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Central Avenue 1824
1824 Central Ave, 0- Clarence P Pfohl Alterations && rcpiars to Br. Bus.B1dg,B,P, 680 0_5_67 950,00 C- Rafoth Ftirnace & Sheet %bta1 Reroof Part of Br. Bus. Bldg,B,P, 917 12 - - 760.00 0- "Orkin Pest Control" C- Advanta Sign Co. install 4' -4 "x2' non- illum. plastic wall sign BP 11857 O- Donita Johnson C- American Sign 5/27/87 __2x4'wood sign BP22179 6-14-93 1824 Central 0- Clarence Pfohl C- Rafoth Install-EP-DM-roof system, - Comm- _B.P- 2_65fi8- 10 - 2Z - 4 - 4 - -- --. $7500.00