Central Avenue 2186 2296 Central Are.
0 -ii. Curtis 0- Ulrich Willy
Repairing front of comruereiel building B.P. 926
2/2/42 4i175.00
F:epair ccrch of brick b1dr, B. P. 71 5 ?26/44 100.00
0- Curtis Gearhard C -Owner & Robert Briggs
cut door into adj. bldg. furr walls, comm. bldg.
BP 8040 12/17/84 $3000.00
2186 Central c
0- Curtis Gerhard C -Owner
frm work, drywall - for restrooms, brk comm. bldg. BP 13911
7/5/88 $1400.00
0- Curtis Gerhard C- Sonny Briggs
remove wall, remodel inter. brk comm. bldg. BP 14160
8/17/88 $4000.00
0- Curtis Gerhard C -Owner
construct new store front & remodel inter. brk /frm comm.
bldg BP23982 11/5/93 $10,000.00