Central Avenue 2418 24182 Centra1 Atte. / 21418 Central Ave. 0- Geo. Kruse C- Home Siding Co. Reside Rear Porch on Bus. Bldg. B.P. 51 4/23/a.7 $95.00 0 -Geo. Kruse. 0- 6chueller & Oo. 3,000.00 s'rect Addition to Brick Bus. Bldg. B.P. 46 4 -12-49 0. Richard Kruse C. Chas. Klaas remodel int 2nd fl br bus bldg B.R. 770 10/7/71 960.00 0. Kruse Estate 0. Al Henschel Hereof Brk Bus Bldg B.P. 3; 6/12/72 170.00 0. Richard Kruse C. Zephyr Aluminum Reside part Br Bus Bldg. B.P.650 8/5/74 600.00 0-Geneva Itruse tstate B of kpeiLXor van& Ant 17 .(s) enect_6 high—fence. Granted Docket 16-75 Board of Zoning Adjustment - Docket 10-82 Conditional Use Permit to allow carry-out rest., Approved 4/15/82 w/cond. G-S teve__Smi th C=Owner remodel int. of brk & frm comm. bldg. BP 4214 5/6/82 0-Steve Smith C-Steve Srriith -- remade I 1 s L. aprt nrake—two—ap-ts-T-B-P-1-2129 7/TO7ECT— $24000.00 2418 Central 0- tenant: Pickle Barrell Subs C- tenant - erect 2 4 `x 3 2'frm additton s t. Fri dn comet /apt __BP34. $9216. 10 • •