000.(10/18) ................ 446 585-99 Accepting the Deeds to Certain Real Estate in Dubuque County, IA from American Grain & Related Industries (AGRt) (A Farmer-owned cooperative), the Aspermont Co, CK Witco Corp., (F/ia Crompton & Knowles Corp.) & R.E. Lewis Refrigeration, Inc. (10118) ..................................... 453 586-99 A Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Barrington Lakes No. 3 in Dbq County, IA.(10118) 453 587-99 Of Intent to Dispose of An Interest in Lot 1 & lot 2 of Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addition, in the City of Dubuque, IA According to the Recorded Plat thereof.(10118) .............................. 456 179 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 588-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Project.(10118)... 456,457 589-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(10/18) ...... 457 590-99 Ordering bids for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp Pro.(10118) ............................ 467 591-99 Of Intent to Dispose of an Interest in Lot 2 of Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addn, in the City of Dubuque, IA, according to the recorded plat thereof. (10/18) ...................................... 456 592-99 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 4, A, B, C, & D of Dubuque Industrial Center West.(10/25). 459 593-99 Determining that the Proposal of the Dubuque Area Industrial Development Corp. is in Compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Lot 1 Dubuque Industrial Center West-(10/25) ......... 460 594-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Development of Lot I Dubuque Industrial Center West in the City, Approving Agreement for same, & Authorizing Actions to implement said Agreement including Execution & Delivery of Deed.(10125) .. 460 595-99 Disposing of an Interest in Lot I & Lot 2 of Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Addn., in the City, according to the recorded plat thereof.(10/25) .... 461 596-99 Disposing of an interest in Lot 2 of Dubuque Industrial Center 12th Add., in the City of Dubuque, IA, according to the recorded plat thereof.(lg/25). 462 597-99 Reordering Bids for the Demolition of 351 Iowa St. & Resetting a Public Hearing thereon.(10125) . 462 598-99 Approving the AIDS Preventative Health Contract between IA Dept. of P. Health & City, & Manager to sign Contract with IA DepL of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Preventative Health Program.(1111) ...... ; ................. 465 599-99 Accepting Improvement for U.S. Highway 20 Water Main ExL Improvement Pro.(1111) ......... 465 600-00 Final Estimate for the U;S. Highway 20 Water Main Ext- Improvement Pro.(11/1) .............. 465 601-99 Accepting Improvement for the new Vacuum Filter Plant Electrical Room Pro., Eagle Point Water PlanL(11/1) .................................. 465 602-99 Final Estimate for the Vacuum Filter building Electrical Room Pro at Eagle Point Water Plant. (1111) ....................................... 466 603-99 Accepting Sanitary Sewer Improvements in Lot 1-1-2 of Barters-Center Grove Place - Grove Tool. (11/1) ....................................... 466 180 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 604-99 Authorizing publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of Inte'~t to Request Release of Funds for the Y~VCA Domestic Violence Shelter Pro.(1111) ................................... 466 605-99 To Proceed with Public Improvement to Construct Astorm Sewer Along the Easterly Property Line of 1793 Glenwood Ct-(11/1) ....... 468 606-99 Issuance of Beer Permits.(1111) ........... 468 607-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(11110 ............... 468 608-99 Adopting City Investment Policy.(1111) ..... 471 609-99 Approving the Termination & Assignment Agreement by & Among the City of Dubuque, Eagle Window & Door, Inc., Dubuque - Eagle LLC & Match Point LLC.(11/1) ......................... 471,472 610-99 PreL Approval of Plans 7 Specs. for the Expansion of the Fifth SL Ramp Phase Two.(1111) 472 611-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Expansion of the Fifth St. Ramp Phase Two. (1111) ...................................... 472 612-99 Ordering bids for the Expansion of the Fifth St. Ramp Phase Two.(1111) .................. 472,473 613-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.(1111) ............................ 473 614-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Downtown Historic Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.(11/1) ................. 473 615-99 Ordering bids for the 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.{11/1) .... 473 616-99 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Maple Leaf Avenue & Monroe Ave. (aka Louella Lane). (11/1) ...................................... 474 617-99 Of Intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot A & B of Maple Leaf Addn. No. 2 - portion of Maple Leaf Ave. & Monroe Ave. - Louella Lane.(11/1) ....... 475 618-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Technology Park Maintenance Pro.(1111) ....... 476 619-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Technology Park Maintenance Pro.(1111) ....... 476 620-99 Ordering bids for the Technology Park Maintenance Pro.(11/1) ....................... 476 621-99 Of Intention to Dispose of City-Owned Property, specifically, the S 112 of Lot 231 in Glendale Addn. No. 3 in the City, also known as 2618 Jackson. (11/1) ...................................... 476 181 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 622-99 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of Not to Exceed $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of Dubuque, IA & providing for publication of notice thereof. (1111 ) ....................................... 477 623-99 Of Intent to Dispose of An Easement Interest in Lot 1 of Kerper Industrial Park.(llll) ........... 478 624-99 Granting Assignment of Cargill, Inc. Leases with City to AGRI Grain Marketing.(11115) ....... 482 625-99 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1-3 of Red Cedar Estates No. 2 in Dubuque County, IA. (11115) ...................................... 483 626-99 Approving an Enterprise Zone Agree. by & Among the IA Dept. of Economic Development, the City of Dubuque, the City of Dubuque, & Cottingham & Butler Ins. Service, 1nc.(11115) ............... 483 627-99 Accepting Improvement for the Manhole Reconstruction Pro.(11115) .................... 484 628-99 Final Estimate for the Manhole Reconstruction Prol. - FY 1999.('11115) ........................ 484 629-99 Authorizing the Mgr. to Sign a Parking Agree. between the City & the Holiday inn - Five Flags.(ll115) ................................ 484 630-99 Approving the Termination & Assign. Agree. by & Among the City of Dubuque, Eagle Window & Door, Inc., Dubuque Eagle LLC & Otto A. LLC. (11/15) ...................................... 485 631-99 Issuance of Beer Per.(11/15) .............. 485 632-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(11/15) ........... 485,486 633-99 Disposing of City Interest in Lot A & B of Maple Leaf Addn. No. 2 in the City.(11/15) ....... 486 634-99 Disposing of an Interest in Ral Property by Easement to Interstate Power Co.(11/15) ........ 487 635-99 Approving the Disposal of City-Ownded Property, specifically, the S 112 of Lot 231 in Glendale Addn. No. 3, in the City, also known as 2618 Jackson.(11/15) ........................ 487 636-99 Instituting Proceedings to take Add'l Action for the Issuance of Not to Exceed $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds.(11/15) .. 488 637-99 Authorizing & Providing for the Issuance of $360,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, Taxable Series 1999C, of the City - Dubuque Industrial Center- South, Economic Development Dis.(11115) .................................. 488 182 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 638-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for demolition of 351 Iowa SL(11/15) ........................ 500 639-99 Awarding Contract for 351 Iowa St. to Tschiggfrie Exc.(11/15) ....................... 501 640-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Technology Park Maintenance Pre.(11/15) ................. 501 641-99 Awarding Contract for the Dubuque Technology Park to Tschiggfrie Exc.(11115) ..... 501 642-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp.(l~l/15} .................... 502 643-99 Awarding contract for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp to Tschiggfrie Excavating.(11115) ........ 502 644-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans 7 Specs. for the Hwy20 Landscape Design Pkg. #2.(11/15) ...... 512 645-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans 7 specs, for the Hwy20 Landscape Design Bid Pkg. #1.(11/15)... 512 646-99 Ordering bids for the Hwy 20 Landscape Design Bid Pkg. #1 Pro.(11/15) ................ 512 647-99 Fixing Date for the Issuance of $3,100,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds of Dbq. for Expansion of Fifth St. Parking Ramp.(11115).. 513 648-99 Approving Requirements etc. for disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property - disposing of Lot 9 - Merchant's Hotel Site & option for Lot 10 - "Dolan's Building to Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce. (11115} ..................................... 514 649-99 Granting Assign. of Cargill, Inc. Lease with City of Dbq. to AGRI Grain Marketing.(11/15) ........ 482 650-99 Amending Res. No. 25-99 by Changing the Authorization for Project Management & Request for Reimbursement for HRDP Historic Pres. Grant. (12/6) ...................................... 519 651-99 Authorizing A Grant Agree. for REAP Funs for Riverwalk Land Acqui$ition.(~12/6) ............. 519 652-99 Accepting Improvement for Dbq. Technology Park Landscaping Pro.(12/6) .................. 520 653-99 Final Est. for the Dbq. Technology Park Landscaping Pro.(12/6} ....................... 520 654-99 Issuance of Beer Permits.(12/6) ........... 521 655-99 Liq. Licenses.(12J6) ..................... 521 656-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental RR Pro.(12/6) ............................... 525 657-99 Awarding Contract for the 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro. to Winter's Garage & Welding of Galena.(12/6)... 526 658-99 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Skate Park Equipment Pro. (12/6) ........................ 526 183 INDEX - BOOK 1;29 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 659-99 Awarding Contract for the Skate Park Equipment Pro. to American Ramp Co.("12/6) .... 526 660-99 Rescinding Res. No. 610-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Expansion of the Fifth Street Ramp Phase Two.(12/6) ...................... 527 661-99 Instituting Proceedings to Take Add'l Action for the Issuance of $3,100,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds.(12/6} ................... 527 662-99 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 4 & Lot D, B!k 11 of Sunny Slopes Estates in the City of Dubuque, IA.(12/6) .................................... 528 663-99 Of Intent to Commence a Public Improvement Pro. to Demolish a Structure at 336 Main St. for Redevelopment & to Acquire Property for the Pro. (12/6) ....................................... 530 664-99 Approving an Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to Development Agree. between the City, Eagle Window & Door Co. & Otto A., LLC etc.(12/6) ................................... 533 665-99 Authorizing & Providing for the Issuance of $3,2000,000 Urban Renewal Tax Inc. Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 1999D, of the City - Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Devel. Dis.(1216) ................................... 534 666-99 Accepting Sanitary Sewer improve. - Assembly of God Ministers Benefit Assn.(12/20) ....... 551,552 667-99 Issuance of Beer Per.(12120) .............. 552 668-99 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(12/20) ............... 552 669-99 Determining that proposal of Chamber of Commerce is in compliance with the terms of Offering etc. - sale of Merchants Hotel property etc.(12/20) .................................. 553 670-99 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private Develop. of Lot 9 & Lot 10 Original Town in the City - Agreement for same etc.(12/20} ................ 553 671-99 Rescinding Res. 644-99 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Hwy 20 Landscape Design Bid Pkg. #1.(12/20) ............................... 554 672-99 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 21-29 & Lot D of Southern Hills Subd. as comprised of Lot C of Southern Hills Subd.(12/20) ................... 556 673-99 Approving an Amended & Restated FY 2000 (Program Year 1999) Annual Action Plan for CDBG Funds.(12120) ............................... 558 674-99 Approving & Authorizing Execution of Amend. No. 2 to Devel. Agree. between the City, Eagle Window & Door Co. & Otto A. LLC etc.(12/20) .... 568 184 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 675-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Hwy 20 Landscape Design Pkg, #1.(12/20) ............. 559 676-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Hwy20 Landscape Design Bid Pl<g.#1 Pro.(12/20) 560 677-99 Ordering bids for the Hwy 20 Landscape Design Bid Pkg. #1.(12/20) .................... 560 678-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Catfish Creek Pump Replacement.(12/20) .............. 560 679-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Catfish Creek Pump Replace.(12/20) ........ 560 680~99 Ordering bids for the Catfish Creek Pump Replace.(12/20) .............................. 561 681-99 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. of the Elm St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(12/20) ...... 561 682-99 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Elm Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(12/20) .................................. 561 683-99 Ordering bids for the Elm Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(12/20) ................... 562 684-99 Declaring the intent of the City to Subordinate Mortgage Interest in Certain Real Estate.(12/20).. 562 185 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, (1118}(2118)(2122)(311)(312)(3115)(4119)(612)(617) (6123)(716)(7/19)(812)(917)(9115)(10125}(11113))(12120) 19,70,72,74,98,102,151,223,224,285,315,330,366,392, 480, 549 Safety Grant, Highway, $9000.(3115) .............. 119 Salaries - Non-bargaining employees Wage & Comp. Pkg. approved.(311)(5117) .................. 75,202 Salaries of City employees published, published; Non bargaining & Union Agree.(311)(5117) ........ 75,202 Sale & Private Develop. of Lot 9 & Lot 10 Original Town - Merchants Hotel area to Dbq. Chamber of Commerce.(12J20) .......................... 553 Sale & Private Develop. of Lot I of BIk 13, Dubuque Downtown Plaza, Approving Agree. for same - Town Clock Plaza Associates.(10118) .......... 445 Sale & Private Development of Lot I Dbq. Ind. Center West, Approving Agreement for Same & Authorizing actions to Implement Said Agree. - DAIDC.(10/25) 460 Salvation Army - Invocation was by Capt. Rose Eagle.(12/20) ............................... 550 Sampson, Robert, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd. appointed.(2115)(311) .................... 60,81 Sand, Michael, reappointed to Transit Bd. of Trustees. (8116) ..................................... 352 Sanders, Steven M., objecting to rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury - Quagliano.(l/4) .... 5 Sanford, Kim, Cousins Rd., objecting to nearby commercial rezoning.(6/7) ................... 234 Sanitary Sewer, South Fork, Phase IV. (311)(4/5) .............................. 95,96,143 Sanitary Sewer - Manhole Reconstruction Pro.(311)(415)(11115) ................. 96,97,142,484 Sanford's Addn., Deed from E. Takes for property on E. 22nd SL - Trail head.(3115) ................. 104 Sanitary Sewer Ext. - Soccer Complex. (3115)(4119) ............................. 128,159 Sanitary Sewer in Cedar Ridge Farm.(4/19) ........ 156 Sanitary Sewer Easement, 18', vacation requested by Padre Plo Health Care Center. - Stonehill. (5/17)(6/7)(6/21) .................. 201,256,271,272 Sanitary Sewer concerns, 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro.(5/17) .................................. 206 Sanitary Sewer Ext. - Adams Addn. - Rockdale Rd. (6/7)(716) ............................ 249,291,292 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Miller Road.(6/7)(716) 251,292 Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Payoffs: (8/2){10/4)(11/1)(12/20) ............. 331,417,464,550 Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Program, payments paid to Hendrick's & Hibben's.(8/2) .. 331 186 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction in alley between Rhomberg & Garfield from Stanton to Shiras Ave. (812)(9F/') ................................ 345,381 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Streets.(9/7)(10/4} ............ 387,388,424,425 Sanitary Sewer bypass flowing into Catfish Creek, R. Thlbeau, Pres. of Catfish Creek Coalition, concerns.(10118) ............................ 430 Sanitary Sewer at Grove Tool - Barrel's Center, accepted.(11FI) .............................. 466 Sanitary Sewer in Usha Park, acceptance.(12/20) .. 551 Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro. - Elm St. (12J20) ...................................... 561 Sapphire Circle - Lot 1, final plat of Emerald Acres No. 2 (8~2) ........................... · . ...... 341 Sarah St. area, Maryville Dr., Storm Sewer Reconstruction. (9/7)(9/20} ................ 390,403 Scan. Net Inc., proposal for usage of Merchants Hotsl.(716) .................................. 293 Scenic America, two rep's to serve on Billboard Ad Hoc Comm.(12/6) ............................ 532 Schardt, Rev. Ron of Wartburg Seminary, Gave Invocation.(1/4) .......................... 1 Schauer, Ralph, objection to Pine Knolls Devel. on 2900 block of Kane SL{11115) ................. 502 Schedule of 1999 CIP - DP.A, amendment to allow for a racetrack surface replacement pro..(3/1} ......... 76 Schedule of Long Range Planning Adv. toward Vision 2000.(11/1) ........................... 487 Scherbring, Carl, applicant for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment; applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.(3115)(415)(6121)(716) ........ 121,140,269,290 Scherf, Thomas, Claim; closed.(4/5}(4/19) .... 130,154 Schiessl, Christina, Claim; referred to Ins. {2/15)(3/1) ................................ 52,75 Schiessl, Ethel, Airport Inn, 573 E. 16th SL, Cig. Per.{7/8) ............................... 289 Schlitz, Loretta, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/19)(5/3) .............................. 153,175 Schlitz, Richard, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm.; reappointed.(6121)(716) ........... 269,290 Schissel, Gerald & Joyce, Claim; referred to Ins.; Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Payoff.(6121)~l16}(12120) ............... 260,286,550 Schmalz, Mike, Jr., bury wires at 2001 Alta Vista St.(11/15) ............................... 509,510 Schmerbach, Phil, Claim.(6/7) ................... 225 187 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Schmid, Bernadine, Claim; referred to Ins. (3/1)(3115) ................................ 75,103 Schmidt, Bob & Linda, objecting to proposed rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury - Quagliano. (1/4) .......................................... 5 Schmidt, Bud, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.(311) .................. 87 Schmidt, John, Claim.(1111) ..................... 464 Schmidt, Terrence, Claim; referred to Ins. (2115)(311) ................................. 52,75 Schmit, Robert, applicant for Comm. Devel. Comm.(2/15) ................................. 60 Schmit Harbor Boat Ramp, Coop. Agree. for Marine Fuel Tax Funds for Reconstruction.(415) ........ 133 Schmitt Harbor Boat Ramp reconstruction, application for Marine Fuel Tax Funds; project. (1118)(8116)(9120)(10118)(11.15) ... 22,363,404,457,502 Schmitt, Kevin & Valerie, subdivision plat for property E of Tyra Lane in Dbq. County.(11/15) ........... 483 Schmitt, Pastor Dennis, Gave Invocation.(11/1) .... 464 Schmitz, Patti, Claim; Referred to Ins. (3115)(415) ............................... 103,130 Schmitz, Todd, rezoning of 2275 Elm from R2.A to CS. (1/4) .......................................... 6 Schneider, Dianne, Claim; Referred to Ins. {6/7)(7/6) ................................ 225,286 Schneider, Jeanne F., appointed as City Clerk to replace Mary A. Davis.(11/13) .................. 480 Strom, Mary L., applicant to Library Bd.(5117) ...... 206 Schneider, Sarah, applicant to Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm.; appointed; reappointed. (5117)(6/7)(1014)(10118) ............. 205,233,424,443 School - Audubon Elementary, Community Partnership Grant Agree. Amend.(10/4) ........ ; ........... 423 School district, 28E Agreement.(2J15) ............. 66 School partnership with Prescott, letter of Jane Petrek. (12/6) ....................................... 520 School supplies for St. Mark's Comm. Center, Proclam., distribution.(7/19) ................... 317 Schrobilgen, Thomas, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; reappointed.(6121)(716) ............ 269,290 Schroeder, Carleen, Housing Code changes. (4119)(513) ............................... 160,189 Schroeder, Dave, objecting to proposed rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury - Quagliano. (1/4) .......................................... 5 188 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Schroeder, James D., for Mercy Medical Center, re: disposal of interest in Lot lA of Thomas E. Byrne Subd.(8/16) ................................. 353 Schroeder, Jane, payment of $100 for Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(9120) ................ 396 Schroeder, Pat, objecting to proposed rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury - Quagliano.(l/4) .. 5 Schroeder, Tim, rezoning of property near Wooten & Clara Streets, from R1 to ID with five conditions -for Mercy.(6/21){7/6) ......................... 278,294 Schroeder, Tom, objecting to proposed rezoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury - Quagliano. (114)(3/1) ................................... 5,87 Schrup, Nick, of American Trust, spoke in favor of opening Eighth SL(12/20) ................... 549 Schulte, Jan, Claim.(7/19) ...................... 317 Schultz, Dave of L. Weitz Signs, re: A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., primary signage.(2/l) ................. 42 Shireman, Vernon - Dan, applicant for Community Develop. Comm.; appointed.(2/1)(2]15) ....... 42,60 Schumacher, Phil, $100 pd as Sanitary Sewer Backup Assist. Pro.(10/18) ........................... 436 Schuster, Gerald & Lola, Claim; Closed. (4119}(513) .............................. 153,175 Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, 574 E. 16th, Llq. Lic. (6/21) ...................................... 269 Schwers, Colleen, speed limits on Fremont Ave. (9/20) ...................................... 4O4 Schwind, Mary Kay, objecting to water assessment on Van Buren St-(716) ........................ 291 Seat Belt Award from Governor.(10/4) ............ 417 Second amendment to Devetap. Agree. for ADC Properties, LC & Advanced Data-Comm. Inc.(2/15) 106 Section 8 Program Annual Contributions Contract. (5/3) ....................................... 176 Security Agreements/Financing Statements Subordination Agree. with State for Dbq. Data Services Comm. Economic Befferment Account- CEBA Loan.(716) ............................. 288 Security Partners, L.P., easement on City Lot 54 for erection of a Clock & Tower.(4/5} .............. 145 Segal Co., Agree. for actuarial & consulting services - health insurance.(6/7) ........................ 228 Segura (Harry), Michelle, Claim; Refer to Ins.; $100 Pd as Sanitary Sewer Backup Prog.(6/7) (716)(10/4) ................... 225,286,417 Seippe[ Road, E of, W of North Siegert Farm, & S of Middle Road, annexation consideration.(1/18) .... 32 189 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 suBjEcT PAGE S Seippel Road, Julien County Care Facility, Lic. Agree. with Illinois Central RR re: 16" Water Main Cross. (4/5) ........................................ 131 Seippel Road, speed limits & through street and a stop sign designation.(9/20) ................... 407,408 Seippel Rd., SW Corner - Cottingham Rd. & Old Highway Rd., rezoning & annexation request of W. Stewart for 45 acres from County R1 to City MHI & L1.(10118)(11115) .......................... 454,504 Seippel Rd. - Easterly half, final plat of Lots 1-4, A,B,C, & D. of Dbq. lnd. Center West & disposal of property to DAIDC.(10/25) ............................. 459 Seippel Rd., SE of & Old Highway Rd. from AG to RI, as requested by Jim & Doris Graf.(12120) ........ 559 Seippel Rd.- Water Main Project from Hwy 20 to NW Arterial & Seippel Rd. Intersection.(11/1) ........ 465 Self-Sufficiency- Family, Program Contract with Alternative Services.(5/17) .................... 202 Seneca Environmental, Lease Agree., Monitoring Wells at First & Water Sts.(l118) ................. 25 Seng, Steven, objecting to change in Human Rights Ord. re: sexual orientation.(8116) ............... 355 Senior Center, CDBG Funds etc.(5/3) ............. 177 Senior High Parking, suspension of RPPD for Colts concert requested.(5/21) ................. 275 Senior Housing Project of S. Boge - Renaissance DeveL, on Carter Rd., extension of time for site devel, plans.(4/19) ........................... 157 September, Financial reports.(10/18) ............. 438 September Printed Council Proceedings.(11/1) .... 464 September, Proof of Claims & Revenues.(11/15) ... 481 Septic Systems - Sewage treatment & disposal, Ord. re: abandonment of those systems; Ord. fixing fees for discharge at Water Poll. Control PI. (4/5)(7/6) ............................ 144,309,310 Sertoma Candy Days, Proclamation.(4/19) ........ 153 Sesterhenn, Lisa, Health Spec. recommending continuation of Agreement.(8116) .............. 351 Sesterhenn, Steve, spoke on opening Main St. - Town Clock Plaza area.(12/20} ................. 549 Setback for Cousins Road development.(6/21) .... 273 Setter, David, Atty., for Paul Cate's, rezoning request for land on Hwy 20 West.(7/6) .................. 309 Settlement funds of tobacco settlements, Mr. Guetzko of Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. coalition.(5117) ...... 213 Seventeenth St. Curb Ramp Installation Pro.(2/15) .. 67 Seventh St., between Locust & Bluff, parking meters, Dbq. Museum of Art.(6/7)(6/21) ............. 242,277 190 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Sewage treatment & disposal, Septic Systems, Ord. re: abandonment of those systems; Ord. fixing fees for discharge at Water Poll. Control PI. (4/5)(716) ............................. 144,309,310 Sewage treatment & disposal system....abandonment of private on-site - new Ord.; new Ord. fixing fees for discharge at Water Poll. Control P1.(4/5)(716}. 144,309 Sewer & water easement, request by E. Tschiggfde for Eminent Domain proceedings to service Alpine Mobile Home Park.(2/15)(4/19) .............. 66,160 Sewer - abandonment of private on-site sewage treatment & disposal system.(4/5) .............. 144 Sewer backup damages - John Merkes.(9/7) ...... 367 Sewer bypass flowing into Catfish Creek, R. Thibeau, Pres. of Catfish Creek Coalition, concerns.('10/18) 439 Sewer Connection Loan - CDBG Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ......................... 177 Sewer Connections for properties in Highway 20 Annexation Properties.(4/5) ................... 144 Sewer damage claim of Gail& Leonard Stoffel, referred to Ins., appeal denial.(8/16)(9/7) .... 348,367 Sewer Ext- - Storm, Alta Place.(1/18)(812) ...... 30,333 Sewer Ext. - Storm, Key Corners.(1/18) ............ 30 Sewer Ext. - Storm - Chestnut & Dell St.(1118) ...... 31 Sewer Extension, Sanitary, Adams Addn. (6/7)(7/6) ................................ 249,292 Sewer Extension, Sanitary, Miller Road.(6/7) ...... 251 Sewer extension - changes in City standards, policies & extension of Utilities & Infrastructure to facilitate developmenL(8/16) .......................... 356 Sewer Ext. - Storm, Sarah St. & Maryville Dr. (9/7)(9/20) ........................... 390,391,403 Sewer - Sanitary, South Fork, Phase IV. (3/1)(415) ............................... 95,96,143 Sewer - Sanitary, Cedar Ridge Farm.(4/19) ........ 156 Sewer- Sanitary, 18' Easement, vacation, Stonehill Care Center.(5/17)(6/7)(6/21) ........ 201,256,271,272 Sewer - Sanitary, Adams Addn., Sewer Ext. (6/7)(7/6) ............................. 249,291,292 Sewer-Storm, Bee Branch.(6/21)(7/19) ....... 289,323 Sewer - Sanitary, Reconstruction in alley between Rhomberg & Garfield from Stanton to Shiras Ave. (812) ....................................... 345 Sewer -Storm, Westside Intake Replacement. (1/18)(2/15) ............................... 33,64 Sewer - Storm through Lot 6, BIk 5 of MetteI-Byrne Addn. - 1793 Glenwood Ct-(8116)(1111) ...... 351,468 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proctam.{415)... 130 191 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Sexual Orientation, requested proposed change in Human Rights Ord.(5116) .................. 355,356 Shaffer, Michael J., Claim; referred to [ns. (1/4)(1/18) .................................. 1,21 Shaffer, William, petition objecting to UD expansion. (5/3) ....................................... 182 Shang, Old, N. Bennett, 1091 Main, Liq. Lic. (10/18) ...................................... 443 Shannon, C.J., appointed to Enterprise Zone Com. (2/1)(2/15) ................................. 39,58 Sheets, Lynn, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm. (5121)~16) ............................... 269,290 Shell Oil Co., 1081 University, monitoring Wells within public ROW.(4/5) ............................. 138 Shelter, YWCA Domestic Violence.(11/1) .......... 466 Sheridan Road & intersecting streets: Hogrefe, Edith, Euclid, O'Neill, Lawther, Harlan, Groveland, Argyle Sts. - Stop Signs.(10/18) .................. 448,449 Sheston, David, in support of change in Human Rights Ord. -sexual orientation.(8/16) ................ 355 Shinkunas, Doug, Claim; Denial.(1/4) ............... 1 ShopKo, zoning for freestanding Signs.(2/16)(3/1) 69,86 Shot Tower Inn, D.B., Inc. 4th & Locust, Liq. Lic. (5/17) ....................................... 2O5 Shrubs & trees requested by P. Crahan of Flexsteel for green space E of Jackson St.(9/7) .............. 368 Sidewalk Assessment Pro., 1998, final assessments; Proof.(8/2)(gF/') ........................... 333,367 Sidewaik assessment - 1999 PC Paving Pro. - Jeff Bali spoke.(5/17) ............................. 206 Sidewalk - Curb Ramp, 1997, ProjecL(l/18) ......... 24 Sidewalk discussion, objections re: 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. - Van Buren, Boeth & Bryant Sts. (5117) ....................................... 206 Sidewalk, John F. Kennedy Rd., objections etc. (7/6) ........................................ 290 Stdewalk maintenance, re: liability of owner etc. (2/1) ......................................... 45 Sidewalks on E. Side of Embassy West Dr. to the N from Pennsylvania Ave.- John Herrig requesting delay.(8/16)(9/7) .......................... 356,383 Sid's Beverage, 2727 Dodge, Civil Penalty for Tobacco Violation; Cig. Per.; LIq. Llc.; WB Wine Per. (4/19)(6/7)(8116) ................... 160,231,351,352 Siege Subd. - properties on Klingenberg Terr. to City as ROW.(9/20) ............................... 399 Siegert Farm, South, approval of plat of survey.(415) 138 Siegert Farm, North, plat approval.(4119) .......... 154 192 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Siegert Farm - W., E. of Seippel Rd., & S of Middle Rd., annexation consideration.(1118) ............ 32 Siegert, Gene, objection to JFK Sidewalk Assess. (7/6) ....................................... 290 S[egert, Gerald & Judith, rezoning of 11515 English Mill Road from County Al to City C3, R1 & R3. (8116)(9/'/') .............................. 359,376 Siegert property near landfill - sale from Gerald & Judith to Mike Portzen.(8116) .................. 359 Siegert, Wm. & Janet, rezoning of farm land concurrent with voluntary annexation for property on Hwy 20 West`(3/1)(3/15) .............. 95,122,123 Sign & Awning Projecting Canopy approved at 84 Main St. - Steve Guden kauf.(3115) ............... 125,126 Sign approval at '1091 University, Ord. for Jimmy & Debbie Matheos -Athenian Grill restaurant. (8/16) .................................. 358,359 Sign construction on 1278 Central, Great Dragon Express.(415) ................................ 145 Sign construction at 1401 Central Ave.(4/19) ...... 161 Sign regulations, zoning text amend., to add definition of "Freestanding Canopy." (4119)(5117) .......................... 173,209,210 Sign Regulations - text amendment in Zoning Ord. requested by L Weitz & American Trust & Savings Bank for new building.(10118)(11115) ....... 455,505 Sign request by Medical Associates - NW Arterial - IA Hwy 32.(513) ................................ 185 Sign request for projecting sign for Tony's - Anthony Koch at 1520 Central.(6/7) ................ 238,239 Signage allowance on building facades, A. Y. McDonalds - amend PI District - L. Weitz Sign Systams.(1/18)(2/l) ........................ 33,42 Signage for Medical Associates on NW Arterial (Hwy 32).(513) .................................... 185 Signage, Freestanding, of PC Comm. Dis. at 255 John F. Kennedy Rd.(2/16)(311) ................... 69,86 Signage, wall-mounted, of PC Dis. for Plaza 20 - S. Kahle - Big K-Mart.(2/1) ........................ 43 Signals - traffic at Asbury & Chaney Rd.(5/3) ...... 194 Signals, traffic, U.S.. Highway 20 & Wal-Mart. {10/4} ...................................... 422 Signs along Heritage Trail & Mississippi Riverwalk - IA Historical Society funding.(1/18) .............. 22 Signs - freestanding, rezoning for ShopKo.(2/16) ... 69 Signs, amend PUD Dis. for Medical Associate Clinic at 1500 Associates Dr.(4/19) ..................... 172 193 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Signs erected when a Speed change on the same street, new Ord.(10/4) ......................... 433 Signs - 1005 & 1023 Main, projecting awnings & signs for Gary & Kathleen Jensen - Art Studio.(10118) .. 447 Silver Dollar Cantina, Civil Penalty -Tobacco violation; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4119)(5117)(6121) ..... 160,205,268 Simm, Rev. Terry, of First Presbyterian Church, Gave Invocation.(8/16) ............................. 348 Sinclair Co., purchase of property - storage tank removal.(5/17) ............................... 217 Sindahl, Donna, water runoff concerns with Pine Knolls Condo DeveL, 2900 Kane, S. Boge.(11/1).. 470 Sindahl, Jason M. & Kerri A., property on Klingenberg Terrace to City as ROW. (9120). ................ 397 S[ndt, Vern, objection to annexation of property W of town.(3/15) ............................. 123 Single Room Occupancy Rehab, CDBG Fund etc. (5/3) ........................................ 177 Sisler, Karen, Claim; Payment,(1014)(10118) . .. 417,438 Sisters of Charity, BVM - Opening Doors, rezoning of 1561 Jackson for Maria House.(8/2) ............ 336 Site Clearance for Merchants Hotel - 304-326 Main St. (8/2) ........................................ 340 Site Condition report from Dept. of Health re: LandfilL(Il/I) ................................ 467 Site Preparation re: Eagle Window & Door Co.(6/7). 242 Site Restoration at 1105 Julien Dubuque Dr., earth work,- R. Klauer, R. Kunde.(6/21) .............. 264 Site, Space & Needs Study - Operations & Maintenance Garage.(5i17) .................... 201 Six Bay Garage ProjecL(5/21) ............... 262,263 S[xtaenth St. Auto/Track Plaza, Mulgrew Oil, 1215 E. 16th., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/7} ......... 181,231 Sixth Street, C. Bradley requesting City provide a Carriage Building for horse-drawn carriage tours.(2/15) ................................... 53 Skate Park Equipment Pro.(10/4)(12J6) ........ 435,526 Slattery, Roger, C~aim; Referred to Ins.; $100 pd - Sanitary Sewer Backup Assist. Pro. (6121)(716)(10118) ..................... 260,286,438 Slot machine purchase, Third amendment to Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino.(812) ................ 332 Small Business Development, NE Iowa, Fourth Entrepreneurahip Training.(3/15) ............... 120 Smemo, Alfred, applicant to Historic Pres. Comm. (5/3)(5/17) ............................... 181,205 Smith, Donna, County Supervisor, re: Law Enforcement Expansion.(6/23} ................. 285 194 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Smith, Janice M. & Ronald L., final plat of Loras Estatas.(6121) ........................... 273,274 Smith, Ron, Zoning Adv. Comm., approval of request for time extension for submittal of final plat for Loras Estates; final plat of Loras Estates; applicant for Zoning Adv. Comm.; Reappointed; discussion of development standards & policies for City Utilities & Infrastructures. (1118)(6121)(6121)(812) ............... 23,274,269,330 Smoke Shack Bar-B-Q Inc., 2255 J.F.K. Rd., Beer Per. (8~2) ....................................... 335 Smoking cessation - funds of tobacco settlement - Mr. Guetzko of Tri-State Health C.A.R.E. coalition. (5/17) ...................................... 213 Smyth, Patricia, plat approval of 2202 Roosevelt Rd. (8/16) ...................................... 348 Snow Removal equipment for brick pavers on 8th St. on Town Clock Plaza.(12/6) ................... 520 Snow - Winter Maintenance Agree. with City & County.(lO/18) .............................. 439 Soccer Complex, 20 acres on JFK Rd. - Grandview Ave. United Meth. Church, Annexation. (4/5)(4/19)(6/7) ........................ 132,164,234 Soccer Field Complex - Sanitary Sewer Ext. (3115)(4/19) ............................. 128,159 Solid Waste Agency, Dbq. Metropolitan, expansion of service area & add'l leachate; rezoning of property near there - Hwy 20 West near Cousins Rd. intersection requested by Waste Agency. (311)(5117)(8116) ........................ 76,213,359 Solid Waste - Garbage - requirements for vehicles hauling - covering them.(11/15) ................ 508 Solwalke, John, objecting to QHQ Properties rezoning at SW Corner of NWArt. & Asbury Rd.(3/1) ....... 87 South Fork Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase IV. (311)(4/5) ............................... 95,96,143 South Grandview, 1960 & 2000, John Butler's, plat approval of Lookout Point Subd.(l118) .......... 22 Southern Hills Subd., final plat approval of Lots 21-29 & Lot D & Lot C.(12/20) ....................... 556 Southwest Arterial, meeting to discuss construction. (2/15)(2/18) ............................... 53,70 Southwood, Brian, resignation from Carnegie Stout Library Board of Trustees.(4/5) ................ 131 Sparklers -prohibition of fireworks Ord.(5/3) ...... 193 Special Meeting requested on 10/25, disposal of property in Dbq. Ind. Center West to Dbq. Area Ind. Develop Corp. - DAIDC.(9/20) .................. 411 195 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Special Meeting requested with Airport Comm. (9/7) ........................................ 386 Speed limits on Fremont Ave., request for reduction, petitions etc. Ord. setting new ones. (6121)(9120)(1014)(10118) ........ 273,404,433,446,447 Speed limits on Seippe[ Rd. & stop sign designation. (9/20) ....................................... 406 Speed limits for trains.(9/20)(11/15) .......... 397,485 Speed limits, posting of signs when a speed change on same street, Ord.(10/4) ..................... 433 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, 2335 University, Civil Penalty for Tobacco violation.(4119) ................... 160 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., penalty for cigarette sale violation; Beer Per. (7/19)(12/6) .............................. 321,521 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, iowa Oil Co., 2335 University Ave., Beer Per.(7/19) .......................... 321 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, Tobacco Sales penalty. (8/2} ........................................ 339 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, 3200 Central, cigarette violation penalty.(9/20) ........................ 401 Speede Shoppe, IOCO, 1998 Jackson St., tobacco permit violation civil penalty.(12/6)(12/20) . .. 520,554 Spence, Gil, Leisure Services Dir., presentation re: Landscaping the Gateways for City; appointed as a rep. to Iowa Earth Year 2000.(6/7)(1216) .... 224,532 Spiegelhalter, Melvin G., The Clubhouse, 2364 Washington, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/15)(6/7) ..... 60,231 Spinal Health Month Proclamation.(1014) ......... 417 Sprinkler, Fire, Service, new Ord.(3/2) ............ 100 Sprinkler System, underground, constructed on Flexsteel on their property on Jackson St.(11115). 508 Sprinkling system installation requested by P. Crahan of Flexsteel on Jackson St.(9/7) ................ 368 Spruce Wood Development, L. McDermott, Final plat of Barrington Lakes No. 3 in the County. (10118) ...................................... 453 Sr. Helen Huewe & St. Mary's Church, rezoning at 1561 Jackson from R2A to OR, permit a rooming or boarding house -Maria House;(7119)(8/2) .... 327,336 St. Dominic villa Day Proclam.(10/18) ............. 438 St. Mark's Community Center, allocation of CDBG funds; Release of funds for elevator; Proof; Proclamation - School Supplies collection; Grant application letter of support. (513)(5117)(6/7)[7119)(8116) ...... 192,203,225,317,351 196 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S St. Mary's Church & S. Helen Huewe, rezoning at 1561 Jackson from R2A to OR, permit a rooming or boarding house; Maria House rezoning etc. (7119)(812) .............................. 327,336 St. Pat's Church, need for housing near St. Mary's Maria House.(812) ............................ 336 Stackis, Emil "Mike", appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm.; nomination of Dbq. Federation of Labor to serve as rep on Regional Work Force Advisory Rd.(2/1)(2/15)(9/7) ....................... 39,58,372 Standards & Policies for City Utilities & [nfrastrcctures.(8/2)(8/16) ................. 330,356 Smith, Ron, applicant for Zoning Advisory Comm. (6/21) ...................................... 269 Stangel, John, Mgr. of K-Mart, re: tobacco violation civil penalty consideration.(4/19) .............. 160 Star Brewery, Dbq., application for REAP from DNR to acquire adjacent land.(8/2) .................... 332 Starkey, Daniel R., Claim referred to lns.('l/4) ........ 1 Starlight Dr., reclassify property at S. side - Woodland Ridg~ Subd. -Tim Puls, Horizon Group. (6/2'1)(7/6) .............................. 278,297 Starlite Dr., reclassify property at S. side - Woodland Ridge Subd. -Tim Puls, Horizon Group. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 278,297 State Farm Ins. - Claim for C. McDonough, Claim; Referred to Ins.(415)(4119) ................. 130,153 State Farm Ins., Claim for G. Hochberger. (11115)(12/8) ............................ 481,518 State Finance Assistance under Disaster Relief Act, City Mgr. authorized to sign documents etc.(6/7). 244 State - Gov. Vilsack - representatives to Iowa Earth Year 2000.(12/6) ............................. 532 State Health Code, City- County Meeting.(5110) ... 198 State Historical Society for Historic Resource Devel. Program funds for Signs - Heritage Trail & Mississippi Riverwalk.(l/18) .................... 22 State Legislation re: monies for school district, update by Rhodes (Bud) Isenhart.(2/15) ................ 66 State Prism Award to City-T. Determan of Human Rights Comm. presenting.(10/18) ....... 438 Staudt, Doug, Claim; referred to Ins.(111)(11/15) 464,481 Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase I & II, Wm. M. Black.(6/7)(7/6) .......................... 254,299 Steamboat -Wm. M. Black, Restoration - Phase III - Hold Lead Abatement & Surface Encapsulation. (8/2)(9/7) ................................ 344,382 197 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Steele, Michael, 3635 Crescent Ridge, request for rezoning from R1 & AG to R3.(4/19)(5/3) ..... 173,187 Steele, Mike, Letter of Intent to restore Merchants Hotel; Discussion; Withdrawal of letter. (513)(6/7)(8/2) ........................ 181,228,339 Steffen, Charles, Tony's Place, 1701 Central, Cig. Per.(6F/') .................................... 231 Steffen, Charles, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7119)(8/16} ............................... 317,348 Stein, Rick, appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm. (211)(2115) ................................. 39,58 Steinhauser, Norbert, objection to water runoff re: Pine Knolls Condo development on 2900 Kane. (11115) ...................................... 502 Stenciling Program for Storm Sewers.(2/15) ........ 54 Stenlund, Paula, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed.(812)(8116) ................ 335,336,352 Step/Wall Repair - Neighborhood, CDBG Funds. (5/3) ........................................ 177 Stephenson, Arty Todd, for Wayne Stewart, rezoning property - SW corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. from R1 to City MHI & LI. (10/18)(11115} ............................ 454,504 Stephensons, George, G.M.S. Inc. - Operating Agree. for Bunker Hill Golf Course.(2/1} ................ 37 Steps and landing at 900 Central Ave., public ROW, Marde Enterprises - Cue Masters.(7/6) .......... 310 Stetzer, Clarian, Claim; Referral to Ins. (4119}(513) ............................... 153,175 Stevens, Katherine, applicant to Human Rights Comm.(114)(10118)(1111) ................. 4,443,469 Stevenson, Atty. Todd, for Wayne Stewart, for reconsideration re: zoning of 9.5 acres of real estate on Hwy20 West& Cousins Rd.(7/6) ............ 309 Stewart, W. C. Construct[on, awarded contract for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Proj.(10/4) ................................... 426 Stewart, Wayne, & Paul & J. Cate, annexation & rezoning of property on Hwy 20 at intersections of Cousins Rd.; reconsideration of rezoning request. (5117)(6/7)(6121)(716)(7119)(8116){9i7) ........................ 217,234,273,309,326,359,374 Stewart, Wayne, rezoning & annexation request for SW Corner - 45 acres - of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. from County R1 to City MHI & LI -also annexation request.(10/18)(11/15) .................... 454,504 Stickers for license plates, Ord. re: Display of Plates. {12/6) ................................... 530,532 198 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Stiles, Jeff, of Zoning Adv. Comm, Sign text amend. (5/17) ...................................... 209 Stillings, Doug, Enterprise Zone Commissioner. (2115) ....................................... 56 Stock, Jim, & Robert & Mary Lou Mulgrew, rezoning of 2702 Brunskill Rd.(12/20) ..................... 559 Stoffel, Gall & Leonard, Claim; referred to Ins.; appealing the denial; Denial. (8/16)(9/7)(10118) ...................... 348,367,438 Stonehill Corem. Subd. No. 1, vacate 18' sanitary' sewer easement-(5117)(61'/)(6121) .... 201,256,271,272 Stop Sign, four-way at Alpha St. & Van Buren Sts.; clarification byD. Reardon.(1014) ...... 424,435 Stop Sign on Seippel Rd.(9120) .............. 408,409 Stop Signs at intersection of Alpha St. & Van Buren Ave., petition of D. Reardon.(415)(5117)(1014)(11115) .............................. 138,206,424,435,511 Stop Signs at side streets intersection with Auburn SL & on Atlantic St. from Loras to N. Grandview & on Custer at Algona.(8116) ....................... 357 Stop Signs on Streets intersecting with Sheridan Road. - Hogrefe, Edith SL, Euclid St., O'Neill St,, Harlan SL, Groveland St. Argyle & Lawther St. (10/18) ..................................... 448 Stop Signs, three, on Twenty-Fourth St- - Elm SL, Prince SL etc.(10/18) ......................... 450 Storage of garbage containers, Housing Ord. amend. (4/19) ...................................... 161 Storage of vehicles in residential district & installation of driveways.(6/21) (7/6) ................... 278,298 Storage tank removal - Sinclair Co., purchase of property.(5117) .............................. 217 Stores/Businesses for 5000 sq. feet, -wall-mounted signage, esp. for Plaza 20, 2600 Dodge.(2]1) ...... 43 Storm Damage Repair of Washington & Valley Streets.(6/7)(6/21) ........................ 246,270 Storm Management plan re: Pine Knolls Develop., 2900 block of Kane SL, S. Boge.(l 1/15) ......... 502 Storm Sewer ExL, Key Corners.(l118) ............. 30 Storm Sewer-Alta Place, Pro.(1/18){8/2) ....... 30,333 Storm Sewer Ext. - Chestnut & Dell St.(1/18) ....... 31 Storm Sewer -Westaide intake Repiacement- (1/18)(2115) ................................ 33,64 Storm Sewer, Bee Branch.(6/21)(7/19) ........ 280,323 Storm Sewer through Lot 6, BIk 5 of MetteI-Byrne Addn. -1793 Glenwood CL(8116)(11/1) ...... 351,468 Storm Sewer Ext. Sarah SL & Maryville Dr. (9/7)(9/20) ........................... 390,391,403 199 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Storm Sewer Stenciling Program.(2/15) ............ 54 Strader, Mike, requesting to purchase property near Williams St. - AP Woods Addn.; property on Klingenberg Terrace to City as ROW. (3115)(9120) .............................. 104,399 Straka Johnson, M. Johnson, extension of time for sidewalks on Pennsylvania & NW Arterial - property of Assembly of God Church & E. Dbq. Savings Bank. (8/16) ....................................... 356 Street Dept. - Fire Suppressions System Pro.(2/1} ... 38 Street Dept. - Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Project-Vehicle Exhaust System project. (1/18) ........................................ 26 Street Finance Report, FY 1999.(9/7) ............. 370 Street name change requested for Rosedale to East Rosedale and West Rosedale.(3/15) ............ 104 Street name change to honor Regina Hayford. (1118)(211)(3115) ........................ 32,44,124 Street Tree & Landscaping on public ROW.(6/21) .. 268 Streetscape Concepts on Main SL from Fifth to Ninth Sts.- presentation.(12/20) ..................... 549 Streff, Chad, Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liq. Lic. (415) ........................................ 140 Streif, Stacy, Youth City Clerk.(4/5) ............... 130 Strub, Shirley, requested Street name change to honor Regina Hayford.(1118)(2/l){3115) .... 32,44,124 Stuart, Jeremy, Claim; Referred to Ins.; $100 pd as Sanitary Sewer Backup AssisL (6121}(716)(10118) ..................... 260,286,438 Subdivision regulations, amending Zoning Ord. by reducing City inspection fees.(9/20) ............ 405 Subdivision Plat for NE Corner of Rush & Plum Sta.. (7119) ....................................... 319 Sublease Agreement between DRA - Dbq. Racing Assn. & GDREC - Greater Dbq. Riverboat Entertainment Center.(8/16) ................... 348 Sublease Agreement from Greater Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co. LC to Peninsula Gaming Co. (7/6) ........................................ 288 Sublease for City land lease by Dbq. Yacht Basin to Michael E. Welch dba Tugboat Willy's.(3/15) ..... 119 Subordination Agreement with State for CEBA - Dbq Data Services.(7/6) ....................... 287,288 Subordination Agreement with Cottingham and Butler Insurance.(12/20} ............................ 562 Subordination Agreement with the State of Iowa for the Dbq. Data Services Community Economic Betterment Account Loan (CEBA).(7/6) ......... 288 2OO INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Substance Abuse Service Center, Quarterly report; Purchase of Services Agree.; Qtrly reports. (211}(513)(812)(1111) ................. 36,180,331,464 Sullivan, Dr. & Mrs. James, oppose water runoff, development of 2900 Kane, Pine Knolls Condo's.(11115) ............................. 502 Sullivan, James, Dbq. Religious, 923 Main, Wine Per.(1/4) ...................................... 4 Sullivan, Jim, objection to Pine Knolls Development on 2900 block of Kane St.(11/15) ............... 502 Sullivan, Marilyn M., City accepting conveyance of property at 120 W. 4th St`(2/15) ................. 58 Summer Day Camp Program, Uptown Rec. Program, Grant Agree. wf Four Mounds.(4/19) ............ 156 Summer Programs, ISU Extension Services, Uptown Recreational Prog.(4119) ...................... 156 Sunny Slope Estates, final plat for portion - Lot 4 & Lot D, BIk 11.(12/6) .......................... 528,529 Sunny Slope Estates, Phase IV rezoning portion opposite of Red Violet Dr. from AG to R1 - QHQ Develop. - Ken Moore.(11115)(12/6) ......... 511,525 Sunoco, Inc. & Apex Environmental, Monitoring Wells at 198 Locust ROW.(1/4) .................. 2 Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Res., 920 Main, Liq. Lic. (11/1) ...................................... 468 Supervisors -County, Joint meeting of Board of Health.(5/10) ................................ 198 Supervisors - County, Joint Meeting re: Law Enforcement Center Expansion.; Eight St. opening.(6123)~716) ....................... 285,309 Supervisors, Abstract of Votes for Council Election. (11/15} ................................. 481,482 Supplement No. 38 to the City Code; No. 39; No. 40.; No. 41; No. 42. (1118)(311)(4119)(7119)(1014) ....... 27,25,156,319,419 Support letter for Mines of Spain Trail GranL(9/7).. 371 Suppression - Fire, System for Operations & Maintenance Center.(2/1) ...................... 38 Surface replacement for racetrack at DGP, amendment to CIP Schedule.(3/1) .......................... 76 Surfaces- painted, re: Housing regulations.(513) .. 191 Surplus, Army, building, 301 Main St., purchase from Dbq. Initiatives .(11/15) ................... 510,511 Survey Plat of portion of Radford Rd. (114) .......... 2 Survey - Evaluation Project, Grant Agree. for Architectural - Historical.(1118)(617)(1111)(1216)(12J29) ............................... 27,226,468,519,557 201 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE S Survey - Historic Preservation, Grant Application - Historic Resource Development Program.(1/18) ... 27 Survey Plat of Lot 22 of Hooper's Addn.(4/19) ..... 154 Survey plat of Adam's Co.'s Addn.(9/7) ........... 373 Survey - Evaluation Project, approval of consultant for Architectural/HistoricaL(Il/l) .................. 468 Survey plat of Lots 1-3 of Red Cedar Estates No. 2 in D bq. County.(11/15) .......................... 483 Sutton, Ruby, reappointed to Human Rights Comm. (1/4) ........................................ 4,5 Sutton, Sara, objecting to UD expansion.(5/3) ..... 182 SW Arterial, discussion on construction; postponement requested of Hwy 20 West annexation til SW Arterial Study finalized; highest priority by IDOT. (2/15)(2/18)(3/15)(12/6) ............... 53,70,123,520 Swift, Thomas Il, applicant to Housing Comm.; reappointed.(8/2)(8/16) ................ 335,336,352 Swiss Valley Farms, amend Jackson St. project by allowing parking on Jackson St.(5117) .......... 207 Swiss Valley Farms, CEBA Loan -$60,000.(1/18) .... 24 Swiss Valley Farms, Enterprise Zone Agree., IA Dept. of Economic Devel. & City etc.(3/l) .............. 94 Swiss Valley Farms, yearly audit report.{3/15) ..... 103 Swiss Valley Farms, re: Jackson St. reconstruction s uppore_(6F/) ................................ 230 202 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT TRUSTEE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/18)(2/15)(4/5)(7/6)(1014) ................................ 21,52,130,286,417 TV CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ((2/1)(3/15)(5/17) ............. 52,103,199 T & M Inc. Mario's Italian Res./Lounge.(11/1) ...... 469 T-Corp, Owner E. Tschiggfrie, final plat of Emerald Acres No. I approved; final plat of Emerald Acres No. 2 approved; final plat of Emerald Acres No. 1.(5/17)(8/2)(9/7) ................ 216,342,370 Tabor, Paul, resignation from Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm.(4/5) ............. 131 Taco John's, re: Outdoor Billboard Advertising. T (.12/6) .................................. 532 al(es, E zabeth, purchase agree, for 501-503 22nd St. for Heritage Trail.(2/15}(3/15) ............... 53,104 Talk Circles, Human Rights Comm. requesting reactivation.(2/15) ............................ 58 Tamarack Business Park, final plat approval - Joe D. Luksetich.(7/19) ......................... 318,319 Tank removal - storage, Sinclair.(5/17) ........... 217 Tanzanite Dr. & Tanzanite Ct., final plat approval of Emerald Acres. No. 1.(5117)(9/7) ........ 215,216,369 Tanzanite Dr., final plat approval of Emerald Acres No. 2.(8/2) ..................................... 341 Task Force - Airport Corem.(10/4) ............... 434 Task Force - Telephone System, needs analysis study. (5~3) ....................................... 181 Tax Exemption Application - Urban Revit, Areas. (2/15) .................................... 56,57 Tax Increment Financing Dis. - Downtown Urban Renewal.(9/7) .......................... 368 Tax ncrement Ordnance for the Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Economic Devel. Dis.(9/7) ............. 383,384 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Advanced Data Corem Pro.(2/22)(3/15) .......................... 72,106 Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note (interstate Power Co.)(6/21) ............................ 278 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds for Kerper Bird., $3,200,000.(8/2) ......................... 337,338, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds - $360,000 to support Horizon - DuCarte & CarteGraph Systems. (11/1}(11/15) ............................ 477,488 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds for expansion of Fifth St, Parking Ramp-$3,100,000.(11115)(12/6) . 513,527 Taxi rate increase -A-OK Yellow Cab.(12/6) ....... 520 TBTB Inc., Cedar Cross Amoco, 1010 Cedar Cross Rd., Beer Per.(1/18) ............................ 28 TCI Cab e - annual report; fee for delinquent accounts.(415)(716)(8116) ............... 130,313,352 2O3 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T TEA-21 funds, IDOT, for Transportation Enhancement Funds for RR Freight House Restoration by County Historical Soc.(10/4) .......................... 418 TEA-21 funds, IDOT, for Downtown Gateways Pro. H0/4) ....................................... 418 Technology Park - Dbq., disposing of property to Horizon Develop. Group, LLC & CarteGraph Systems.{1/18) ............................. 28,29 Technology Park Site Grading Pro.(3/1) ............ 79 Technology Park - disposition of Lots 4 & 5, BIk 2, ADC Properties & Advanced Data Com.(2/1) ... 39,40 Technology Park Modifications -Maintenance Pro.(11/1)(11115) ..................... 475,476,501 Technology Park - Landscaping Pro.(12/6) ........ 520 Tekippe, Diane, requesting deaf interpreter for Police Dept.(2/15) ................................... 66 Telecommunication Antenna Facility of W. Third St. Water Tower, Lease wf Dbq. Cellular Telephone. (1/18)(2/1) ................................. 34,42 Telecommunication Antenna Facility of W. Third St. Water Tower, Lease with Nexte[ W1P Lease Corp. (8/16)(9/7) ............................... 360,379 Telecommunication Antenna Facility of W. Third St. Water Tower, Lease with Iowa Wireless Services, LP.(5/16) .................................... 360 Telecommunication Antenna Facility on the Pennsylvania Ave. Water Tank - Lease to Nextel WIP Lease Corp.(12/20) ....................... 559 Telecommunications - new Ord. regulations for placement of towers & antennas.(ll4) ............. 7 Telephone System Task Force, needs analysis study. (5/3) ........................................ 181 Telephone Towers etc., regulations, new Zoning Ord.(ll4) ...................................... 7 Telephones - Cellular, lease of space on W. Third Water Tower.(1/18)(2/1) ..................... 34,42 Teleprogrammtng Cable Comm., applicants Anthony Allen & Dave Wanamaker; reappointed. (6/2~)(7/5) ............................... 269,290 Television transmission towers, etc., regulations, new Zoning Ord.(l/4) ........................... 7 Temperature Systems lnc., contract awarded for Five Flags Chiller Equip.(6/'/') ...................... 263 Ten Pin Tap, D. Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per. (5/17) ....................................... 205 Tenant Education - Fair Housing, CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) .......................... 177 204 INDEX - BOOK 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Tenth & Central, Parking Lot, asphalt paving pro. (5/17) ...................................... 208 Tenth St. Subdivision, plat of Lot A & Lot 1 approved.(9/7) .............................. 389 Teply, Dan II1, applicant for Housing Comm. (812)(8116) .............................. 335,352 Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park - N of, rezoning requested for 39.8 acres, Ludwig & Tschiggfrie's. (2/18) ....................................... 67 Text amendment of Zoning Ord., reducing City Inspection fees for Subdivision Regulations. (9/20) ...................................... 405 Text amendment regarding temporary uses, City Planner to grant extensions etc,(8116) .......... 360 Text amendment to allow a crematorium as accessory use to a funeral home in RI, R3 & R4 Districts - Patrick Leonard's on Rockdale Rd.(9/20) ....... 409 Temporary uses, Zoning Ord. text amendment, to allow City planner to grant extensions. (8/16)(9/7) .............................. 360,377 Text amendment to Zoning Ord. - sign regulations for gas stations & banks -financial institutions. (4119)(8117) ............................. 173,209 Text amendment to Zoning Ord. - requirements for paving of residential driveways.{6/21) .......... 278 TFM Co., Oky Doky #2, 51 W. 32nd St., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/7) ............................ 181,231 TFM Co., Oky Doky #1,250 W. First St., Wine Beer Lic.; Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/7) .......... 181,231 TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Wine Per.(6/7)(8/16) ................... 231,351,352 TFM Co., Tom Thompson, rezoning of 51 W. Thirty- Second St.(10/18}(f 1/1) ................... 455,471 Termination & Assignment Agreement for Eagle Window & Door, Dbq Eagle LLC & Herman Ahlers.(11/1) ............................ 471,472 Thanks from Jane Petrak re: City Partnership with Prescott Schoo1.(12/6) ........................ 520 The Apartments, Ltd., Dubuque Mining Co. 555 JFK., Liq. Lic.(2/15) ................................ 60 Theater toilet project at Five Flags.(5117)(7/6) . 218,301 Theisen, Diane, of Copper Kettle, refund for Liq. Lic.(11115) .................................. 481 Theisen, James, Local 94 UAW, 3450 Central, Beer Per.(1/4)(12/20) ............................ 4,552 205 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Theodore Konzen Place, rezoning of property on Hwy 20 West from Dbq. County B2 to City C3, with Annexation -for Riley Development Co.(7/6) ..... 297 Therapeutic Recreation (& Aquatic) Supervisor position, certified by Civil Service Comm.(311) .... 76 Thibeau, Regina, objecting to rezoning of Julien Dbq. Drive property requested for salvage yard by R. Kunde; concern of sanitary sewer lines going into Catfish Creek.(4/5}(10/18) ........ 141,439 Thill, Eldon, paid $100 as Sanitary Sewer Back up Assistance Program Settlement,(9/20) .......... 396 Third & Main St., Merchants Hotel, 302 Main, Offer to Buy; Historic Preservation application for Economic Hardship; comments for restoration etc. (311)(3115)(5117) ....................... 95,126,219 Third & Main Sts., Merchants hotel demolition or saving.(5/17) ................................ 219 Third Amendment 1999 CIP Schedule, Dbq. Greyhound Park, to purchase slot machines.(812) ........... 332 Third St., W., Dbq. Cellular, lease of space on Water Tower.(1/18)(2/1) ........................... 34,42 Third St. & Main St., removal of utility poles.(10/18). 442 Third St. Bridge over U.S. 52J161151, IDOT bid letting etc.(9/7) ..................................... 368 Third SL & Iowa Sts., Vedi Associates & IIW Engrg. - design of New Parking Ramp.(11/15) ........... 511 Third SL, West, Water Tower, lease of space for Nextal W1P Lease Corp. & Iowa Wireless Services.(8/16)(9/7) ................... 360,361,380 Thirty-One Hundred Club, 3100 Dodge, Hoffman House, WCB Hotels, Liq. Lic.(12/6) ............. 521 Thirty-Second St., W., & JFK Rd., rezoning NE corner as requested by Kivlahan's.(lO/4)(10/18) .... 426,446 Thirty-Second & Jackson St. re: 3195 Jackson St. rezoning for Mark Becker.(lO/18){11/15) ..... 454,504 Thirty-Second St., 51 W., rezoning requested by Tom Thompson, TFM Co.(10/18)(11/1) ........... 455,471 Thirty-Second St., W., residents objecting to water runoff with development on 2900 Kane - Pine Knolls Condo's - S. Boge.(11/15) ..................... 502 Thoman, Father D., of Wahlert, Gave invocation. (2/15) ........................................ 52 Thomas Byrne Subd., disposal of property to Mercy Medical Center - Clare St. etc.(8/16) ............. 353 Thomas Place, 975, purchase of adjacent lot, request by Larry Langas.(6/7)(6/21) ................ 258,272 2O6 INDEX. BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Thompson, Tom, TFM, rezoning of 51 W. Thirty- Second SL; re: tobacco safes violation - trying hard to train employees. (10/18)(1111)(12J20) ................... 455,471,554 Through Street designated -Seippel Road.(9/20) .. 407 Through street designated -RosemontSt.(513) .... 192 Through Streets designated- Windsor & Mt. Loretta. (10118) ..................................... 449 TIF District - Downtown Urban Reaewal.(9/7) ...... 368 Tigges, Art & Lela, Claim; referred to tas.; $100 pd as Sanitary Sewer Backup Prog. (812)(8116)(1111) ..................... 331,348,464 T gges, Ronald, applicant to TV Cable Rego Comm.; reappointed.(7119)(812) ................... 322,336 Till, Carl, paid $100 as Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance Prog.(9/20} ....................... 396 Time of Council Meetings to start, changed to 6:30. (9/7) ....................................... 386 Times of Opening, Municipal Parking Garages, new Ord.(4/5) .................................... 145 Timmerman, LeRoy, objecting to 1999 Sidewalk Assessments on John F. Kennedy Rd.(7/6) ..... 290 Timmerman, Robert, applicant for Park & Rea. Comm. (6/21)(7/6) .............................. 288,290 Tippe, Elaine, objecting to assessment for Booth SL property.(5/17) .............................. 206 Title of property to Eagle Window & Door, condition removing cloud.(4/19) ........................ 157 Tobacco Outlet Plus #504, Kwik Trip, tac. 806 Wacker Dr.,Cig. Per. Penalty, Headng.(5117)(lO/4) ... 205,433 Tobacco settlements, Iowa funds urged to be used for smoking cessation.(5117) ................ 213 Tobacco v o ations, penalties against permittees, hearings.(4/5)(4/19)~716)(9/20)(lO/4)(12/6) ........................... 140,160,321401,433,520 Toilet project for Theater at Five Flags Civic Center. (5/17) ...................................... 218 Tollbridge Inn, Eagle Pt. Associates, 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(9/7) ................................ 374 Tony's Pawn Shop, Anthony Koch, 1520 Central Ave., construction of Projecting Sign.(6/7) ........... 239 Tony's Place, 1707 Central, C. Steffen, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Tobacco Violation. (2/1)(6/7)(12/6)(12/20) ............... 41,231,520,554 Tool Library -Washington, CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.; Purchase of Services.(5/3)(5/17) .... 177,180 207 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Tott's Tap, Lisa Tort, Carol Meyer, Tobacco violation penalty; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (4119)(716)(812)(9120) ............... 160,289,335,402 Tower structures for various uses, regulations, new Zoning Ord. (1/4) ............................... 7 Towers & Antennas, placement, regulations, new Zoning Ord.(l/4) ............................... 7 Town Clock inn, 799 Town Clock Plaza, Liq. Lic. (2/15) ........................................ 59 Town Clock Plaza Associates, LLC for Trilog, Inc., disposal of certain Urban Renewal Property to them. (9/15)(10118) ......................... 392.444,445 Town Clock Plaza opening etc., presentation by W.H.K.S. & Co.; discussion on design & Reconstruction of 8th St. & Improve. of Main.; Reconstruction Project from Locust to Iowa Sts.; petition of 196, Alice Connor, requesting Plaza stay as is; response; Special Session for discussion by downtown etc.(3/1)(3/15)(6/21)(9/7)(10/4)(12/20) ......................... 74,102,282,283,372,421,549 Traffic change - Rosemont as a through street. (513) ........................................ 192 Traffic change - four way stop requested for Van Buren St. & Alpha St.(5/17) .................... 206 Traffic Change - Turn Lane - Widening of NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave.(9/20)(10/4) ............. 414,431 Traffic change - Sheridan Rd. & intersecting streets, Stop Signs on other streets.(10/18} ............. 448 Traffic change - speed limits on Fremont. Ave., petition for reduction of speed limits; Ord. etc.(6121)(9120)(1014)(10118) ........ 273,404,433,446 Traffic changes - Careless Driving & providing for display of vehicle license plates & stickers.(12/6). 530 Traffic Engineering Study, funding, access from US 61 into Ice Harbor.(4/5) .......................... 139 Traffic signals at Asbury Rd. & Chaney intersection. (513J(6i7)(1014) ....................... 194,237,423 Traffic signals at U.S. Highway 20 & Wal-Mart entrance.(1014} .............................. 422 Trail Head - Heritage, at 502-503 22nd St., purchase agree. - Elizabeth Takes.(2/15}{3/15) ......... 53,~104 Trail - Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail.(6/21) 280,281 Trail - Mines of Spain, Letter of Support for Grant. (9/7) ........................................ 371 Train speed limits, copy of letter from IDOT to Monica Meissner.(11115) ............................. 485 Train speed limits in city limits, Letter to R. Kautz, IDOT.(9/20) .................................. 397 208 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Training Course - NE IA Small Bus. Development Center - 4th Entrepreneurship Training Crs.(3/15) 120 Trans Miss, Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per. (6/7) ....................................... 268 Transit Board of Trustees, applicants G. Enderson, J. Lightcap & M. Sand.(8/16} .................... 352 Transit Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ........ 98 Transit Union, Areal., Bargaining Agree.(6121) ..... 265 Transplants - organ, amend City's health care plans. (6/7) ....................................... 227 Transportation System design, contract with Carter- Goble, Inc.(311 ) ............................... 95 Tree - Street & Landscaping, of public ROW.(6121). 268 Trees in plaza - petition of Alice Connor & 196 signatures, requesting Town Clock Plaza maintain park like atmosphere; response.(9/7)(1014) .. 372,421 Tressel, Ann, rep from Lamar Outdoor Adv. Co., - Ad Hoc Comm. for Billboards.(7/6) ................ 312 Tri-State Automatic Sprinkler Corp. of Davenport, awarded contract for Wm. M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project - Phase I.(7/6) .............. 299 Tri-State Golf Center, 1095 Cedar Cross, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7){8/16) ...................... 231,351 Tri-State Health CARE Coalition, G. Guetzko, re: tobacco settlements funds usage.(5/17) ........ 213 Trick or Treat Night Proclamation, Oct. 31.(9/20) .. 396, Trilog, CEBA Loan Agreement.(9/20) ............. 405 Trilog, Inc., Town Clock Plaza Assoc., disposal of certain Urban Renewal Property to them. (9115)(10/18) ......................... 392,444,445 Triple J Septic Tank Service, re: rate increase for Waste Water Treatment Plant.(7/6) ............. 309 Trowbridge, Kristi, Claim; deniaL(8/16)(9/7) . .. 348,367 Truck Assn., IA Motor, requesting use of Jake brakes etc.(g/-/) .............................. 383 Trucks hauling garbage -wastes, need to be covered.(11/15) .............................. 506 Tscharner, Larry, plat approval of Darwood Acres. (1/18) ....................................... 23 209 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Tschiggfrie, Ed, requesting eminent domain proceedings for sewer & water services at Alpine Mobile Home Park; rezoning of 39.8 acres W of Peru Rd. s of Ginger Ridge & N of Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park; rezoning of property on Peru Rd. N of Kennedy Ct. from AG to RI; Property N of Kennedy Ct. & W of Peru Rd. from AG to R1; final plat of Emerald Acres No. 1 - Tanzanite Dr. & Ct.; awarded contract for 1999 PC Concrete Paving Project No. 2 - Arlington & W. Fifth; delay his demolition bid for Merchants Hotel; re: Merchants Hotel demolition; awarded contract for Kerper Ct. Paving & Utilities Pro..; awarded contract for Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.; re: Jake Brakes; Awarded Contract for demolition of Merchants Hotel; final plat approval of Emerald Acres No. 2 approved; final plat approval of Emerald Acres No. 1; awarded Contract for 351 Iowa SL building demolition; awarded contract for Technology Park Modifications - Maintenance Pro.; Awarded Contract for the Schmitt Harbor Boat Ram Pro. (2115)(311)(3115)(4119)(5117)(617){6121)(716)(7119)(812) (9/7)(11115) ·.. 66,67,68,82,83.124,160,215,216,263,269,270,293,324, 340,342, 370,501,502 Tugboat Willy's, formerly Wheelhouse, lease, Dbq. Yacht Basin-etc.; Cig. Per. Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; civil penalty for cigarette violation; penalty. (311)(3/15)(4/5)(6/7)(7/19)(812) ............................ 76,119,140,231,321,339 Turn Lane - Widening of NW Arterial & Pennsylvania Ave.(9/20)(lO/4) .......................... 414,431 Turner, Jeannette L., Claim; Referred to Ins. (4119)(5/3) ............................... 153,175 Turnmeyer, Sister Inez, for 1561 Jackson rezoning, Maria House.(812} ............................ 336 TV Cable Regulatory Comm., applicant Walter Webster; appointed; applicant Ronald Tigges; appointed.(6/21)(7/6){7/19) .. 269,290,322,336 TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm., applicants Anthony Allen & Dave Wanamaker, reappointed both; applicants Paul Kohl and Sr. Carol Hoverman; reappointment of Sr. Carol Hoverman. (6/21)(716)(812)(8116) ................ 269,290,336,352 Twelfth Addn., Dbq. Ind. Center, disposing of property to Dubuque Initiatives.(6/21) ................... 272 Twelfth St. to Fourteenth St., plat of vacation portion - & disposal to P. Mihalakis.(4/5)(4119) ........ 148,158 210 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE T Twenty-Eight E (28E) Agreement with School Dis. (2/15) ....................................... 66 Twenty-First & Central, acceptance of Warranty Deed from Melvin & Carmen Leslein.(9/7) ............ 371 Twenty-First & Central intersection Curb Modification. (9/7)(9/20) .............................. 389,403 Twenty-Fourth Street, 3 Stop Signs, Elm St. & Prince SL(10/18) ................................... 450 Twenty-Second St., 501-503, purchase agree, for trail head of Heritage Trail from Elizabeth Takes. (2/15){3/15) .............................. 53,104 Tyra Lane, East of, in Dbq. County, - Kevin & Valerie Schmitt-subdivision plat approval.(11/15) ...... 483 211 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE U U.S. 20 Bridge Repair Project over Mississippi, IDOT Notice.(1/4) ................................... 1 U.S. 20 Capacity Bridge study.(1/18) .............. 23 U.S. 20 to Landfill, South Fork Sanitary Sewer Pro. - Phase IV.(3/1) ................................ 95 U.S. 20 - Dodge St., 12 month moratorium on issuance of building permits in this corridor.(4/19) ....... 162 U.S. 20 - & English Mill Rd., rezoning & annexation of English Mill Road, 11515, rezoning, requested by Mike Portzen & Gerald & Judith Sieged; annexation req uested.(6/16)(9/7) ..................... 359,376 U.S. 20 & Wal-Mart entrance, Traffic Signals. (10/4) ..................................... 422 U.S. 20 Water Main Extension Project from NW Arterial to the new Seippel Rd. Intersection.(1111) ...... 465 U.S. 52/61/151 - Third St. Bridge over, IDOT advising bid letting at a later date.(9/'7) ................. 368 U.S. 61 Exit ramp to Kerper Blvd. & Dbq. Greyhound Park, IDOT Pro.; bids & location of utilities etc. (3/1)(7/19} ............................... 76,318 U.S. 61 into Ice Harbor, traffic engineering study for access.(4/5) ................................ 139 U.S. Census Bureau, partnership agree.(9/'7} ...... 369 UCC Security Agreements- Financing Statements Subordination Agreement with the State of tawa for Dubuque Data Services Comm. Economic Befferment Account CEBA Loan.(7/6) ......... 288 Underground electric service on City ROW at Grace & Algona SL for University of Dbq.(9/20) ......... 405 Underground sprinkler system at 3400 Jackson St. - Flexsteel.(9/7)(11/15) ..................... 368,508 Ungs, Joe, speaking in favor of saving the Merchants Hotel.(6/21) ................................ 269 Ungs, Joseph, applicant to Historic Pres. Comm. (4/19)(5/17) ............................. 175,206 Uniform Mechanical Code adopted.(11/15) .... 506,507 Uniform Plumbing Code adopted.(11/15) .......... 507 Union Addition, final plat - NE Corner of Rush & Plum Sts.(7/19) .................................. 319 Union Cigar Store, 332-.338 Main. St. & Merchants Hotel, 302 Main., Offers to buy.(3/1) ............. 95 Union Label Week Proclamation.(9/'7) ............ 367 United Methodist Church, property at 12691 JFK Road, rezonlng in conjunction with annexation. (5/17)(6/7) .......................... 217,234,235 212 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE U United States Cellular Telephone LP, Lease, Installation -Wireless Telecommunication Antenna Facility.(2/1) ................................. 42 United Way Campaign Time Proclam.(8/2) ........ 331 University Ave., 1081, monitoring wells on ROW, for Shell Oil Co., requested by Apex Environmental. (4/5) ....................................... 138 University Ave., 1091, ROW for Projecting Awning Sign as requested by Jimmy & Debbie Matheos - Athenian Grill.(8/16) .................................. 357 University of Dubuque, Amending ID Dis., expansion of Library & a new Parking Lot.(4119)(513) . .. 172,182 University of Dubuque, extension of time limit to 6/2000 for PR Planned Res. Conceptual Devel. Plan. (6/21) ...................................... 260 University of Dubuque underground electric service on City ROW at Grace & Algona SL(9/20) .......... 405 Unsen, Dave, objecting to rezoning of NE Corner of JFK Rd. & W. Thirty-Second for Kivlahans. (1014) ...................................... 426 Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge Interpretive Center, Dbq. County Historical Center.(6/7)(8/16) ..................... 229,349,350 Uptown Recreation Program - summer day camp, Grant Agree. with Four Mounds Foundation.(4/19) 156 UrbanDeerManagementPlan.(3115)(9120) .... 126,408 Urban Renewal property to Town Clock Plaza Associates, LLC for Trilog, Inc.(9115)(10118) . 392,444 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds - $900,000 Advanced Data Corem Pro.. (2/22)(311}(3115) ...................... 72,80,87,106 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Promissory Note - $800,000.(716) ..................... 302,303 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Bonds, $3,200,000, Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park - Eagle Window & Door etc. {7/19)(8/2)(12/6) ............... 328,337,338,528-534 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District - Downtown; disposal of Merchants Hotel property to Dbq. Area Chamber of Commerce. (9/7)(12/20) ............................. 368,553 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Ord. for Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Economic Deve]. Dis.(9/7) ....... 387 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds - $360,000, to support Horizon - DuCarte & CarteGraph Systems.(11/1)(11/15) ......... 477,488 213 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE U Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Bonds for expansion of the Fifth SL Parking Ramp - $3,100,000.(11/15)(12/6) ................... 513,527 Urban Revitalization Areas, tax exemptions for individuals for various districts.(2/15) ......... 56,57 Usage Agreement with the Dbq. Fighting Saints for Five Flags Civic Center.(9/7) ................... 369 Ulstad, Steve ~ & Bethany Home expansion at 1005 Lincoln, rezoning.(10118)(11/1) ............. 455,469 USHA Park Grading Pro.(6/7)(7/6) ............ 253,300 Usha Park Sanitary Sewer improvements.(12/20) .. 551 Utilities & Paving Project, Kerper CL(6121) .... 281,282 Utilities, City, infrastructure, development standards etc.(8/16) ................................... 356 Utilities - relocation, off ramp on U.S. 61, westbound to Dog Track etc.(7/19) .......................... 318 Utility Easement vacated to Dubuque Initiatives - 8' wide on Lot 2 Dbq. Industrial Center 12th Addn. (6/7)(6/21) ............................... 256,272 Utility Easement release for property on Radford Rd., by Dbq. Initiatives.(5/17) ...................... 201 Utility Poles on Third St. &Main. Sts., recommendation to move.(10/18) .............................. 442 Utility Water rates changed.{3/2) ................. 100 214 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE V Vacant buildings, status report on Housing Dept. monitoring activities.(9/20) ................... 401 Vacate a portion of Pine St. from 12th to 14th. (4/S) ....................................... 148 Vacate an 18' Sanitary Sewer Easement, Stonehi]l Care Center.(5/17) ........................... 201 Vacate an unused 8' wide utility easement to Dubuque Initiatives.(6/7) .............................. 256 Vacate Clearview Drive - Mike Finnin Ford.(4119) .. 165 Vacate unimproved portion of Kane Ct. to Delbert & Larry Miller.((8/16) ........................... 362 Vacated portion of E. 14th St., plat approval etc. (4/5) ................................... 148,149 Vacating 50' of IDOT ROW along NW Arterial at Pennsylvania, old Floor Show building.(4/lg) ... 157 Vacated Maple Leaf Ave. - (& Monroe Ave.), Arty Gary Norby for J. Kreiman, requesting vacation - near Louella Lane, plat approval & disposal. (7119)(1111)(11115) ................ 318,474,475,486 Vacation and purchase of Allison Place property. (1/18) ....................................... 27 Vacation & disposal of portion of Grandview Ave. to DB & T Bank.{4~5)(5117) ............... 138,220,221 Vacation & purchase requested by Geneva M. Block, at corner of Brunswick & Elbow Sts.(8/16) ........ 350 Vacation & Sale of Allison Place & a 20' alley abutting NW line of Lot 12 of Finley Home Addn. to The Finley Hospital.(2/1) ......... , .................. 49 50 Vacat on of a portion of 18 san tary sewer easement for Padre Plo Health Care Center.(6/7) .......... 256 Vacation of McClain SL lying SW of Clara St. & adjacent alley etc. to Dubuque Lodging Inc.(2/1) 47,48 Vacuum Filter Plant Electrical Room, Eagle Point Water PlanL(11/1) ...................... 465 466 Valent ne Park Construct on Pro., Phase 11.(10/18) . 440 Valley Streets & Washington, Storm Damage Repair Project.(6/7)(6/21 ) ....................... 246,270 Van Buren Ave. & Alpha St., petition by D. Reardon for four-way stop; street reconstruction w/out any stop signs.(4/5)(1014)(11115) ....... 138,424,435,511 Van Buren St.. P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. No. 1 - 1999, also Booth & Bryant Sts.; amendment. (4119)(5117)(617) .............. 170,171,206,245,290 Van Eaton & Miller Law firm, to assist City with Cable Franchise renewal process.(5/17) ........ 203 Van Etten, Attorney, re: Rockdale Cemetery Assn. assessment.(2/15) ............................ 66 Van Milligen, City Manager Mike, appointed to Operation: New View; on Enterprise Zone Comm.; evaluation; Employment Agreement amendment; serve on IA League of Cities Policy Comm.(1/18)(2/15)(612)(6/7)(12/6) . 32,58,223,229,520 215 INDEX- BOOK129 999 SUBJECT PAGE V Van Vors, Michael, Claim; referred to Ins. (8116)(9n') ............................... 348,367 Vandermillen, Jeff, Claim; referred to ins. (2/15)(3/1) ................................. 52,75 Varner, Helen, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. for Aldis' etc.(3/1) . .. 87,88 Vedi Associates & IIW Engrs. selected for design of Parking Ramp at Third & Iowa Sts.(11/15) ....... 511 Vehicle Exhaust System Project - Operations & Maintenance DepL Building Pro.(1/18) ........... 26 Vehicle License plates & stickers, Ord. providing for display etc.(12/6) ............................. 530 Vehicle Noise Level - re: Brakes, Jake - prohibition, discussion etc.(8/2)(9/7) .................. 340,383 Vehicles -Ord. re: off-street parking etc. (6/21)(716) ............................... 278,298 Vehicles hauling Solid waste - garbage ...Ord. requiring covering.(11115) ..................... 506 Vehicles - prohibiting passengers from open containers of alcohol.(12/6) ................... 531 Ventilating - Heating & Air Conditioning, new Mechanical Code Ord. adopted.(11115) .......... 506 Video Reel Slot Machines, Third Amend. to Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino to allow purchase.(8/2) 332 Villa, Florence, & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Project.(9/7)(1014) ............ 387-389,424,425 Vilsack, Governor, re: appointment of two representatives to Iowa Earth Year 2000 - Gil Spence & Terry Duggan with Nicholson as alternate. (12/6) ....................................... 532 Viner, Dr. John, letter forwarded to him on issues & ramifications.(10/18) .......................... 454 Violations, alcohol, four liquor licensees.(5/3) ..... 178 Violence - Domestic, Awareness Month, Proclam. (10/4) ....................................... 417 Violence - YWCA Week without, Proclam.(10118) ... 438 Vision 2000, Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. format & schedule re: progress.(1111) ........... 467 Visiting Nurse Assn., Agreement- Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding.(8/2) ...................... 334 Visiting Nurse Assn., Fiscal Year & Quarterly report by B. Moran.(7119) ............................ 316 Visiting Nurse Assn., report by S. Baumhover, Chair.(10/18) ................................ 437 Visitors Bureau (& Convention), report(s). (1118)(4119)(10118) ..................... 21,153,438 216 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE V VNA - Lisa Sesterhenn, continuation of Agreement for Healthy Dubuque 2000 Pro.(8116) .............. 381 VNA, report by S. Baumhover, Chair.(10118) ...... 437 VNA -Visiting Nurse Assn., Fiscal Year & Quarterly report by B. Moran.(7/19) ..................... 316 VNA - Visiting Nurse Assn., Agreement - Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding.(8/2) ................. 334 Voetberg, Dirk, Mayor Pro-Tern; reappointed to GDDC.(513)(6121) ........................ 175,277 Vogl, Father Robert, of Loras College, Gave Invocation.(11/15) ........................... 481 Vogt, Rita, objecting to sewer ext. for Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sts.(10/4) ..................... 424 Voluntary Annexation requests by City of Asbury, City Development Board, letter of City Manager. (716)(9/20) .............................. 288,401 Vondran, Jill, Claim; referral to Ins. (8/2)(8/16) .............................. 331,348 Votes -Abstract of, for Council Member Election. (11/15} ..................................... 481 217 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W W. 32nd St. & NE corner of JFK Rd. - Kivlahan's, request for rezoning & concurrent annexation. (9/20) ..................................... 409 W. C. Stewart Con. awarded contract for the Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext.(10/4) 426 W. Fifth St. & Arlington St., 1999 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(5/3){6/7) .................. 194,195,233 W. Fourth St., 120, Accept. of Assignment of contract & purchase agree.(2/1)(2/15) ................ 41,58 W. Third St- Water Tower, lease space to Dbq. Cellular Telephone L.C.(1/18)(2/1) ................... 34,42 W. Third St. Water Tower, lease space to Nextel WIP Lease Corp.(9/7) ............................ 379 W. Third St. Water Tower, lease space to Nextel WIP - Wireless comm unication.(8/16)(9/7) ........ 360,379 W. Third St- Water tower, lease apace to 10wa Wireless Services, LP.(8/16)(9/7) ................... 360,380 W. Thirty-Second & JFK Road, NE Corner, rezoning requested by Kivlahan's.(10/4) ............... 426 W. Thirty-Second St-, Dr. Sullivan & N. Steinhauser opposing any water runoff with Pine Knolls Condo Devel.- S. Boge, 2900 Kane St.(11/15) ......... 502 W.H.K.S. & Co. rep's - presentation, opening Town Clock Plaza -opening Eighth St. etc.(3/1) ........ 74 Waddell, George, Iowa Potato & Produce House, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/21) ....................... 231 Wagner, Tracy A., VP of Finance & Auxiliary, re: UD Electrical Service.(9/20) ..................... 407 Wal-Mart & U.S. Hwy 20 entrance, traffic signals. (10/4) ..................................... 422 Wal-Mart, 4200 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Liq. Per.(5/17)(10/18) ..................... 205,443 Walgreens ~'~0377, 555 JFK., Cig. Per.; Cig. Violation Penalty.(6F[)(9120)(lOI4) ............... 231,401,433 Wall areas for Signs, amendment to Zoning Ord., L Weitz Signs - Plaza 20, 2600 Dodge.(1/18) ...... 33 Wail, Becky, rezoning of QHQ properties at SW Corner of NW Art. & Asbury Rd.(l/4} .................... 5 Wall Improvement at Five Flags Civic Center - Partition pro.(4/5) ................................... 133 Wall Reconstruction Project - Klingenberg Terrace. (716)(8/2)(9120) ....................... 312,337,397 Wall-mounted signage of the PC Dis. for Plaza 20. (2/1) ........................................ 43 Wallace, Sidney, purchase property from Wm. Hos estata.(2/15) ................................. 53 Waller, Jim, County Supervisor, meeting re: expansion of law enforcement centar.(6123) .............. 285 Walnut Tap, C. Weiner, 709 University, Cig. Per.; Liq. Llc.(6/7)(7/6) ............................ 231,289 Walsh, John, Pres. of Miss. River Museum, re: Merchants Hotel restoration etc.(5117) ......... 219 218 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W Wage Package Agreements, Unions & Non-Bargaining. {5/17) .................................. 201,202 Wanamaker, Dave, applicant for TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.; reappointed. (6/21)(7/6) ............................ 269,290 Wareco Serv ce Stet on, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; Cig. violation penalty. (4/19) (6/7)(9/20)(10/4)(12/6)(4 ~20) ....................... 158,231,401,433,520,554,555 Warming House & Concession Bldg., ice Rink.(6/7)227 Warranty Deed, 21st & Central,. Marvin Leslein's. (9/7) ....................................... 371 Washington & Valley Streets, Storm Damage Repair. (6/7)(6/21) .............................. 246,270 Washington Park Place, Motel development proposed for 605 Bluff St. (former Mary of the Angel's Home} K. Freeman.(4/19)(5/3} .................. 172, 186 Washington St. from 13th & 30th St. Curb Ramp Pro.(1/18) ................................. 23,24 Washington SL Urban Revit. Dis., tex exemptions. (2/15) ....................................... 56 Washington Tool Library, CDBG Funds & Environ. Notice.; Purchase of Service Agree.(5/3) .... 177,180 Washington Westport Co. - Kathleen Freeman, 605 BluffSt. rezoning&development.(4/19)(5/3}. 172,186 Waste containers & garbage cans, Housing Code amendments etc.(4/19)(5/3) .............. 160,189 Waste coverage. Veh cles Hauling Solid Waste, Ord.(11/15) ................................. 506 Waste delivery contract, Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(6/21) ......................... 267 Waste from other counties considered for Landfill - Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. w(aS~e7)water Compliance Evaluation Inspection Repo2rt13 - Iowa Environmental Protection Div.(8/2) ....... 332 Water & Sewer extension, changes in City Standards, Policies & Extension of Utilities & Infrastructure etc. (8/16) ...................................... 356 Water connection request & annexation by Pat & Sandy Welsh at corner of Olde Hwy Rd. & Cottingham Rd.(3/15) ........................ 123 Water Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ......... 98 Water main, 16" on Seippel Rd., Lic. Agree. -Illinois Central Railroad Cross.{4/5} ................... 132 Water Main easement to service Alpine Mobile Home Park -E. ¥schiggfrie requesting eminent domain help.(2/15)(4/19) .......................... 66,160 219 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W Water Main Extension -Wm. Block Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase I.(7/6) ................. 299 Water Main Extension project, Hwy 20, from NW Arterial to new Seippel Rd.(Il/I) ............... 465 Water Main across easement on Perfection Oil property, easement agreement with I & M Rail, LLC. (12/20) ...................................... 652 Water Plant Operator, certification by Civil Service Commission.(12/20) .......................... 551 Water Pollution Control Plant Departmental Budget Hearing.(3/2) ................................. 98 Water Pollution Control Plant- fixing fees for haulers of Domestic - Septic Tanks - Sewage discharged, (7/6) ........................................ 309 Water Pollution Control Plant, two portable generators.(9/7) .............................. 369 Water Rates increased.(3/2) ..................... 100 Water runoff problem at 2900 Kane, Pine Knolls Condo Devel., S. Boge.(1111)(11/15) ............... 470,502 Water Service Assessments - amendment to 1999 PC Concrete Paving Project - No. I - Bryant, Booth & Van Buren.(7/6) ........................ '. .... 290 Water Street & First St., Agreement with Seneca Environmental for monitoring Wells at First & Water Streeta-(~1118) ................................. 25 Water Tower on W. Third SL, Dbq. Cellular Telephone leasing space.(l118)(2/l) .................... 34,42 Water Tower, W. Third St., Nextal WIP Wireless Commu nication - lease space.(8/16)(9/7) 360,379,380 Water Tower, W. Third St., iowa Wireless Services, LP, lease space for wireless comm.(8/16)(9/7) ... 360,380 Water Tower on Pennsylvania Ave., Lease to Nextel WIP Lease Corp.- Telecommunication Antenna Facility.(12J20) ............................... 559 Watermain Extension - Wm. Block Steamboat Restoration Pro. - Phase I.(7/6) ................. 299 Waffers Subd. No. 2 - approval of Plat & Vacation of McClain St. for Dbq. Lodging etc.(2/1) ......... 47,48 Waugh, Dennis of IIW, re: water runoff at Pine Knolls Condo Devel. at 2900 Kane, S. Boge, Kane Devel. (11/1)(11115) ............................. 470,502 WCB Hotels, Inc. Hoffman House, 3100 Dodge, Liq. Lic.(12/6) ................................... 521 Weaver Enterprise., Papa Sarducci's, 1895 JFK., Beer/Wine Per.(5/17) .......................... 205 Webb Alliance as consultant for Housing Services Dept. Future Search Conference.(8/2) ........... 332 220 INDEX=- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W Weber, Anna, re: rezoning of 13745 Old Highway Rd. (12/6) ............ : ..................... 523-525 Weber, Dolores, Ten Pm Tap, 601 Rhomber~, Cig. Per.(5/17) ............................... 205 Weber, Marvin, Claim; Referred to 1ns.(6/7)(7/6) 225,286 Webster, Walter, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm.; reappointed.(6/21) (7/6) ............ 269,290 Weiland, Dale & Marcia, Claim; Referred to Ins. (7/6)(7/19) .............................. 286,317 Weiner, Craig, Walnut Tap, 709 University, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(7/6) ......................... 231,289 Weiser, R. Scott, Pres. of IA Motor Truck Assn., requesting engine or Jake brakes be continued to be used.(9/7) ............................... 383 We tz, Larry Signs Systems, rezoning of SW Corner of NW Art. & Asbury Rd.; changing of K-Mart sign at Plaza 20.(1/4)(2/1) ........................... 5,43 Weitz, Larry, Sign Systems, A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., amend Pi Systems, signage on buildings. (1/18)(2/1) ................................ 33,42 Weitz, Larry Signs Systems - American Trust & Savings Bank.(10/18) ........................ 455 Welch, Michael E., dba Tugboat Willy's, sublease Dbq. Yacht Basin property.(311)(3115} ............ 76,119 Welder- Qualified, MechanicalCode.(11115) .. 506,507 Wells, Monitoring, at 198 LocusL(l/4) .............. 2 Wells, Monitoring, Seneca Environmental, on ROW at First & Water Sts.(1/18) ........................ 25 Wells, Monitoring, within ROW at 1081 University for Shell Oil, Apex Environmental, Inc.(415) ......... 138 Welsh, Patrick & Sandra, voluntary annexation requested of their property at Olde Hwy 20 & Cottingham Rd. in order to get City Water - due to toxic well; objecting to Stewart rezoning at SW Corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. (2115)(3115)(11115) ...................... 56,123,504 Welter, Marie, re: 1561 Jackson rezoning, Maria House.(8/2) ................................. 336 Welter, Tom, objecting to Pine Knolls Devel. at 2900 Kane - S. Boge, Kane Devel.(1111)(11115) .... 470,502 West Dodge St. - Hwy 20, re: SW Arterial & Environmental AssessmenL(2/18) .............. 70 West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, 1701 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; transfer of liq. lic to Fifth & Sixth of Main St. (4/19)(8/2) .............................. 158,351 West Eleventh Street Urban ReviL Dis., tax exemptions.(2/15) ......................... 56,57 221 INDEX -BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W West Locust Mart, L. Potter, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/1)(5/17) ........................ 41,205 West Ridge 2nd Addn., Delbert & Larry Miller requesting vacation of Kane Ct.(812)(8116) ... 332,362 West Ridge Second Addn., disposal to Delbert Miller. (9/7) ........................................ 379 West Rosedale St., request for name change of Rosedale from Avoca to Asbury Rd.(3115) ....... 104 West Thirty-second St., & NE corner of JFK Rd., rezoning of property - Kivlahan's. (9120)(1014)(10118) .................... 409,426, 446 West Thirty-second St., 51, rezoning for Tom Thompson - TFM Co.(10/18)(1111) .......... 455,471 Westemeier, Ms. Lois, Claim; referred to Ins. (1/4)(1/16) .................................. 1,21 Westmark, Lots 7, 8, 9 & D, accepting improvements. (1/4) .......................................... 3 Westmore Dr., Carter Rd. property, Zoning, Significant Change for property.(7/19) .................... 319 Westphal & Co. awarded contract for Asbury Rd. at Chaney Rd. traffic signals; awarded contract for Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro. (6/7)(9/7) ................................ 231,381 Westside Court, rezoning W of the NW Arterial along Hwy 20, Westside CL, Radford Rd. & Old Highway Rd. - newly annexed area, from AG to RI, R3, C3, & CS.(11/15)(12/6) .................... 512,522,523 Westside Intake Replacement 1999 Pro. (1118)(2/15) ............................. 33,34,64 Whalen, John, Landlord Housing Code stay intact. (3/1)(4/19) ................................ 76,161 Whalen, Karen, for rezoning of 1561 Jackson SL for Maria House.(8/2) ......................... 336 Wheedle, George E., Jr., Iowa Potato & Produce House, 2600 Dodge.(1118) ...................... 28 Wheelhouse now to be Tugboat Willy's - approval of lease wf Dbq. Marina; Cig. Per.(3/1)(6/7) .... 76,231 Whiskey River, C. Streff, 1064 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/5)(5/17) ........................... 140,205 White Cane Safety Day Proclam.(10/4) ............ 417 White, Dan of L. Weitz Signs, for S. Kahle of Plaza 20, re: Big K-Mart Sign.(2/1) .................... 43 White House Tap, D. Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/7)(12/20) .............. 232,552 White, Ronald & Margie, 2509 Lincoln Ave., rezoning request.(5117)(6~7)(716) ................ 217,242,293 Whitey's Bar X, refund on unexpired Liq. Lic. (5117) ....................................... 199 222 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT W PAGE Whitlow, Kathryn, objecting to sewer ext. on Florence, Villa & Mountain Lane Sts.{10/4) ............... 425 Whittenbaugh, Wayne, Pastor of Apostolic Christian Church, Gave Invocation.(3/15) ................ 103 WHKS & Co., design firm for Dbq. Ind. Center West landscaping Pro.; re: design concepts of opening Main Street & summary of meetings. (4/5)(12/20) ............................. 138,549 Widening of Pennsylvania Ave. at NW Arterial Pro.(9/20)(1014) ............ · ........... 414,415,431 Widmeier, Tim, 775 Gillespie St., plat approval of Widmeier PL(3115) ..................... 105 W dflower Dr. res dents, petition objecting to rezoning at SW Corner OF NW Art. & Asbury Rd.(l/4) ....... 5 Wildlife & Fish Refuge, Upper Mississippi, application to HUD.(6/7) ................................. 229 Wilhelm, Mary, & Keith Kann, amendment to Lease with Dubuque Marina.(3115)(4~5) ........... 127,141 William M. Black Steamboat Restoration Project, Phase I & II; Phase III {Hold Lead Abatement & Surface Encapsulation). {6r/){7/6) (8/2) (9t7) .......... 254,255,299,300,344,382 Williams, Marian, - Rockdale Cemetery assessment; Claim; Claim referred to Ins. (2/15)(716)(7/19) ........................ 66,286,317 Williams St. & strip North of, Mike Strader requesting to purchase property.(3/15) ................... 104 Willmes, Rosella, $100 payment for Sanitary Sewer Backup Assistance program.(9120) ............. 396 Wilson Bros. Leasing, Claim; referred to Ins. (4/5)(4/19) ............................... 130,153 Wilson, Gene, speed limit on Fremont Ave.(9/20) .. 404 Wilson, Marllyn J., Claim; referred to Peoples Natural Gas.(9/7)(10/4) .................... 367,417 Winchester, Roger, Claim; referral to las. (10118)(1111) ............................ 438,464 Window & Door, Eagle, disposal of property in Urban Renewal Dis.; Application for 2.3 Mil. Loan Guarantee, CDBG; Environmental Notice & Funds Release; approval of agreement; disposing of Kerper Blvd. Property to them; removal of condition, .cloud on property title removed; site preparation; Issuance of $3,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax inc. Revenue Bonds; amendment to development agreement. (114)(2/15)(311)(4/19)(6t7){7119)(812}(12/6)(12120) ............. 10,58,60,78,157,242,328,337,338,528,558 Herman Ahlers, Termination & Assignment Agree. (1111)(11115) ......................... 471,472,485 223 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W Windsor & Mt. Loretta, as Through Streets.(10118) . 449 Windsor Tap, G.J.'s, 2411 Windsor, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5-17){716) ....................... 205,289 Winger, Tara, police officer problems; claim, denial. (4/5)(5/17)(6,'7) ....................... 143,199,226 · Winneshiek County, Providing for Cooperation with Other Governmental Units in the Creation & Operation of the Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(9/7) ............................. 373 Winter maintenance agreement between City & County - roads.(10/18) ............................... 439 Winter's Garage & Welding, Inc. of Galena, IL awarded contract for 1999 Downtown Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing.(12/6) ........ 526 Wireless communications - regulations for placement of antennas & towers.(1/4) ...................... 7 Wireless communication facility, lease of space on W. Third Water Tower.(1118)(2/1)(8116)(9/7) ............................. 34,42,360,361,379,380 Wires buried request by Mike Schmalz Jr. at 2001 Alta Vista St.(11/15) .............................. 509 Wirkler, Norm, report re: expansion of law enforcement expansion project & closing of Eighth St.(6/23) .................................... 285 Wolff, Larry, & Ron & Jane Ainely, disposal of property in Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Dbq. Industrial Center 12th Addn.(10/18)(lOI25) .................. 456,461,462 Women's Shelter, Battered, YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter Pro.(11/1) ............................ 466 Wood, Tim & Vicki Bechen, Arlington St. property Historic Pres. district, vinyl siding appeal. (9/7)(12/20) .............................. 372,558 Woodland Ridge Subdivision, rezoning of South side of Starlight Dr.(6121) .......................... 278 Wetlands Nature Trail - Heron Pond. (6121)(7/19) .......................... 280,281,324 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, 1103 Iowa, Cig. Per.; tobacco violation penalty etc.(6/7)(8/2) ...... 231,339 Woodman, Myra, Central Tap, 1046 Central, Cig. Per. (6/7) ........................................ 231 Woodview Dr. in Barrington Lakes, plat approval of Forest Ridge Estates (County).(3115) ............ 106 Wooten & Clara Streets, rezoning of nearby property from R1 to ID with conditions.(6/21) ............ 278 Work Session on City Council, discussion of N. Grandview Ave. Extension.(1118) ................ 19 Work Session with Dbq. County Bd. of Health, changes in law etc.(4/19) ...................... 152 224 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE W Work Session with Historic Pres. Comm. to review changes.(6121) .............................. 275 Work Session with Cable Regulatory Comm. (7119) ...................................... 327 Worker's Comp. Claim of Mary Hoff, settled.(513) .. 176 Worker's Comp. Claim of Tom Fransen, settled.(4/5) 131 Worker's Week - Older, Proclamation.(3/15) ....... 103 Workforce Investment Bd., Regional, nomination; cooperation with other Governmental Units in Creation & Operation of Service Delivery Area One Consortium.(7119)(9/7) .................... 327,373 Wysocki, Joe & Ed, objecting to requested Stewart rezoning of SE corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd.(11/15) .................................. 504 225 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE X 226 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Y Yacht Basin, Inc., sublease to M. Welch dba Tugboat Willy's.(3/1)(3115) ......................... 76,119 Yardarm, 1201 Shiras Ave., Liq. Lic.(3115) ........ 121 Yardarm, M & K Ltd. 1201 Shiras, Cig. Per.; Tobacco Sales Violation, Penalty, Hearing. (6/7)(9120)(1014) ...................... 232,401,433 Yeast, Jim, objecting to rezoning of SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C2 to PC - QHQ Properties - for AIdi's & Dbq. Discount Gas.(3/1) .. 87 Yen Chings, Sun's Corp., 920 Main, Liq. Lic. (1111} ...................................... 468 YMCA-YWCA Building, rezoning of 35 N. Booth from ORto OS & R1 to OS.(1/4} ...................... 5 Yoko, Benjamin - by Greg, parent, Claim.(12/20) . .. 550 Yoko, Greg, of Zoning Bd of Adjustment re: text amendment for canopy & freestanding canopy. (5/17) .................................. 209,210 Youngbluth, John, rezoning to QHQ Development at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd.(l/4) ...... 5 Youth Appreciation Week Proclam.(11/1) ......... 464 Youth in Government students at Council Meeting. (4/5) ....................................... 130 YWCA, CDBG Partnership funds.(5/3) ............ 192 YWCA Week Without Violence Proclam.(lO/18) .... 438 YWCA Battered Women's Shelter - No Environmental Impact for YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter Pro.; Awarding of Housing Trust Funds in amL of $25,000; publication of notices etc.. (1111}(11115) ............................ 466,485, 227 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Z ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1118)(311)(3115)(513)(5117)(6121)(1014)(1111)(1216)(12120) ............... 21,75,103,175,199,260,417,464,518,550 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3115)(4119)(5117)(6121){7119)(9120)(1216) ........................ 103,153,199,260,317,396,519 Zelinskas, Tony, of WHKS, re: Streetscape Concepts on Main St. from Fifth to Ninth SL(12/20) ....... 549 Zhang, Xiao Mou, awning & sign at Great Dragon Rest` at 1278 Central.(4/5) .................... 145 Zirkelback, Dennis, Zirks, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.; refund on liq. 1ic.(1/18)(12/6) .................... 28,519 Zirk's, 1689 Elm St,, Liq. Lic.; Refund on Liq. Lic. (1/18)(12/6) ............................. 28,519 Zoning at SW Corner of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG & C3 to PUD with PC & Pr - QHQ Properties - Mike Quagliano.(l/4)(311) ................. 5,87-90 Zoning, 35 N. Booth -0 YMCA-YWCA from OR to OS & East of YMCA-YWCA Bldg. from RI to OS.(1/4) .... 5 Zoning of 2275 Elm St. from R2.A to CS - Todd Schmitz.(l/4) .................................. 6 Zoning of 2275 Elm St. from P,2A to CS - Todd Schmitz.(l/4) .................................. 6 Zoning - plat approval of Lookout Point Subd. No. 2 - 1960 & 2000 South Grandview, John & Alice Butler. (1/18) ....................................... 22 Zoning Adv. Corem, approval of Ron Smith's time extension for final plan for Loras Estates.(1/18)... 23 Zoning Adv. Comm., amend PC Dis. to allow total sign area not to exceed 10% of wall area parallel and/or closets to frontage on internal drives - Larry Weitz Sign Systems - Plaza 20, 2600 Dodge. (1/18)(2/1) ................................ 33,43 Zoning - amend PI District to allow signage on any building facade - Larry Weitz Sign Systems/A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.(1/18)(2/1) ............. 33,42,43 Zoning change requested from County AG to PR - Emerald Acres 2 - Ludwig~ & Tschiggfrie's.(2]15) . 67 Zoning property adjacent to & W of 3939 Pennsylvania Ave. from RI to C3 - E. Dbq. Bancshares/Dbq. Assem biles of God.(2/15) ...................... 68 Zoning change on Peru Rd. N of Kennedy CL off Peru Rd. from AG to RI -Tschiggfrie.(2/15) ........... 68 Zoning of SW Corner of Asbury Rd. & NW Art. from C3 & AG to PUD - J. Anesi - Aldi, Inc.(2/15) .......... 68 Zoning of 17111 Peru Rd. - County from AG to R1 - Ludwig.(2/15) ................................ 68 Zoning, 255 JF Kennedy Rd. to allow freestanding signs - Kieffer & Co. Inc. ShopKo.(2/15) .......... 69 228 OOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning reclassification of property on Hwy 20 West from Dbq. County Al to City's C-3 General Comm. Dis..-Wm.&JanetSiegert.(311)(3115) ........ 95,122 Zoning -4100 Asbury from AG to C2 -Tim Hilby. (2/15) ....................................... 69 Zoning - RV's - Recreational Vehicle Parking on owners' property- Mrs. E. Plumley concerns.(3/1). 75 Zoning - plat approval of Tim Widmeier, 775 Gillespie SL(3115) .................................... 105 Zoning change requested for 1105 Julien Dubuque Drive, R. Kunde, for Auto Salvage Yard; time extension for earth work restoration. (3115)(415)(6121) ....................... 126,153,261 Zoning denial for 1125 Rockdale for Klnderland for P. Mohr.(3/'15) ........................... 126,127 Zoning plat approval of Hooper's Addn..(4/19) .... 154 Zoning plat approval of Kerper Industrial Park. (4119) .................................. 154,155 Zoning of 605 Bluff St. (Washington Park Place -old Lady of Lourdes) from OR to C4 - Kathleen Freeman -Washington Westport P1.(4119) ............... 172 Zoning Adv. denial to amend PUD Dis. for Medical Associates Clinic - 1500 Associates Dr.(4/'19) .... 172 Zoning amend, of University of Dubuque iD Dis.; extension of time limit by Zoning Adv. Comm. (4119)(513)(6121) ................... 172,182.185,260 Zoning N of Asbury Rd. & W of NW Arterial from AG to PUD - Asbury Plaza Shopping Center - Corey Deve]. (4119)(513)(5117) ....................... 172,185,210 Zoning of 3616 Crescent Ct. from R1 to C3 Dis. -Mike Finnin - Finnin Ford.(4119)(513) ............. 173,187 Zoning amendment re: Sign regulations - City of Dubuque, freestanding canopy signs for gas stations & financial institutions in C2, C3, C4, C5, PC, CR, LI, MHI, HI & PI Dis.(4119)(5117) .. 173,209,210 Zoning Inspection/Reinforcement, CDBG Project - Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/3) ................. 177 Zoning Plat approval of Kloser Addn.(5/17) ....... 201 Zoning - billboard regulations, Ad Hoc Committee. (5/17) ...................................... 204 Zoning - 2705 Rhomberg, from CS to R1, requested by Tom & John Ducclni.(5117) ................. 217 Zoning change requested & denied for 2509 Lincoln Ave. from R'I to R2, requested by Ronald & Margie White.(5117)(617)(716) .................. 217,242,293 229 INDEX - BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning in conjunction with annexation of property from County A-1 to City C-3 for property on Hwy 20 at intersection of Cousins Rd., both sides of Hwy 20 & E of Cousins Rd. as requested by Paul & Jayne Cate & Wayne Stewart. (5/17)(617)(716)(7119)(8116)(9/7) .................... 217,233,234,309,325,326,359,374 Zoning change in conjunction with annexation of property from County A-1 to City R-I, at 12691 JFK, requestad by John F. Kennedy Rd.(5/17)(6/7) 217,234 Zoning Advisory Comm., extension to UD for time limit to 6/2012000.(6/21) ................. ; ..... 260 Zoning plat approval of Dbq. Industrial Center, 12th Addn.(6121) ................... ; ............. 261 Zoning Advisory Commission applicants: M. Christ, R. Nagle, C. Scherbring, R. Schiltz, R. Smith, M. Christ, R. Schlitz, R. Smith; reappointments of Christ, Schlitz & Smith.(6/21)(7/6} ................. 269,290 Zoning reclassification of 13091 Hwy 20 West from County B2 to City C-3, - Riley Devel. Co. (6/21)(7/6) ............................... 277,297 Zoning Text amendment - requirements for paving of residential driveways & storage of off-street vehicles etc.(6/21)(7/6) .................... 278,298 Zoning reclassification of property near Wooten & Clara Sts. from R1 to ID with five conditions, requested by Mercy Health Center.(6121)(7/6) 278,294 Zoning reclassification of property at South side of Starlight Dr. -Woodland Ridge Subd. from PUD to R3, requested by Horizon Devel. -Tim Puls. (6121)(7/6) ..................... ~ ~ ........ 278,297 Zoning Adv. Comm., final plat approval of Tamarack Business Park, Jon D. Luksefich(7/19); ..... 318,319 Zoning Adv. Com., final plat approval for NE Corner of Rush & Plums Sts.- Union Addn. No. 2.(7/19) .... 319 Zoning Adv. Comm., significant change for property at Carter Rd. at Westmore Dr.{7/19) ............... 319 Zoning Adv. Corem, denial of rezoning of 3030 Brunskill Rd. from R1 to OS - requested by Patzer Invest.(7/19) ................................. 327 Zoning Adv. Comm., rezoning of 1561 Jackson St. to permit a rooming and boarding house - Maria House for women & child ren.(7/19)(812) ..... 327,336 Zoning, plat approval of 2202 Roosevelt Rd for P. Smyth.(8/16) ................................. 348 Zoning - 11515 English Mill Rd. from County A1 to City C3, R1 & R3 - Mike Portzen & Gerald & Judith SiegerL(8116)(9/7) ........................ 359,376 23O 999 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning - Hwy 20 West near Cousins Rd. intersection from AG to C3 - Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(8116) ............................... 359 Zoning Text amendment - allowing City Planner to grant extensions to time limit for temporary uses. (8/16)(9/7) .............................. 360,377 Zoning - Emerald Acres Noo 1, correction PlaL(9/7) 369 Zoning - plat of Adam's Co.'s Addn.(9/7) ......... 373 Zoning - Subdivision Regulations amended by reducing City inspection fees.(9120) ............ 405 Zoning - expansion of Emmaus Bible College - R. Balmer, at 2570 Asbury Rd.(9/20)(10/4) .. 408,409,428 Zoning - NE Corner of JFK Road & W. 32nd St. rezoning from AG & R1 to OS< R1, R2., R3 & C3 etc., concurrent with annexation - for Kivlahan's.(9120)(1014)(10118) ........... 409,426,446 Zoning - text amendment to allow a crematorium as an accessory use to a funeral home in RI, R3 & R4, as requested bY Pat Leonard.(9/20)(10/4) ...... 409,428 Zoning - Plat approval of Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 2 (10/4) ....................................... 420 Zoning - plat approval of Charlie's P1.(10/18) ...... 439 Zoning - 3195 Jackson St;, from C2 to CS, Mark Becker.(10/18) .............................. 454 Zoning, 1005 Lincoln from R2A to R3 as requested by Bethany Home & S. Ulstad.(10/18)(11/1) ..... 455,469 Zoning - 51 W. Thirty-Second SL from C2 to C3, requested by T. Thompson - TFM Co.(10/18) .... 455 Zoning, 3201 & 3265 Central, from C2 to C3, requested by J. Kretz - Perfection Oil Co.(10118) ........... 455 Zoning, 2900 Kane St; for Steve Boge & Kane Develop. from ID to PUD with PR for Pine Knolls Condominiums.(10/18)(11/1) .............. 454,470 Zoning change requested for property - 45 acres, at SW corner of Old Highway Rd. & Seippel Rd. from County RI to City MHI & LI for Wayne Stewart, denied.(10118)(11/15) ..................... 454,504 Zoning - Sign Regulations for Jackson Park Hist. Dis. - Larry Weitz Signs - American Trust & Savings Ban k. (10118) ..................................... 455 Zoning - County, subdivision plat, property E of Tyra Lane, Kevin Schmitt-(11/15) ................... 483 Zoning, 14986 Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1 for City. (11/15)(12/6} ............................ 511,522 Zoning change for properties W of NW Arterial long Hwy 20, Westside Ct., Radford R. & Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1, R3, C3 & CS. (11115)(12/6) ......................... 512,522,523 231 INDEX- BOOK 129 1999 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning - opposite of Red Violet Dr. from AG to R1 as requested by QHQ Devel. - Ken Moore Con. (11/15) ..................................... 511- Zoning change for recently annexed properties at 12155, 12101 & 12033 Cousins Rd. from AG to RI. - newly annexed area.(11115)(12/6) ...... 511,521 Zoning change from AG to PUD with a PR on 13745 Old Highway Rd.(12/6) ................... 523,524 Zoning Adv. Comm., platting 2 add'l lots in Loras Estates Subd. - no significant change from conceptual plan.(12/20) ....................... 551 Zoning change at 2702 Brunskill Rd. from RI to PUD with PR for Oak Meadows as requested by Jim Stock & Robert & Mary Lou Mulgrew.(12120) ..... 559 Zoning change SE of Seippel Rd. & Old Highway Rd. from AG to R1, for James & Doris Graf.(12/20) ... 559 Zoning Board of Adjustment, applicants: W. Gasper & C. Scherbring; reappointment of W. Gasper. (3115)(415) ............................... 121,140 Zoning Ord. - proposed amendment re: public hearing process - failed.(12/20) ....................... 557 232