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Central Avenue 1358-1360
1358_ Central Ave. 0-W. 0- Tapelt & Reiser Sporting Good, Store Remodeling interior of brick bus. bldg., B.P. 8 4 - 3 - 5 1 500.00 A1-Carl Danglemeyer 1:500,00 Addition to r ear of Br.Bus,Bldg „ B.P. 1038 11_17 -61 C. Henschel Roofing Co. mxicRicR. Recoat Roof 3story Br. Bus .Bldg, B.P. 625 9 -8 -69 198.00 0 -Gift World C- Terry's Signs erect2 12'x34" bldg face mounted sign BP 5896 7/1/83