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Central Avenue 2503
j r. 0 —as r u 'u ro�l r n '0.2. 202 , 08 10)0.00 0-Wm Cards Alterations & Repairs to brick dwelling.to convert 2 -fem to 3 fem. B.P. 540 D-15-46 125.00 d�ellg. Rebuild side porch & repairs to 0 B.P. 166 5 -13 -49 300.00 Erect Conc.block garage & Remodel exterior of M.F.Br. Dwellg.B.P.182 4 -21 -55 1,200.00 • 2503 V e ntral Ave, o -Wm, Cods C- Harold Renkels 1,200,00 Coast, open front porch of M,F.Br.Dwelg.B.P. 1073 12 -8 -61 C. Lloyd Luber Repair unattached garageS.P. 233 4/26/72 2,900.00 0- Daniel Buelow C -Art Miller change 3F brk to 2F brk, int. alt., reroof porch BP6621 2/16/84 - $10,000.00 0-Dan Buelow C- Owner t /o, reroof, sheeting, frt porch, 2F BP38471 4/17/98 $300.( •