Central Avenue 1676 1676 Central I U - iri = State Bank CLJoseph A� Nea�Tey�� remodel int brk & frm__ comm -bldg BP6989 5/1_67841300.M 0 -Randy Louder C -Gene Bird Sign Ser install 3X5 SF sign-attach to "bldg BP6912 5/7/84 0 -Paul Downs - C -- Tom- -Zwack I repair fire damage brk comm bldg BP14302 9/6/88 $4500.00 0- The Majic Tdy Box C- Advanta Sign Co install 46 1 ,'x70" wall - sign flush to wall BP15899 9/7/89 - 0 -Paul Downs C -Owner tear -off, reroof brk comm bldg BP16031 9/28/89 $600.00 O -Paul Downs - -C- Owner I erect 2'x5' temp banner, comm BP37408 7/10/97 n/a