Central Avenue 1382 15$2__- Central Ave.__.
0- Federal Discount Corp. _ -C -H. J. Kress
Minor alterations to brick bus, bldg. b.p. 909
1/21/41 4125.00
0-Dubuque Bank & Trust Co, C -Anton Zwack, Inc.
Const. Elevator shaft & new front to office Bldg,,
B.P. 911 10 -16.61 17,000.00
C- hbntgomery Elevator p Co.
Install Elevation in office BIdg,,B,P. 1069 12
O. Federal Discount Corp. C. Anton Zwack Inc.
Alt. Int. Basement 3 Story Bldg.B.P. 648 8 -13 -64 7,000.00