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Central Avenue 1150-1152
1150-52 Cantxthm?„, • 0-M.Pau1os Pchning. 0-Key Cdt.1; Roofing Cos_. Rercof brick housE O L 238 9/21/35 135 .00 0-Ltcso L. Peulus, 0-Theo Pantries hepeirs to 9L *4! 0..9. 605 9/0/38 750.00 0-James Welsh C-Owner repairs to garage roof SF res BP 12343 8/13/87 $300.00 0-Joan Simmons C Professional Rfg. reroof 1/2 2F brk dwllg BP20642 7/20/92 $625.00 0-Sandy Parker C-Davis Rfg & Sdg partial siding, 2F BP39693 1/18/99 $3000.00