Central Avenue 2130 2j_3) ventral Ave. Junchs Bchery 0-Ulrich dilly Addition to C=erci 1 E1cd,bn:d. 60 5-15-46 7,500.00 0- Robert Boyer C -Beaver Roofing Co, Reroof Br.Bus.Bdg. B.P. 884 9 -23 -63 85.00 C- Beaver Roofing G o. Reroof Fart of Br, Bus, B1d:;, D.P. 9 10-17-63 85.00 0-Wm. Lsnner C-C. L. Haase Now Front on Fr. Bus, Bldg. B.F. 66 2-10-65 2,500.00 2130 Central J S — Ceslein C =Carl He seer alter. to exter., overhead door, comm. bldg BP18116 2/25/91 $1000.00 0-Central Auto Sales C- Owner erect temporary banner BP19283 9/11/91 0 -Jim Leslein C -Owner remodel storefrt, drywall exter. walls, brk comm. bldg. BP19579 11/15/91 $5000.00 0 -Jim Leslein C -Owner alter. to 2nd flr dwllg unit, comm /apt bldg BP19645 12/12/91 $5000.00 2130 Central 0- Spanky's Pawn Shop C- Advanta Sign install 6'hx3'w dbl face proj. sign, west wall BP19748 2/4/92