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Central Avenue 1278
1278 Central nve, 0 -r,, m. Hamel. C -„agar 1- ‘-c1fsnbech. ,coast, fire job. B.P. 5 4/1/55 1,200.00 0 -John Heiderseheit 0.4. L. Hansel & on Install new front to one story bus. bldg. B.P. 842 1 -5 -50 900.00 0-Johnnies Market C -Ed, Koerperick 500.00 Alterat� to int. Br,Bus. Bldg B.P. 248 5 -9 - 0-John eidershheit -- CJiick-- Henschel Reroof Part, of Fr.Bus,Bid . B.F. 307 5 -23 -62 400,00 u-4d. Koerperick 300..0 Alt. to interior of Masonry Bus.Bldg.B.P. 1098 10 -24 -62 1278 c entral Ave. 0- Joh::miles Market C$adwest Awning Co. Repairs to Cannopy to Brick Bus. Bldg. B.F. 468 1-22-66 500.00 C. Beaver Roofing Co, Reroof Masonry Bus. Bldg. B.P. 163 3 -26 -69 695.00 0. Ted's Meating Place C. Midstates Hm. Imp. reroof brk comm. bldg. B.P. 2362 8/4/80 1,000.00 0- Schirm's Furn & Appl. C- Advanta Sign Co. rem* panels, reletter, install , attach new panel BP 7962.11/16/84 1278 Central Ave. - 0= Jeff RaftF /R .Childers - C- Mark Steger €orist remodel inter., 2 bathrms, exit corridor, comm. bldg BP21527 1/29/93 $10000.00 0-Rose Childers C- Inter - State Contr. --reroof comm. bldg -- BP23653 -- 4/22/94 -- $4000 .0 -0 Board of Adjustment for Variance__ to allow variance of 10 parking spaces for new restaurant. Approved w /condition that 5 off- street parking spaces be leased for employees. 2/25/99 0 -Peter Cheung C -Owner remodel inter. to make restaurant, comm. BP39776 2/26/99 $50 ,000.00_ 1278 Central 0 -Great Dragon Express C- Advanta Sign Co. install awning sign BP40038 5/4/99 $n /a