Carter Court 1874 1874 Carter t,
B.o_f A, Petn, for Variation of Art II, Section 3 b
waive front yard re; uirment for erection of dwell g.
22/_6" from front lot line weaver of 2 €, Granted
Docket Ilo, 4-66
0- Richard Schuller
Erect S.F. Br,Ven Dwe?lg.B.P, 121 10. 14-66 16,000.00
0 -Ray Haggstrom C- Kivlahan Const.
reroof SF brk dwllg BP 5451 4/13/83 $1900.00 - - - - - - - - - -
0- Barbara Lippstock C -Owner
erect 30x10 deck & handicap ramp, SF brk BP20381
6/4/92 $1581.00
1874 Carter Ct.
0- Barbara J. Lippstock C -Owner
- ereLt -1a x 20 d storage --s-h — BFbrk B P 12/15/93