Central Avenue 1324 Oentr taus.
. s Coates C— 3 vnner
Perodd br. b.dt. B P X 51 ' ��
flos dc&t.ec.
,_ 0
Lining ceiling of business bldg. B.P. 160 5/3/41 '.8900
C— G. &M,Roofin; & Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof Brick Bus. Bldg. B.P. 595 9 -14 -49 295.00
0 —Tirs, Pauline Coates C— M,P,Kluck & Sons
ew store front to 2 story br,Bldg,B,p. 403 6— b- b 00.00
13 242 Central Ave
0. Pauline Coates C. Mao Enterprises
Const. Patio Rear Br. Bus. Bldg.B.P. 185 4 -6 -64 700.00
1324 Central Avenue
O. Federal Discount Corp. C. Anton Zwack Inc.
Remodel Int. Br. Office B1dg.B.P 21 1 -5 -68 4,000.00
1324. Central Ave,
0.- National Cash Register C -Carl Hirsch 500,00
AL.TFRA.TI0N TO INT OF Brick Bus,Bldg,B,P, 1027 10 - -
O- Speedway Cycle Supply
..... Remodel int. of bus. bldg, B.P. 65, 2/10/78 500.00
0 -Dub. Bank & Trust C- Tschiggfrie Excay.
demolish brk comm. bldg BP18689 6/3/91 N/A