Central Avenue 1157 1157 central nve.
0 -Int. Finance Co po C- R.i.Cc1on ons<
lter br bldg, .r 275 9/25/:36 _,5OO.00
0- Interstate Binenee Corp. 0- Conlon Construction Co.
Erect addition to rear of Bus. Bldg.,
B.P. 793 11 -22 -4g 20
0- Interstate Fincnnce Co. C- Wm.Becker & Sons.
Repat*s to front wall of masonry Bldg.
I B.P. 436 8 -14 -51 800.00
O. Faber Music Co. 00i
New store front Alt. Int. Br. BIdg.B.F. 560 8 =19 -68 27,500..
1157 Central Ave.
0- Walter Noll C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof comm. bldg. BP 4453 6/21/82 $10000.00
O- Kephart's Music Center C— Advanta Sign Co.
remove exist. signs, install 2 signs BP 15287 5/24/89
O- Kephart's Music Center C- Advanta Sign Co.
replace panels in exist. sign structure BP 15427 6/16/89