Central Avenue 1301 N,W,Cor, I3th & Central Ave, d 0 -Adams Realty Co. C -Ralph Mueller Remodel interior of Brick Bldg. B.P. 299 6-2 -53 1,000.00 0 -Adams Realty Co. C -Mark Strub 1000.00 Repairs to Interior of Brick Bus. Bldg., B.P. 310 6-1 -54 0 -Adams Realty Corp. C- Heitman Const, Co. 16,000.00 Alt. to Interior of 2nd Floor Br.Bus.Bldg.B.P. 35 1 -22 -70 C. Al Henschel Reroof Brk Bus Bldg B.P. 392 6/12/72 500.00 2 1301 Central Avenue 0. Walsh Stores C. Henschel Roofing & Sheet Metal Reroof 3 story Br. Bus. Bldg. B.P. 491 8 -1 -69 700.00 0 -Walsh Store C- Conlon .fConst. Alteration to int. brk bldg, B.P. 81,2/20/781500.00 0 -Adams Realty C -Owner -- - Repair exist fire escape brk comm bldg BP 1700 2/8/80 _ 0 -Walsh Stores C -Owner Int alt brk comm bldg BP- 1752.3/6/80 $1500..00 1301 Central Avenue 0 -Walsh Stores C- Midwest Insulation Reroof brk comm bldg BP 2168 6/19/80 $2988.00 0 -Walsh Stores C- Midwest Insul. & Roof. reroof part. brk & frm comm. bldg. BP 3260 5/6/81 $523.0 0 -Walsh Stores C -Owner replace glass w /wood siding comm. bldg. BP 6814 4/20/84 $500.00 0 -Walsh Stores C- Cletus Palm int. alt. to bathroom, brk comm. bldg. BP 8092 2/4/85 0 -Walsh Stores C -Jeff Liddle Const. $2000.00 close 6 windows w /plywood, comm. bldg. BP 8713 6/14/85 $500.00 1301 Central O -Walsh Stores C -Tom Vath Const. reside part of store front, comm. bldg. BP 9b /0 1 /1 03 — — $200-00 0 -Walsh Stores C -Reg Nauman alter. to inter. of masnry "& comm. - bldg BP 11353 - - - -- - /- 9 / 87 4 3000 _ 00 -- 0 -Walsh Stores C -Owner repair "fire escape,, brr comm. bl 12999 171 -- S5 MSG_ _ 0 -Walsh Stores C-- Portzen._Contst. repairs to elevator shaft comm bldg. BP-17087 SESUUU.00 1301 Central 0-Walsh Stores C-Advanta Sign Co. install 46"x26' wall sign on north wall BP23853 5/16/94 N/A 0- Ervin Auderer C- Disco Bldg t/o, resheet, reroof, SF BP30382 6-1-95 $2838.00 0-Walsh Store C-Jim Giese Comm. Rfg reroof comm—hldg_BP3.4451 4/10.9E120,00M°