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Central Avenue 2413
2413 Central rive. B.of li, Petn. to erect garage granted provided bldg. height to peak of' roof not over 10' on division st. Docket No, 37-47 0- Mr. Bruggemen ._C -Joe aisbach Reroof b,F.Frame Dwellg.B.P, 66 4 -23 -48 195.00 C- Tilley Roofing Co, Reside S,F,Frame Dwellg,B.P. 668 9 - 435.00 O -Amma Decker C -Jim Kress Reroof sf fr dwllg B.P. 1074 12 -22 -75 545.00 2413 Central 0 -Weal Rutt C =Owner erect 12x12 deck 4x4 landing, stairs, SF res BP18643 5/24/91 $843. - 00 -- - - 0= tterbert &— adttf Ftoi` fnfan� ,=A7fTerit BtdTht jieside_SEfrm_dwl1gBP22R65__]0 /_1/93_$4 00_110