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Cedar Cross Road 1060
1060 CEDAR CROSS 0- Jolene Patterson C- Owner / Morton Bldg Iastail fdn for future - Comm "bldg, new BP 3- 27 - - - 95 $22,Q00. 00 • 0- Jolene Patterson C- Owner / Morton Erect frame, steel sides & roof, Comm building BP2 8946---- 4 -11 -95 S-1-13,650.00 0-Patterson 0- Patterson Htg & Cool C -Larry Weitz Sign Install non -illum sign ltrs, comm BP 31396 7/13/95 O Patter - son Htg & C7g"" C- Advanta Sign Co. erec-t-Pol.e.... - hold - ex -rst 6- =-x6'-- -sign-, comm- BP373757/8/97 --n/a 1060 Cedar Cross Rd. 0- Patterson Heating & Clg C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install 32 sq.ft. sign on frt of bldg BP39679 1/5/99 n/a