Cedar Street 1480 (over)
1480 Cedar Etreet,
0-Eugene Norton. 0 -Owner.
Construct Foundation Wells & baserant.B.P. 201 5/23/40
B.of A.Petn.to waive front yard requirement to erect
enclosed porch on front side sin.fam.dwellg. Granted.
Docket No, 69-41
Erecting enclosed porch on frame duelling B.P. 424
7/9/41 075.00
0- ]Eugene Marton C -Owner
Rerocf ing frame dwelling (esphelt shingles ) B. 483
7/26/41 425.00
0 -Joe Bush
Reroof S.P. Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 249 5 - 16 - 53 40.00
1480 Cedar St.
0 -Joe Bush
Addition to Rear of S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 138 4 -5 -54 800.00
Reroof S.F. Fr. Dwe11g.B.P. 331 6 -5 -67 70.00