Central Avenue 0470 /
470 Central
0- Heritage Lighting C -Owner
inter. remodeling, make office, comm. bldg. BP 10904
0 Top -of— the- -Line _C.adu a , - ' . • - e
install 27 "x48" sign proj. over sidewalk BP21599 3/3/93
0- LaVonnie Eisback C- Geisler Bros. Co.
remove, install epdm root system, comm. BP
0_Qutlta_LLiag _C_Owaar
side frt of comm. bldg,install man - door,reduce size of
I dbor, till -in, etc. comm. BPZV1823 6/15/20 $/000-700
470 Central
0-tenant:WKHS C-Advanta Sign Co.
relocate sign from so. wall to east wall, 191/2 sq. ft.
BP42445 10/972000 n/a