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Central Avenue 1889-1895
1889 -95 Central Reroof MF Brk Dwilg, B.P.1256,10/2/78 1500.00 0 -David Farber C -Tom Vath convert 3rd flr. to 1 bdrm apt MF brk dwllg BP 3004 2/18/81 $3000.00 64,4 MS. Pockk esrn 0.'cu..@ -. 0 -Jack Stackis C -Owner drywall, new doors, MF brk- dwllg-BP 13085 3/2/88 $500.00- - 0 -John Stackis C -Owner remodel apt. , redrywall, MF dwllg BP 13514 5/12/88 0- Stackis AparLients C- Stackis Const $1000.00 tea -off, sheeting, refrare reroof Wbrk dwllg 31 11 -9 -90 $7000 1889 -95 Central 0- Stackis Apartments C- Stackis Const. remodel inter. MF dwllg BP18022 1/2/91 $30,160.00