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Central Avenue 2196
2196 Central j i c 0—In. Amalie Curtis C— V. Willy Repair porch of brick bldg. B.P. 72. 5/2ei44 102.07 0- Higley Meyer C -Ralph Mueller Reapirs to Interior & front of Br.Bus. Bldg., B.P. 298 6 - 53 500,00 C_ 1's Shoe Shop C- Beaver Roofing Co. "nrc�' Br. Bus �1dBldg. ss., 8 4 8 1 ]-23 -70 4 38 . 00 0 -Curt Gearhart (Pagans Shoes) C -Rick Hurber Const. 2 partition walls, drywall, brk comm /apt bldg. BP 9608 2/17/86 $1400.00 2196 Central Ave. O-Eagans Shoes C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. install 4x6 tls1 face — sT grr, inLeY: i11um., - old 96222/27L86 0-Curtis Gerhard C -Owner remodel inter., drywall apts. /bmm. bldg _ BP 11498 -- 6f8 - $-3a0o:OO - - - - -- - - - -- Central '3 0 -Curt Gerhard C- Robert Briggs 35 tear - off, - reroof brk comm. bldg. BP 12680 10/5/87 ittOk 0-Curt Gerhard C-Bob Briggs repair fire damage inter. brk comm. bldg. BP 12854 11/10/87 $14000.00