Carter Road 1845 i
lgA 5 Carter Road
0 —Art lditherall
Erect S.F. Br.Ven Dwellg,P,P, 618 8 - 21 - 67 13,000.00
0- Barney A. Bishop C -Dick Koerperick
erect 13'6 "x25' deck on rear of SF brk yen dwllg BP 4442
6/18/82 $1778.00
0- Barney Bishop C -Dick Koerperick
remodel int., sky lite & arch, SF frm dwllg BP 7671
0- Barney Bishop C -Dick Koerperich
tear -off, reroof SF frm /brk ven dwllg BP 8588 5/28/85
1845 Carter Rd.
0- Barney Bishop C -John Marshall
erect add. to att. garage & remodel SF res BP16781
4/24/90 $7000.00