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Central Avenue 2357
2E17 Central .i.a..7 Interstate Power Go. 0- Owner PemodelinE for rage B,P.335 3/7/31 Beroof Bus barns B.P. 76 5/5/33 1,000.00 • 0-snton Lwack, Ines Con-st. front of brick. 19 .c. 319 11/1/35 200.00 G-Anton Lwack Alterations to interior of bldg. B.F. 443 2/14/45 C-Kenneth Schromen 2,500.00 Repair roof on Br,Bus„Bldg. B.P. 90 2 2,000.00 2357 Central Ave. 0- Interstate Power 0-Anton Zwack Inc. Erect one stray brick add to present bldg. ''.P. 303 9/23/44 140.00 C-Geisler Bros. -- - Reroof -2 -of brick bus. bldg. B.P. 113 5/22/45 950.00 0- Interstate Power Co. 0 -dim. Becker & Sons. Repairs to well of Brick Bus. Bldg., B.P. 412 7 -22-49 150.00 C- Geisler Bros. Reroof Bus Garage Office.B.P. 296 7-3-51 580.00 2357 C ntral 0- Interstate Power Co. - -- 0- H anselman Bros Reroof Br,Garage Bldg.B,F,_1056 10- 16-62 3,000.00 C-Kenn th Schromen Repair roof Br,Garage B.F. 1177 11 -6 -62 2,000.00 C. Geisler Bros. Reroof Br. Bldg. B.P. 566 7 -24 -64 3,700.00 C. Total Structures Inc. Reface Br. Gargge Bldg. B.P. 1121 9- 20- 6613,100.00 C. Dubuque Insulation & Siding Reroof Br Bus. Bldg. B.P. 757 10 -24 -68 1,600.00 7 Central Avenue O. City of Dubuque C. Giese Roofing Co. Reroof Part of Bus Garage B.P. 1029 12/10/73 1 0-City _ of Dubuque C- Mark _Strub Gen. Contr. repairs to roof on mas. & frm. repair gar. BP 5982 7/21/83 $3000.00 0- City of Dubuque C -M-P. Kluck & Sons struct. repairs to mas. & frm repair /stor. gar. BP 10492 7/15/86 $10935.00