Carter Road 2141 2141 Carter Road 0- Hillcrest Builders, Inc. ! Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B,P. 527 8 -22 -58 11,000.00 B.of A. Petn to waive side yard requirement for const. of ahunin um Carfort , Granted front not to extend out beyond front of house and side not closer than 3 from side line,Docket No. 9-63 0. Ben. Wuelling C. Zephyr Aluminum Products Inc. Const. Carport Side S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 372 5 -14 -63 C-Zephyr Aluminum Products In, Reside S.F,Frane Duellg.B.P. 646 g -25-67 875.00